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ADVERTISEMENT I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I am not happy with that b/c I dont recall that question re: foreclosure being posed to me, feel they could be making this up just to suit themselves, I would not lie about the answerIt could have been worded differently as wellThe $should be refunded due to emotional stress suffered thinking I am getting the loan all those weeks, when they all of a sudden blasted me with this news & really did it with a under lying nasty attitude whatever that mans name was that called meLet's face it, theyre all a bunch of jerks in this business! Regards, [redacted]
Please see the attached Letter of Explanation and supporting documentation regarding this complaint.Thank YouSan Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] [redacted] Complaint Date: 4/21/ Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the I called loan Depot to get my mortgage payment drop throught a government program,they told me it will take weeks to process,and get ever thing approve, I started with a banker mr [redacted] [redacted] ,once mr [redacted] told me and my wife that we were approve,for the mortgage,they ordered an appraisal on the home,but it came back a little under the the amount needed to do the loan,after I had payed for the loan,another person call me from loan depot to tell me that,the appraisal came in under the amount it needed to come in but he said,that they can still do the loan but we want get our bills payed or cash out,and I told him ok,then he call me back to tell me they can,t do it on the loan that was on in the beginningbut we can do it on a streamline program from the government,then I get another call from other,person asking for more information,that we had already sent in I told he why he needed that because,I had alreay sent those documents I,then I get another week came,and I got another call from some one that work,their,to tell me they can,t do the loan because my wife income,was not enough,remember by this time it has already being almostmos.each time some one call me they,telling me something different.keep in mine I had spent &for an appraisal,that I am out fo because they don,t handle my case like it was suppose to be handled in a timely professional manner.they do not give clients good customers services Borrower’s Desired Settlement: I would like the money I had to spend to get this loan.$appraisal fee.that they had an appraisal to come out before they had all the paper work in order loanDepot’s Borrower Complaint Summary: Borrower claims that he was told the process would take weeks to process and get everything approvedBorrower states that the appraised value came back lower than expected with the value a little under the amount needed to do the loanBorrower states that loanDepot would still be able to do a streamline loan Borrower claims that loanDepot cannot do the loan because his wife’s income was not enough Borrower is requesting the $appraisal fee loanDepot Findings and Response: The borrower’s application was taken on 3/20/At this time, Mr [redacted] ’s loan inquiry was conditionally pre-qualified based on the information that was received at the time of applicationA pre-qualification is not a commitment to lend and is subject to change based upon receipt of information that may alter itThe final commitment would require satisfaction of all underwriting conditionsloanDepot apologizes for any miscommunication that has occurred in relation to this When loanDepot took this borrower’s application, a program was identified and his loan was locked on 3/23/into an FHA Fixed Year loanAt the time of application, it was agreed between the borrower and his SrMortgage Banker that the appraised value of his property was $125,with a loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of 85%As a consumer, Mr [redacted] would have the best understanding of what his home is worth before and appraisal is completedWith this estimated value of his property, loanDepot would be able to do the initial loan that was discussed between him and his SrMortgage BankerHowever, when loanDepot received the appraisal report on 3/30/2015, which was completed by an impartial local/certified appraiser that loanDepot has no control over with the appraisal process, the value of the borrower’s home came back at $103, In attempt to still help the borrower financially, loanDepot offered the borrower an FHA streamline loan with taking into account the $103,appraised value in which the borrower ultimately agreed toWhen loanDepot first took the application, it was just under Moneika [redacted] ’s nameBut because loanDepot was attempting to go the streamline route, we needed to include Steven [redacted] on the loan In process, it was discovered that Mr [redacted] ’s qualifying FICO score was below the minimum FICO score to do the FHA streamline processloanDepot had to remove Mr [redacted] from the loan, and therefore, loanDepot could not go the streamline routeFurthermore, based on the information and documents received in process, Mrs [redacted] did not qualify for a loan with just her sole income Ultimately, the borrower’s loan application was declined due their debt-to-income ratio (DTI) being too high for loanDepot to lend upon The borrower was charged $for the purpose of an appraisal deposit collected by credit cardPrior to collecting this fee, loanDepot evaluates the customer’s needs and determines if they have a loan product that will help the customerThe company conducts an extensive screening process on the phone with the customer to collect data and find the proper program that will fit the customer’s needsloanDepot then emails the customer information about moving forward with the loan The borrower executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement on 3/21/where it was acknowledged: “The Appraisal Deposit of $is non-refundable if an appraisal has been completed on the subject property If your application is declined, even if the appraised value is not what you expected, and an appraisal has been completed, you will not receive a refund of this appraisal deposit.” Based off of this and the Appraisal Deposit Agreement that was executed, the refund of $is not warrantedAttached is the full Appraisal Report as well as the Appraisal Deposit Agreement In conclusion, loanDepot sincerely apologizes that the borrower’s experience with loanDepot was anything less than satisfactoryThe borrower’s loan never received a final approval from loanDepot’s Underwriting departmentThe appraised value came back lower than expected, and in attempts to help the borrower, we offered them an FHA streamline loan programHowever, it was discovered that Mr [redacted] ’s qualifying FICO score was below loanDepot’s minimum, this disqualified this optionFurthermore, in process, it was also exposed that Mrs [redacted] did not qualify for a loan with just her incomeBecause of this, loanDepot had to respectfully decline the loan due to the DTI being too high for loanDepot to lend uponIn regards to a refund of the $395, this is not warranted as the appraisal was completed and the Appraisal Deposit Agreement was executedloanDepot did not profit in any way on this transaction as we were subject to additional costs such as credit reports, underwriting fees, etc Should Mror Mrs [redacted] have additional questions or concerns, they may contact the Customer Care Department at [redacted] ext***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PST I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below The fact that [redacted] couldn't reach me, is irrelevant to the whole scenario YES, I accidently blocked him Therefore, he was not able to relate to me that he never should have told me this was a "done deal" and we were qualified Again, I told [redacted] we would be running up our credit cards for Christmas, knowing they would be paid with this cash out loan, that apparently, never should have been approved in the first place When we went to PLAN B for the second mortgage, we were rejected for the "lack of month mortgage rating" We had already established over and a half years on the exisiting mortgage, and prior to us moving into this house, [redacted] lived with his monther-in-law for years He paid rent to her for years, but the last months in the house, she let him skip his rent to save for this house we moved into We offered Loan Depot a letter from that landlord explaining this, but were denied SO, what does Loan Depot do when someone comes to them for a first time mortgage, just moving out of their parents house? Or with someone that just went through a divorce and lived with a family member so hase no rental history, but totally qualifies for the loan? They deny them for a month rental payment payment gap? Are you serious? I don't even think that this is even one of their requirements, and here is why....we received the decline letter, and the reason for decline was marked off at the bottom (MANUALLY TYPED IN) On this denial letter, there are COMMON REASONS for a loan rejection, OUR REASON is because they made it up Clearly It was typed in I've attached that letter they sent Someone else messed up through this process They needed to find a reason to give us, not being the true reason SO, after ALL of this, someone from customer service calls us to try and see what she can do to rectify this Her reason for calling is "because there was a complaint made from us on the She acted as if she wanted to help us, but then rejected again WHY??? Because we didn't have months "reserves" in the bank, and a FICO score under WHY does he have a FICO score of under 720? Because the Loan Depot ran his credit a total of TIMES, with only a ONE TIME permission given WHY don't we have months reserves in the bank??? Because we had to tap into it to PAY ALL THE CREDIT CARD BILLS THAT CAME IN after we were told the original loan would pay them off This company is unbelievable, and I have already looked into some legal actions I can take DO NOT go to Loan Depot for your needs They will financially screw you over, as they did us! Regards, [redacted]
loanDepot Findings and Response loanDepot regrets if Mr [redacted] ’ experience with loanDepot was anything less than satisfactoryAs with every client, we encourage borrowers to lock their loan as soon as possible, as rates are controlled by the financial markets, and not loanDepot Mr [redacted] ’ loan lock, was no exception to this policy Mr [redacted] chose to wait to lock his loan on May 17, 2016, and not on the date of the initial call of May 16, An appraisal was ordered and completed on June 3, 2016, and the loan was sent for underwriting on June 14, As the market was saturated due to extremely low rates, our underwriting turn times were extended during the processing of Mr [redacted] ’ loanWe apologize for any delays Mr [redacted] experienced The loan was approved with conditions on July 11, In order to obtain final approval for Mr [redacted] ’ loan, a DAIR report was needed to meet FEMA requirements As such, a second inspection was scheduled at the earliest possible date During this time, Mr [redacted] was sent a new rate lock agreement Regrettably, Mr [redacted] opted to cancel his loan at that time In regards to the refund of Mr [redacted] ’ appraisal fee, please note Mr [redacted] signed and dated the Appraisal Deposit Agreement on (month, date, year)The agreement states that the appraisal deposit is non-refundable once services are rendered This fee is paid to the independent appraisal company and not loanDepot loanDepot apologizes for Mr [redacted] ’ experience and regret that we were unable to assist him with his financial needsIf he has any further questions or concerns, he may contact loanDepot’s Customer Care Department at [redacted] ext***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PSTTell us why here
loanDepot orders appraisals from an Appraisal Management Company, an approved 3rd party vendorThe Appraisal Management Company assigns the order to a licensed appraiser that is knowledgeable within the market area to ensure that the assessment is completely unbiasedAt no such time can a representative of loanDepot be in communication with an appraiserIn the event that the customer expresses concern regarding the appraisal report, an appeal process may be initiated by completing a Value Appeal Form The appraisal inspection for the property took place on June 10, 2016; the appraisal report was received on June 14, with a value of $400,The borrower reached out via email on June 14, 2016, stating that there were inaccuracies within the appraisal regarding the room and bathroom count as well as the square footageThe licensed loan agent responded to the borrower, informed that in order to dispute the inaccuracies, a Value Appeal Form was required to be submittedAfter discussing the appeal process with the borrower it was determined, as the appraisal value had no bearing to the loan terms, the Value Appeal was not necessary It was discovered during the Underwriting process, the appraiser compared the property, which was built years ago, to properties that were new constructionTherefore, the Underwriter conditioned for a Desk Review, requesting at minimum, one comparable that is within the age as the propertyThe Desk Review was ordered on June 25, Unfortunately the Appraisal Management Company was unable to locate an appraiser to complete the Desk Review in a timely mannerThe Desk Review was received and a copy provided to the borrower on July 18, The opinion value on the review is $330,000, with a recommendation for loanDepot to consider ordering another appraisal The borrower informed via email on July 18, that the appraisal still had inaccuracies and request to cancel the loanThe additional room count and square footage the borrower is referring to is in the basementAccording to Fannie Mae guidelines basements are not included in the room count and square footage regardless if it is fully furnished as it is below-gradeOnly finished above-grade areas can be used in the room count and square footage The borrower executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement on May 24, 2016, where the borrower acknowledges the following: REFUNDABILITY: The Appraisal Deposit is refundable in certain circumstances If no Appraisal Services have been completed on your property and you subsequently withdraw your application or your application is declined, your Appraisal Deposit will be refunded in full If Appraisal Services have been completed on your property and you subsequently withdraw your application or your application is declined you will be refunded the difference between the Appraisal Deposit and the amount of the value of the Appraisal Services performedIf your application is declined, even if the appraised value is not what you expected, you will only be refunded the difference between the Appraisal Deposit and the amount of the value of the Appraisal Services performed loanDepot did not profit from this loan application as we incurred expenses and losses on the borrower’s behalf that exceeded the $amountWe ordered an appraisal reports, title reports, and were subject to additional costs on other services renderedHowever, loanDepot will issue a refund in the amount of $as a gesture of good faith As per the borrower request, the loan has been cancelledCustomer Care attempted to reach out to the borrower to discuss the complaint but was not successful I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Although I accepted the business response to resolve this matterI have not received the refundPlease let me know what the next step shouldI appreciate your assistance Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below The fact that Loan Depot continues to lie and say that I didn't specifically ask if we would get a refund if the loan didn't go through and that [redacted] didn't say, yes you will get it refunded is rediculousThey want me to pay to get a subpoena, if you read other reviews and complaints on I am not the first person with this same issue and I won't be the last ] Regards, [redacted] ***
San Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] Complaint Date: January 8, loanDot File: [redacted] Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the I applied for a cash out refi and everything started good, no issues and really responsivegot the appraisal done came back no issuesI even got a final closing disclosure, things were movingthis is when the story goes down hill; this company would ask for redundant information that was already submitted several timesi was told one week that we are setting up for close and the next week they would need some new paperwork that was already submitted or isn't available in my countyany request I would send info over immediatelythey said that the UW needed a rebuild letter due to the new zoning where the property was locatedOk, the only thing is my county doesn't provide that, because its already built into the zoning lawsThey are not responsive at all, I would try every avenue of communication to get an update, just to make sure that I wasn't missing anything and if they need any more info from me (see above something new every week, if they even return calls)the final straw was them asking if I lived in the homeI said yes, at the same address on the applicationI told them I would be doing some renovations before the appraisal and would temporally be staying someplace else until it was complete; they said of course no problemwhy would it, I have a small child and with a home getting renovated do you think that's a good environment? so they canceled my loan stating that they couldn't prove if I was living in the home or notthey came to that conclusion based upon the pictures taken at appraisal, the same pictures that were taken when we just got finished doing the work in the home and the new carpet was leftwhy would I move my things back in and than put the new carpet down, makes no sensefurthermore, on the loan application it says that the property must be occupied within 60days of closing, which it was plus we never had a firm closing datethis company will pull a bait/switch rate , not return any communication, and liethey are unethical Borrower’s Desired Resolution: None LoanDepot Response: loanDepot originated a loan for Mr [redacted] on October 11, Prior to moving forward, loanDepot evaluates the customer’s needs and determines a loan product that benefits the customer loanDepot conducts an extensive screening process on the phone with the customer to collect data and find a loan program that will fit the customer’s needs At the time of origination, the customer qualified for an FHA cash out, with a rate of 4.25% The property was an inheritance and not encumber by a lien, therefore pricing was dependent on the property appraising at $100,or higher The appraisal report was received on December 3, 2016, valued at $140,000, listed as vacant, subject to repairs, in order to be FHA compliant The file was submitted to our Underwriting department on November 3, During this time, there can be a need for additional documentation and/or verification that can affect the outcome of the approval We are unable to predict circumstances that can negatively impact the loan approval The customer was conditioned to show proof of occupancy by providing a utility statement or an equivalent document Unfortunately, the customer was unable to provide the necessary documentation, and photos provided by the Appraiser confirmed the occupancy type As such, the loan was denied At loanDepot, we take pride in ensuring our customer’s satisfaction It is very important to us that we meet our own expectations of excellent customer service and apologize if you received anything less In respect to your accusation that employees did not provide you with the substantial customer service, loanDepot will be completing a thorough investigation for each individual named If any deficiencies are found we will address those internally loanDepot apologizes for Mr***s experience and regret that we were unable to assist him with his financial needsIf he has any further questions or concerns, he may contact loanDepot’s Customer Care Department at [redacted] ext***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PST I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below...They have contacted us twice since I submitted this complaint I am not sure if it was just timing but a lawyer will be contacted if it continues To clarifyMy husband did give them approval to run credit the first time The second time he only asked for current rates but they would not give without running credit so he said he was not interestedAt no time was he told documents would be sent (no signature required) with all his personal information As stated before, this practice is completely unacceptable They should make it clear that this information is being sent and signature should be requiredWe have refinanced before and other companies did require signature for deliveryI can't believe a financial business would be so careless Regards, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below After all of this they still can't get my name right, it's [redacted] not ***Let me start by saying I was calling to get a better interest rate on my home loan, which was what the original mail offer showedI am not in a desperate financial situation I can make my house paymentsIn there response it stated that the offer was "specifically for the variable loan products offered at loan depot", I reread the notice that was received by postal mail which was attached to this complaint on 8/31, and it does not state this anywhereI still believe they are practicing advertisement to get consumers to call in and then offer them high interest loansIf this is not the case then perhaps there is a way they can prove this isn't advertisement by showing the where at least one of these loan offers actually generated a loan at the advertised rateOtherwise I think when people look up loan depot on the website (which the banker that I spoke with told me to do because they have such a good rating) It should show that they make claims so that consumers know what they are getting into prior to making arrangements with the loandepot Regards, [redacted] ***
loanDepot is committed to helping its customers realize their financial goalsWe do our best to exhaust all options available, in finding a loan program for our customersWe are very proud of the products we have to offer our customersWe consider our Licensed Loan Officers to be experts in their field.We have made a careful review of our records, and we were unable to locate any exchanges or guarantees that an appraisal deposit would be refunded to the customer, in the event that the loan did not closeWe cannot make any assertions that the loan will go throughWe are subject to many factors that may change the circumstances of the loanWe often must wait for the results of the appraisal evaluation, or the property title search we requested.The property title search results showed an unresolved lien that was previously undisclosedWe informed the customer and advise them of what choices were availableThe investors of the loan required the lien to be satisfiedHowever, the customer chose not to pay the lien; therefore, loanDepot was unable to proceed with the loan.Appraisal services were rendered, and the entirety of the deposit was used to pay the appraisal management companyThe customer executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement, with the acknowledgement that they understand the condition in which the fee was refundableWe respectfully decline the customer’s request for a refund of the appraisal deposit.We trust the foregoing information has addressed the customer’s concernsWe are grateful for an opportunity to respond to this complaintIf additional information is needed, please contact our Customer Care Team by phone at (888) 337-6888, Ext***, Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific Time
We are prepared to always conform to the financial objectives our customers have in mindWe follow the USPAP guidelines in our loan processesAccording to the guidelines, it is unacceptable to transfer, or readdress, a conventional appraisal report to another partyAn appraiser is hired by an unaffiliated appraisal management company to provide a professional opinion of value for a particular loan programIt is not a report that can be used for various purposes.A review of call recordings was completedIt was confirmed that the Licensed Loan Officer did inform the borrower about their options if the appraisal came in at a lower valueIt was also discussed that this could affect the terms of the loan; which would lower the cash outMoreover, the borrower initially provided the estimated amount of one hundred thousand dollars, and told the licensed lending officer that he verified this on a property evaluation websiteThe loan officer confirmed the customer’s estimated amount by searching comparable property sales referenced on [redacted] .We have received the customer’s complaint filed with the CFPB, and we will respond accordingly
San Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] Complaint Date: 3/26/2016Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the Escrow account has an error that was created by the lender and has not been correctedI have contacted the company numerous times by phone, and by mailThis has caused my mortgage payment to go up by $350/monthThe tax and escrow department does not take incoming callsAll correspondence is done through customer service reps that cannot make corrections to the account2/26/Loan Depot tax and escrow departments, On 4/7/you wired $to [redacted] Township for our city taxesOn 4/8/you wired another $to [redacted] Township for our city taxesThe township recognized the error and mailed us a refund check of $My wife assumed that the money was due from an escrow surplus or over payment due to our recent, (at that time) switch from [redacted] to Loan Depot, and cashed the checkThis caused your dept to review our escrow account, and rebudget the loan for the previous and pending shortfall in the accountI have included checksOne for $for our mortgage, and escrow account, and one for $for the escrow shortfall that you createdThose checks should straighten out the accountWe are also shopping for another home owners insurance policy, and expect to save some money there as wellOn 2/23/the [redacted] Tax office faxed over a copy of the property taxes for this year, which state no change in fees for this yearMy wife and I have spent well over hours on the phone trying to correct this issueWe opened a work order with [redacted] *, (at ext ***) on 2/26/I was informed that it will not be reviewed or corrected until 3/25/by the tax deptI’m sure that you can understand our frustration as we spend hours and hours to sort out our $350/month increase in the mortgage payment, and work our way through rude people at your company, before getting to [redacted] *, who helped us find the errorFor these reasons, I am requesting that we be released from the escrow requirements of our mortgage.Borrower’s Desired Resolution:I want my escrow account corrected and my mortgage payment adjustedloanDepot Findings and Response:loanDepot sincerely apologizes that Mr [redacted] ’s experience with loanDepot regarding the servicing of his loan has been anything less than satisfactory and the inconvenience this has caused himAt loanDepot, we take pride in ensuring our customer’s satisfaction, and it is very important to us that we meet our own expectations of excellent customer service Mr [redacted] ’s concerns were escalated to our management team and will be utilized as a training opportunity with our staffFurthermore, his escrow account has been corrected and his mortgage payment has been adjusted loanDepot worked directly with Mr [redacted] to resolve this issue as well as to help achieve his desired resolution specified above
Hello,Please see attached response for complaint ID [redacted] .Thanks,San Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] ***Complaint Date: 8/28/15Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the Business response does not explain why they sent out the offer to begin withOffering lower payments ona $116,loan, and stating during our conversation that it was for a shorter amount of time, is not possibleIbelieve it is a ploy to get people call in for the offer of low interest loans, that don't actually exist, and when theapplicant is not "qualified" they then offer high interest loans to people that are actually desperate for help andwould accept it because they are desperate.Borrower’s Desired Resolution:loanDepot’s Borrower Complaint Summary:Borrower claims that she received a notice for a refinance with advertisementBorrower claims she received an email with outrageous rates loanDepot Findings and Response:After a review of Ms***’s loan application, the borrower was contacted regarding an FHABenefits Eligibility Notice preapproval The notice Ms [redacted] received specified that she wasprequalified for a 3/ARM FHA Streamline refinance at a rate of percentMs [redacted] contactedloanDepot on July 13, regarding said noticeDuring her conversation with loanDepot Ms***was informed by her assigned Licensed Senior Mortgage Banker that the interest rate within thenotice received was regarding an ARM loan productThe Senior Mortgage Banker further explainedthat the lower rates were specifically for the variable loan products offered at loanDepotAfterreviewing Ms***’s credit bureau information and discussing the possible options and loanproducts available Ms [redacted] and the Senior Mortgage Banker agreed that an FHA loan productwould not be beneficialAt that time, the Senior Mortgage banker recommended looking intooptions available for a Conventional loan product, in which Ms [redacted] agreedAfter reviewing thepossible options for a Conventional loan product Ms [redacted] and her Senior Mortgage Banker agreedthis option would not be beneficial for her financial situation Furthermore, after concluding that a Conventional loan product would not be beneficial, the SeniorMortgage Banker stated that she qualified for another product that loanDepot offered to possiblyassist with her financial situationMs [redacted] stated that she was not at home and requested if shewould be able to contact the Senior Mortgage Banker at a later time to discuss the other productavailableThe Senior Mortgage Banker advised the borrower that he would email the information toMs [redacted] for her reviewNo further communication was made with loanDepot after theseconversations The additional information emailed to Ms [redacted] regarding the product available to assist with herfinancial situation referred to the personal loan options available to her specific needsOur personalloan process begins with performing a soft credit inquiry to generate customized offers for eachapplicantThe soft credit inquiry does not impact the customer’s credit bureau scoresHowever, ifan offer is selected a hard credit inquiry is performed as a part of the underwriting processThishard credit inquiry will subsequently show as an ‘inquiry’ on the credit bureau reportsloanDepotdid not perform any further action in regards to the personal loan as Ms [redacted] did not request tomove forward with the options provided In order to alleviate any frustration she may have, loanDepot has added Ms***’s information toour Do Not Call and Do Not Solicit list to ensure she no longer receives any type of communications In conclusion, loanDepot sincerely apologizes that Ms***’s experience with loanDepot was anythingless than satisfactoryWe regret that we were unable to assist Ms [redacted] with her goal of financialfreedomloanDepot’s response remains the same at this time.Should Ms [redacted] have any additional questions or concerns, she may contact the Customer CareDepartment at [redacted] ext***Representatives are available to assist her Monday throughFriday from 8am to 5pm, PST
San Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] ***Complaint Date: November 6, 2017Borrower’s Complaint Filed with the have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaintFor your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [redacted] Tracking for the tracking # [redacted] provided by Loan Depot states a package was delivered to a physical address on 11/21/and left on the front porch because no signature was requiredI do not have a physical address for deleveriesI have a P.OBox [redacted] ***I was told more than once by different Loan Depot representatives that I would receive the paid in full letter by email for this reasonI have received no email nor any mail from Loan DepotAll I am asking for is an email stating my account is paid in full and showing my account balance is $They can send this to my PO Box as well.loanDepot Findings and ResponseWe understand that the satisfaction of our customer is essential to maintaining a successful business.Our core values compel us to do the right thing for our customersloanDepot is a company that takespride in the integrity of our processes.As requested per Ms***’s response, loanDepot re-mailed the paid in full letter via United States Postal Services to P.OBox [redacted] and the customer email address on December 13, 2017.We apologize that Ms***’s experience with loanDepot was anything less than satisfactoryShould the consumer wish to further discuss, they may reach out to ###-###-####
We were unable to respond to this consumer’s complaintThere is no active loan or prior record of any product under this consumer’s nameIn conducting research using the property address provided in this complaint, we located a record; however, this consumer’s name was not on file or a written authorization to respond.To ensure that we provide the consumer with the best possible service, we request that they provide us with additional information that is essential in helping us locate their loan fileWe need a loan number, third-party authorization, or any other pertinent information that would help us to be more effective in addressing their concerns.If additional information is needed, please contact our Customer Care Team by phone at ###-###-####, Ext***, Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM Pacific Time
Attached is the Letter of Explanation regarding this complaint.Thank You.San Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] **.Complaint Date: 9/2/2015Borrower’s Rebuttal Filed with the[The had told me (of which I have proof) that my loan had already passed onunderwrtingIN ADDITION to that, that is not the same line of b
t they gave mewhen I called and asked why, different storiesi have also been talking to a lawyerdaily about the situation and he said I 100% have grounds for a lawsuit which he isconfident he WILL win based on all of the information and emails that I kept]Regards, [redacted] ** loanDepot Findings and Response:Mr [redacted] is correct in saying that his loan passed through underwritingHowever, as stated in the initialresponse, the approval was only a conditional approval and not a final oneWhat this means is that theloan’s final approval was contingent on the conditions specified by loanDepot’s underwritingdepartmentThe loan never received a final approvalFurthermore, the reason why loanDepot could notultimately approve the loan was due to a combination of the borrower not making the mortgagepayments on the property himself (which was communicated to the borrower initially) and theapproximately $15,in back taxesMr [redacted] has every right to file a lawsuit if he so chooses, but atthis time, our stance is final in that we cannot do the loan for Mr***
We appreciate the opportunity to address the concerns that the customer has provided to the in their complaint We are committed to working with complete transparency in all our functions, and are glad for the opportunity to provide clarity Customers are prequalified based on the verbal information they provideIf the customer does not disclose certain information that could adversely affect the loan, we will not be notified until we get the necessary documents Nor are we aware of the correct appraised value or how the title reads, at the initial call with the licensed lending officer After the value is completed by a licensed appraiser, and the title report is provided to us, then we are able to discover any issues that could arise with the loan In addition, late payments that are not provided by current lenders, to the credit bureaus, may not be determined until we get mortgage statements to validate any late payments, which may be detrimental to the loan The appraisal was completed with the executed consent from the borrower The borrower executed the Appraisal Deposit Agreement, which states the reasons in which a refund of the deposit, would be applicable Services were rendered and the funds in their entirety were used to pay the appraiser The customer received a copy of the invoice, and a copy of the appraisal report We respectfully deny the request for a refund of the appraisal deposit The customer was notified of this decision is a robust explanation of the reasons
Consumer Complaint Filed With Tried to get a refinance loan on my house to do some upgrades on our home and they were trying to get us a different type of loan that would not work for us on our plans and when we were trying to find out information on the loan they were rude and would not let us know nothing at all on the loan I talked to one guy and he stated that I was a pain for asking the amounts of the loan and types cause most people don't ask they just get a loan from themso they passed my loan papers to someone else and she was wanting all the upgrades on the home to be done before she would do anything for us because she said the loan type that was put into the computer from another employee was a FHA loan and not a construction loan and their was nothing she could do and that I needed to talk to sales department and have it changed so I did talk to them and they were rude and would never call me back I would wait for days without a call so I would call them and ask and I would not get any answers from anyone I keep trying to call for a supervisor and I left them messages and never had any calls from themso I contacted another person and they got me intouch with a supervisor who would not understand the problem he would give me a run around on everything that was the problemthey had a appriser come out and said that the ac\heater was no good and would need repairsso I contacted her about it and she wrote back saying that she didn't know how to turn it on and was not licensed to inspect it I would need a home inspector to check it outso I hired a home inspector and he had no problems at allI sent that information into them and they said it was not up to them on that and the under writer would want it replaced since the apprisor requested itI explained that to the supervisor and he didn't give any answer for it he said that the apprisor would have the right to inspect itI contacted the state and they said no a inspector must do the inspection on it Consumer Desired Resolution: Refund loanDepot Findings and Response: We appreciate the opportunity to respond to our customer's complaintloanDepot takes customer feedback very seriouslyWe understand that the customer may have a particular loan program in mind when the application was initiatedHowever, finding a loan that fits the customer's direct needs can be complexDuring the initial process of the loan, we discuss the type of the programs available and potential costs involvedWe regret that the customer felt as though he did not receive enough explanation regarding the various loan programs availableThe loan process is arduous and can involve a lot of requirements that the customer is not familiar withWe consider our Licensed Loan Officers to be subject matter experts in providing guidance to our customersBefore a decision can be determined, there will be requests for documentation and certain conditions will also be requested to be met before we can proceed with the loanWe have conducted an exhaustive internal audit of all the details of the process involved in the customer's loanWe have concluded that a refund of the appraisal is not warrantedThe customer signed an Appraisal Deposit Agreement and the appraisal was completed on April 26, The appraisal is a necessary tool that allows us to determine and meet requirements for an FHA loanThe appraisers are not selected by loanDepot to ensure that the evaluation is completely unbiasedWe are compelled to adhere strictly to government and investor guidelinesIt was determined from the appraisal that the property needed to meet minimum standards in order to continue with the underwriting processWe understand that the customer may have not agreed with the determination made from the licensed appraiserCustomer notified us that he was also reaching out to another lender who extended a better initial rate and an effort was made by loanDepot to meet the competitor’s initial offerCustomer was not in agreement with the cost of the repairs to satisfy the appraisal conditionsFurthermore, customer notified us that the other lender was willing to approve the loan in spite of the necessary conditions that needed to be completedloanDepot is committed to working with complete transparency and adherence to government and investor guidelinesloanDepot is unable to forego necessary factors of compliance or make concessions to approve a loanWe apologize if the customer felt as though there was a breakdown in communication, during our internal research there were calls conducted between loanDepot and the customer within the appropriate required timesloanDepot strives to exceed the expectation of customer service for all our customersWe hope that the customer can reach out to us in a future opportunity to meet their financial goalsIf additional information is needed, please contact Customer Care at [redacted] , Ext***, Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Pacific TimeSincerely, [redacted] Customer Care Analyst
San Diego Complaint #: [redacted] Borrower Name: [redacted] Complaint Date: 08/31/response Borrower’s additional information to the Complaint Filed with the Five days after rejecting their offer a packet was delivered to the wrong addressThis wrong address was brought to their attention again five days beforeFailing to correct the address and sending the packet to the wrong address put my personal information at riskTheir reply assumes no responsibility on their part, nor does it propose a solution to their problemOne can not expect in my opinion professionalism from a company that does not act in a professional manner loanDepot Findings and Response IoanDepot sincerely apologizes and regrets sending Mr***’s loan application to the wrong address loanDepot has corrected the address on file and would like to provide the borrower with a year of [redacted] for his protection if he chooses If he wishes to accept this offer, he may contact me directly at [redacted] Again, loanDepot apologizes for Mr***s’ experienceIf he has any further questions or concerns, he may contact loanDepot’s Customer Care Department at [redacted] ext***Representatives are available to assist Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm, PSTTell us why here