Lobos Management Company Reviews (43)
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Lobos Management Company Rating
Address: 233 Spahr St, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 15232
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Review: I rented an apartment from this company with the assumption that when I moved in, everything would have been in good and working condition. Some of my initial concerns have been rectified. Problems I still have are the dishwasher in the kitchen does not work, the electrical outlets on that same wall do not work, and the window in the bedroom is broken with large shards of glass lying between the panes. The window also does not shut and latch leaving the apartment open for burglary. I have made multiple calls into the management company and I am constantly reassured somebody will be by to fix these problems. Week after week, call after call, nobody is doing anything to fix these problems. Now I am filing a complaint with Revdex.com, next step will be hiring an attorney.Desired Settlement: I just want the problems fixed, now.
Dear Revdex.com,
Thank you for allowing me to respond to this complaint. Though I am not the manager of Mr. [redacted]s building, I did speak with him recently concerning the issues he has had with his apartment. The service and responses that Mr. [redacted] received were unacceptable. He seems quite reasonable and I am happy that he has chosen to live with us. His complaints were simple and not very difficult and our office did not perform them in a reasonable amount of time. Our office has taken steps since Mr. [redacted] complaint to prevent these failures from happening again.
Review: While living in an apartment ran by Lobos Property Management, I was continuously told one thing but another would happen. I was constantly charged more money. When first getting the apartment, I was told I needed the security deposit & the first month's rent. Later, I was told I needed the last month's rent as well. Then, I was told I needed $72 for a few days of living there at the end of March last year. A few months passed, I was told I never paid the $72 and was charged $120. I paid all of this. February of this year I was sent a Notice of Default payment. My rent was always mailed 5 days prior to the 1st of each month. All of my bank statements show that the check cleared on the 4th of every month. Even with all of that information, I was still charged a $50 late fee. When I called, I spoke with a woman named [redacted]. I understand she processes the payments. She told me that if the Company wanted to, they could go back to when I first moved in and charge me for all of the months up to the current time for late fees. She also stated I should consider myself lucky I got away with it for so long. After getting nowhere, I paid the $50 fee. She told me that she would apply my last month's rent to my March 2014 invoice. Around March 21, 2014 I got another Notice of Delinquent Rent stating I owed $590 for March. I called [redacted] and she stated it would be taken care of. Every time I asked for written documentation of same, she denied it. Rather than wait and see what happens next month, I elected not to renew my lease and therefore did not have the chance to give the proper 60 day notice. I know I probably will not be getting my $540 security deposit back from them as the local office called to ask the reason why I am leaving. I explained the situation to her and she stated she is not sure if I'll get the deposit back as it is up to their main office. I provided the apartment complex with a more in depth/detailed letter I can forward to you if you like.Desired Settlement: I'd like to be considered of giving my 60 day notice for leaving.I'm fine with them taking any reasonable charges out of the security deposit for the apartment.I don't think its fair to not be refunded at all.With that being said,I left the apartment in the condition it was given to me.I did not vacuum.The carpet needs to be replaced as it wasn't installed properly in the first place, it's buckling.The closet doors are still off the hinges.I know I won't see the deposit $ but thought I'd try.
Dear Revdex.com,
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint. Before responding to this complaint I reviewed the information contained in our records and read the correspondence that our resident provided by fax, yesterday. In our review I found that I have not had any requests from our resident since May, 2013, other than the correspondence regarding rental payments with our collections staff. However, our lease with her is valid until 2015, and we are willing to discuss terminating her lease early. Perhaps she wrote this complaint in an effort to persuade us to allow her to end her lease under terms favorable to her. Please have her contact me at her earliest convenience.
Thank you,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID <st[redacted]g />[redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I terminated the lease ending March 31, 2014 in writing on that day as I did not have access to a fax machine until then and did not sign the new lease I was provided in order to renew the lease. I was moved out of the apartment and left my keys at said apartment on the counter on Friday, March 28, 2014. Granted I did not give a 60 day notice because I didn't have the intention of moving out 60 days ago. I wasn't thrilled with Lobos before this but I had every intention of staying in the apartment until I spoke with [redacted] and was spoken to so disrespectfully. My conversations with [redacted] didn't happen until the end of February. Even if I did decide to leave then, it still wouldn't have given me a 60 day notice. The final straw, for me, was when I received the Notice of Default of Rent after [redacted] stated she would apply my last month's rent payment for March of 2014 and would not provide this to me in writing. Any request I ever made to Lobos about my windows were verbally over the phone. I never complained about anything else. The information I provided was in order to cover myself because I am not/will not be present when they do the "final walk through" of my apartment to assess any damages made to the apartment. From what I have read online, there is almost always some charge made by Lobos and you never get your security deposit back. Like I previously stated, I know I'm not going to get my security deposit back. That is not what I am after. They've already made money off of me in additional fees. I am asking that I be granted with the 60 day notice provision in the lease I previously signed. The Lease states that if the tenant does not give said notice that the landlord has the right to renew the lease if they so chose to. Obviously, even though I'm already moved out and they know this, they're going to renew the Lease so that they can charge me for rent and late fees because they know I'm not going to pay it. Why would I pay for an apartment I am no longer living at? I did receive a phone call from the Moon Township office yesterday stating that they were unsure as to how the security deposit would be handled since I did not give proper notice. The woman with whom I spoke to, [redacted], apologized for how I was treated and I appreciated that. She never said anything about being locked in for another year but she did acknowledge that the Lease I did sign was up. However, after reading [redacted]'s response, that is not the case. This just goes to show how Lobos tells you one thing over the phone or in person but send you, in writing of course to protect themselves and their interest, something else. Since they will NEVER provide anything they tell you in writing, they end up getting away with it. Just like when I moved in. I do have documentation from [redacted] stating that all I needed was my security deposit and first month's rent but that documentation still never helped when dealing with them since he was no longer with the Company. They come up with some excuse so you end up paying anyway. It has happened to me at least twice already and when they tried to do it again, I had enough. Obviously, everything they do is in their favor. I do not wish to speak with anybody from that Company ever again because anything they tell me over the phone is not going to matter anyway and I will never receive documentation of that conversation as [redacted] previously stated it is not their policy.
Dear Revdex.com,
I have been renting with Lobos for over a year now and it has been an overall negative experience. The management that I had the displeasure of communicating with was rude and unwilling to accommodate in the face of their own negligence. My roommates and I had been exposed to natural gas inhalation due to a leaking furnace (which was also an explosive hazard) for weeks, and corresponding fits of persistent headaches and unconsciousness. Instead of taking responsibility for their under-serviced, poorly maintained properties, management had the audacity to suggest this was "not their problem." Upon requesting a prorate on the months rent while we waited several days in the freezing night-time temperatures for a new furnace installation, I was told "Why would I do that? Should we then charge you more rent now that you have a more efficient furnace?" instead of humbly admitting that these amenities were not provided satisfactorily. I believe their practices as a rental agency are abhorrent and meant to take advantage of the local student population -- especially international students who do not know any better.
Review: Over the past 6 days, there has been water dripping from my ceilings due to flooding as well as no hot water in the apartment for over 2 days. Maintenance has done nothing to remedy the problem, nor has the leasing office answered the phone or returned my callsDesired Settlement: I would like repairs to be made immediately, and I would like to either withhold a portion of my monthly rent due to days of uninhabitable conditions, or have the opportunity to terminate my lease early and have the security deposit returned within thirty days following lease termination.
Dear Revdex.com,
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint. Although I am not the direct manager of [redacted] apartment building, I am aware of the events which are described in the complaint and the resolutions. On or about December 16, 2013 [redacted] contacted us after business hours regarding a leak coming in from the apartment above her's. The tenant above her had a leak in the apartment, and the water had seeped through the concrete floor. The answering service had reported it as an intermittent drip, and we did not enter the apartment that night. The following day we visited her apartment and the apartment above and resolved the problem. We discussed the matter with [redacted] the morning of December 17.
A few days later, sometime on December 20, in an unrelated situation the automatic ignition for the hot water supply for the building failed and we contacted a plumber to repair the system. The plumber had stated that the problem was fixed that day. It failed again the next day, and we learned that it required more extensive work. We had the plumber manually ignite the tank for that day. The next day we found a commercial supply company that allowed us to purchase the parts on a Sunday for an entrance fee, and the problem was resolved that morning. I apologize for the delay, but our office had great difficulty in obtaining parts locally, and we did everything we could. Our managers personally supervised the hot water repairs on Saturday and Sunday to ensure completion. I never heard from [redacted] during this incident.
[redacted] contacted us again today, via mail, that solely due to the problems she has been having with her apartment she would like to be released from her lease within 30 days, without penalty. She stated that the apartment was not safe, and though she had lived in the apartment for nearly 3 years, she would have to move and break her lease. After briefly reviewing the letter with our staff, we discovered that about 30 days before [redacted] complained of the leak into her apartment and written this letter to the Revdex.com, she had signed a sales agreement for the purchase of a house in the area. We also learned that the house sale had closed a few days ago, and [redacted] had taken ownership on December 20.
Despite the above, we would like to come to an agreement with [redacted]. We understand that it can be difficult to pay rent for an apartment and a mortgage. Our staff tried to contact [redacted] this morning to see what we can work out with her to make the situation better for her, and we are waiting for her to respond to our call. I am confident that we can come to an agreement.
Review: Lobos Management got my son to give them $1600 dollars, ostensibly to cover the cost of the first month's rent, the security deposit, and the background check for an apartment he was interested in renting. They had him sign an agreement that, if he did not take the apartment, Lobos Management would keep the money my son gave them. My son told them repeatedly that he was on a time schedule because he had give notice at his current place of residence.Lobos Management dragged their feet until the last minute, and when my son finally got a lease to sign, the terms were nothing like what was originally discussed. The utilities were not included as had been discussed (in fact, they were going to charge him double for water/sewer because it was a "two bedroom" apartment, which it was not), and the term of the lease had been reduced from one year to six months.When my son informed them that he could no longer take the apartment because he didn't have the requisite 30 days notice period at his current building, they told him he had rejected the contract and that they were going to keep all the money he gave them per the rental application.Lobos management are just bait and switch artists, with the added kicker that, if you reject the switch, they keep your money anyway by hiding behind their rental application. They are simply slum lords who prey on those that are renting for the first time and don't know what to look for.Desired Settlement: The return of $1400, which would allow Lobos Manageement to cover the costs incurred for the background check ($70) and something for their time and trouble ($130).
My wife and I had to complete applications as guarantors, I've attempted to attach that application, but I haven't successful.
Dear Revdex.com,
I have contacted Mr. [redacted] twice to discuss this matter, yet he has not returned my call after our initial conversation. It has been at least 2 weeks since our initial conversation, and a few days since my last call. Mr. [redacted] is not entitled to any recovery, though our office has reached out to him to return his payment.
Thank you,
I have returned Mr. [redacted] call, but he was not available and he has not gotten back to me as yet. I will e-mail him today.
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint again. Though I cannot comment too much regarding the situation, I feel that we have resolved the complaint. Mr. [redacted] has allowed me to attach the following statement to my response:
Review: Water is pouring out of my bathtub. I called the Lobos Management emergency line and told them about the issue at 10 at night. NO ONE RESPONDED! I called back at 10:45 where I told them again what was going on as if I had never called 45 min. before, and they said they would let maintenance know. However no one has come or called. I pay water and it is the hot water. Its still leaking! This has been a constant problem with this management company. You request something and they never respond until weeks later! This same issues happened a few months ago. Their maintenance men have no idea what they are doing. It ridiculous. Please Help.Desired Settlement: I would like them to fix the tub and pay a portion of my water bill due to all of the hot water running for who knows how long until they fix it.
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint.
Review: The original ad for the selected building read that cats were accepted and I was told a $99 deposit. Made an appointment to view apartment.
Tuesday 10/20... When I showed up to view the apartment with my application already filled out and checkbook in hand, I was informed that they didn't accept cats. Leasing agent told me that she would have to check with the owner to see if they would make an exception. She also would not take my application since they "only accept money orders for app fees".
Friday 10/23.... finally heard back that they would accept my cat. Oh and wait.... now I could pay my app fees online?? Wish I had known this on Tuesday so I could have gone ahead and given her my apps and immediately gone to pay online since between Tuesday and Friday they accepted an application for the apartment I had wanted. Decided to choose a different unit and paid 2 app fees online that evening ($70)
Saturday 10/24... faxed over apps that morning and called to verify receipt (which they had)
Monday.... called to check on status of apps... agent wasn't in that day.
Tuesday... agent texted that she had received my apps, but now being told that they wouldn't run them without a now $799 deposit first. (what landlord requires a deposit before approval?) I called the office to verify this message and was told by Maria that it was their policy not to run apps without a deposit. If I had know that, in addition to the now $799 deposit, I never would have submitted app fees. I told the office that I was no longer interested in leasing with them and asked that my app fees were refunded since they had not run my apps yet (4 days after receipt) and was told that a request for a refund would be submitted however it would take up to 14 business days to see the money back in my account. Asked for a supervisor (Angela) to call me regarding this matter and never heard back.
Wednesday.... Angela had miraculously "just stepped out" every time I called.
Thursday ... finally got ahold of Angela and was told that because my apps had already been ran, they would not refund my app fees. WHAT? What happened to being told that they would NOT run apps without a deposit???
Over the course of 10 days, the policies and stories had changed so many times I can only imaging why this company has so many open units for lease. And I'm curious if I had put up the $799 deposit, how long, if ever, would it take to get that money back? Still waiting to get my money back... will pursue small claims court soon.... guess they don't believe that I have every conversation regarding apps and money in writing.
Oh, and they since changed their ads.Desired Settlement: Not sure if Revdex.com will pursue this or not, however the review should be posted for others to know what lies ahead if they should want to work with this company.
From: [redacted]Date: Fri, Nov 20, 2015 at 5:53 PMSubject: [redacted] complaintTo: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Review: I have been a resident of [redacted] (A Lobos Management apartment complex) for nearly 6 years. Over the years, I have dealt with mold several times, many safety issues, an extremely rude management company, loss of amentities and countless other issues. There has not been heat in the 2 bedrooms of my apartment the entire time I have been here. I was first advised to close the vents in the other room- did not work- I was told that for several years. This winter has been brutal- I have called to complain about not having heat in the bedroomds several times- I was told by the office that the heat "just doesnt make it to the bedrooms" and to get some space heaters (getting space heaters was what I was advised the 5 days earlier this winter when I was without heat in 10 degree temperatures rather than them sending somebody out over a weekend to fix it- I called on a friday afternoon & did not get heat again until that Tuesday). Getting space heaters does not work- first of all, I have 2 bedrooms, and I though I have bought 6 different space heaters this winter, I cannot run more than one in the apartment at one time without shorting the circuits. 5 of the heaters I have purchased have been ruined when the circuits break. So now my child has then space heater in his room, along with 5 blankets. I just have to deal with being cold. I have gotten several respiratory issues this winter due to the constant cold at night. I keep the heat in the apartment between 75-80 and it is still frigid in the bedrooms.There has also been an ongoing issue since the summer when several days a week there is no water with no prior notice; for several hours a day. My child has missed school due to there being no water when it was time to get ready for school. It has been at least 2 times a week for the last 6 months, most recent Ddates being 1/14, 1/17, 1/21, 1/24, 1/28, 1/29. There was also a week last month that there was no hot water at all. There are rats on the ground floorDesired Settlement: I would like these infractions repaired- I would like heat in my bedrooms. I would like notice if the water will be off, and I would like it to not be a regular occurance
Dear Revdex.com,
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint. Although the resident has lived with our company for about 6 years, I have never had the privilege to meet her or talk with her before. After reading my resident's complaint I checked our logs and discussed the issues raised in the letter with our staff. Unfortunately, our records do not fully reflect issues that the resident has listed, and we have not had any correspondence with the resident, other than about the rent, in some time. I have discussed this letter with the resident and agree that we could have communicated more with her over the past 6 years, and hopefully will be more open with her. I am thankful that she has chosen to stay with our company for 6 years. However, we can understand that we do have a dissatisfied customer and in an effort to promote good we have agreed to a rent credit towards her monthly rent. We also will ensure that if we ever do need to turn the water off in the building for any repairs that we notify the resident before we begin, and we will not begin until after 10:00 a.m., instead of 9:00 .am. unless in case of emergency. I have also instructed our staff to pay careful consideration towards this tenant to make sure she understands that she is valued and appreciated.
Thank you,
Review: I was recently told I could no longer have an apartment that I put a security deposit down on. The landlord gave it to another tenant from the basement who had issues with their apartment. I kept trying to call this landlord so I could come in to sign my lease but they kept putting me off then I find out about this. I just received my refund from them but I want to know what legal right he had giving away my apartment before I even moved in! Also what rights do I have regarding this matter? He also stated on the phone he would give me $250 extra for my troubles but he didn't follow through with that.Desired Settlement: Since I will no longer accept just $250, I will however; accept $1,000.00 for my troubles.
No I did not sign the lease yet, just the preliminary paperwork and gave them my security deposit of $610 (money order). What I really want to know is did they have the right to give the apartment to someone else when I already put a security deposit down on it on May 14, 2014?
Dear Revdex.com,
Thank you for allowing me to respond to this complaint. Our company offers beautiful, updated apartments at lower prices that many of our competitors. This particular apartment, like most of the apartments in the building, had new hardwood floors installed last year in the great room, and new carpet installed in the bedroom. It has air conditioning, a walk in closet, and the subway line stop is only about 75 yards from the building. There is laundry and storage in the lower level of the building, and it is only a short drive to South Hills Village mall. The electric bill for these apartments is also significantly less than other buildings nearby as it uses a lower prices supplier. Pets are allowed under certain circumstances. Though I have never spoken with the applicant, I am familiar with her circumstances. I am very sorry that we were not able to resolve her complaint.
The applicant for our apartment applied for a 1 bedroom apartment in Bethel Park in the middle of May. The move in date was set for July 1, about 6 weeks later, and this apartment was the only apartment available in the building that was currently vacant. We had other apartments available July 1 in the same building, but none that were vacant in June. On or about May 29th, about a month before she was to move in and before a lease was signed, another apartment suffered from a malfunctioning french drain. We had to find immediate alternative housing arrangements for our customer, and the only alternative that was feasible was the apartment that had an application and deposit placed on it. We moved the customer's items into the apartment.
We spoke to the applicant the following day. We let her know the situation, and she was extremely upset. We offered another apartment, with the same decorations, attributes and floorplan as the apartment she lost from the apartments that were coming available on July 1 in the same building. The apartments we offered are identical to the one for which she applied. She refused and threatened to sue us. We offered her discounts on much higher priced 1 bedroom apartments in the area, and let her know we could meet her anytime to look for another apartment. She again refused. We offered a discount on the first month's rent on another apartment in the same building. She again refused. We offered options in different complexes in the area, at a discount to lower the rent to what she would have paid for the original apartment, and she continued to refuse each option. We believe we tried to accommodate her in every way. The applicant was hostile, berated and belittled our staff, and we felt that we would never be able to satisfy the applicant. We finally offered to return all deposits, application fees, and an additional $250 as a gesture of goodwill and for her inconvenience. She refused and reiterated her desire to sue us. My staff ended the conversation politely, and we mailed a check to her for any of the money paid to us.
Our office was in a difficult situation trying to satisfy two separate customers, and unfortunately we were unable to satisfy both. Though we had no legal duty to do so, we felt that by offering compensation, discounts, and substitutes to the applicant, we could satisfy her. We apologize for any inconvenience that we caused her, and wish her success in finding a new apartment.
Review: My name is [redacted] and I lived in the [redacted] apartments operated by Lobos Management for 3 years. I recently moved out at the end of may 2013. I have always been a good tenant and have never caused any problems. On the day I moved out of my apartment I had the worst experience of my life and received the worst customer service I have ever encountered. I lived on the fourth floor of an apartment building. That day I had the windows open in my living room and my front door open. A large gust of wind came through the window and blew my door shut. The plunger of the door knob broke and I was physically trapped inside of my apartment unable to open the door. My phone was in my car in the parking lot and I had no way to get help. I was trapped for about 2 hours. Finally I was able to yell out of 4th story window for help and had another resident call my girlfriend.My girlfriend immediately rushed to the apartment and tried to open the door from the outside but was not able to. The next thing she did was call the emergency phone number for my apartment complex to get help. They refused to send help or acknowledge that it was an emergency situation and were extremely rude!! The property manager [redacted] was unwilling to do anything for me so there was no choice but to call the police. The police came and tried to open the door but had no luck. The next thing I did was to take the hinge pins out off of the door to simple push the door open. This did not work either as [redacted] painted the door hinges shut. The last resort left the police to kick the door down to get me out. The door was damaged by the police kicking it open and now Lobos is charging me $600 to replace the door. I am refusing to pay this amount because the property management refused to act in an emergency situation and because they painted the door hinges shut I was unable to simply push the door of its hinges.Desired Settlement: I will not pay the $600 to replace the cost of the door. They kept my security deposit for this amount and are telling me that I need to pay an additional $156. I want lobos to refund me my security deposit for the amount of the door that they were going to kepp.
Dear Revdex.com,
If you know what is good for you, really don't live in one of these buildings. The price is decent but that is the ONLY good thing. There is a bug/roach problem in my building. An exterminator was sent out, after 2 weeks of me calling them every day for one, AND the bugs are back. Washing machines not only cost money, but are constantly broken. If you need something fixed, forget it. My heat was off for multiple days/almost 2 weeks in February, when the temp dropped down to -18!!! Good thing there wasn't a baby living here. They won't be able to get anyone until "the next day" if you aren't downtown because apparently downtown is sooooo far away. They just never will admit when they are wrong. I can't even break my lease to get away from them because they charge 3 months rent. Just do yourself a favor and stay far away.
Dear Revdex.com,
I am writing to you regarding the complaint for [redacted]. Our attorney has negotiated a settlement of all of the issues with Ms. [redacted]'s attorney. The settlement agreement states that I cannot discuss the terms of the settlement, or anything about the apartment or my relationship with Ms. [redacted].
Thank you,
Review: My power has been cut off by lobos management on 9/19/13 and they refuse to fix/turn it back on. The power company has been contacted and no problem on their end has been found. Lobos accessed my checking account without my approval through pay lease a website which I used to use to pay my rent. This account has been closed for some time but they used it to take $1352. My repeated calls for service have been ignored for months. Previous to power being cut off, Ceiling leaks, kitchen sink/disposal not operating, kitchen light out, one burner on stove not working, cracked shower, slow leak under the carpet with has resulted in mold and carpet damage. This company are out and out criminals.Desired Settlement: $1352 plus over draft fees $111
Dear Revdex.com,
I recently applied for residency in one ofrom their properties and was told that I was not approved. Part of the process was a credit check and when I reviewed my credit report it showed no credit inquiries for them on it. During the application process I gave the gentleman my license and he blacked outhe my picture which I thought was strange. I truly believe I was denied because I was black!! I was never told that I would need a Co signer or anything else just that I was denied period! I would like to think that the leasing agent had nothing to do with it seeing as how nice he had been BUR who knows! It was nothing but God's grace I didn't get the place because the reviews I read afterwards are horrible!
Review: I am lodging a complaint about the lack of maintance compliance. The apartment [redacted] owned by Lobos Mangement. On 9/1/2013 I rented an apartment,the apartment [redacted] was not the apartment shown. On inspection of the apartment I immediately notified in person the problems which needed immediate attention. 1)The place was dirty,my feet stuck to the floors,the fans had greasey dirt on the blades globes that it took many washing to get them clean. 2)The door into the apartment had been busted into and pieces screwed back on the door. 3) Only one faucet in the bathroom sink works. 4)The toilet had black slim growing in the tank and bowl. 5) When the shower is turned on rusty water comes out. 6)There is a huge hump in the middle of the living room floor under the flooring. 7) The patio door lock is broken 8)The window in the bedroom is broken, and looks like the outside or inside has ever been cleaned As of today nothing has been done to address these issues. I have sent certified letters to the management to no avail. This apartment was rented for my son by me. Thank you for your attention in this matter.Desired Settlement: see Attached document
Dear Revdex.com,
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint. Ms. [redacted] rented an apartment for her son in September, and we have been speaking primarily with her regarding the apartment. According to Ms. [redacted] and our staff, Ms. [redacted] lives in another building in a nearby town.
On December 22, Ms. [redacted] wrote a letter to our office and stated that she would have to break her lease for her son's apartment due to health issues. Ms. [redacted] indicated that she would be moving from our apartment on February 28, 2014, and implied that we can begin showing the apartment to prospective tenants with notice.
On January 7, Ms. [redacted] wrote a letter to our office regarding her apartment. When we contacted her that day regarding the letter, she asked if she could break her lease. She explained to us that her son had lost his job and that she could not afford to pay rent in her apartment and his. We offered to have her pay a buyout of the lease. She also stated that she may try to sublet the apartment. We had not heard back from her regarding the matter since.
Since that conversation, we received this complaint from the Revdex.com. On Saturday, our office visited the apartment and spoke with Ms. [redacted]'s son to see if everything in the apartment was ok. We photographed the issues he stated that needed repair. He showed us that his faucet knob had broken off his bathroom vanity and his floor had a humping area where the new hardwood had slightly bowed and the glue had possibly been defective. On Sunday our office replaced the faucet and the hardwood installer that warrantied the floor replaced the section that had bowed on Monday and Tuesday. Ms.[redacted] son said that there was nothing else for our office to do, though his window did have a failed seal but he didn't seem to feel that we had to replace it and he said that his bathroom fan could be noisy at times. Regardless, we intend to replace the fan and the window glass.
Earlier today I called Ms. [redacted] and confirmed that the work was complete. She seemed very nice. I apologized for any delayed response, and let her know to please contact me directly if she needs anything at all. I am available for her at all times.
Review: I live in [redacted] managed by Lobos Mgmt. Recently my apartment door lock malfunctioned when I arrived home from work around 7:00 p.m. After I called apartment management, they told me that it is not their responsibility and asked me to find my own locksmith to fix it. Even though I had the key I ended up paying $348 from my own pocket to replace the broken lock. According to my lease documents they are supposed to fix that lock, due to reasonable wear and tear and if I have not lost the key.
When I called the apartment office, I was told the manager was on vacation and would sort out things after she returned. After coming back from her vacation, any reimbursement was outright denied, and I was hung up on while trying to explain the situation. When I called again, I was told the manager would no longer take calls regarding my problem. When I told them that I wanted a full reimbursement and would go to local news outlets ([redacted] and report them to Revdex.com, I was told to lodge the complaint because “ Lobos Mgmt. has strong team of lawyers.” I received a call later in which they offered me $100 credit as long as I did not report this to anyone. Eventually, the owner offered to partially compensate me ($250) because I had referred three other tenants to this complex, however, I had to sign a document which stipulated that they partial compensation would only be paid if I did not report this issue.
I had requested they sign the document first as an act of good faith, but they refused. (The main manager, [redacted], asked, "Do you want your money?") I then agreed to meet the building manager [redacted]he next morning to sign the document together, but was told she would be in a meeting until the afternoon. I had to be at work, so I left without signing.
I have had other issues with them in the past, but I ignored them as I didn’t want any hassles. There is a chronic problem of roof leakage which they never managed to fix. Last year they said that they can’t do any maintenance work in my apartment because they lost the spare key, which I protested as a security risk. They then changed that lock improperly and in my absence without informing me. (This would be the same lock which didn't open with the key they had provided and that they asked me to have fixed at my own expense.)
I believe they are trying to avoid paying me as my lease is up at the end of the month, and I will be leaving the city.Desired Settlement: I would like a full refund for the amount I was billed ($348) to replace the lock.
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Review: Thursday Night 08 May 2014 Turned the Air Conditioning on and after a few minutes kicked the main breaker off, upon resetting the breaker a few minutes later power went off again. Turned off the Air Conditioning and called the answering service to inform them of the problem and to have someone come out to look at it. The next morning Friday 09 May 2014 I called to see if the office had received the message from the answering service, I was told someone would be out either later in the day or the next day on Saturday 10 May 2014. Sunday had come and gone and no one had come to fix the air conditioner so I called on Monday 12 May 2014 and I was told by the office manager [redacted] who I had spoke with each time after the initial call to the answering service. "[redacted], tried to call me." I told him that [redacted] was lying to him because I recieved no message or missed calls on my cell phone or land line. He proceaded to tell me how they had worked together for five years and she wouldn't do that. I was very upset with him at this point and after continous interuption throughout discussion and getting even more upset I asked him when someone would be out to fix the air conditioning and he said someone would be out to Look at it on Wednesday 14 May - Friday 16 May 2014, a week after they were notified. I asked him several times who the name of the contractor but he wouldn't tell me anything other then [redacted] and they sent him a 1099. Perhaps this [redacted] needs to be audited. In our last conversation I asked him about getting someone out to at least put in a screen door on sliding door, he said he would get someone out to get that done and at this moment that is not done, NOTHING HAS. I'm wondering if these are slum lords at the moment because the only contact we do have nothing is being done and peoples health doesn't seem to matter to them as long as they get a check. It feels like a sauna in here and I had to take my 9 year old to the clinic today because he got sick from the heat.Desired Settlement: Dissaplinary action against the Property Manager for not getting a serious matter resolved in a timely manner inwhich medical attention would not have been needed for my child, and for the sake of everything holy if anything more severe happens to either of my kids before this is resolved I will be going after more then dissapinary action against the property manager. Thank you for your attention.
Thank you for allowing me to respond to this complaint. As I explained to Mr. [redacted] last month, I am deeply sorry for the manner in which we handled his complaint. Mr. [redacted] lives in an apartment with central air. On Friday, May 9, we were told by our answering service that he called to report that the air conditioner was not working. Each time that he used the air conditioner, the power in the apartment would turn off within some time. Due to the number of calls our licensed repairman had from us and his other customers, our repairman was not able to schedule the repair that weekend, and he let us know that he would repair the air conditioner between Wednesday and Friday, of the following week. On Saturday, our office phoned Mr. [redacted] to let him know of the appointment and that we would meet the repairman to let him in. I verified that our office called him on May 10th at 11:33 a.m. through our VOIP phone system. Unfortunately, our office contacted Mr. [redacted] on his cell phone that he had since stopped using. On Monday, Mr. [redacted] called and was very upset that no one had contacted him about his air conditioner. Our manager explained that our office did leave him a message, though unknowingly with an old phone number, and relayed the information given to us by the repairman. Mr. [redacted] and the manager debated whether we had contacted him earlier. The conversation became very heated and escalated into an argument. Due to the nature of the conversation, our manager did tell Mr. [redacted] to not call again by phone. The repairman arrived later in the week and the air conditioner was repaired in the time frame we initially conveyed to Mr. [redacted].
Since the air conditioner repair, I have spoken with Mr. [redacted] concerning the apartment and have found him very reasonable. I apologized and let him know that I am available to him at any time. I contacted him again on May 19, and my office called again on May 22 and 29th, to make sure that every thing was ok.
I agree that our office should never have allowed the conversation to escalate into an argument. Since the incident we have taken action to ensure that this type of miscommunication does not happen again.
Again, I am deeply sorry for what occurred with Mr. [redacted]'s air conditioning, and apologize to he and his family for what he went through.
Review: My name is [redacted] and I have been a resident at [redacted] (Premises) since November 2013. My lease runs from November 1, 2013 through November 30, 2014 ("Lease"). Starting in June, 2013, I started contacting Lobos Management ("Lobos") to discuss a one (1) year renewal of the Lease. I also contacted Lobos relating to repairs that needed to be done in my building / apt. As soon as I started requesting repairs, I never heard back from Lobos regarding whether they would renew my lease until my sister, [redacted] (who is an attorney), sent a letter dated 11/6/14 to Lobos asking them to forward a copy of the renewal lease . Instead of making the required repairs that I requested (pothole repairs (the potholes have damaged my car, A/C REPAIRS -- when anyone on my floor turns on the A/c, my entire apt. vibrates and makes it impossible to sleep, Screens not being securely attached to the windows and bugs were starting to infest my apt.), [redacted] at Lobos sent me an email on 6/13/14 stating, "I cannot help you further. I would like to discuss ending your lease early." It is my belief that Lobos is unwilling to renew my lease because I have asked for necessary repairs. I made it clear in my response to [redacted] in June that I was not in a position to vacate, however, I would like the repairs to be completed. Over the next couple of months, I contacted Lobos several times to tell them I would like to renew my lease. (the provision in my lease states that I must let them know 90 days in advance of the lease termination, which I did). I never heard anything from Lobos and I never received a renewal lease. I pay my rent on a timely basis every month and other tenants in my bldg. have received renewal leases. I believe I am being discriminated against because I requested that repairs be completed.Desired Settlement: I would like to renew my lease on a month-to-month basis at the current rental amount and I would like all repairs made to my bldg. and apartment. I will give sixty (60) days notice if and when I intend to vacate the Premises.
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to this complaint. Although I am not the manager of Ms. [redacted] apartment, I am somewhat familiar with it. I remember that about a year before she moved in we replaced the kitchen cabinets with maple cabinets, and new carpet. The apartment has central air conditioning which she controls. She lives on the top floor of the building, and the air conditioners for her apartment, and the apartments below are directly above her apartment. Over the summer she complained that the vibration noise from the air conditioners on the roof above her kept her awake at night. Our repairman visited the location a few times, and could not completely isolate the vibrations from the air conditioners. My staff alerted me to the severity of the problem. As I understood that this would not be a situation we could resolve to her satisfaction, I contacted her to discuss ending her lease early. As the situation would only continue, I thought this would be a reasonable resolution. She stated that she could not move at the time. We have performed many minor repairs over the past 6 months within her apartment, and all were reported to be completed by wither our repairman or by Ms. [redacted]. I apologize if some items were not completed. I will look into her screens tomorrow and make sure that they fit snuggly. I also verified that the parking lot, though scheduled for repair this year, will be repaired within the next two weeks.We did not anticipate that Ms. [redacted] would want to renew her lease, and it terminates at the end of this month. I did read a certified letter from her sister, an attorney, solely representing Ms. [redacted] and have heard discussions regarding renewing our lease with her. Thank you again for this opportunity. Should Ms. [redacted] wish to discuss this further, she can contact me directly or her attorney can contact us.Sincerely, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I contacted Lobos several times in the past couple of months to state that I would, indeed, like to renew my lease. Other tenants in the building received their renewal leases at least two months before their leases expired. In late Oct. (after I had already been calling for months about where my renewal was, the woman who answered the phone said, "It looks like the renewal was sent to you in October. The person who you need to speak with is not here today, though. I will have her call you." I never received a phone call, though. At that point, my my attorney sent a letter to Lobos indicating that I would like to renew my lease and to please forward the renewal to her attention. At that point, she received a phone call from [redacted]. My attorney inquired of Mr. [redacted] as to whether my apt. was rented for December 2014, to which he said No. Mr. [redacted] and my attorney were in the midst of settlement discussions, when [redacted] abrubtly called on 11/11 and left her a voicemail saying "there was a personality conflict with me" and that my lease expired at the end of November. The real issue here seems to be the fact that that Lobos does not WANT me to stay. I feel I am being discriminated against because I have asked for repairs that affect the quality of life in my apt. I would like to sign a 6 month lease at the same current rental rate. Since I was not informed until 11/11/14 that my lease was going to expire on 11/30/14, I am not in a position to move right now. I also do not believe there should be a rental increase because I pay for a storage unit as part of the lease, but it is not in working condition. Generally, I enjoy living at Lobos and it is very convenient to my place of work. I look forward to resolving this amicably.Regards,Pam Slaby
Pamela Slaby
I am sorry that I cannot approve Ms. [redacted]'s request. Our discussion concerning the end of her lease took place months ago, and I apologize if there was any confusion. I wish her the best in the future, and am willing to provide her with any appropriate landlord references.Sincerely, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Lobos Management is refusing to renew my lease because I ama woman and the fact that I "complain too much." That isLandlord Retaliation which is against the law and I have rights as a tenant. Ihave spoken to multiple male tenants in the building who all have received alease renewal at least 2 months prior to their current leases ending. I never received any paper work stating thatmy lease would be up on Nov 30, 2014. In addition, Lobos’s Attorney, [redacted], stated to my attorney that: “Lobos does not want me living herebecause I have an attorney as a sister and that there is a ‘personalityconflict’ between Lobos and me. Again, thisis discrimination which is illegal.I pay my rent every month on time and take care of my apartment. I haveattached an email correspondence with [redacted] from Lobos stating that there wasnothing more he could do to fix my air conditioner. He offered to break my lease and I respondedstaying that I was not in a position to move at the time. . I am requesting to go on a month to month lease at the same rental price while I look for a newplace to live. Additionally, when I do move, I wouldlike a positive landlord reference by as I pay my rent ever month on timeand maintain my apartment.Thank you,Regards,[redacted]
I have NO idea how this company has an A+ rating.....I would give them an F-
My daughter setup an appointment to see the property that was listed in their ad on aptfinder.com
The property was not even close to matching the photos that were shown.
We traveled an hour to look at a run down apt and the realtor had a "oh well" attitude.....very disappointing encounter!
Review: Completed a housing application with Lobos, and paid application fee. Staff member had me pay 699 security deposit at time of application. Was never informed that application was denied, until I had called within days of agreed move in date. Advised that it would take 7-10 business days for deposit to refund to my account. Being that I had to search for a new place, I needed the money for deposit on an apartment that has been processed under correct procedure. Being that I wasn't informed of the denial, it caused me to be unable to pay a deposit on a new place. If I had to pay an application fee, I shouldn't have had to pay the security deposit if there was no guarantee of an approval, and the deposit still has yet to return to my account. Staff is unwilling to resolve for immediate refund, only apologizes.Desired Settlement: 699 immediately deposited into my account, whatever the source has to be.
Dear [redacted],