First of all, we like to apologize for the inconvenience to our customerWe are the 3rd party shipper for ***, a package was shipped on 08/15/and package was insured for $Shipper requested to change the delivery address from originaly shipped to with ***Looks like *** misplaced the package during the transaction from original destination address to new requested address by the shipper(see attached [redacted] Tracking statement)We filed a claim with *** and communicated with the shipper Mr [redacted] [redacted] denied the claim, because of Alcohol bottles.We value & like to serve each & every customer like Mr [redacted] We will be happy to reship any future package at No Cost, if he would like to ship.Again sorry for the inconvenience
First of all, we like to apologize for the inconvenience to our customerWe are the 3rd party shipper for ***, a package was shipped on 08/15/and package was insured for $Shipper requested to change the delivery address from originaly shipped to with ***Looks like *** misplaced the package during the transaction from original destination address to new requested address by the shipper(see attached [redacted] Tracking statement)We filed a claim with *** and communicated with the shipper Mr [redacted] [redacted] denied the claim, because of Alcohol bottles.We value & like to serve each & every customer like Mr [redacted] We will be happy to reship any future package at No Cost, if he would like to ship.Again sorry for the inconvenience