Livit Mobile Reviews (2)
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Address: 8700 NE Vancouver Mall Dr Ste 272, Vancouver, Washington, United States, 98662-7926
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Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: The Liveit Mobile itself gave me the used phone that was not in good condition I am not mis-representing the service I got the first time Infact the technician was nice enough to go above and beyond to get the replacement phone All I am saying is that the phone I got was itself not a good phone It was a used phone and probably was repaired before I verified this when we took the phone to Apple store and they refused to do any service because according to them the phone was fake, repaired many times and some of the parts were missing The fact that the replacement phone itself was old and not so good condition, the phone broke and I had to go back within months to get repaired And that's where the Liveit Mobile owner refuse to give any service, not to mention he was rude and loud If the replacement phone was in good then I shouldn't be having such a problem many times These phones last long time and my original phone was only years old The owner accusing me of carelessly falsifying my report where in fact he proved it in his report that after he gave me the replacement phone I had to bring the phone back for repair that took them days If the replacement phone was good then why it broke within months The fact that the phone was not good and been repaired before.I was victim by bad replacement phone and was not good in the first place The owner wants me to replace the phone in the market when infact the phone they gave me was not good in the first place They refuse to take the responsibility of the replacement phone they gave me and giving me the burden to spend more money to replace the phone now I run the small business too and this is no way of giving the customer service and to run the business In the long run, he is hurting himself by getting the poor reviews every where.At the end, I lost my good working phone that only need the new glass, and $on top of it.Sincerely,*** ***
Mr*** *** is mis-representing the service ourcompany has given him Our Olympia Wa, team has made notes of all theevents including time stamps, to prove that Mr*** *** is carelesslyfalsifying his reports in a effort to make himself the victim of what he shouldtake personal
responsibility forOur Olympia Team has only shown the mostrespectable and prompt service with Mr*** *** and feels sorry for Mr.***'s burden that can come with owning an electronic device Our LivitMobile team does not understand why, months past the expiration of a daywarranty, Mr*** is wanting to disregard all of our past agreements andservice and is choosing to burden Livit Mobile with his own personal hardship.When you read the statement from our TechDirector from Olympia, WA who worked directly with Mr*** ***, you'll seethe prompt care that was given to Mr***, along with our team fulfilling allagreements and responsibilities to the fullestYou must also realize that thiscustomer is making a complaint on a product was already months past the finalwarranty date both parties agreed too This case is a complaint from Mr.*** asking Livit Mobile to replace a un-repairable phone, months after theexpiration of the warranty of the used device Livit Mobile attempted tohelp Mr***, but could not even diagnose the issue because the phone wasbrought to us completely un-functional and un-responsive to our technicians. Livit Mobile even included the services of another repair company to seeif they could help us diagnose how to repair this un-warrantied used phone Mr.*** brought to us Livit Mobile feels we have gone above and beyondstandard service and has found that Mr*** *** will only be satisfied issomeone else, Livit Mobile, will buy him a new cell phone since his phone, forreasons un-known to Livit Mobile, has what appears to be damage in areas notserviceable. The following is the official response from ourTech Director located at Capital Mall in response to *** complaintsconcerning Livit Mobile The evidence our tech provides clearly shows wewere very efficient in responding quickly and fulfilling our word in regards tothis customers used phone replacement, providing excellent customer service andfulfilling all agreed commitments to this customer In response to Mr.*** ***'s original phone During the service, while carefully removinga screen ribbon and protective tape from the motherboard, gold prongs that aresoldiered to the mother board removed off the mother board with the protectivetape This is a very very rare random act of god, and has only happenedonce before in the thousands of repairs we do each yearThese pins shouldnever remove with a ribbon connector/tape Livit Mobile could even argue thatwe cannot be held responsible for this random occurrence, but since it is SORARE, we have chosen to replace customers phones if it happens because itreally is so random and un-believalbe, that we will find a replacement device. This was not lack of training or lack of care Please review the statement from our TechDirector at our Capital Mall Location. ~~~~~~ BEGIN STATEMENT OF EVENTS FROM TECHDIRECTOR, CAPITAL MALL ~~~~~~~~ On December 23rd, 2014, *** *** came into LivitMobile (CapitalMall) for a screen repair on his Space GreyiPhone (*** ***)Duringthe repair, his device's motherboard had damageto some capacitors, renderingthe device irreparablePer Livit Mobile's RepairService Disclaimer and LiabilityPolicy, which Mr*** had signed inacknowledgment, Livit Mobile is allowed toreplace the device with a like make and model.The Tech Director (***) explained to Mr*** that the devicewould be replaced in a quick andprofessional mannerMr*** accepted thecircumstances of the situation, anda replacement device was sourcedBetween Dec.24th and Dec27th, LivitMobile's President and Tech Director werepersistent in their efforts to obtainthe replacement device for Mr***. On December 27th, 2014, Mr*** returned, afterbeing contactedregarding the piof his replacement iPhoneMr*** paid his servicefee of $100.00, which included an extra 9.07%discount on top of thepromotional discount being applied at the time.Mr*** was informed of a60-day device warranty, covering any malfunctionor defect of the replacementdevice, and our willingness to repair anyfailures of the device within thattime-frameThe device left in full workingcondition and to the customer's satisfaction. On January 22nd, 2015, Mr*** returned with thereplacementdeviceThe Front Camera/Induction flex ribbon inthe replacement device hadfailed, rendering an error code during thedevice's boot up processHe leftthe device with the store for the Tech Directorto handle personally. On January 23rd, 2015, the Tech Director replacedthe failedcomponent in the device, conducted a fullfunctionality test once more, anddetermined the device fully functional and readyfor pick-upAfter contactingMr*** and leaving a voicemail stating he cancome to pick the device up, thedevice remained in Livit Mobile's possession foranother 1-weeks, beforefinally being tested and repossessed by Mr***.The device left Livit Mobilepremises as a fully functional device. On May 29th, 2015, Mr*** brought thereplacement device back,claiming that he "got the same error code aslast time," and that"it wouldn't turn back on." Once again,the Tech Director handled thedevice personallyUpon powering the device on,the red "iTunes"symbol was displayed on the screen(This isnormally fixable by a restore viathe iTunes software.) Mr*** was informed thathe was well outside of thecompany's 60-day warranty policy that he wasinformed of during his previousvisits, but that we would do everything in ourpower to attempt to restore hisdevice to a usable stateMr*** left hiscontact number, and said "dowhat you have to do." On May 30th, 2015, the Tech Directorattempted multiple times, usingvarious known methods, to restore the device.After trying multiple cables,both aftermarket and original manufacturer, andattempting to restore on bothWindows and Apple platforms, he continued toreceive repeating error codes,all pointing to hardware failure (per the Applesupport website.) Mr*** wascalled, and a voicemail was left, stating thatthe device cannot be restored,and that we have exhausted all of our options.Mr*** was informed that thedevice would be in store, waiting for him to comepick up. On June 6th, 2015, Mr*** returned to theCapital Mall LivitMobileAfter explaining that our efforts torestore the device were to noavail, and that we cannot do anything further forthe device, Mr***exclaimed that he cannot "accept that."He was instructed to contactLivit Mobile Corporate Office via the website'scontact form, but Mr***insisted he be contacted directly, and gave hiscontact number to be passed onto the PresidentThe Tech Director took Mr.***'s contact number, butinsisted he still use the website to receivecontact from the PresidentMr*** insisted we keep the device in-store. On June 8th, 2015, Mr*** returned to thestoreLivit MobilePresident, *** ***, was in-store on this day,and was able to speak toMr*** directlyMr*** repossessed hisdevice, after his exchange with Mr. ***. *** ***Tech DirectorLivit Mobile ~~~~~ END STATEMENT FROM TECH DIRECTOR AT CAPITALMALL ~~~~~~~~~~ Please note: Not only did we get him his replacement phonewithin days, but this was also during Christmas Our tech directorpersonally drove from Olympia WA, to the Renton WA, to pick up his new iPhone Mr*** dropped off his phone Dec 23rd Within days weidentified that his phone had circuit failure that is un-preventable by atechnician, and had accepted his new replacement device by the 27th Mr.*** is stating we took weeks to find him a phone The iPhone we replaced his phone withwas worth more than his past model We supplied him with a gig phoneover his gig phone Mr*** *** does not mention he agreed toand accepted the phone along with signing a paper speaking of day warrantyand that we would supply him with a used iPhone That warranty ended February27th Within that time, we did repair a ribbon on that phone, and honoredour agreement. Mr*** says that after we took weeksto replace the phone, two months passed and he had an error on his phone. Again, this customer is falsifying events to support his claim Mr.*** came to us and dropped off his phone Jan 22nd, it was repaired Jan 23rddue to the minimal nature of the repair, and he neglected to pick up the phoneafter being contacted from our teamIf you ask Mr*** where he works, you'llfind that there was no reason he should' have had many opportunities to pick uphis phone from our Capital Mall Location. Mr*** does not mention the expiation of thereplacement phones warranty or that the phone continued to work fine with nofurther complaints day warranty ended February27th Mr*** claims the phone had the same errorand some other errors The phone was brought to us by Mr*** completelyun-serviceable and we found no sign of the same error codes on the service wedid during the warranty period, and have no reason to believe it is the sameissue This was a replacement used phone that was accepted by him inperfect working condition, with a day warranty by Livit Mobile, that he isbrining to us in a state that is un-serviceable, asking us to replace it afterbeing months past the warranty expiration date We attempted to see ifwe could fix it, even took it to another competitor technician/repair store,and cannot help Mr*** even though we continue to give him exceptionalcustomer service and care Mr*** needs a newphone because this phone, like his phone original phone on failed for thecustomerThese phones are almost years old and are highly saturated in theused device market and are very easy to find if he desires to replace it withthe same phone again