I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] ***Daytime Phone: [redacted] Evening Phone: [redacted] E-mail: [redacted] We really want to please the homeowner For one reason or another, the job shows complete in the BEE system Pam has left a voice mail on both [redacted] numbers with a number to respondand an email Pam also is reaching out to the installer Once we Identify what is needed to complete this job it will be set to accomplishPam will follow up with customerPam
I spoke to [redacted] on 11/7/and apoligized for the delaywe did indeed send a new service woman out to the job and have to have a second service tech go back because she did not understand we needed the thickness of the glass --as she was new to the company I personally called [redacted] at this time to explain this and apologizeWe are sorry for the delays In addition, the glass was delayed in shipment to us, causing us to have to move the job backwe do have the glass here now and will be at the home on 11/to install the glasswe will waive the balance due on labor because of the delays.Pam [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted] ***
BEE will order pieces of glass at no charge, [redacted] will come to BEE and pick up the glass as ordered per the sizes he requested.Going forward if the glass does not fit, [redacted] will have to pay for the glass at $per piece On any additional warranty work, BEE will have to measure and order and install glass needed at the prevailing rates at the time.Pam F [redacted] , co owner [redacted] ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
On multiple occasions we have requested that BEE and Marvin provide documentation as to their assertion of an “industry standard 10” foot rule” And they have never provided us with that We have also inquired to the Marvin Customer Support as to this “industry standard 10” foot rule”, and multiple representatives have indicated that they are not aware of any such standard We have also requested for BEE to point out in our contract where they have stated an acceptable level of defect and/or a minimum distance a defect must be visible to be considered an issue They have not provided that to us Also of note, if BEE is stating that defects must be visible from 10” to be considered an issue they will resolve, almost all of our defects on the frames are visible from 10”, and therefore by BEE’s own implied “standard” they should be resolved.As stated in the complaint, we were open and transparent to BEE during the sales process as to our expectations on quality And over and over we were assured and reassured that they would exceed our expectations.To be clear, one or two issues on the interior stain of 30+ windows (sashes and frames) would not have been an issue for us But when you have multiple issues on nearly every sash and nearly every frame, that is when things become is an issue.The assertion from BEE that “BEE feels it will be most difficult to meet the expectations of Mr***” is:In direct conflict to the BEE sales pitch and promises to us, promises on which we relied when we entered into this contractat its face BEE has already shown that they can, in fact, meet our expectations when they replaced sashes what were perfectly stained, with no defects.As to BEE’s “next steps”:“we will not replace the main frames”: We have not requested that the mainframes be replaced We have requested to be compensated for the damage caused by the frames not being properly prepped for stain (according to Marvin) We have stated that the resolution to the main frame stain damage should be part of arbitration/mediation“we will replace sash”: We have agreed and requested BEE to schedule the install, and have heard nothing in this regard We have indicated that we must have these sashes satisfactorily replaced before arbitration/mediation, as arbitration/mediation is to resolve the unresolved issues, of which the sashes are not“we both agree to binding arbitration or mediation prior to any more work being done”: Our position is that arbitration or mediation is to resolve the unrepaired issues, AFTER the agreed to sashes are replaced We have agreed to arbitration that is non-binding on our part, binding on BEE George has agreed to this both verbally and in writing (From an email from George on 1/26/16: “I called the to initiate the arbitration on the stainHave you heard from them? The is clear that Bryce wants a non-binding arbitration!”) Our last communication with BEE we agreed to have the sashes replaced, and to arbitration (no binding on our part) We requested that George contact us to schedule the install of the sashes, and we heard nothing for weeks That lack of communication and urgency is what left us with no other option then to file a complaint This situation did not need to escalate this far, if BEE would have only done what Dallas, Pam, George, and their advertising had reassured us in the sales and installation process….that they would work with us to make sure we are happy and provide the best quality replacement windows available on the market Instead we got a non-existent sale representative that disappeared at the first sign of issues by not returning emails or phone calls We got George who was very slow to respond to emails and will not answer phone calls, and whose voicemail is full so we cannot leave messages We got Pam who, on occasions, outright laughed at us and responded sarcastically when we were able to get her on the phone Pam’s attitude is evident in her response to our complaint stating we “…used a pen like and stood 6’ from the window” Considering we spent nearly $40,on replacement windows for our high end custom home, we feel we are due more respect than that
*** * ***
** *** **
*** * ** ***Daytime Phone: *** ***E-mail: *** Pam Agreed to cancel Mr *** existing order of vinyl windows with a full refund We appologize for internal issues which caused the delay. We also agreed to
install one Infinity from Marvin Window at no charge to this customer as a show of good faithPam F*
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. This was all I was wanting from the start but could not get it across to the service repabout not being charge for a service call or trip charge as they call it' when the contract said that it was covered by the warranty.
*** ***
I spoke with Jeff T*** who relayed the following This customer had a *** Account, to which the deposit was charged. *** did not give him a credit limit that would cover the entire amount of the project, so he applied for a Foundation Finance loan. The FF loan
was to cover the back 50% of the job. When the job was completed, The Foundation Finance paperwork was submitted but the *** account was also charged. The result was the customer was overcharged $3000. Since the customer’s *** account has a high interest rate, the customer asked for the interest on the overcharge to be paid as well. In addition I, Pam Faerber, left Mr a voice mail to verify this information he is welcome to call direct at 317-509-1781Pam FaerberCo-owner Faerber's Bee Window, Inc
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Thank you for contacting the and helping BEE Window figure out your complaintWe do appreciate the *** and their loyalty to BEE Window and our productsAs always, the parts for the BEE products are at no charge to the customer This is even on products now years old We
do, however, have a trip charge And service and labor after two years There was a one year period we made an exception to this It is certainly challenging, as the expense of personnel and equipment is a must to service the customer BEE strives to be as economical as we can, and even at $over years, the cost is minimal.Normally, there is a labor fee in addition to the service and trip fee According to the service tech, the windows needing service are from the purchaseMary Lynn agreed to waive the labor fee, charging only the trip fee since there are multiple purchases.I did look into this and I can see confusion on both the BEE staff doing their job and in the Bishops, as there are multiple times of purchase through the years It looks like there is to be service and labor on the windows purchased in and it is to be waived in the and purchasesThe Bishops have four jobs with Bee WindowJob #*** was done in 2001, Bwindows were purchased and the contract states that after years the customer is responsible for trip and laborIn Job #was done with Bwindows purchased and Job #a door was purchasedBoth contracts state that customer is responsible for trip and laborIn Job #file there is an Addendum stating that we will not charge for labor and serviceIn Job #more Bsashes were purchasedThe contract for this job does state that the customer will receive service and labor at no chargeMary Lynn in Customer Service talked to this customer and Amber was there Sept8th and identified the windows that they want replaced as ones which were purchased with contracts stating there are trip and labor chargesShe called the office and Mary Lynn told her since they were consistent customers we would only charge them the trip charges and no labor.In Conclusion: We apologize to the Bishops for upsetting them I can not find where the BEE staff is in error here, but they are following the warranty.We will make an exception for this particular service call and waive the fee Going forward, BEE will of course honor the warranty as we have always donePam ***, co owner, *** *** ***
Mr *** spoke to our operations Manager, Amy K***, and assured her they have secured a private loan Once this is in place and the balance paid, BEE Will indeed take care of any and all issues on the jobWe appreciate them trusting their home to BEE It is very unusual for BEE to not
be able to collect a job in full at the time of the install Payment in full is what puts the warranty into effect Once that is paid off Amy will set to complete all needed items on the jobthank you Pam Faerber
*** ***As all of BEE Customers, we very much value *** *** and having her home part of the BEE Family the windows in her home were installed years ago, in 1991.As any part of a home years will require some attention BEE is very happy to furnish the glass for these
year old windows at no charge to her.Most of the vinyl manufactures went out of business in 2008, and so BEE must measure each sash individually in order to obtain the exact glass measure we do not take the customers measurements, nor do we allow anyone but a BEE employee to take the sash apart, remove existing glass, and install new insulated glass under our warranty.should a customer choose to insist on BEE providing glass for them to pick up and install themselves, BEE does not warrant that glass and will not replace it for any reason at no expense The year old vinyl frames are a bit fragil, so BEE insists on doing the work.Men and trucks are an expensive part of BEE In order to have quality people to service her windows, we do charge fees to go to a home, measure, order, and then return to the home with new glass, and a separate charge for labor to install the glass.BEE also has an upgrade program--the full price of her $investment from years ago can be applied toward new list price of either Infinity from Marvin or Restorations from Sunrise windows, allowing her to have basically employee pricing on new windows--as any product, windows made today are much more energy efficient than they were years ago.I am happy to speak with *** my phone is *** *** Pam Fco owner
Customer Information:[redacted]Lafayette, IN 47904Daytime Phone: [redacted]E-mail: [redacted]BEE has tried to resolve each listed issue--and there were issues! as per my response on the Reviews. BEE can not reverse the [redacted], BEE worked...
with [redacted] to arrange the loan as per the code written by sales. However, Sales wrote down the wrong code.BEE will reimburse the Beason's for the interest and late fees for one year.Pam F[redacted] 317 509 1781
we certainly appreciate Mr [redacted] and his window purchase from BEEBEE and George have been at the home multiple times. Mr [redacted] has used a pen light and stood 6" from the window. Industry standards by Marvin and Andersen say if you stand back 10' and can see imperfections, then it...
is an issue.the Marvin rep has been to the home 3 times. Two separate stain professionals have been to the home.BEE feels it will be most difficult to meet the expectations of Mr. [redacted].instead we offered binding arbitration from so that we can both agree to the next step BEE has said: 1. we will not replace main frame2. we will replace 10 sash3. we both agree to binding arbitration or mediation prior to any more work being done.once we both agree to the scope of work to bring this to completion and there is a third party who agrees as well, BEE is happy to move forwardThank you Pam F[redacted]317 509 1781
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] ** [redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]Evening Phone: [redacted]E-mail: [redacted] We really want to please the homeowner. For one reason or another, the job shows complete in the BEE system....
Pam has left a voice mail on both [redacted] numbers with a number to respond. and an email. Pam also is reaching out to the installer Once we Identify what is needed to complete this job it will be set to accomplishPam will follow up with customerPam 317 509 1781 317 509 1781
Mr [redacted] has every right to be disappointed I am not sure where Mr's emails have "disappeared" and we are checking that. HOwever, each customer does have my personal phone number, and we did connect.there is indeed damage to his siding below each window.unfortunately, the siding is...
at least 17 years old aluminum siding. This type of siding dents very easily --but the installers should have tested this at one window and stopped.At this point here is what BEE has offered Mr. [redacted]:1. to upgrade Mr. to an over-sized shutter --about a $500 value2. to replace the damaged awning--$300 per Mr.3. to clean the areas damaged by the ladder under each window and blend in paint on that entire siding length or replace that siding length as we told Mr, the 17 + year old siding has faded over the years and he will be able to see the difference, but we doubt anyone else willBEE has a paint expert inspecting the home this week, after which we will have him paint under one window to see if that meets his approval.Shutters and awning will be replaced as per above.Pam F[redacted]co ownerFaerber's BEE Window, Inc[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted] nothing in reguards to compensation was mentioned in Bee Windows response was mentioned.
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]E-mail: [redacted] Pam Faerber, co owner of Faerber's BEE Window, Inc talked with Mrs. [redacted]. Both parties agree that the BEE Work sheet was signed stating that BEE does not guarantee...
blinds can be reused. Mrs. [redacted] also agreed the blinds were pulled up and behind a valance when the technical measure was done, and the rep was unaware there were blinds . However, the customer is sure this was discussed at sales and they were assured the blinds would fit. the issue is not the over all fit ,but rather that the lines where the 3 sets of blinds meet does not line up with the edges of the 3 new windows.That being said, BEE agreed to re imbrues 10% of the job fee back to help cover the cost of the blinds and Mrs. agreed to this.Pam Faerber 317 509 1781 I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] ***Daytime Phone: [redacted] Evening Phone: [redacted] E-mail: [redacted] We really want to please the homeowner For one reason or another, the job shows complete in the BEE system Pam has left a voice mail on both [redacted] numbers with a number to respondand an email Pam also is reaching out to the installer Once we Identify what is needed to complete this job it will be set to accomplishPam will follow up with customerPam
I spoke to [redacted] on 11/7/and apoligized for the delaywe did indeed send a new service woman out to the job and have to have a second service tech go back because she did not understand we needed the thickness of the glass --as she was new to the company I personally called [redacted] at this time to explain this and apologizeWe are sorry for the delays In addition, the glass was delayed in shipment to us, causing us to have to move the job backwe do have the glass here now and will be at the home on 11/to install the glasswe will waive the balance due on labor because of the delays.Pam [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Regards, [redacted] ***
BEE will order pieces of glass at no charge, [redacted] will come to BEE and pick up the glass as ordered per the sizes he requested.Going forward if the glass does not fit, [redacted] will have to pay for the glass at $per piece On any additional warranty work, BEE will have to measure and order and install glass needed at the prevailing rates at the time.Pam F [redacted] , co owner [redacted] ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
On multiple occasions we have requested that BEE and Marvin provide documentation as to their assertion of an “industry standard 10” foot rule” And they have never provided us with that We have also inquired to the Marvin Customer Support as to this “industry standard 10” foot rule”, and multiple representatives have indicated that they are not aware of any such standard We have also requested for BEE to point out in our contract where they have stated an acceptable level of defect and/or a minimum distance a defect must be visible to be considered an issue They have not provided that to us Also of note, if BEE is stating that defects must be visible from 10” to be considered an issue they will resolve, almost all of our defects on the frames are visible from 10”, and therefore by BEE’s own implied “standard” they should be resolved.As stated in the complaint, we were open and transparent to BEE during the sales process as to our expectations on quality And over and over we were assured and reassured that they would exceed our expectations.To be clear, one or two issues on the interior stain of 30+ windows (sashes and frames) would not have been an issue for us But when you have multiple issues on nearly every sash and nearly every frame, that is when things become is an issue.The assertion from BEE that “BEE feels it will be most difficult to meet the expectations of Mr***” is:In direct conflict to the BEE sales pitch and promises to us, promises on which we relied when we entered into this contractat its face BEE has already shown that they can, in fact, meet our expectations when they replaced sashes what were perfectly stained, with no defects.As to BEE’s “next steps”:“we will not replace the main frames”: We have not requested that the mainframes be replaced We have requested to be compensated for the damage caused by the frames not being properly prepped for stain (according to Marvin) We have stated that the resolution to the main frame stain damage should be part of arbitration/mediation“we will replace sash”: We have agreed and requested BEE to schedule the install, and have heard nothing in this regard We have indicated that we must have these sashes satisfactorily replaced before arbitration/mediation, as arbitration/mediation is to resolve the unresolved issues, of which the sashes are not“we both agree to binding arbitration or mediation prior to any more work being done”: Our position is that arbitration or mediation is to resolve the unrepaired issues, AFTER the agreed to sashes are replaced We have agreed to arbitration that is non-binding on our part, binding on BEE George has agreed to this both verbally and in writing (From an email from George on 1/26/16: “I called the to initiate the arbitration on the stainHave you heard from them? The is clear that Bryce wants a non-binding arbitration!”) Our last communication with BEE we agreed to have the sashes replaced, and to arbitration (no binding on our part) We requested that George contact us to schedule the install of the sashes, and we heard nothing for weeks That lack of communication and urgency is what left us with no other option then to file a complaint This situation did not need to escalate this far, if BEE would have only done what Dallas, Pam, George, and their advertising had reassured us in the sales and installation process….that they would work with us to make sure we are happy and provide the best quality replacement windows available on the market Instead we got a non-existent sale representative that disappeared at the first sign of issues by not returning emails or phone calls We got George who was very slow to respond to emails and will not answer phone calls, and whose voicemail is full so we cannot leave messages We got Pam who, on occasions, outright laughed at us and responded sarcastically when we were able to get her on the phone Pam’s attitude is evident in her response to our complaint stating we “…used a pen like and stood 6’ from the window” Considering we spent nearly $40,on replacement windows for our high end custom home, we feel we are due more respect than that
*** * ***
** *** **
*** * ** ***Daytime Phone: *** ***E-mail: *** Pam Agreed to cancel Mr *** existing order of vinyl windows with a full refund We appologize for internal issues which caused the delay. We also agreed to
install one Infinity from Marvin Window at no charge to this customer as a show of good faithPam F
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. This was all I was wanting from the start but could not get it across to the service repabout not being charge for a service call or trip charge as they call it' when the contract said that it was covered by the warranty.
*** ***
I spoke with Jeff T*** who relayed the following This customer had a *** Account, to which the deposit was charged. *** did not give him a credit limit that would cover the entire amount of the project, so he applied for a Foundation Finance loan. The FF loan
was to cover the back 50% of the job. When the job was completed, The Foundation Finance paperwork was submitted but the *** account was also charged. The result was the customer was overcharged $3000. Since the customer’s *** account has a high interest rate, the customer asked for the interest on the overcharge to be paid as well. In addition I, Pam Faerber, left Mr a voice mail to verify this information he is welcome to call direct at 317-509-1781Pam FaerberCo-owner Faerber's Bee Window, Inc
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Thank you for contacting the and helping BEE Window figure out your complaintWe do appreciate the *** and their loyalty to BEE Window and our productsAs always, the parts for the BEE products are at no charge to the customer This is even on products now years old We
do, however, have a trip charge And service and labor after two years There was a one year period we made an exception to this It is certainly challenging, as the expense of personnel and equipment is a must to service the customer BEE strives to be as economical as we can, and even at $over years, the cost is minimal.Normally, there is a labor fee in addition to the service and trip fee According to the service tech, the windows needing service are from the purchaseMary Lynn agreed to waive the labor fee, charging only the trip fee since there are multiple purchases.I did look into this and I can see confusion on both the BEE staff doing their job and in the Bishops, as there are multiple times of purchase through the years It looks like there is to be service and labor on the windows purchased in and it is to be waived in the and purchasesThe Bishops have four jobs with Bee WindowJob #*** was done in 2001, Bwindows were purchased and the contract states that after years the customer is responsible for trip and laborIn Job #was done with Bwindows purchased and Job #a door was purchasedBoth contracts state that customer is responsible for trip and laborIn Job #file there is an Addendum stating that we will not charge for labor and serviceIn Job #more Bsashes were purchasedThe contract for this job does state that the customer will receive service and labor at no chargeMary Lynn in Customer Service talked to this customer and Amber was there Sept8th and identified the windows that they want replaced as ones which were purchased with contracts stating there are trip and labor chargesShe called the office and Mary Lynn told her since they were consistent customers we would only charge them the trip charges and no labor.In Conclusion: We apologize to the Bishops for upsetting them I can not find where the BEE staff is in error here, but they are following the warranty.We will make an exception for this particular service call and waive the fee Going forward, BEE will of course honor the warranty as we have always donePam ***, co owner, *** *** ***
Mr *** spoke to our operations Manager, Amy K***, and assured her they have secured a private loan Once this is in place and the balance paid, BEE Will indeed take care of any and all issues on the jobWe appreciate them trusting their home to BEE It is very unusual for BEE to not
be able to collect a job in full at the time of the install Payment in full is what puts the warranty into effect Once that is paid off Amy will set to complete all needed items on the jobthank you Pam Faerber
*** ***As all of BEE Customers, we very much value *** *** and having her home part of the BEE Family the windows in her home were installed years ago, in 1991.As any part of a home years will require some attention BEE is very happy to furnish the glass for these
co owner
year old windows at no charge to her.Most of the vinyl manufactures went out of business in 2008, and so BEE must measure each sash individually in order to obtain the exact glass measure we do not take the customers measurements, nor do we allow anyone but a BEE employee to take the sash apart, remove existing glass, and install new insulated glass under our warranty.should a customer choose to insist on BEE providing glass for them to pick up and install themselves, BEE does not warrant that glass and will not replace it for any reason at no expense The year old vinyl frames are a bit fragil, so BEE insists on doing the work.Men and trucks are an expensive part of BEE In order to have quality people to service her windows, we do charge fees to go to a home, measure, order, and then return to the home with new glass, and a separate charge for labor to install the glass.BEE also has an upgrade program--the full price of her $investment from years ago can be applied toward new list price of either Infinity from Marvin or Restorations from Sunrise windows, allowing her to have basically employee pricing on new windows--as any product, windows made today are much more energy efficient than they were years ago.I am happy to speak with *** my phone is *** *** Pam F
Customer Information:[redacted]Lafayette, IN 47904Daytime Phone: [redacted]E-mail: [redacted]BEE has tried to resolve each listed issue--and there were issues! as per my response on the Reviews. BEE can not reverse the [redacted], BEE worked...
with [redacted] to arrange the loan as per the code written by sales. However, Sales wrote down the wrong code.BEE will reimburse the Beason's for the interest and late fees for one year.Pam F[redacted] 317 509 1781
we certainly appreciate Mr [redacted] and his window purchase from BEEBEE and George have been at the home multiple times. Mr [redacted] has used a pen light and stood 6" from the window. Industry standards by Marvin and Andersen say if you stand back 10' and can see imperfections, then it...
is an issue.the Marvin rep has been to the home 3 times. Two separate stain professionals have been to the home.BEE feels it will be most difficult to meet the expectations of Mr. [redacted].instead we offered binding arbitration from so that we can both agree to the next step BEE has said: 1. we will not replace main frame2. we will replace 10 sash3. we both agree to binding arbitration or mediation prior to any more work being done.once we both agree to the scope of work to bring this to completion and there is a third party who agrees as well, BEE is happy to move forwardThank you Pam F[redacted]317 509 1781
[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] ** [redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]Evening Phone: [redacted]E-mail: [redacted] We really want to please the homeowner. For one reason or another, the job shows complete in the BEE system....
Pam has left a voice mail on both [redacted] numbers with a number to respond. and an email. Pam also is reaching out to the installer Once we Identify what is needed to complete this job it will be set to accomplishPam will follow up with customerPam 317 509 1781 317 509 1781
Mr [redacted] has every right to be disappointed I am not sure where Mr's emails have "disappeared" and we are checking that. HOwever, each customer does have my personal phone number, and we did connect.there is indeed damage to his siding below each window.unfortunately, the siding is...
at least 17 years old aluminum siding. This type of siding dents very easily --but the installers should have tested this at one window and stopped.At this point here is what BEE has offered Mr. [redacted]:1. to upgrade Mr. to an over-sized shutter --about a $500 value2. to replace the damaged awning--$300 per Mr.3. to clean the areas damaged by the ladder under each window and blend in paint on that entire siding length or replace that siding length as we told Mr, the 17 + year old siding has faded over the years and he will be able to see the difference, but we doubt anyone else willBEE has a paint expert inspecting the home this week, after which we will have him paint under one window to see if that meets his approval.Shutters and awning will be replaced as per above.Pam F[redacted]co ownerFaerber's BEE Window, Inc[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted] nothing in reguards to compensation was mentioned in Bee Windows response was mentioned.
[redacted] [redacted] [redacted]Daytime Phone: [redacted]E-mail: [redacted] Pam Faerber, co owner of Faerber's BEE Window, Inc talked with Mrs. [redacted]. Both parties agree that the BEE Work sheet was signed stating that BEE does not guarantee...
blinds can be reused. Mrs. [redacted] also agreed the blinds were pulled up and behind a valance when the technical measure was done, and the rep was unaware there were blinds . However, the customer is sure this was discussed at sales and they were assured the blinds would fit. the issue is not the over all fit ,but rather that the lines where the 3 sets of blinds meet does not line up with the edges of the 3 new windows.That being said, BEE agreed to re imbrues 10% of the job fee back to help cover the cost of the blinds and Mrs. agreed to this.Pam Faerber 317 509 1781