I live in at *** ** *** *** ** *** AZIMCOR is working in the building just north my building (across the alley from my apt building)For the last four mornings in a row (from 3/13/to today 3/16/17) IMCOR has started working in that alley doing construction at 4:30amThey create MASSIVE amounts of noise throwing big pieces of duct work into a metal trash bin located in the alleyMy apt bedroom window is ftabove the trash binThey create so much noise I am unable to sleep and or go back to sleep once I've been woken upThe morning of 3/15/17, when again woken at 4:30am, I yelled down to the IMCOR employee telling him to stop what he was doing, and if he didn't I would call the cops per my aptbuilding mgmt.'s requestI also asked him what company he works for? He told me "I don't know"I called the copsOnce they arrived (approx6:30am) the employee was able to remember who he worked for "IMCOR interstate mechanical corporation"I asked how he now remembered w
I live in at *** ** *** *** ** *** AZIMCOR is working in the building just north my building (across the alley from my apt building)For the last four mornings in a row (from 3/13/to today 3/16/17) IMCOR has started working in that alley doing construction at 4:30amThey create MASSIVE amounts of noise throwing big pieces of duct work into a metal trash bin located in the alleyMy apt bedroom window is ftabove the trash binThey create so much noise I am unable to sleep and or go back to sleep once I've been woken upThe morning of 3/15/17, when again woken at 4:30am, I yelled down to the IMCOR employee telling him to stop what he was doing, and if he didn't I would call the cops per my aptbuilding mgmt.'s requestI also asked him what company he works for? He told me "I don't know"I called the copsOnce they arrived (approx6:30am) the employee was able to remember who he worked for "IMCOR interstate mechanical corporation"I asked how he now remembered w