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Reviews LittleBizzy

LittleBizzy Reviews (13)

The owner of LittleBizzy, Jesse Nickles started sturring up discrimination against black race.
Jesse Nickles started stirring up discrimination against black people

He posted a topic on his forum: hilarious low IQ of Black Lives Matter

The scope of his racism idea is expanding wider. Now, black people, Asian people are all in the scope.

The problem is, even he keeps spreading his racism idea, few people in the scope fighted with him. The self esteem of the people in the scope seems really low!.

+2 is LittleBizzy's alternative site to slander people. is LittleBizzy's alternative site to slander people.
It seems a forum to post reviews anonymously, but actually it is used by Jesse Nickles completely exclusively.
The only user is Jesse Nickles. He posts all the threads on that forum.
His purpose is to obfuscate who post fake reviews and avoid taking responsibilities when some victims sue him in the future.
Let's see the traffic report(the picture below) of that forum.

Why does such a brand new it forum have so many backlinks?
No traffic, but has so many backlinks!
Obviously black hat SEO!
Even such a new forum, Google linked it to a lot of keywords related to our brand!
What is stupid Google doing? is LittleBizzy's alternative site to slander people.


Neumont University sued Racist Jesse Nickles(learned at Neumont) before.
Neumont University sued Racist Jesse Nickles(learned at Neumont) before.
Have you been sued by your own school before?
Why did his own school hate him and sue him?

Because of his personality? His racism idea? His slander activities? His fraud business?
I think all are possible to be the reason!


Jesse Nickles owns Littlebizzy, Slickstack, jessuppi(his Github username)

Jesse Nickles is a known defamer and scammer that has created a website of his own -
Jesse Nickles is a known defamer and scammer that has created a website of his own -, to slander anyone that he comes across that he doesn't like or gets into an argument with, and with a sort of defamation-hacker mindset, to spite the world. You can read about him here:, and here:[[REDACTED]]#i13623828. His business LittleBizzy was banned from WordPress. He has been banned from countless online groups. The BBB notes that his business has fled to Asia, even though he sports a US phone number: He takes advantage of the fact that Google will index on his site. He is essentially partnering with Google, where Google unknowingly does most of the work, to ruin the lives and businesses of innocent people by slandering them ruthlessly. His victims are all over the internet trying to expose him, but his posts stay up. He has been sued, but has evaded service. His posts about me are entirely untrue. The only thing that is true is that I did change my last name over 10 years ago for personal reasons and that is IMMENSELY PRIVATE. And yet know literally anyone in the world that Google's my name (try "[[REDACTED]]"), will see that I changed my name.

You can't respond on the complaint he made about you to expose the world for who he is because HE OWNS THE WEBSITE ( and will choose to not show your comment. Then he also takes revenge on anyone that sticks up for themselves by continuing to aggressively blog and post slanderous untrue things about you. PLEASE read the links I've sent and look at the stories of the MANY people whose businesses and lives he has tried to ruin out of general malice, and the misguided sense of power and relevancy he gains from doing so. 100% of his power comes from the fact that Google is unknowingly complicit, and sends all of his posts on straight to the top. I can't tell you how much is is a horrible violation of my privacy to have my family name change right up at the top of Google search results on my name. Please help me with this and remove the two above-listed search results from your search engine. I would also implore you to remove any '' results, period. The whole website is a scam. He created the site, trying to make it look like a legitimate site complaining about scammers. But he is the scammer and is literally the only one that posts on it. ...


Worst Services
We have received worst services from this company. Our site was down most of the time when we migrated from another platform to their servers. We understand that this can happen and it is no such big deal and we were ready to go back to another server and ask them to help in migration. But to our utter horror and shock the owner of this company , one Mr. Jesse Nickles started threating us with warning of dire consequences and started harassing us with racial slur and other abuses. Later we got to know that this is what he does. Anyway, we luckily had the backups so moved away quickly.
Beware of this person.


The service provided by the entire LittleBizzy team has hands-down been one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences for me and my e-commerce businessThe staff is incredibly knowledgeable and diligent in managing and maintaining our hosted environment, and it's refreshing to see how proactive they are at maintaining our site's well-being and security To add a cherry on top, they are always easily reachable and very accessible, which is something that you rarely see with other types of host providers out there We will be LittleBizzy customers for a very long time and would highly recommend the business to othersthe experience in working with them is that positive

I'm passionate [redacted] technology, and in particular fast websitesI've tried many Wordpress Hosts in search of the perfect blend of speed, security and reliability [redacted] and [redacted] are two I've tried and abandoned Little Bizzy is without a doubt one of the best managed Wordpress Hosts I've ever used***, the owner of Little Bizzy, balances performance, reliability and security to offer a first class experienceHe constantly looks for ways to improve his offering, and is available to work through deep and nitty gritty problems with you If you host on Little Bizzy you will receive support from someone who deeply understands Wordpress Hosting - he's not a front line agent trying to support someone else's system, he designed and build the hosting World class, thank you for a great experience ***! You can find my full review of Little Bizzy here:

It's absurd that I must put in the time to write this very detailed review, but this pathetic loser known as Jesse Nickles (owner of LittleBizzy) left me with no choice. LittleBizzy got Banned by WordPress and is taking his anger out on people. He seriously is an emotionally unstable human being that is manipulative, violating and unreasonable ( Please note carefully that Jesse Nickles has violated privacy rights and disparaged of over 40 customers so I'm not the only one. Jesse Nickles already created a very bad reputation online from his behavior. So Jesse has this hilarious knee jerk reaction that he believes every single bad thing posted about his business on any online forum is just me. I read countless of discussions where he creates a fake account and responds back to a negative post about LittleBizzy and truly thinks it's me posting it when I've had nothing to do with it. I swear, if his burger came with no lettuce, he would find a way to blame me for that too. I have physical proof to counteract his lies and show the truth and he knows this but chooses to keep his behavior up when he's had plenty of chances to retract his actions.

Jesse Nickles has this extremely weird obsession with me ever since January 2019. For 4 months straight (and counting) he's been obsessively stalking/harassing me and writing pages about me and even a blog post filled with insane lies that just only proves further how unstable of a person he is. He has made absurd claims such as me never being a customer, stalking/harassing/blackmailing him, claimed that I pretended to be a woman on Yelp, claimed that I got fired from my employer because of him, that I could not find a lawyer (which I did) and so much more. He is using his "business" website as a platform to disparage individuals.

I was a happy, satisfied customer to LittleBizzy after using their free Cloudflare plugin made for WordPress called "cf-littlebizzy". After some time, I ran into issues/bugs with the plugin. I tried to reinstall the plugin but I couldn't find the plugin on Wordpress anymore but then noticed that LittleBizzy's WordPress account/profile has been BANNED by WordPress (…) as you can see "Forum Role: Blocked". So, I really didn't know if the plugin is still being supported or developed.

However, LittleBizzy's website, their Cloudflare plugin was available to download for free, but it requires you to go through a checkout process with a grand total of $0. To obtain the free download, it requires your full name, billing address (my home address), phone number, email address and credit card information as well. It even required me to choose a username and password to create an account on LittleBizzy's website. I completed my order which my order number was 26290 on January 16th, 2019 (I have a copy of this order receipt). After the order was completed, it gave me access to download LittleBizzy's Cloudflare plugin. Jesse keeps saying I'm not a customer but my lawyer even proved to Jesse Nickles that I am but he's in absolute denial because apparently, he's allowed to make up his own laws in whatever made up world he's living in. Under both California and Federal law, the label of a customer/consumer is not restricted to those individuals who obtain services or goods in exchange for money, but rather, applies to those individuals who acquire a company's product or services. See, e.g., 16 C.F.R. § 433.1 (defining "consumer" as a "natural person who seeks or acquires goods or services").

Things still weren't working. I had no other way of contacting the developer, so I had to use their contact us form to get a hold of someone. I then get an e-mail back saying nothing more but "added to our banned clients list for harassing our team via email" which makes absolutely no sense and left me confused since it was my first time ever reaching out. I then posted my honest review about this poor experience on review sites such as Yelp, Facebook, and Google. Shortly after that, LittleBizzy makes a racist and condescending Facebook post about me. Then he made a page about me on his business website containing false/defamatory information and exposed my personal home address, my phone number, employer, email and other identifying information violating my rights and LittleBizzy's privacy policy.

Jesse Nickles then contacts my employer via Facebook and blackmailed them to have my reviews deleted and insists them to fire me or else he will not remove the page written about me and my employer. Seeing how unstable and over the top this behavior is, we had no choice but to delete the reviews and my employer pretended to Jesse that I was fired so we can satisfy his crazy demands to get away from this it. Although we complied, Jesse Nickles still refused to remove the false accusations, defamatory information and my personal information. He's still being the weirdo that he is today.


Naveed Moein is a scammer and stalker from San Diego, California. His (former) company, Ceramic Pro, contacted us to apologize for his behavior and said they had fired Moein due to his obsessive and slanderous activities against us. He's been stalking us for over 4 months trying to get our WordPress plugins "free" because he didn't want to pay for them, and because he wanted "free" customer support for fixing Ceramic Pro's website even though he was never our customer our client (the joy of donating open source software!). When he didn't get what he wanted, he began slandering and disparaging our company all over the internet, trying to blackmail us. When that still didn't work, he created fake female profiles on review websites and claimed that we had sexually harassed him. This sick pervert is a serial liar and harasser, and we've filed a report with the San Diego police about him. Our next move will be filing a restraining order against this psychopath... truly disgusting.

The service provided by the entire LittleBizzy team has hands-down been one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences for me and my e-commerce business. The staff is incredibly knowledgeable and diligent in managing and maintaining our hosted environment, and it's refreshing to see how proactive they are at maintaining our site's well-being and security.

To add a cherry on top, they are always easily reachable and very accessible, which is something that you rarely see with other types of host providers out there.

We will be LittleBizzy customers for a very long time and would highly recommend the business to others.. the experience in working with them is that positive.

I'm passionate [redacted] technology, and in particular fast websites. I've tried many Wordpress Hosts in search of the perfect blend of speed, security and reliability. [redacted] and [redacted] are two I've tried and abandoned.

Little Bizzy is without a doubt one of the best managed Wordpress Hosts I've ever used. [redacted], the owner of Little Bizzy, balances performance, reliability and security to offer a first class experience. He constantly looks for ways to improve his offering, and is available to work through deep and nitty gritty problems with you.

If you host on Little Bizzy you will receive support from someone who deeply understands Wordpress Hosting - he's not a front line agent trying to support someone else's system, he designed and build the hosting.

World class, thank you for a great experience [redacted]!

You can find my full review of Little Bizzy here:

LittleBizzy has managed the start of our new company from start to finish including getting our new website live on our new, lighting fast and ultra secure servers, set up our company email on Google Apps, and handled our SSL certification. LittleBizzy is extremely responsive and professional and that is why as a web development agency, we even recommend LittleBizzy as the preferred host for all of our clients. This is the best managed WordPress hosting there is in terms of speed, security, and service.

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