Major Energy Services Reviews (256)
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Address: 100 Dutch Hill Road Suite 310, Orangeburg, New York, United States, 10962
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Review: I have been receiving huge bills, and so far the amount is over $1000.00. Well, after placing more than 20 phone calls to major energy this matter has not been resolved, and they are refusing to fix it. Major energy has been failing to correct these billing errors, and after reviewing all the bills, I noticed that this issue with the rate has been going on since the end of 2013.Desired Settlement: I shall see
Customer has been in contact with several representatives from our company. We have also been working with the ICC to resolve the customer's dispute. Customer was enrolled on the variable rate plan in April of 2013. Unfortunately, the energy market performed very poorly this past winter due to decreases in energy supply and increases in demand due to the cold weather. While suppliers like [redacted] base the rate on a daily rolling average and hedging, most utilities purchase energy in massive block and adjust quarterly or semi-annually. Because of that, sometimes suppliers find themselves with higher rates than utilities. Eventually trends reverse and utilities are forced to adjust their rates to make up for losses due to underpriced supply sold to customers during high markets.
Customer's account is already cancelled. Customer also received a partial refund. Further, in February of 2014, customer enrolled on a 12 month fixed rate plan. Customer then decided to cancel this plan. As a courtesy, the early termination fee was waived.
No further refund is warranted.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
The response made by Major Energy is unacceptable. Their response "increases in demand due to the cold weather". it is just lame.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: called in feb said could lock into 7.9akilawat now june been charged between 18 and 24 cents a kw called get promises no results-even got message on answer machine said I wasn't a coustomer of theirs -bad on phone said they could charge anything they wanted and I could do nothing about it-if I new they wernt regulated would never do business with them -somebody should over see them and be a respectable company called nys public service and going to my congressmanDesired Settlement: would like a company to stand behind what they say if not be held accountable-if not they should pass a law for consumers rights
Good Afternoon,
This matter is being handled through the NY DPS.
Review: A sales represenative came to my door guaranteeing me a cheaper rate if I switched to their services. My bill was before switching to MAjor Energy Services approximately 160.00 on average monthly. The first bill with Major Energy services was 614.00 for a month. When I called Major Energy Services regarding my bill they claimed it was a mistake and not to pay that bill when the next bill came in the mail it should be corrected. Well the next bill came and it was 1001.40. I dont find this as corrected, so I proceeded to call them again and as in which I canceled with them, they will not provide me with any answers to why my bill is so high, or willing to correct this problem. Now in which my service will be shut off on March [redacted] if in which it is not paid. I find their complete lies in retrospect of their sales personnel as false advertisement and complete scam and robbery. They have offered no help, explanation, refuses to discuss my issues with the billing or any relief.Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund cause I will have to pay this bill or go without power. A full explanation to why my bill was ever so high.
Good Evening,
According to the complaint, the
customer states that he is unhappy with the current rate being charged.
The customer agreed to a
variable rate contract, meaning her rate would be
determined by the energy market.
As has been widely reported, there
has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most
recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a
shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to
one of the coldest winters on record. In addition, this is not just happening in Maryland.
Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.
Finally, the account has been
canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget
billing concerns.
We are truly sorry for your
experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price
In addition please see this informative article.
Why Have
Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility
It has
been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been
expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of
whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier, customers
have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of the
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
Why did
prices rise?
put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas
pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating
purposes, but to create electricity.
There is
ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.
What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and
infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high
and capacity is constrained, costs increase.
winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and
electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines
and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies
on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where
it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the
business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a
highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural
gas pipeline system and the electric grid.
while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,
electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce
affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting
further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At
the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,
preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an
efficient manner.
known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get
gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and
this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive
energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when
purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,
tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.
As the
winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy
to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the
nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and
utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for
some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery
systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural
gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under
construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the
In the
meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.
Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure
doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the
water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.
Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a
variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review
their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their
supplier if they have any questions.
Customers interested in price stability can also investigate
fixed price options that many suppliers offer.
Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate
their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer
can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying
utility bills.
Customers should visit their
state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.
For a list of shopping websites, visit [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Hello [redacted]
We have spoke on the phone today in regard to this matter. This matter has not been resolved we had two accounts with major energy services through bge. In the same monthly charging period they charged us 0.250312 per kWh on one account and on the other 0.186899 per kWh in the same billing period. I am attaching the bills for the billing period proving their charges are different in the same billing period. Not to mention the sales representative guaranteed us our bill will drop significantly by switching to their services oppose to the ones we carried already. Our bill was never over 200.00 a month with our prior providers to jump to 605.24 in one billing period and 396.11 in a second billing period for one account and the second account for our basement was 93.52 and the second bill for our second account was 149.00. When we personally spoke to major energy services about the first outrageous bill with them, they stated that it was a mistake and not to pay the bill. Now Bge says that if we do not pay the bill they will shut off our services forcing us to pay this amount. I would further more like our refund for these charges that we should not have been paying. The salesperson from Major Energy Services named [redacted] A [redacted] guaranteed our bill would be cheaper then our current rates and in which is false advertisement and misrepresenting the company as the true scam artists they truly are. I am outraged to how they can come into our home and guarantee us a cheaper bill and in reality force us to pay triple what our normal bills were and at different rates for the same billing period. I find this unethical and unlawful.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: The sales represenative guaranteed me a cheaper rate. I would never have switched services to pay triple my rates. I was guaranteed a cheaper bill by [redacted] the sales rep. Also after receiving a ridiculous first high bill by Major energy services I called them directly and they told me the bill was a mistake to only pay BGE portion. Well if they admitted it was a mistake they over charged us yet they never fixed our bill but in return we were charged late fees and a second ridicuolously high bill. I am not the only one in this building that was guaranteed rates by the same sales represenative listed above. All being charged different rates in the same billing period yet not one bill was lower then the one we were offered. I want a full refund according to the rates we were being charged before switching. Not only is that a ethical agreement offer I will not give up on getting my money back that was scammed from me.
[Your Answer Here]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Good Morning,
We stand by our previous response.
Review: On the afternoon of March *, 2015, agents for Major Energy came to my apartment. They stated that Major Energy was the electricity supplier for [redacted] in my area but that my apartment had not been switched over to Major Energy, which was causing extra charges on my electricity bill. They then requested my to see my most recent electricity bill and copied down my account information from it. All of these representations led me to believe they were acting on behalf of [redacted] rather than making any changes to my account or switching providers. At this point, I was asked to complete a verification. The form I was given, however, was labeled as a sales agreement. I was told not to worry about this or the blanks concerning charge rates and repeatedly told that this was only a verification that they had come and informed me about the supposed extra charges on my [redacted] bill. I refused to sign the form. When I requested it back, the agent would not provide it.
I then contacted the customer service line for Major Energy and described the incident in question. I was informed that this was indeed a sales visit and that the conduct in question was not proper. Although I had not signed anything, the agent placed a hold on my account to ensure I would not be enrolled. As an added precaution, I also called [redacted]'s customer service line, where I was once again told that this conduct was not proper and an additional hold was placed on my account ensure there would be no change in my provider.Desired Settlement: I want an explanation of the event in question, an apology for confusion created and time spent, and assurances that such episodes will not be repeated in the future.
We apologize for any inconvenience experienced. As stated already, this conduct is not an accepted practice by our company. An investigation will be conducted into the specific agents practices. Customer will be added to our "Do-Not-Solicit" list.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID#[redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
Two days after the incident in question, I overheard agents from Major Energy visiting with my neighbor. When I asked him what they had said, his description of their conduct and statements largely matched my experience. This leads me to believe that the conduct in question was not an isolated incident or action of one agent but rather a pattern and practice of misrepresentation by the business. Therefore, I reject Major Energy's response and maintain my complaint.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
No further action can be taken to resolve this complaint specifically. As stated before, an investigation was initiated into the practices of the specific representatives.
This afternoon my apartment was solicited by a representative from Major Energy, who claimed to be there to investigate fluctuating energy usage on our block. She requested that I bring her a copy of my last energy bill to determine our usage. Upon returning with the bill, the representative proceeded to tell me that our current provider was planning on increasing our energy rates, and that she would be able to save us money on our energy bill by switching us to a fixed rate plan. Upon questioning her about the rate hike, the representative had no clear explanation and gave only vague responses to "companies wanting to make money." She was also unable to give me any direct details about the company she represented, Major Energy. Her only reassurance was that my signing a paper and her making a phone call would save us money. She could provide me with no promotional material and no evidence that our provider was raising rates.
Any company that employs this type of deceptive marketing loses all credibility in my book. While I never signed or agreed to any changes during this interaction, I still feel that I was scammed in the sense that I trusted this "representative" to look out for our best interest. I truly believe that this company's A+ rating with the should be further investigated, as the number of complaints and negative reviews far exceed the positive ones. I further implore my neighbors in the Boston community to be on the lookout for these people in your neighborhood; Major Energy is up to no good.
Review: This company came to my home several months ago, offering competitive pricing for gas and electric over [redacted]. I asked the gentleman several times if this was a contract, etc if I was not happy. He also assured me the pricing was lower and my bill would go down. In the last two months my bill has doubled what it usually is. I cannot get a response from the company, as I want to go back to [redacted].Desired Settlement: I want to go back to my old company with no charges for it and really feel as though I should received a partial refund.
We apologize for any inconvenience the customer may have experienced. We have been experiencing very high call volume. A customer service representative will reach out to the customer to address all concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:A gentleman named [redacted] called me from Major Energy Service Center. I reviewed my complaint to him as stated in my complaint to you. I was told that the plan I was on had a varying rate for gas and electric and at the time I was offered this service the rates were much lower. I explained that I specifically asked the gentleman who came to my door that day if my bill would be lower or not. I was assured it would be lower and my last two utilities bill were doubled. I also told him I understand what they did is not illegal, but is certainly unethical. He told me he would cancel my account and it would take two months until I was back with [redacted]-my original supplier. He said in the meantime, he can put me on the fixed rate for gas and electric for the remaining time and it will cost me less. I said fine as long as it does not prolong me with their company any longer than necessary and I wasn't "joining up for anything." As I stated to him, the average consumer does not know that when they are getting their bills and they are higher and I would think if the fixed rate was substantially less, the customer would be given that rate or at least informed of it. Therefore, I have at least two bills of $450 and $475 for the previous two months where I know I was billed at least $150-$200 per month more than with [redacted] and higher than if I was put on the "fixed rate" with them. He told me they will send me a $40 check to defray some of the cost. I do not find that acceptable, as I have had [redacted] and 20 years plus and have never had a bill higher than $300/month regardless of the extreme heat or cold.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: Major Energy began being my electricity supply provider at the beginning of January without my knowledge or consent. They charged me double what my previous electricity provider charged. This amount was automatically deducted from my bank account since I am on an autopay system. When I contacted Major Energy customer service regarding why I was switched from the previous electricity supply company, they took down my contact information and said that an "account specialist" would get back to me in 2-3 business days. Three weeks have passed since I contacted them and they have yet to contact me. I have now received an electric bill for the month of February where Major Energy is now charging me 4 times what my prior company charged me. I have cancelled autopay and refuse to pay the bill for February until this dispute is settled.Desired Settlement: Since Major Energy has switched my electricity supply without my consent, they should match the previous supplier's cost. The bills for January and February should be matched accordingly to reflect this change.
We are sorry the customer is unhappy with our service. However, we do have a signed application that was signed by the customer's wife (please see attached). The account has been canceled. Also, please see the below article about the price volatility of electricity.
Why Have
Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility
It has
been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been
expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of
whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier, customers
have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of the
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
Why did
prices rise?
put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas
pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating
purposes, but to create electricity.
There is
ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.
What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and
infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high
and capacity is constrained, costs increase.
winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and
electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines
and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies
on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where
it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the
business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a
highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural
gas pipeline system and the electric grid.
while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,
electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce
affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting
further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At
the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,
preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an
efficient manner.
known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get
gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and
this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive
energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when
purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,
tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.
As the
winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy
to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the
nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and
utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for
some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery
systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural
gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under
construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the
In the
meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.
Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure
doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the
water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.
Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a
variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review
their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their
supplier if they have any questions.
Customers interested in price stability can also investigate
fixed price options that many suppliers offer.
Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate
their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer
can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying
utility bills.
Customers should visit their
state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.
For a list of shopping websites, visit [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
After reading Major Energy's response, I have discussed the situation with my wife. First, I find it poor form that I was never informed of the switch in my energy provider especially since I am the account holder. Second, the person ([redacted]) that came to our apartement and spoke with my wife told her that he was a representative from [redacted]. [redacted] told her that in order to guarantee the lowest possible energy prices from [redacted], she needed to sign the paper. He filled out all aspects of the document including her initials for the acknowledgements before having her sign. My wife's handwriting is found nowhere within the provided document. This document is therefore nonbinding as it was signed under false pretenses by someone other than the account holder. If major energy wishes to discuss a reasonable charge for my electricity opposed to a nearly 5 times increase of my prior rate in an obvious price gouging scheme, I would be amenable to that.
Good Morning,
We are sorry the customer continues to be unhappy with our responses.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
Good morning,
I am unhappy with your responses due to your inability to provide the information that I requested.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: Our bill went from $94 to over $400 within months and no one is answering our calls to cancel account.Desired Settlement: I would like to cancel my account ASAP no one answers this company phone, emails or live chat. I don't believe this is a real company at this point.
We would like to apologize to ** and [redacted] for the difficulty they had reaching our offices. We have been experiencing extreme call volume and unfortunately this has caused difficulties for customer in receiving a timely response.
The recent bill reflected a rate of .26229 which was in line with Con Ed's rate of .24559. Both rates reflect a skyrocketing rate in the US energy market over the past 4-6 weeks. We do have attractive fixed rate options which would lock in a low rate for up to 12 months. We will reach out to the [redacted]'s in the next few days to discuss the options and also to see if there is any way we can offer some relief on their latest bill. Currently their account shows as canceled with a service end date of 3/**/14
Review: About two weeks ago, a guy knocked at the door, and said that he was from my current supplier and he needed to sign few papers to continue the service and that on the bottom of the electricity bill they sent some notices for continuing services but since we didn't respond to any of them he came to my house. Without any hesitation, I answered his questions, he made a phone call and told me to say "yes" to all the statements that I heard the guy say on the phone and told me I'm all set. After a few days, my supplier sent me a letter of early cancellation fee, apparently because I canceled service with them. I called them and they said that the service was cancelled because I was contracted with another supplier and I was like "wait a minute" the guy told me he was from you and he just needed me to sign the papers to continue service. So after that call, I called the Major Energy, and girl proudly told me that if I cancel I will have to pay the termination fee of around $200. Please resolve this dispute.Desired Settlement: I want the service to be canceled with no fees. Thank you! I will appreciate your help!!!
Hello, After discussing the issue with the complainant we have reached a satisfactory resolution to the matter. We appreciate bringing this matter to our attention and were happy to help resolve it quickly. Thank you. Sincerely, Customer Service Representative
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: My husband and I received our Gas bill as we normally do, after numerous bills, and talking among one another, I gave our gas company (Columbia Gas) a phone call when they gave us information we were unaware of! We were signed up for a outside gas supplier without our knowledge and/or our signatures and have been paying additional money every month since approx. 2012 as we were unaware of all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called Major Energy Services LLC, and they would not even speak to me, even though I am the one to which writes out all of our household bills, and I even had all of the account information, as well as, I am a authorized account member! No one was willing to help me with this matter, nor could they tell me how we got signed up with them. There was no contract nor was there any type of signed document from either my husband nor myself! I am asking that someone help us with this matter as it is unfair, uncalled for, and not asked for! WE have been paying over double per 1 "therm" for months unaware of this situation and as everyone works hard for their money we are asking for help to get ourselves removed from their services (again as we did not ask to be with them nor did we sign up with them) and looking to get something back as we have worked so hard to have what we do and they were manipulating us and having us pay more for something we did not ask for! Its funny that during the last approx. 4 years we were never sent any papers, documents, or information about being with Major Energy Services!Desired Settlement: I (WE) are looking to be removed from this companies list, for them to not have any of our information from this point forward, and we are looking for a monetary reimbursement being we did not ask for this and have been paying a additional fee for services we did not ask for, for approx.. 4 years!
Hello, After reviewing the account information and enrollment with the customer we were able to come to a mutually satisfactory resolution to the matter. Thank you. Sincerely, Customer Service Representative
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
Review: Gabriel A. (Agent # [redacted])came to my apartment complex and went from house to house advertising the fact that Major Electric Services, LLC has a better rate for electricity than my current company, [redacted] and other companies that people in my apartment complex use. This man was very insistent and would not leave the apartment, going on and on about how I needed to switch companies. I was anxious and felt uncomfortable having this pushy person in my house, and I signed these forms under duress and out of confusion. Now that I want to cancel this service, which I never wanted in the first place, Major Energy is charging me $100. I know of at least several other individuals in my apartment complex who had the same experience and who all feel they have been taken advantange of and been preyed upon by a pushy worker who came into their homes and convinced them that they had to switch companies. I do not have $100 to pay this company, and I would like assistance with this issue. I am sure that the other people in my apartment complex are also interested in filing a complaint. I want to keep my same energy company! ([redacted])Desired Settlement: I would like Major Energy to not charge me $100 for cancelling the door to door sales agreement for electricity at my apartment. The company is threatening to send me a letter to take me to court. This is unjust, and I would like it to be recitified. I am sure that the other [redacted] speaking families in my apartment complex who had this similar experience would also like this issue to be rectified, but I am only speaking for myself Thank you.
To whom it may concern, Thank you for reaching out to Major Energy in regards to this matter. First we would like to apologize for any sales tactics that may have been unpleasant for you, that is not our goal and is not endorsed by our business practices or procedures. In order to clarify the position of Major Energy our business has a valid signed sales agreement which was verified by a third party verification phone call with you which reiterated your rights, responsibilities and the details of the contract which you were entering. After reviewing the contract and the recording of the third party verification, you signed a valid and enforceable sales agreement and agreed to all the terms in the followup verification phone call. In both the contract and the verification call you were expressly informed of your right to cancel without fees for 3 business days after the signing of the agreement. You failed to exercise your legal right to cancel without fee within the given time period under the terms of the contract. Furthermore it is not an advisable tactic to sign legally binding agreements in order to have salesmen stop talking. Rather if you would like for a person whom does not reside in your home to leave, simply tell them to leave and they have the legal duty to do so. Sincerely, Complaint Representative
Review: About a month ago I called Major Energy Electric services LLC to complaint about how high my bill was. I told them if they can't do any better, I would be leaving them and choosing another supplier. The man on the other line offered me a discount. My new rate that I was not happy with was 0.1495. He offered me a locked in rate for 12 months at 9.8 cents. I agreed to it. This call was made on January ** 2015. I was told this new rate would start the next day. January [redacted]. I wrote everything down when I was talking to him. At one point he put me on a recorded line and I had to state my name etc. and agree to everything. Well, I just got my bill for February. Not only did they not give me the promised rate over the recorded line. It went up from the previous rate I initially called to complain about. It went from 0.1495 to 0.1769. They promised me a rate of 9.8 cents over the phone that was also recorded at the end of the conversation giving them permission to give me the new rate that would be locked in for one year. I am SO MAD!! They are not open now. It is Saturday. I am calling them first thing Monday morning. They better adjust my bill and lock me into the rate they promised me over the phone or I will be calling the Attorney General from [redacted]. This is robbery.Desired Settlement: They better adjust my bill and change my rate for the next 11 months to the rate the promised me over the phone. If not, I will be putting in a complaint the the Atty General from [redacted],. I can't believe they did this. Scammed me over the phone.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the customer experienced. Customer is correct that the rate of $0.098/kWh was agreed upon and the representative did inform her that the rate would start the next day. The rate however became effective in the middle of a billing cycle. The representative informed customer that the rate as quoted will not be on the next bill. This is because the utility company does not allow us to backdate rates. The customer saw a rate of $0.1769/kwh because prior to 1/**/15, the customer was billed at the then current variable rate. Starting on the 1/**/15, the customer was billed at the agreed upon rate. On customer's next bill, the customer will be billed at the rate as quoted. As a courtesy, we will be sending customer a refund for $75.00. Customer should receive the check in the mail within 2-3 weeks. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience.
Review: I received an extremely high electricity bill, I just wanted answers as to how my bill jumped $400 in one month. I have contacted Major Energy on several different occasions, rarely able to speak to someone. However I have gotten through twice with relief, however I have been unable to speak to someone with authority or someone who can actually make an adjustment or changes of any kind. I was sent to their sales department and not their customer service department both times. I was told that I was sent to this department due to the high call volume that the customer service department was experiencing. I did speak to a man the first time I did get through on February [redacted]to the sales department and he PROMISED me that someone would surely get back to me with a response in 24-48 hours. I never received a call. I called back on the 21st of February to hear the same response but this time from a women in the sales department. I never received a phone back in the 24-48 hour window. I gave them both all my information, information that they should have had in their system being that I am a customer and had been for approximately 8 months at the time. However I continued to let the woman know how upset I was being that I hadn't gotten my issue resolved and I couldn't even get the respect of getting a phone call back to discuss my concern. She then proceeded to tell me that they had made a mistake in their billing and the kWh was actually lower that what the actual bill was showing. I asked her what the correction should have been and why no one contacted or sent out another bill correcting the problem. She told me what the correction should have been but failed to give me the actual price. She continued to say that someone would get back to me if I left my information to let me know what the actual bill should have read. No one has called since. I have repeatedly called the company, sometimes im on hold for 30 mins and the phone happens to disconnect or the recording basically tells me that i've called to much. Im lost, i'm at a dead end and I dont know how to handle the situation... I did call ComEd, the company I pay directly and there is nothing they can do because they don't actually supply my services. Lost cause...HELP!Desired Settlement: Id like for someone to respectfully return my phone call and explain to me or show me a chart or just some sort of proof how my bill went up $400 in one month. I was told it was wrong, but I dont know what the right price is so I can actually make a payment to ComEd. Im afraid that if I attempted to pay the whole amount that they say I owe that they would just keep my money and never try to resolve the issue because they got the money. I dont want this going to the credit bureau...I just want anwsers so I can make a payment plan for the correct amount and leave this situation and this "company that supposed help" to rest. I would like them to cover all late charges that are added to the outstanding bill until it is corrected.
Good Morning,
According to the complaint, the
customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.
The customer agreed to a variable
rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market.
As has been widely reported, there
has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most
recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a
shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to
one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the
February [redacted]press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see
attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.
Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.
Finally, the account has been
canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget
billing concerns.
We are truly sorry for your
experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price
In addition please see this informative article.
Why Have
Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility
It has
been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been
expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of
whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier,
customers have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
Why did
prices rise?
put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas
pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating
purposes, but to create electricity.
There is
ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.
What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and
infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high
and capacity is constrained, costs increase.
winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and
electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines
and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies
on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where
it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the
business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a
highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural
gas pipeline system and the electric grid.
while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,
electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce
affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting
further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At
the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,
preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an
efficient manner.
known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get
gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and
this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive
energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when
purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,
tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.
As the
winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy
to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the
nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and
utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for
some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery
systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural
gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under
construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the
In the
meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.
Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure
doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the
water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.
Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a
variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review
their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their
supplier if they have any questions.
Customers interested in price stability can also investigate
fixed price options that many suppliers offer.
Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate
their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer
can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying
utility bills.
Customers should visit their
state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.
For a list of shopping websites, visit [redacted]
Review: A Major Energy LLC agent came to my door, told me he was with major energy and a partner of [redacted] my current provider and that they had realized our area was being charged a rate that was too high in our area. He promised a 10% savings on the energy bill. Ok we agreed. Now some months later our bill has been 60-65 dollars higher than before. We thought maybe rates had gone up so we called [redacted] and they explained that our bill should be 60-65 dollars less expensive based on usage. Me and my wife were lied to and mislead and we are also filing complaint with the Attorney General as well. Anytime you try to call it goes to a general voicemail and no one returns your calls.Desired Settlement: Cancel whatever agreement we have. I expect no refund on the 100s of dollars we were ripped off.
We apologize for any inconvenience the customer experienced.
Our call center operating hours are Monday to Friday, 9AM-5PM. The customer left a voice message after normal operating hours. A customer service representative has attempted to contact the customer in response to the message and in regards to the complaint. A voicemessage was left for the customer withcall back information.
The representative will be able to address the customer's concerns.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
[redacted]DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY[redacted]Buyer Be Ware.... Do not purchase, sign or entertain these people, all there info is NOT accurate. Your bill will double & triple if you switch to this bogus company.... Buyer Beware.....
Review: I did not sign up with this company and I have called and was told that they will get back in touch with me. I have yet to get a call. I never signed up for this service and I do not want their services.Desired Settlement: I just want them to adjust my bill. I have been in my house over ten years and I have never had a bill that reflect what they say I owe in one month. I do not want then as a service to me and get my bill straight. I work everyday so my bill should not be this high. My signature is not on none of their contracts so this is fraud to me.
Good Afternoon,
According to the complaint, the
customer is unhappy with the recent rate being charged.
The customer agreed to a variable
rate contract, meaning the rate would be determined by the energy market. Please see the attached contract.
As has been widely reported, there
has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most
recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a
shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to
one of the coldest winters on record. We are referring customers to the
February ** press release from the PUC regarding this issue. (Please see
attached) In addition, this is not just happening in Pennsylvania.
Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.
Finally, the account has been
canceled and it is now up to the utility to process the cancellation. Please contact your utility for budget
billing concerns.
We are truly sorry for your
experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price
In addition please see this informative article.
Why Have
Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility
It has
been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been
expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of
whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier,
customers have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of
the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
Why did
prices rise?
put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas
pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating
purposes, but to create electricity.
There is
ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.
What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and
infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high
and capacity is constrained, costs increase.
winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and
electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines
and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies
on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where
it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the
business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a
highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural
gas pipeline system and the electric grid.
while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,
electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce
affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting
further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At
the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,
preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an
efficient manner.
known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get
gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and
this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive
energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when
purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,
tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.
As the
winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy
to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the
nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and
utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for
some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery
systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural
gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under
construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the
In the
meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.
Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure
doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the
water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.
Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a
variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review
their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their
supplier if they have any questions.
Customers interested in price stability can also investigate
fixed price options that many suppliers offer.
Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate
their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer
can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying
utility bills.
Customers should visit their
state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.
For a list of shopping websites, visit [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I did not sign up with these people and they can not provide any document with my signature on it. If I was still with my original supplier, my bill would have not been this high. It is not fair that I have to pay for something that I did not sign up for.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Good Morning,
Please review the signed contract we attached to our previous response.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I understand about the energy bill going up but I never signed up with these people and my origanal supplier bill would have not been this high.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Review: I was offered natural gas and electric service by Major Energy and "guaranteed" the lowest and most competitive rates. Over the last 6 months those initially low rates gradually increased and on my last bill I noticed I was charged more than double what my service provider National Grid would have charged. When I attempted to contact the company to discuss this rapid and outrageous increase, I was never able to get through. I tried on three different occasions (and two different phone numbers) and always got a recorded message that there was a long wait and to continue to hold. I did this all three times, each time being forced off the call. The first time I was able to punch in a call back number, the second time I left a message and the third I waited on the line about ten minutes then a recording came on and said "goodbye" and ended the call. Needless to say, I never got any calls back. This is clearly a scam, especially based on the number of similar complaints. I hope someone plans to pursue a class action suit against this company and get consumers their money back. I also intend to file a complaint with NYS DPS, you can find their number on the back of your welcome letter from Major Energy.Desired Settlement: Credit to my National Grid account or a refund of the overcharged amount.
Good Afternoon,
According to the complaint, the
customer states that she is unhappy with the current rate being charged.
The customer agreed to a variable
rate contract, meaning her rate would be determined by the energy market. We do not guarantee savings.
As has been widely reported, there
has been a spike in the wholesale energy market which was reflected on the most
recent bill. This is merely a reflection of the current energy market where a
shrinking supply of electricity is under the strain of massive demand due to
one of the coldest winters on record.
Please see this link relating to New York prices as well.
Finally, the account has been
canceled. Please contact your utility for budget
billing concerns.
We are truly sorry for your
experience and advise you to sign up on a fixed rate that will ensure price
In addition please see this informative article.
Why Have
Energy Bills Increased – Explaining Price Volatility
It has
been a record cold winter across much of the country, and many have been
expressing deep concern as to why energy bills have been so high. Regardless of
whether energy is purchased from a utility or a competitive energy supplier, customers
have seen electricity and natural gas prices spike in many parts of the
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
Why did
prices rise?
put, the issues at hand are the cold weather, electric grid and natural gas
pipeline capacity, and the increasing use of natural gas not just for heating
purposes, but to create electricity.
There is
ample gas supply in the United States, especially given the boom in shale gas.
What customers are feeling are the results of a strained transportation and
infrastructure system that delivers electricity and gas. When demand is high
and capacity is constrained, costs increase.
winter’s “polar vortex” has increased the demand for both natural gas and
electricity, resulting in significant congestion in the natural gas pipelines
and on the electric grid (the highways of the energy system). Everyone relies
on these natural gas pipelines and the electric grid to get energy from where
it is produced to where it is used by the homeowner, the tenant, and the
business owner. Just like only so many cars can efficiently travel along a
highway, only so much natural gas and electricity can move through the natural
gas pipeline system and the electric grid.
while more and more people are using natural gas directly for heating purposes,
electricity generators are also increasingly using natural gas to produce
affordable power. In the short-term, this electricity generation is putting
further strain on the natural gas capacity in certain parts of the country. At
the same time there are also bottlenecks on some parts of the electric grid,
preventing electricity from getting from the generators to the consumers in an
efficient manner.
known from economics that constraints on supply (such as not being able to get
gas from where it is plentiful to where it is needed) cause prices to rise, and
this has occurred in the wholesale energy markets. The result? Competitive
energy suppliers and utilities alike are paying higher than normal prices when
purchasing from the wholesale market in order to provide energy to homeowners,
tenants, and business owners. This is causing everyone’s bills to rise.
As the
winter weather gradually improves and temperatures rise, the demand for energy
to heat homes and businesses will decrease, placing less pressure on the
nation’s electricity grid and allowing energy prices from suppliers and
utilities to normalize. However, winter weather may very likely be around for
some weeks to come. Despite the unusual weather, the gas and electric delivery
systems have proven to be highly reliable this winter. A number of new natural
gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines are planned or under
construction which should reduce the chances of a similar price spike in the
In the
meantime, there are some things that can be done to help manage energy bills.
Conserve energy as much as possible. For example, make sure
doors and windows are well insulated, seal any air leaks, and lower the
water temperature setting to 120 degrees on the water heater.
Customers using a competitive supplier and who are on a
variable rate plan or whose fixed contracts have expired, should review
their contract to confirm the accuracy of the pricing and call their
supplier if they have any questions.
Customers interested in price stability can also investigate
fixed price options that many suppliers offer.
Customers in need of financial assistance should investigate
their state’s home heating assistance programs. In many states, a customer
can stay with a competitive supplier and still receive assistance paying
utility bills.
Customers should visit their
state’s “energy shopping” websites to compare offers from different suppliers.
For a list of shopping websites, visit [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I was offered a $75 refund from the company only after I filed a complaint with the NYS Dept. of Public Service. I do not feel this amount satisfies the increased charges. I was told by Major Energy's representative and in a welcome letter that I would be charged "a low competitive rate" and "historical annual savings." They charged more than double what National Grid - my regular supplier - was charging. The increase in charges was also over a 2-3 month period, not on just one bill. I also cancelled service with them well before they addressed my complaint and did me the "courtesy" of cancelling my account. I tried several times to contact their company with no success. I find that highly questionable.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Good Evening,
We are sorry that the customer is dissatisfied with her experience. Due to the lingering repercussions of the Polar Vortex, our customer service center has experienced an exponential increase in the number of calls we receive. I have included some additional information about rate increases this weather to better understand your bills.
There has been an unprecedented spike in the price of electricity
(mercantile exchange) which has adversely affected customers across the
country. While suppliers like Respond Power base the rate on a daily rolling
average and hedging, most utilities purchase energy in massive block and adjust
quarterly or semi-annually. Because of that, sometimes suppliers find
themselves with higher rates than utilities. Eventually trends reverse, and utilities
are forced to adjust their rates to make up for losses due to underpriced
supply sold to customers during high markets.
While we certainly apologize for your high rate, please understand
it is merely a reflection of the electricity market where both natural gas
prices (which powers much of the new generation stations) are at a 3 year high,
coal production for supply is at a historic lows (for example - 48% of the
electric supply in 2008 vs. 37% today), and one of the coldest Januaries on
record that has pushed demand to extreme levels. As the country moves away from
fossil fuels and towards green energy, rates unfortunately will increase until
the supply can meet demand at a more reasonable price.
Again, our apologies for
your higher than expected bill.
Review: A representative came to our door claiming that if we signed up with Major Energy that we could save up to 7% on our gas and electric bills. Our first gas bill after signing the contract showed that we were blatantly overcharged. Our rate per therm with our old Gas supplier was $0.48610 ([redacted]) and our rate with Major Energy was $0.79990. The amount of gas consumed was also 660 therms (202 therms higher than any other month in our time at this residence). We called their customer service line 4 times to try and resolve the issue and each time they make you wait on hold for 20+ minutes and once you get through to a customer service representative they have a predetermined script and do not deviate very far from it. I complained about the rate we were being charged and the CSR defended that the polar vortex made for an unseasonably cold winter. I retorted that this would only effect the amount consumed and not the rate. The CSR was highly incompetent and repeated the same generic phrases over and over again. I asked to speak to a [redacted] all 4 times I called and each time the CSR said there was no [redacted] available, but that they would call me back and mark the call as "urgent". Needless to say they never called me back as it is impossible to get anything resolved. This company sends representatives to college towns and under-educated neighborhoods and exploits the residents. They are a complete scam and have constructed their customer service procedures to ensure that no resolution can ever be made.Desired Settlement: We would like our rate to be readjusted to the previous rate or to the discount promised by the door-to-door representative.
As stated by [redacted] the sales representative stated that the customer "could" save up to 7%, however the sales agreement does not guarantee savings, nor is a specific rate quoted.(see attached) Unfortunately, [redacted]'s bill showed a rather large increase in his commodity use which corresponded with an increase in the gas market. This adversely affected any potential savings. We have requested an immediate transfer back to [redacted] to prevent future confusion caused by real time market rates as opposed to quarterly adjusted rates. Records show [redacted] spoke with our call center on Feb ** and Feb ** when his account was canceled.
Review: On September 6, 2013 there were three representatives from Major Energy knocking on doors. They some how manage to get into my building were I abide and they knock at my apartment, I ask if I could help them they introduce themselves as employees from Major Energy helping people save on their light bills. I said I was find with my service. One of them ask me to show them my bill to see if they could save me some money, agent name is "MARTENEZ". agent code is "11145" sales agreement No.1156120. The agent advice me that I could save a 3% more on my delivery bill service. I ask what about the rest of the bill? The agent said that it would stay the same that my electric service would not change nor the price for my usage of electricity on the kWh. So I took their profesional advice and switch providers trusting their advice. My current provider was charging me 0.05579 per kWh Integrys Energy Service. Major Energy Service Charge me 0.08499 per kWh my first bill was $162.71 dollars, my second bill is $199.38 witch is due on January 9, 2014 I am outrage with Major Energy Services for lying on their service only to get people to switch providers. I was able to cancel when I received my first bill but them I got the second and last bill this was very upsetting. I live on a 2br apartment 900sq ft. Never have I paid over $76.00 on electricity and never have I use over 1000 kWh ever, but some how with Major Energy I have been able to surpass all of this. Also I had to pay a cancelation fee of $25.00 dollars with Integrys Energy Service for switching to Major Energy. This company is deceiving people only to get a few dollars from them I was one of their victims and I know their are more that are going through the same or worse. I am glad I was able to catch this from the beginning but devastated that I had to experience this from a bad company such as this.Desired Settlement: I would like for Major Energy Service to REFUN the difference from the current provider kWh charges to their kWh charges from both bills. Since their agent was or is their representative acting as Major Energy "they should be liable for their agents action." Plus I would like a reimbursement for $25.00 for my cancelation fee that I had to spend do to false promises as I was mislead from their agent advice.
We would like to apologize to [redacted] for any confusion over our supply service and his recent bills. We have reached out to him and he seemed satisfied with the resolution. Should he have any more questions or concerns, we invite him to contact us directly at ###-###-#### M-F from 9-5.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
[Your Answer Here]
I was told that I would only be compensated for my cancelation fee that I had to pay for switching electricity providers. Major Energy excuse was that there representative was inexperience and didn't know what they were doing. They did apologize but they didn't agree to pay the difference on the kWh from my current providers to their kWh prices, although they did acknowledge that their price's was and is a lot higher than what I was paying they said they could only reimburse my $25.00 for terminating my contract with my other provider. I am not satisfy with their offer, I have been through a lot of stress do to their actions and being a big company as they are they should treat people with more courtesy. The damage was not only financial but emotional I am devastated that I have to go through this with a license electric provider for the state of Illinois.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
According to [redacted]’s rejection, he spears to feel
he is entitled to a large refund. Major Energy does not agree with his assertion
based on the following:
Review: Today at 12:30 I was greeted at my door by 2 "PECO" "representatives." They told me that there was a problem with the rates in the area, and that they were collecting information to set things right. It was stupid to believe them, but the more I questioned the vaguer they got and the more pushy they got. At one point I was basically being told over and over to just say yes to a sales representative over the phone. They both insisted they were not selling me something. Lo and behold I found my self signing up for "Major Energy" and they flew out the door. A quick google search and I found that this company (Which oddly enough has a A rating on your website) is well known for these sorts of scams. I immediately called them, and they said they would cancel the sale from ever happening. But given how they signed me up for it, I am inclined not to trust them.Desired Settlement: I wish for no further contact from the company, and I want no charges from the 30 minutes I was apparent signed up to get energy from them. I will contact again if PECO is not my energy provider again withing the 24 hours promised
To whom it may concern; Thank you for reaching out to us to resolve this matter. I have confirmed that you will not be added to our customer services and I have added your name and address to the DO NOT CONTACT list. Thank you.If you would like to call in to confirm this please feel free to contact ###-###-####. Sincerely, Customer Service Representative.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. I will contact again only if the promise to be left alone and not added as a customer is not kept,