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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
In regards to the complaint made by [redacted] . Customer dropped the vehicle off prior to the store opening at 9 am. Customer when stopping in prior to his appointment was informed of how the process would work and was very specific on the install of the vinyl wrap to make sure razors...
king his car up and walked outside on the phone. [redacted] went to the back to let [redacted] the manager know that the gentleman needed to get back to work and what he had said. [redacted] went outside to get the customer to bring him in the garage to reassure him that no one was "f
king up " his car and that it has maybe a foot left on the driver side that needs to be finished before it leaves. The customer proceeded to tell [redacted] that we are in her goofing around and he has to get back to work. At this point we have five people total helping hold this wrap so the job would look perfect. [redacted] offered to call Holman Motors where the customer works because we have a very good relationship with them so we can explain whats going on. The customer told us that he already called and he needs to leave now, and [redacted] informed him that it is not finished and cant leave with a foot of vinyl not put on the car not being completed . [redacted] told him we will pull his car out ,but he needs to go wait up front as we have a policy that customers can not be in the back for safety reasons. The customer said he is not going to f
king move and [redacted] asked him again to go to the front , the customer said again he was not going to move and to call the cops if we want. [redacted] informed the guys holding the vinyl wrap to take it off the vehicle because the job was not finished and the customer needed to leave. [redacted] then stated to the customer that he doesn't know if he had a bad day at work or whats the issue ,but you cant come into this business acting the way you are and treating people this way, and was then informed that he was receiving a very good deal as we were making nothing off of this transaction as the $190 he paid for didn't even cover the material or tools that was ordered to do this job, and that we were doing this solely because we have a good relationship with where he works, and is paying nothing for it to be installed which thsi job would typically be priced at $350 alone for the wrap . He was informed he will not receive a refund as we wasted the materials on the vehicle because he had to leave and was then informed that the matte vinyl that was specially ordered for his vehicle alone totaled over $190 which is what he paid for the vinyl wrap and the install.The customer was also informed he was under camera because of how he was acting and treating everyone in the shop upon arrival . The customer proceeded until the car was getting pulled out to keep trying to badger [redacted] , at this point another employee spoke up and told him he needed to leave or go wait outside . The customer then proceeds to say the same statement that he did to [redacted] maybe 5 mins prior "are you going to assault me " and said it probably 3 times to both gentleman and was answered no from both [redacted] and the other employee. the car was pulled out and the upon leaving while standing outside the customer tried shaking [redacted] hand. I would like to state that we at this point have all phone conversations recorded, everything under camera and had a total of 7 people in the shop 5 of which were physically helping working on this vehicle not even able to move because they were holding the material in place and that if the customer would have allowed us to finish what we were doing instead of arguing and causing a scene the car could've been finished by the time the car was pulled out. As I stated the vinyl material was specifically ordered for his vehicle to be completed and the tape which allows us to cut the material totaled to $200,but we were not charging the customer for the tape that cuts the vinyl as we can use that on other jobs.
were not being used on his roof to install. Customer stopped in the day prior to make sure we were on track for his apt and was reassured we would be good to go and the material came in as well as the special tape needed to cut the product. for the next day and it would be finished by closing. Customer called mid afternoon to find out a time to come in . Customer was informed if he wanted to come anytime after 5:30 he would be able to get checked out since we closed a 6 pm. Customer showed up around 5:40 and was checked out and was informed that it wouldn't be to much longer.Customer was on the phone with a customer upon walking in and did state to [redacted] that this gentleman has been a pain and does nothing but grind grind grind about things. The person up front [redacted] went to the back to check on the progress of the vehicle which at this point had five people total helping finish the vinyl wrap on his car. I would liek to mention this because at no point was anyone not working on his vehicle upon his arrival besides when he came to the back and we had to stop. When [redacted] came back to the front the customer was standing directly at the door linking to the garage and said that he has to get back to work and that he will be pissed if there in in there f
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it. If you and the business have reached an agreement and compliance is set for a future date, we trust the business will comply. Please contact us after that time if the matter is not resolved as agreed and we will review the complaint and proceed accordingly.]
This matter was resolved prior to this complaint getting sent to the business. Mime ba dled this in a calm and professional manner. I was assured that the original complaint wasn't going to be sent or followed through. The said this complaint was stopped null and void and was not to be filed.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it. If you and the business have reached an agreement and compliance is set for a future date, we trust the business will comply. Please contact us after that time if the matter is not resolved as agreed and we will review the complaint and proceed accordingly.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as I receive the entire refund for repairs. Also, I would like to add that some of the business's story was inaccurate. The remote start was not replaced 3 times. Actually it was never replaced only removed. Secondly, I did call Detail World after taking the papers to Kia and that is when he advised me to call his lawyer because he refused to reimburse me for the cost of repairs.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.The DVDs are not the issue at hand. The fact that my roof liner is in need of repair due to negligence on the part of Detail World. I have the second receipt they issued to me for the DVD replacement. The original receipt was turned in to Detail World for the first repair and NEVER returned to me. They know this. This issue at this point isn't about my DVDs its about getting my roof liner repaired or replaced. In the estimate I sent it will cost $6,000 to have this completed correctly. My offer is this: refund my cost for the DVDs and the installation $1600 in cash. If this can't be handled in a proper manner then I will have no choice but to show my documentation to the courts and sue for the full $6000.