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Reviews MARCPark

MARCPark Reviews (2) I have reviewed MarcParc's response made in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that the resolution is satisfactory to meI appreciate the explanation of the underlying policies (though I disagree with the assertion that calling a manager would have helped), even though those policies were not stated anywhere on the garage's signageI hope that my next visit to a MarcParc garage will be more pleasant and fairly advertised and priced Regards, [redacted] *** of Metro Washington DC May (days ago) tome -------- Forwarded message ---------- From: [redacted] < [redacted] > Date: Fri, May 23, at 9:AM Subject: Re: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint # [redacted] To: Please note the reply to my email to MarcParc and I have not received any further response I am no longer going to do business with them Stay well, DJ Begin forwarded message: From: [redacted] < [redacted] > Subject: Re: Deceptive Billing Practices Date: May 9, at 14:37:EDT To: [redacted] < [redacted] > Cc: [redacted] I am glad that "MarcParc is aware of the last increase to the monthly parking" rates at [redacted] Especially since it was MarcParc who raised those ratesMy issue is that MarcParc may have been aware of the increase, but MarcParc did not provide any advanced warning of the increase in ratesThe monthly parkers at [redacted] **did not find out about the rate increase until the beginning of the month had pastNotification of this rate increase occurred when your customers received their May Hang Tag on May 1, At that point, it was impossible for anyone to seek other parking arrangementsIt is a deceptive business practice to raise rates without prior notice I also find it disingenuous when you say this "increase coincides with the new District of Columbia minimum wage laws." The current D.Cminimum wage goes from $an hour to $an hour on July 1, with an additional $raise each in and The law for this increase was signed on January 15, 2014, over four months agoIf this increase "increase coincides" with the increased minimum wage, then our monthly parking increase should occur for the July parking period MarcParc had ample time (since January) to notify their customers about any increase in the parking rateYou provided notification last September for an increase in November 2013, although it showed, wrongly, that the rate would not increase Please explain why MarcParc was unable to notify its customers in advance of any rate increase and why MarcParc does not consider this to be a deceptive billing practice? Would MarcParc accept an increase in their minimum hour rate labor costs without prior notification? Again, please refund the additional $10, provide a letter of apology, and promise to provide at least days notification of any further rate increase Stay well, [redacted] On May 6, 2014, at 09:45, [redacted] < [redacted] > wrote: Morning [redacted] , Thank you for your below email MarcParc is aware of the last increase to the monthly parking, and do not plan on another increase in the near future This increase coincides with the new District of Columbia minimum wage laws I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Please contact me with any further questions or concerns Kindest Regards, [redacted] < [redacted] | Director of Customer Service & Billing | MarcParc inc | | 20th St NW | Ste 104| Washington, DC | Direct ( ###-###-####| Main ( ###-###-#### [redacted] Sent: Thursday, May 01, 9:AM To: Customer Service Subject: Deceptive Billing Practices People, In September 2013, MarcParc sent a notice that the monthly parking rate was changing on November 1, and that the new rate was $a monthThis was the SAME as the previous rateOn November 1, 2013, the bill and parking hangtag was received saying the cost was $per monthWhen contacted, they said the letter that went out in September had an error and the cost was now going to be $a month Today, May 1, 2014, my parking hangtag and bill was handed to me as I drove into the lot The bill had a notice saying that the new parking rate was $a month, starting from May 1, There was NO prior notice about this raise in ratesThis raise in rates comes less than a year from the last rate increase and, therefore, was not expectedAdditionally, since there was no prior notification, there was no time to make other parking arrangements Please refund the additional $10, provide a letter of apology, and promise to provide at least days notification of any further price increases Stay well, [redacted] [redacted] Account #: [redacted] Work: ###-###-#### On May 23, 2014, at 06:27, wrote: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint # [redacted] Please click on the link below to access the online dispute resolution web site and read this message Click Here to view the complaint If your email program does not support HTML copy and paste the link below into your browser [redacted] This is a post-only mailingReplies to this message are not monitored or answeredIf you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at ###-###-#### Thank you, Begin forwarded message: From: [redacted] < [redacted] > Subject: Re: Deceptive Billing Practices Date: May 9, at 14:37:EDT To: [redacted] Cc: MsFelton, I am glad that "MarcParc is aware of the last increase to the monthly parking" rates at School StEspecially since it was MarcParc who raised those ratesMy issue is that MarcParc may have been aware of the increase, but MarcParc did not provide any advanced warning of the increase in ratesThe monthly parkers at School Stdid not find out about the rate increase until the beginning of the month had pastNotification of this rate increase occurred when your customers received their May Hang Tag on May 1, At that point, it was impossible for anyone to seek other parking arrangementsIt is a deceptive business practice to raise rates without prior notice

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