Dear,Lindora Clinic2975 Red Hill Ave. suite 175costa Mesa, CA 92626RECEIVED 8 ZOVThis letter serves as a response to the complaint submitted to the on 4/18/2017 with an assigned ID of 12110154. The following statements address the patient's specific comments:•••Our company...
did send the patient a "Written Notice of Withdrawal of Care" in response to the patient's use of unacceptable language and profanity, both verbally and in email communication. That action was important for us to take in order for us to uphold ourcommitment to provide a non-threating work environment to our employees.Our customers have different payment options available to them in order to purchase our programs. This patient chose to pre-pay for the program in order to take advantage of a special, discounted offer.The program has no requirements to purchase our food and supplements. Those products are offered as aids in helping our patients achieve their desired goals.Our company refunded the customer the amount of $1,730.72, sent via overnight courier on April 14, 2017. That refund represented what we believed to be more than fair - all service purchases the customer had made as of January, I, 2017.In order to expedite the end of our relationship with this patient, our company has since refunded the additional disputed amount of $816.52 to that patient.Our company has also returned the patient's personal identifying pictures.It is always our aim to provide our patients with outstanding customer service and products in order for them to achieve their weight loss and wellness goals.
Dear,Lindora Clinic2975 Red Hill Ave. suite 175costa Mesa, CA 92626RECEIVED 8 ZOVThis letter serves as a response to the complaint submitted to the on 4/18/2017 with an assigned ID of 12110154. The following statements address the patient's specific comments:•••Our company...
did send the patient a "Written Notice of Withdrawal of Care" in response to the patient's use of unacceptable language and profanity, both verbally and in email communication. That action was important for us to take in order for us to uphold ourcommitment to provide a non-threating work environment to our employees.Our customers have different payment options available to them in order to purchase our programs. This patient chose to pre-pay for the program in order to take advantage of a special, discounted offer.The program has no requirements to purchase our food and supplements. Those products are offered as aids in helping our patients achieve their desired goals.Our company refunded the customer the amount of $1,730.72, sent via overnight courier on April 14, 2017. That refund represented what we believed to be more than fair - all service purchases the customer had made as of January, I, 2017.In order to expedite the end of our relationship with this patient, our company has since refunded the additional disputed amount of $816.52 to that patient.Our company has also returned the patient's personal identifying pictures.It is always our aim to provide our patients with outstanding customer service and products in order for them to achieve their weight loss and wellness goals.