Logoforwork.com : Outstanding performance during my business logo design.
The communication was excellent, with prompt replies and any suggestions for design changes was made instantly. The result was great.. I couldn't be happier. Steve was great at capturing my ideas for a logo design.
Surprisingly, it was classy, sophisticated, and even matched my personal style. Revisions were made in a very timely manner, the work was professional, and the customer service was superb!
I would highly recommend using their services.Keep it up and best of luck for the future.
Steve was the absolute best ! The logo was done in record time , they revised it as much as I needed them too with no complaints and their logo helped launch my new business . There was great communication and I am very pleased with the services I received. The price could not have been better! I am ever grateful and will continue to use and recommend them!
Logoforwork.com : Outstanding performance during my business logo design.
The communication was excellent, with prompt replies and any suggestions for design changes was made instantly. The result was great.. I couldn't be happier. Steve was great at capturing my ideas for a logo design.
Surprisingly, it was classy, sophisticated, and even matched my personal style. Revisions were made in a very timely manner, the work was professional, and the customer service was superb!
I would highly recommend using their services.Keep it up and best of luck for the future.
Steve was the absolute best ! The logo was done in record time , they revised it as much as I needed them too with no complaints and their logo helped launch my new business . There was great communication and I am very pleased with the services I received. The price could not have been better! I am ever grateful and will continue to use and recommend them!