Linearx Systems Inc Reviews (2)
Linearx Systems Inc Rating
Address: 17801 NE 230th St, Battle Ground, Washington, United States, 98604-4702
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Address: 17801 NE 230th St, Battle Ground, Washington, United States, 98604-4702
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To whom it may concern,Mr*** * *** made many fault statements in his comments to Revdex.comMy husband passed Chris * S*** on Nov Chris * S*** is the sole owner of Linearx Systems IncI tried to keep the company open to find info to be able toFmish the LXnew analyzer and
or other productsTo be able to keep the productsalive and producing'lben maybe sell to another companyWe couldn't find thesource code to do so, so we have to close the company at this time.Mr *** * *** had called me, Susan S*** demanding his money backIexplained my husband was the owner and had passedChris * S*** was theengineer / brains behind the companyAt this time councilor was helping me to moveforward with Linearx Systems Inc and what directions it would going for.I told Mr*** * *** to stop harassing me on the phone while crying statingmy husband just died and I had no idea at the time what was going to go on ..He was very rude on the phone and yelling at me and I did hang up the phone on him.I couldn't take it any longer.First of all Linearx Systems Incdid not take in the LMS board, which was a productover 15+ yrs oldThe product was obsoleteWe only did a "trade in" to help thecustomer outit wasn't worth it .Since most are no longer in working orderPartshave been discontinuedWe told customer if they wanted to put a deposit down it wasat their requestI personal stopped taking deposits in and no longer offered thetrade in due it was not worth it -the boards where too oldWe told the customers inthe beginning who did want to do" the trade in" , to keep their LMS boards until westart shippingSo I have no idea what he is talking aboutI couldn't be responsible ofthe old LMS analyzer boards and so customer understoodThat would have been amess.Mr*** * *** stated that I put a sale on the website of 20% and trying tosell of stockFirst, that sale was going back around summer 2016, my husband is theonly one who knows how to go to the website internally and make changesChris *S*** left the sale on much longer then usualThe last few month of him being sick,he never changed it or took the sale offSo no, I did not put a sale on after he passed.Nor did I take any order or sell anything due to his passing as of Nov 2016.See included copy of his payment and order notesAs of June 2013Thank you,Susan S
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:1. Please refer to my attached PDF document entitled: "[redacted]'s rebuttal to on Susie S[redacted] of LinearX Systems, Inc."2. Please refer next to my attached PDF document entitled: "Proof LinearX Systems, Incs. is owned by "BOTH" Chris and Susan S[redacted] & Corp. is still Active in WA State"3. Please refer next to my attached PDF document entitled: "Proof of handing in LinearX LMS card to Susie S[redacted] on 18 Nov 2013"Form # 1 above is the written response letter (rebuttal) to the firm (LinearX Systems, Inc.) Form # 2 and # 3 (PDF files) are supporting documents to form # 1 above.If there are any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me. I am more than willing to work with a 3rd party arbitrator, at no expense to Susie S[redacted] or myself, to try to resolve this matter, (having a 3rd natural party involved would prevent a "he said, she said," type of affair and hopefully allow us to work together to achieve a successful resolution to this matter.I have and harbor no ill will towards Susie S[redacted] and do feel empathy for her situation. That being said, I also feel strongly that I simply be given my old LMS card back and my deposit funds back. Fair is fair, (they've had both since 2013 the LX500 unit I paid down on was promised and promised by LinearX for many years, but never was delivered. I had "faith," but now that I know it won't happen, I simply wish to get my deposit back and move on.