Linden Lab Reviews (98)
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Address: 945 Battery Street, San Francisco, California, United States, 94111
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Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
Thank you to LL for their response. I'm very sorry to say that they are probably wrong this time. I've been a user for few months and I never did what they say. I think it's a big misunderstanding or something went wrong in their control system. Since it's impossible to contact them directly, the only thing I'm asking is LL to get in touch with me to clear things out. I want to understand why they banned me for this reason since I was never involved in such activities.
I look forward your kind reply.
We have further investigated the circumstances leading to the termination of Mr. [redacted] account and confirmed that he engaged in activity that constitutes a severe violation of Linden Lab’s Community Standards policy. Due to the nature of this activity, we are unable to allow Mr. [redacted] to continue using our Second Life service.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/11/17) */
nic roommate engaged in? While I'm glad that I now know the specifics of why my account was put on hold, it doesn't solve the problem. I'd like to have my account back so that I can actually properly secure it so my roommate can't get into it anymore. I can't exactly secure my account from my roommate (so he can't use it for malicious activities anymore) if I can't even access it. All I ask is that I be allowed at the very least to be able to access my account again so that I can inform my customers on my account's contacts list (especially the ones who have no other means of contacting me) what all is going on and so that I can reset my password [redacted] security question on my account. Again, I find it extremely unfair that I'm being faulted for my roommate's actions. I already had several long talks with him about this and it's always boiled down to the same thing. If he wants to make a buffoon of himself on Second Life and get himself banned, he can just make his own account and not commandeer mine when I'm not looking. I'd also like to again add that [redacted]'s customer service has for the most part been very very bad on both his part and on the part of his subordinates. As both a paying customer and a content creator, I'd like to actually get some assistance in getting my account back. I promise that I'm going to take extra measures to make sure that my account is not used for malicious purposes that would violate the terms of service. The last thing I need is for my customers (if I have any left after this) to be inconvenienced again because my roommate or anyone else decided to log onto my account and use it to harass others. I personally am opposed to such behavior and I do not in any way condone or support my roommate's atrocious behavior and his obviously rampant abuse of the Second Life Terms of Service. I try to follow these rules to a T so that I can to the best of my abilities, assist my customers. Sadly I cannot exactly do that due to my account still being on hold. Literally all that I ask is that my account be returned to me so that I can prevent it from being compromised again. Now that I know what was going on and that my roommate was not only using my account, but using it to harass people, I can take further measures to keep him out of my things. Once I am able to get my account back, I will be immediately changing my password [redacted] security question so that my account is completely inaccessible to my roommate and I would honestly also be willing to compensate whoever it was that my roommate was harassing, as such behavior on my roommate's part is nothing less than deplorable. Now I ask [redacted] Labs to please kindly allow me access to my account again so that I can right my roommate's wrongs and provide support to my customers again. Thank you.
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We appreciate Mr. [redacted] contacting us regarding the status of his account, unfortunately we are unable to locate any account associated to him using the information supplied in this report. We would like to encourage Mr. [redacted] to contact us via our Support Portal ( so that we can further assist him.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/11/20) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
My account is [redacted] and I found out only yesterday that for some time, my roommate had been logging into my account without my knowledge and using it to "have fun" (as he put it). I don't know the specifics of what exactly my roommate did on my account behind my back, but I most definitely do not appreciate the assistance (or lack thereof) that I have received thus far from [redacted] Lab. Their customer service has been less than satisfactory in helping me get my account back and it has caused a great deal of inconvenience for both myself and my customers. As a content creator and premium subscriber, I feel as though [redacted] Lab's "customer service" has been less than satisfactory in resolving this issue and aiding me in getting my account back. All that I ask for is that they allow me to have my account back so that I can have the password [redacted] and a new security question issued so that my roommate can't get into my account anymore and thus, cannot use it to cause trouble anymore (I've also taken steps on my end of things to keep him away from my account such as not leaving my computer turned on when I'm out of the house and he isn't and not leaving my login information anywhere where he can get to it). My roommate has also apologized to me for his actions and offered to financially compensate me but until [redacted] Lab can actually get me my account back so I can reassure my customers that all is well, any financial compensation that my roommate offers isn't really of much help.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/11/30) */
To Whom It May Concern:
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We appreciate [redacted] contacting the in an attempt to resolve the above-referenced matter. After further review of this individual's Second Life account, we have confirmed that they participated in activities that are in violation of our Terms of Service. In this particular instance, Mr. [redacted] repeatedly shared other account owner's private information, via chat, both privately and in group conversations.
Due to the severe and harassing nature of this behavior, we are unable to allow Mr. [redacted] to continue using our Second Life service.
Customer Support Manager
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/12/02) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I like how I'm still being faulted for my roommate's actions. I mean what do I have to do, call [redacted] Lab support and have my roommate talk to them and apologize for his reckless actions and usage of my account behind my back? I'm really honestly getting tired of having my customers hounding me on a daily basis, asking what's going on with my account. And now I'm essentially having to tell them that my account was put on hold for something that I myself had no involvement in but rather, something my m
Hello,Linden Lab operates Second Life, a 3D “virtual world,” or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated gameplay. Most content on the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.We...
appreciate [redacted] contacting the in an attempt to resolve the above-referenced matter. Under our Community Standards policy, real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of sexual or lewd acts involving or appearing to involve children or minors are not allowed within Second Life. When detected, individuals and groups promoting or providing such content and activities will be subject to sanctions, which may include termination of accounts, closure of groups, removal of content, and loss of land or access to land. Such behavior was discovered on Mr. [redacted] account, and as such we are unable to allow this individual to continue using our Second Life service.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/31) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
Mr. [redacted]'s account(s) and complaint is associated and addresses the same issue of CASE#: XXXXXXXX. Valid charges on the accounts mentioned were disputed, with the total being over $4,000.00. When valid charges are disputed or become a chargeback, it is known as 'friendly" fraud which is a violation of [redacted] Lab's Terms of Service. For these reasons we will not be granting Mr. [redacted]'s, or any other person(s) request to release any of the accounts involved in this matter.
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/09/03) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I didnt do it and I showed u every thing u asked for and if I do t get my accounts back ill take u to court and tell the media
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/09/08) */
While we appreciate Mr. [redacted]'s position, our information does indeed show that these charges and his accounts are related. We did offer Mr. [redacted] the opportunity to repay these valid charges, and since he declined we let Mr. [redacted] know his accounts were at that time terminated. We will not be releasing these accounts.
Customer Support Manager
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/09/10) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Trace the ip were the credit card was charged
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/25) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We appreciate Ms. [redacted]'s input on this matter and have reviewed Ms. [redacted]'s account(s) and have released them back to her at this time. We have also notified her of this via her Support Case of her account status. We hope that Ms. [redacted] will continue to enjoy her time in Second Life.
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/08/27) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
This is exactly what I wanted I am more than satisfied with their response.
Hello,Linden Lab operates Second Life, a 3D “virtual world,” or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated gameplay. Most content on the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.We...
appreciate [redacted] contacting the [redacted] in an attempt to resolve the above-referenced matter. After further review of this individual’s Second Life account, we have confirmed that this individual violated Linden Lab’s Terms of Service by gaining unauthorized access to another individual’s account and committing fraudulent activities with such account. Due to the nature of this behavior, we are unable to allow this individual to continue using our Second Life service.
Customer Support Manager
Hello,Linden Lab operates Second Life, a 3D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.We...
appreciate [redacted] contacting the in an attempt to resolve the above-referenced matter. After further review of this individual's Second Life account, we have confirmed that they engaged in fraudulent activities on the Second Life Marketplace in violation of our Terms of Service. Due to the observed behavior resulting in such violations, we unfortunately are unable to allow this individual to continue using our Second Life Service.Respectfully,[redacted]Customer Support Manager
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
I made a mistake by not observing the rules, so I bought through [redacted], believing that there would be no problems. I know of SL's efforts to maintain his standard and what I ask is a second chance.
I am long time user and I never transgressed the rules, or at least have beem warned or suspended. I believe that cancellation is a too harsh measure.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/19) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We appreciate Ms. [redacted]'s efforts to resolve this matter, and have reviewed her account. Unfortunately Ms. [redacted]'s account was closed for violations of our Terms of Service. For Ms. [redacted]'s privacy, we will be sending her more information via our last case communication with her. However, as per our Terms of Service, Ms. [redacted] may not return to Second Life on any account, new or existing.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/10/20) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
[redacted] labs have advised that I have broken the terms of service. Their message via my email and the support portal provided details of an offence that I have not committed. They state that they have been provided with evidence of the allegation but they have not provided me with this. How can I defend myself against evidence I've not seen. All I can do it reiterate that I have not broken the terms of service and particularly the one they accuse me of. They must have their facts wrong somehow.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/10/27) */
Due to our privacy policy ( we are unable to disclose the information/evidence that led us to the investigation on Ms. [redacted]'s account.
We would advise Ms. [redacted] to review our Terms of Service (, more specifically Section 5. As we previously stated, the account has been closed for violations of our Terms of Service, and we have communicated the details of that to her privately.
Customer Support Manager
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/11/03) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept the proposed resolution of.. leaving my accounts closed. I have read section indicated (see below) and can't see how this section clarifies the situation in anyway. It does however inform me that I AM entitled to the information they hold regarding me and I would now like to formally request access of all Personal Information that is held by [redacted] Labs about me.
Whilst [redacted] Labs representatives have informed me that I have violated the terms of service and even advised me what section of their policies and terms of service they feel I have failed to comply with, this simply is not the case. I personally have never violated the terms they've indicated. What I have done is sunk money into their virtual environment only to then have my access terminated.
Should [redacted] Labs remain unwilling to reinstate my 2 accounts I expect them to refund the monies I spent on their game, as I feel they have as good as stolen it. With that in mind, along with my Personal Information I request all transaction histories be provided, as their closure of my accounts has rendered me unable to access this information.
5. Your Controls and Choices
We provide you with the ability to exercise certain controls and choices regarding our collection, use and sharing of your information. In accordance with local law, your controls and choices may include:
You may correct, update and/or delete your account registration
You may change your choices for subscriptions, newsletters and alerts
You may choose whether to receive offers and promotions from us for our products and services, or products and services that we think may be of interest to you
You may choose whether to share your Personal Information with other companies so they can send you offers and promotions about their products and services
You may choose whether to receive targeted advertising from many ad networks, data exchanges, marketing analytics and other service providers by following the directions set forth above in Section 2
You may request access to the Personal Information we hold about you and that we amend or delete it and we request third parties with whom we have shared such information to do the same
You may exercise your controls and choices, or request access to your Personal Information, by modifying your selections at, following instructions provided in communications we send to you, or sending correspondence regarding the publications or services you no longer wish to receive from us to the following address:
[redacted] Lab Privacy Policy
Attention: Opt-Out Administrator
945 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA XXXXX
Please be aware that if you do not allow us to collect Personal Information from you, we may not be able to deliver certain products and services to you, and some of our services may not be able to take account of your interests and preferences.
Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: I have never sold any accounts, I have never bought any accounts. I have never done anything I'm being accused of doing. I have been nothing but an upstanding player In this game. I do realize I broke terms of service but I would of never done it if I had known it was against terms of service. I had no malicious intent what so ever. I was simply trying to help my boyfriend. I have talk to 5 different people that have been going through the same thing with Linden Labs. Although I can not speak on their behave because I don't know the truth behind their situations. I feel like someone maybe targeting and maliciously trolling people and accusing them of things that will cause linden labs to ban their accounts. With as large of an investment I have put into this game I can not just sit back and let them take my investment away from me based on untrue facts. 25,000 US dollars is a lot of money to invest to have it taken away without a thorough investigation. Linden labs is unwilling to listen to me and casting judgement based on untrue fact.Sincerely,[redacted]
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/06/15) */
Linden Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content...
on the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated. Linden Lab also operates a "virtual currency" exchange, through which users exchange "Linden Dollars."
Mr. [redacted]'s account of "[redacted] Resident" was closed as it was associated with a number of other accounts with a history of being created for, and actively engaged in, harassment of other residents. Therefore we will not be granting Mr. [redacted]'s request to release this, or any other associated account belonging to Mr. [redacted].
Support Manager
Linden Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/06/19) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
How did Linden Lab come to the conclusion, and what proof does Linden Lab have that I created multiple accounts to harass people?
While it is true that I had more than 1 account, 3 accounts actually and none of those were ever used to harass anyone within Second Life.
As stated in my complaint to the have an ex real life boyfriend who hacked my WiFi, spoofed my computer to go around harassing people. I have gone to my local authorities and they could not help me.
I am not very technical when it comes to computers. If I knew of a way to put a stop to what my ex boyfriend is doing, I would have done so.
How is it that I am liable for what someone else does on my internet? I would love to see written proof, logs, and information that Linden Lab has used regarding this. It can be mailed to the address listed in my original complaint.
In the meantime, I do not accept the response from Linden Lab. I never harassed anyone within Second Life.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 10, 2015/06/26) */
Our information confirms our original statements that Mr. [redacted] created multiple accounts, some specifically created with the intention for harassment. Since the harassment was ongoing, we took the action to close all of Mr. [redacted]'s accounts. Claims of internet issues that may apply to this issue are not supported by our information. We will not be granting Mr. [redacted]'s request to reinstate his account due to these reasons.
Customer Support Manager
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 12, 2015/06/30) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Linden Lab has offered me no proof, nothing that confirms what [redacted] is stating.
I will never accept any answer from Linden Lab and their failure to abide by their own terms of service and community standards.
I would like solid proof sent to me. If Linden Lab cannot provide this evidence then I merely see this as a yet another lie by Linden Lab.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2015/08/25) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We do offer the ability to return objects from Inworld property owned. We recommend that if the land is not owned directly by her, Ms. [redacted] will have to work with the land owner, or contact the owner of the object(s) for their assistance directly. We also recommend that Ms. [redacted] use our Official Second Life Viewer to manage this issue if the virtual land the objects are on belongs to her. If Ms. [redacted] continues to have this issue, our Inworld Abuse Report system is available to her. These reports must be filed with sufficient clear information to allow us to help, but most often these issues are more simply resolved working with other Second Life residents.
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 10, 2015/09/01) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have try to do the Inworld Abuse Report and have heard nothing back and the viewer i'm using is fine I have the person next to me the one that own it blocked and have report thme many time and have not gotten anything back about it my husband use the same as I do and he has no truble and I do have the main sl viewer and there no problem on that end so I don't know what going on but don't like that I can click on it to returen any of there items if it was to hang over to are side of the land
Final Business Response /* (4000, 12, 2015/09/08) */
[redacted] Lab examines abuse incidents independently and will not disclose the resolution of abuse/community standards violations with Second Life Residents. For privacy reasons, we are unable to share the details of an investigation into an abuse report. Once a report has been submitted, any action, or non-action, that is required will not be shared. We do have documentation for best practices as to when and how to file Abuse Reports, which may be useful to Ms. [redacted] going forward.
Customer Support Manager
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:they didnt give that as the reason till u all contacted them and the money was pulled back for fraud cause there was 2 accounts that were being paid and both were closed and deleted with out warning so that is un accepted and the card that was on that account was stoped due to the card company fraud the bank that was paying them
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2015/08/11) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We apologize for the inconvenience of the wait for Ms. [redacted], we were waiting for the proper documents to enable us to release her account. We have now received these documents and Ms. [redacted]'s account has been released back to her on August 8th, and she is once again able to enjoy her time in Second Life.
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 9, 2015/08/13) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
My account was finally released back to me.
See Attached
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 6, 2015/08/14) */
Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on the Second Life...
platform is user-generated and operated.
Ms. [redacted] had contacted us on 8/8/2015 about this issue via a Support Case through her Second Life Support Portal. We responded to this case the same day, informing Ms. [redacted] that we had issued the refund. Along with this information in her Support Portal, she should have received an email also notifying her of this refund.
We hope that Ms. [redacted] will continue to enjoy her time in Second Life.
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 8, 2015/08/27) */
They have refunded my money.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/08/11) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We did close Mr. [redacted]'s account(s) as they are associated with alternate accounts who have charged back valid transactions, which is also referred to as "friendly fraud". These transactional disputes are well over $5000.00, and for this reason we will not be granting Mr. [redacted]'s request to release his account(s).
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/08/13) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Friendly fraud? Considering a hacker is responsible for those charge backs when my fiancé has told them this many times when he was dealing with LL on the matter. They even said the credit card that was used on one of the accounts were indeed a womans. We know who the hacker who did this. He has admitted to this to a lot of people.
[redacted] Labs keeps track of IPs and MAC addresses every time a user logs into the grid and their web site. And they have the capability of tracking the location in which that credit card was used. But they refuse to do so. Which is actually irresponsible on their end.
They'd rather go after the people who didn't do anything wrong instead of the people who did it. And this so called "Friendly Freud" is complete BS when I had nothing to do with the hacking. I've been with SL for a number of years paid for stuff I wanted and I sure as heck would not charge almost $4000 at once on a video game. They also DO Not have the proof that I was involved all they're doing is speculation and assuming without doing a complete investigation.
I don't know where they get off on doing this to people when they take advantage of users every day and accuse them on various things. LL is a fraudulent company and really doesn't deserve to be in business.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/08/20) */
The financial disputes that resulted in the closure of Mr. [redacted]'s account(s) were across multiple accounts and over a series of weeks. The [redacted] Dollars (our inworld economic token) purchased on these disputed transactions were passed [redacted] the accounts now held, and used for inworld activities. We do not see any signs of account compromise on Mr. [redacted]'s accounts as these behaviors are normal Second Life account activities. We will not be granting Mr. [redacted]'s request to release his accounts, and they are permanently closed due to the dollar amount over the number of accounts involved in this matter.
Customer Support Manager
[redacted] Lab
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 11, 2015/08/24) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
That's funny now they are changing they're story? On my accounts there has been no account compromise on my partners there had been. For my accounts the [redacted] Dollars purchase have gone through successfully I have the transaction history to prove this. Which I'd be happy to provide.
I passed [redacted] Dollars to other accounts in which I own and in which I have every right to do. They need to release my accounts back to me or legal action will happen.
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/10/28) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We appreciate Mr. [redacted] contacting the in an effort to resolve this matter. We received chargebacks for valid transactions on Mr. [redacted]'s account. When chargebacks are done on valid transactions, they are referred to as "Friendly Fraud". In this case, Mr. [redacted] is being allowed to repay these transactions, along with the fees we occurred. Once it has been repaid in full, the account's belonging to Mr. [redacted], will be released.
We will also communicate this to Mr. [redacted] directly via a private case, so that it can be discussed further, as needed.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/11/02) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
That is very untrue because I didn't even have payment information on my account. I have never purchased anything directly from them so it's not possible for me to have chargebacks. I'd like them to provide me with proof of these transaction I've supposedly made on my account or at least when I had any type of payment information on my account. In the dispute on their site they sending me a message saying my account looks to be somehow link to other people's account who have had those issues. Not once have I been asked for identification. This is foolishness.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/11/04) */
While we understand Mr. [redacted]'s concerns, we are unable to provide certain data as it would expose internal risk mitigation tools. That being said, we have conducted an exhaustive review and provided Mr. [redacted] with as much information privately, as we are able to do.
At this time, we will not be able to allow Mr. [redacted] to return to Second Life, until the matter is resolved. We will happily continue to discuss this with Mr. [redacted] via our internal ticketing system, in order to protect his privacy in this matter.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/01/20) */
[redacted] Lab operates Second Life, a 3-D "virtual world," or online, immersive communications system, which enables users to meet, communicate, view graphics together, and engage in a variety of user-generated game-play. Most content on...
the Second Life platform is user-generated and operated.
We appreciate [redacted] contacting the in an attempt to resolve the above-referenced matter. After further review of this individual's Second Life account, it appears that the matter has already been resolved and the access to their account has been returned.
If [redacted] has any additional concerns, we would be happy to address them for him.
Customer Support Manager
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2016/01/22) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I have my account back I want to thank you so much for your help.