Re: I.D. #[redacted]Dear Mick,Thank you for the letter regardingour former tenantMr. [redacted] Slovak. On March 1, 2013, Liz I[redacted] took over management of this property. On March 11, she received an email from [redacted] and he notifiedher of the broken light fixttues. He sharedwith Liz that this...
issue was not handled by the former agent Tracy C[redacted].OnMarch 11, 2013, Liz informed the tenant that she receivedhis email (see attached) and that she notified an electrician to complete the repair. In that same e-mail, she reminded the tenant that we
could not renew his lease. (Theowner refused a lease extension
because [redacted] paid late each month and he also had several house rulesviolations.) Oncehe found out that he was denied a lease extension, he got very upset. See e-mails. He neededto pay the rent and vacate by April 13th because we gave him 45 days notice.Later, we received a call back from the electrician sayingthat he made several attemptsto make an appointment with [redacted] but [redacted] said he was too busy to schedule an appointment.Then we received a bill from[redacted] saying that he did the repairand wanted to be paid. He was not authorized to do this repair and he is not a licensed electrician.We only used his services a couple time in 2014 and stopped using his services because he was a difficult person to do business with.Inthe meantime, due to non-payment of rent, we filed for evi.ction
and hired an attorney. We told [redacted] that we will try to work out paymentfor these repairs. The attorney is trying to work out a
payment resolution.Since he did not pay rent and did not vacate by April131h, wegained the writ of possession on Thursday April 3oth andwe gave him 4 days to vacate the property. The process server went back to the property onMonday May 41h with the hopes that [redacted] had moved out. Unfortunately, he did not vacate. Even though we gave him 4 extra days to move, ratherthan immediately lock [redacted] and all his belongings out of the unit, we allowed him the day to remove all his belongings. The process server stayed to oversee this process.Ourattorney, [redacted], is currentlytrying to talk to [redacted] and work out all the financial issues. I have approved
payment for these repairs but it
is all being handled throughthe attorney because[redacted] owes for past rent, late fees, attorneysfees etc.We are sad to see a tenant situationturn to this and hope things can be
worked out peacefully sowe can come to a good resolutionfor all parties.Thank you for allowingus to share our perspective. Should you have any furtherquestions, please do not hesitateto contact me at[redacted].Sincerely,**Cheryl K[redacted]
Re: I.D. #[redacted]Dear Mick,Thank you for the letter regardingour former tenantMr. [redacted] Slovak. On March 1, 2013, Liz I[redacted] took over management of this property. On March 11, she received an email from [redacted] and he notifiedher of the broken light fixttues. He sharedwith Liz that this...
issue was not handled by the former agent Tracy C[redacted].OnMarch 11, 2013, Liz informed the tenant that she receivedhis email (see attached) and that she notified an electrician to complete the repair. In that same e-mail, she reminded the tenant that we
could not renew his lease. (Theowner refused a lease extension
because [redacted] paid late each month and he also had several house rulesviolations.) Oncehe found out that he was denied a lease extension, he got very upset. See e-mails. He neededto pay the rent and vacate by April 13th because we gave him 45 days notice.Later, we received a call back from the electrician sayingthat he made several attemptsto make an appointment with [redacted] but [redacted] said he was too busy to schedule an appointment.Then we received a bill from[redacted] saying that he did the repairand wanted to be paid. He was not authorized to do this repair and he is not a licensed electrician.We only used his services a couple time in 2014 and stopped using his services because he was a difficult person to do business with.Inthe meantime, due to non-payment of rent, we filed for evi.ction
and hired an attorney. We told [redacted] that we will try to work out paymentfor these repairs. The attorney is trying to work out a
payment resolution.Since he did not pay rent and did not vacate by April131h, wegained the writ of possession on Thursday April 3oth andwe gave him 4 days to vacate the property. The process server went back to the property onMonday May 41h with the hopes that [redacted] had moved out. Unfortunately, he did not vacate. Even though we gave him 4 extra days to move, ratherthan immediately lock [redacted] and all his belongings out of the unit, we allowed him the day to remove all his belongings. The process server stayed to oversee this process.Ourattorney, [redacted], is currentlytrying to talk to [redacted] and work out all the financial issues. I have approved
payment for these repairs but it
is all being handled throughthe attorney because[redacted] owes for past rent, late fees, attorneysfees etc.We are sad to see a tenant situationturn to this and hope things can be
worked out peacefully sowe can come to a good resolutionfor all parties.Thank you for allowingus to share our perspective. Should you have any furtherquestions, please do not hesitateto contact me at[redacted].Sincerely,**Cheryl K[redacted]