To whom it may concern:I will preface my response by saying that we have been open for years, and never oncereceived a complaint regarding our business practicesWe do our best for thecommunity, and very much advise patients to pay us as they are able, within reasonWehave rarely had a problem with this, as generally, patients are grateful to have the workcompleted before we ask for 100% of paymentWe aim to provide the best quality careand we hope that patients do not attempt to take advantage of our leniency withfinancialsUnfortunately, where there is leniency, there is always someone willing toexploit it.When we first saw this patient, we examined him and put together a treatment plan.Because he came to us on a weekend, we were not able to verify his insurance, but weput together a treatment plan for him regardlessOnce we were able to verify hisinsurance, we provided him with the estimate for the phases of treatmentAt this visit,the patient did sign a financial agreement, agreeing that payment for services would bedue at the time services are rendered(Again, we do provide leniency, but INWRITING, we have a signed form by this patient that he understands that generally,payment is due at time of service).The first phase of treatment included doing bridgework on his front teethWe calledhim several days prior to his scheduled appointment to let him know this estimate forthis phase would be around $The patient again was told that this could be paidoff within reason without being sent to collectionsHe wanted to move forward withtreatmentWe completed this treatment in two appointmentsThe first appointmentwe prepared the teeth for the bridgework and he wore temporary bridges for a fewweeksThis visit was hours longHe paid nothing at this visitThe second visit, weseated the bridgework (cemented them in place)This was about an hour longappointment, and we verified with the patient that he was indeed satisfied withaesthetics and comfortThe patient was very pleased, but being numb, we instructedthe patient (as we do with EVERY patient that is numb for anything) that if ANYTHINGdid not feel quite right when the numbness wore off, he should call us for any additionaladjustmentsThe patient also paid nothing at this visitWe took impressions at thisvisit as well for a free custom night guard, to help protect this new bridge from clenchingand grinding, which would wear them faster.The patient cancelled his next appointment to have fillings done, due to a work conflict.We heard nothing about any problems with the bridge at this timeNothing.When we heard back from insurance, we sent our patient a statement showing that heindeed owed about $after insurance had paid, and this amount was now dueWeasked that he begin making payments, which he was insulted aboutHis wife sent us acheck for $With $a month, this would take the patient over years to pay usfor the work already completed.The additional work to be completed had an estimated cost of another $3000.We called the patient to let him know that we would not be able to continue treatment,as this would add to his bill, of which he already owed $5500, with only a smallcontribution paidWe called and told him about a week before his next appointment,then again a few days before his appointment that we would have to reschedule hisappointment for a time when his balance would be below $minutes before hisappointment, the patient phoned us back saying he was coming anywayHe left amessage, proving he had received these callsWe still have the message on ourvoicemail proving he received these messages.In the meantime, we told the patient that despite the fact he hadn’t paid us reasonablyfor the procedure, we would still honor the promise we made of providing him with afree night guardThe patient promptly came in to pick up the free appliance (value of$165.00), and again did not schedule for an adjustment to the bridge.He now is stating that the bridge is “crumbling” and “painful to eat on” mostly because Iwill not continue working on him until a reasonable balance is reachedI have several emailexchanges between the patient and myself regarding his anger in this ordeal (Iattached them to prove I have been as accommodating as possible)In these emails, Ialso have offered MANY times to have him come in so I may see the problems with thebridgeIt has been almost days since it was seatedFor me, if something isbothering me, I generally don’t wait days to have the person responsible looking at it.Additionally in these emails, he begs me to continue working on himIf I thought thework someone did wasn’t good, I also wouldn’t want him/her to provide me with anyadditional workWould you?We never made any promises to “bundle” all work togetherThe work is presented inphase formatAnd we reserve the right to not continue working on a patient for ANYreasonIf trust is lost between patient and provider, there is no reason to continue withtreatment
To whom it may concern:I will preface my response by saying that we have been open for years, and never oncereceived a complaint regarding our business practicesWe do our best for thecommunity, and very much advise patients to pay us as they are able, within reasonWehave rarely had a problem with this, as generally, patients are grateful to have the workcompleted before we ask for 100% of paymentWe aim to provide the best quality careand we hope that patients do not attempt to take advantage of our leniency withfinancialsUnfortunately, where there is leniency, there is always someone willing toexploit it.When we first saw this patient, we examined him and put together a treatment plan.Because he came to us on a weekend, we were not able to verify his insurance, but weput together a treatment plan for him regardlessOnce we were able to verify hisinsurance, we provided him with the estimate for the phases of treatmentAt this visit,the patient did sign a financial agreement, agreeing that payment for services would bedue at the time services are rendered(Again, we do provide leniency, but INWRITING, we have a signed form by this patient that he understands that generally,payment is due at time of service).The first phase of treatment included doing bridgework on his front teethWe calledhim several days prior to his scheduled appointment to let him know this estimate forthis phase would be around $The patient again was told that this could be paidoff within reason without being sent to collectionsHe wanted to move forward withtreatmentWe completed this treatment in two appointmentsThe first appointmentwe prepared the teeth for the bridgework and he wore temporary bridges for a fewweeksThis visit was hours longHe paid nothing at this visitThe second visit, weseated the bridgework (cemented them in place)This was about an hour longappointment, and we verified with the patient that he was indeed satisfied withaesthetics and comfortThe patient was very pleased, but being numb, we instructedthe patient (as we do with EVERY patient that is numb for anything) that if ANYTHINGdid not feel quite right when the numbness wore off, he should call us for any additionaladjustmentsThe patient also paid nothing at this visitWe took impressions at thisvisit as well for a free custom night guard, to help protect this new bridge from clenchingand grinding, which would wear them faster.The patient cancelled his next appointment to have fillings done, due to a work conflict.We heard nothing about any problems with the bridge at this timeNothing.When we heard back from insurance, we sent our patient a statement showing that heindeed owed about $after insurance had paid, and this amount was now dueWeasked that he begin making payments, which he was insulted aboutHis wife sent us acheck for $With $a month, this would take the patient over years to pay usfor the work already completed.The additional work to be completed had an estimated cost of another $3000.We called the patient to let him know that we would not be able to continue treatment,as this would add to his bill, of which he already owed $5500, with only a smallcontribution paidWe called and told him about a week before his next appointment,then again a few days before his appointment that we would have to reschedule hisappointment for a time when his balance would be below $minutes before hisappointment, the patient phoned us back saying he was coming anywayHe left amessage, proving he had received these callsWe still have the message on ourvoicemail proving he received these messages.In the meantime, we told the patient that despite the fact he hadn’t paid us reasonablyfor the procedure, we would still honor the promise we made of providing him with afree night guardThe patient promptly came in to pick up the free appliance (value of$165.00), and again did not schedule for an adjustment to the bridge.He now is stating that the bridge is “crumbling” and “painful to eat on” mostly because Iwill not continue working on him until a reasonable balance is reachedI have several emailexchanges between the patient and myself regarding his anger in this ordeal (Iattached them to prove I have been as accommodating as possible)In these emails, Ialso have offered MANY times to have him come in so I may see the problems with thebridgeIt has been almost days since it was seatedFor me, if something isbothering me, I generally don’t wait days to have the person responsible looking at it.Additionally in these emails, he begs me to continue working on himIf I thought thework someone did wasn’t good, I also wouldn’t want him/her to provide me with anyadditional workWould you?We never made any promises to “bundle” all work togetherThe work is presented inphase formatAnd we reserve the right to not continue working on a patient for ANYreasonIf trust is lost between patient and provider, there is no reason to continue withtreatment