If you have a laps judgement sufficient to call this company for service, please do not give them your credit card information over the phone. They will charge you without regard to any benefit/service/or work performed. In my opinion, Marine Plumbing Company is the worst marine service company I have dealt with in Palm Beach County. My experience reflects the review of the customer who was overcharged and swindled. After all was said and done they charged me over $1000 including charging me for a second to remedy additional problems that they caused and that remained un repaired. My vacuum flush system still doesn't work after $1000 . [redacted] (one arrogant SOB) basically denied any responsibility to actually fix the problem and stated that his reputation is impeccable, a claim I found was baseless. Please do not use this horrible company. They will do you wrong.
If you have a laps judgement sufficient to call this company for service, please do not give them your credit card information over the phone. They will charge you without regard to any benefit/service/or work performed. In my opinion, Marine Plumbing Company is the worst marine service company I have dealt with in Palm Beach County. My experience reflects the review of the customer who was overcharged and swindled. After all was said and done they charged me over $1000 including charging me for a second to remedy additional problems that they caused and that remained un repaired. My vacuum flush system still doesn't work after $1000 . [redacted] (one arrogant SOB) basically denied any responsibility to actually fix the problem and stated that his reputation is impeccable, a claim I found was baseless. Please do not use this horrible company. They will do you wrong.