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Mad Margaret's

807 N 1st St, Grand Junction, Colorado, United States, 81501-2237

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On December 24, 2019 I bought a wig from the business. I had never worn one before and asked the sales person for help. She suggested that I go on *** and watch one of the tutorials to see how to properly wear the wig. *** video instructed to cut the lace front portion off and style before wearing it. The wig would not fit properly and seemed lumpy. As a result I did not wear the wig that evening. The next day I went to the wig website to look at it and see what the problem was. The wig is made by ***, a wholesale company and does not sell to the public. It is sold by several different companies one of them being *** On that website it shows the wig in question and gives a detailed description. The description describes the wig, materials, length and the placement of combs to properly secure it while wearing. It indicates that there should be 4 combs total, 3 in the front and one in the back. The wig that I Bought has one comb in the back and one comb on the side part and is missing one front and one side comb. This would explain why it was not fitting correctly. I sent a FB message to Mad Margaret's explaining that the wig was damaged when I bought it and I would like to get a refund. After not receiving a response I called the company the next morning and spoke to an older man that I had seen on the day I bought the wig working behind the counter. He said that he had spoken with the person who received my message and because I had cut the lace front off of the wig there was nothing that they could do about it. I explained that It was damaged when I bought it and had been sold to me as new. I couldn't have known about the damage until I was ready to wear it and I couldn't wear it until the lace portion had been removed. I referred him to the website I had found that gave the number of combs and he said it wasn't his website and he couldn't be responsible for what it said. He said he wasn't going to argue with me about it and I would not get a refund.

Mad Margaret's Response • Jan 24, 2020

Date; 01/23/2020To; *** Dispute Resolution specialistFrom: ken D, Owner Mad Margaret'sRe; IDMad Margaret's refunded the customers purchase price of the wig in question on 1/23/2020. Please note that I do not agree with the accuracy of the customer's written complaint.I waited until the customer had her money returned and the wig was returned to the store before responding to the customer's letter of complaint.The customer admits going to a website that I have no affiliation with. the website instructed her to remove the lace front from the wig, unknown as to which wig the web site was referring to. The customer removed the lace front from the wig prior to contacting us. This damaged the wig so that it can no longer be returned to the manufacturer as being damaged by them. This is the reason I originally denied the customer a refund.It was after the removal of the lace front that the customer noticed a description on a web site that I have no control over that describes the wig with four combs in it. This is the issue the customer uses for a reason that she should get a refund. I have looked at all of the same type of wigs we have in stock and none of the wigs have four combs in them. I have also looked at other web sites and did not find any others that listed four combs in the wig in question. The actual web site of the manufacturer also does not list four combs. I am not responsible for what other web sites publish.Customer claims the wig in question only has two combs, not four as mentioned in the above paragraph. She claims one comb is attached to the back of the wig and the other is attached to the side of the wig. After getting the wig back I examined it and found that it does have two combs. One in the back and the other in the front, not on the side as she claims. This is the same comb placement as all of the other same type of wigs in stock in the store.Customer also makes a reference as to the wig being lumpy. I do not know how she attempted to wear the wig but, when a wig feels lumpy it is usually because the person wearing the wig did not properly arrange the natural hair underneath the wig. it is not due to the wig being made improperly.Yes the customer sent a FB message to us. I had read her message and had just finished talking with sales clerk when customer called the store. I feel it is my responsibility to speak with sales clerk prior to responding to customer. It is not that her message was being ignored as she implies in her letter.The customer also makes a reference to when she bought the wig that it had been sold to her as new which I take as questioning our honesty. I can assure you and her that the wig in question was new. We do not sell used wigs.Also of not here is a fact the customer totally ignores. Posted throughout the store are signs that say all sales are final and there will be no refunds or exchanges on merchandise. There are two such signs at the wig counter where the customer tried on wigs and there is also five such signs at the cash register where customer bought the wig. We do however give refunds when there is clearly a manufacturing defect involved.Yes I did inform the customer that I did not wish to argue with her. Customer did not wish to listen to my explanation about the lace front being cut from the wig as being the factor that damaged the wig. Her only concern was that the wig did not have four combs which she knew when she purchased the wig. As it turns out the wig in question is not made with four combs. Although I do not feel the customer is justified in her complaints I have already refunded her purchase price of the wig.RegardsKen D, Owner Mad Margaret's

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Address: 807 N 1st St, Grand Junction, Colorado, United States, 81501-2237


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