I stayed at the Best Western with *and ** *** on January 6, Upon my departure while entering traffic, I noticed a parking ticket ($76) in my windshield Before I could pull over and retrieve the the ticket, it flew off my car, so I called Best Western directly where I was told to disregard the ticket and it would be handled
I received the first parking ticket in the mail dated 2/23/ Upon receipt, I called the hotel back and spoke to Justin, who said he would get me in touch with management Eric S*** called me back and again said he would take care of the issue right away The second ticket arrived approximately a month later, dated 3/22/and would be turned into collections so I took care of the matter and again called MrS*** for help To date, the issue is still not resolved I have called repeatedly, provided the ticket to MrS*** twice, and called again today advising that I would be contacting his corporate office and the Revdex.com, but
This is not all true*** was rehearsing in my studio since about feb for a special rate of $per hour which was to be paid in advance and never wasAlso he continued to go over the hours and was only paying for hours on sat evenings but was staying from 8pm- till minimum pm and many
nights after midnight but never paid for any of the extra time he used the facilityHe still has not paid for the last few times at all I text him several times withinn hours of him being in studio and runing past his time that was paid for stating he ran over and he would say we didnt practice last week so it carried over No that is not how it goes Now in reguards to recording we recorded days tracking drums and guitar with scratch voclas and both days the drummer was late and *** repeatedly was upset at him for tardyness and not playing up to *** standards to where *** was talking about not using *** for the songs and did state they were not doing some songs anymore because stvev could not play them like *** wanted Then *** booked a side band in studio but canceled less than hours notice Also I let his other friends band rehearse during the week that had a show in town at a moments notice *** would show up either drunk or drinking in the studio and at times bring other people in there and leave because he would forget his gear and leave for hour or longer and not notify me about this *** also had to stay the night because I dont let people drive after they drink so he would sleep on couch He also forgot to lock the door before and several times forget to text me when he was leaving so I can go and turn off everything and make sure it is secureI also text him about that as wellmost of the time no responce about that A few ties he has brought his dog in the studio and I dont have any animals in there for a few reasons one is allergies and two is I dont want messes to clean up IBack to recording after the two days they wanted me to mix and burn down all the takes and tracks from days and email to *** drummer so he knew what needed to be redone or what which I did and emailed to him and that is studio time as well *** is failing to add up all the time the studio has a,re*** put into this project and the canelations from them are about time a month they would give notice about 3-hours prior to be here saying oh there is a band play at " wherever" and so and so wants to go so No *** or steve I canceled one time because I had a band that was in middle of project and they ran over into next day and I did not know they left gear setup till that afternoon and as soon as I knew I let them know and appalogiged Now the 2nd cancelation he is talking about wasn not booked he txed me saying hey we need in I need eddie to be recorded real quick and he can make it tonight or tomorrow and when I responded back saying I could not accomadate then he got upset and I said I needed more notice than that Now the tour they were kicked off way before even coming into rerecord and he even emailed me saying so n so is upset and he kicked us off tour so you will want to take yourseklf off his friend event so he doesnt talk crap and he did this to me twice The drummer told me he did not want to tour with eddie because a several reasons I wont go into to but I had no part in getting anyone kicked off a tour and his tour was one show on one night in seatlle and the guy never paid anyone but himselfNo one else perforing made money and *** constantly complained about picking the guy up before show and taking him, home and driving him around but never got paidThere is alot more to this project but this gives a bit of insight into this but also *** got mad at my producer because *** told me to tell him (after he turned him down for free, it cost money)nthat he needed to produce there album for free because he used his computer in my studio and I said noThen *** told me he took his coputer out of my studio because the produce was a devil worshiper and he used itbut yet producer told me a few nights before they sat there smoking and chilling out talking music and watching videos and *** told me he liked the producer but then he turned it around told me all kinds of stuff at first not wanting to say a reason but then saying he did bad stuff using his name or something on his coputer and that his uncle checked into it and it was just a mess and all because I would not make my producer produce *** band for free see he is on the radio and is known so he wanted the name on his album and he had been hanging with him on several occasions with no problems till he wouldnt do stuff for free I talked to the drummer about this and he knew nothing about *** even asking a producer produce them see there was major comunication problems with *** and steve and this is the first responce I have received from Revdex.com and I see it stated 2nd also *** failed to mention he is doing this after months of being here at $hour and I told him I was raising it to $per hour for rehearsing and he had a fit also I never refused to record anyone there was other issues going on with *** and producer and producer wanted tracks off his computer and *** would not answer me or come by untill drummer got involved and thats when *** stated he wanted wav files I said bring a drive over and ill copy them no problem but just remember anytime I spend on a project is hourly and that is counted studio time also I said id record them they wanted to put off for a while because it was no rush beacsue they was not going to tour now cause it was only one show and the guy had kicked *** out of the band before that anywways and no one had a ride because eddie was taking a greyhound busThere is so much more to this but here is what I have I responce also note he stored his equipment here for months never paying storage fee ever but I and producer could use his gear but he took it out when he got mad because producer dont do work for free And *** would call before every show needing to come by to pick up equipment and that was a inconvienence waiting for him to show up and load his stuff out then want to drop off late night and usually had people with him so it was just not what I had planned to do waiting for him to show up and not be apid for any of my time and was very inconsiderate constantlly complaining about people or roomate or band peopleBut I have never said he could not record or practice or pick up his stuff I was here everytime he requested but once I also stated he brings me something to back his stuff up on I will I already sent tracks to them of days worth and he hasnt even gave me credit for doing that he thinks he only should be charged hours for seting up drums and micing them level checkrecording hours of music for days nad they were late both days and went well into next day and me editing,mixinig down days of everything recorded and converting them to what format *** wanted them emailed in and all this he only want to be charged houors and still owes me for last few rehearsal and running past pm on every rehearsal night If you added it up he would owe me money so we can look into this because it seems like I am owed as well thank you for your time *** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Leslie seeks merely to keep my prepaid money for a host of reasons she makes up ex post facto. Sorry Leslie, you owe me the time indicated on the receipt attached, minus dollars for one unpaid practice. Leslie was quite clear about when we were charged. Most of her response is an effort to make up reasons why she should not be liable for the money we prepaid. However, we are still owed this money for the service for which it was paid was never delivered. She charged us $a practice prepaid at $a month, with the incentive that if we went over we would not be charged. Later she started to complain that we were going over on practice time, however she had stipulated that the prepay had the benefit of covering potential overages. Regarding her producer friend shopping for weapons such as a mac and surfing demonic material. Both times I complained. The second time I took back the computer. I know not why Leslie loaned out my computer for free, for in the beginning I was quite clear that if any of my gear that I kept there was used, that it would cost an hourly rate and that I would give her a cut of the rate. I asked for her friend to produce our record because he was using the computer and not paying any fee. Therefore his service would compensate me for the apparent 100's of hours of use on my mac pro tower with logic pro software. I still have copies of all the work he did on the mac and can easily provide evidence of copious use in court via the external hard drive I brought to her studio with his work on. She was to put our tracks on the same hard drive, but as soon as she got his work off the drive, she didn't want to put ours on the same drive. Leslie exaggerates many points in her response. I only brought the dog once and I heard no complaint, other than the dog was running fast across a big room, never the less, I took the point and never brought her again. So one does not = Leslie. Thanks for talking st about Steve. I alre*** forwarded it to him for his analysis. This however is my analysis. If we had used time in excess of the receipt, you would have provided a receipt at the end of the session detailing how much time we had left, or how much additional time we had used. If such time was used, it would have been paid for at the time of services rendered. However, you provided no such receipt, because we never used up the time. Therefore you owe us the time and I squared up with you on the last practice by deducting our standard practice fee. Your note about increased rates came later and that is when we decided to take our business elsewhere, as your stipulated studio rate of $an hour was $higher than a studio with exceptional quality gear, as most of yours is out of date. At the same time you were effectively doubling the studio hourly rate from $to $an hour. That is why we decided to stop working with you. Also, you cancelled recording appointments on occasions with grave consequences to our musical aspirations. Both *** and *** would be glad to testify to the validity of this. *** wanted to go down personally the day you cancelled with us to chew you out, but I didn't want to burden you with his extreme anger Best Regards,Mr***
*** ***
I stayed at the Best Western with *and ** *** on January 6, Upon my departure while entering traffic, I noticed a parking ticket ($76) in my windshield Before I could pull over and retrieve the the ticket, it flew off my car, so I called Best Western directly where I was told to disregard the ticket and it would be handled
I received the first parking ticket in the mail dated 2/23/ Upon receipt, I called the hotel back and spoke to Justin, who said he would get me in touch with management Eric S*** called me back and again said he would take care of the issue right away The second ticket arrived approximately a month later, dated 3/22/and would be turned into collections so I took care of the matter and again called MrS*** for help To date, the issue is still not resolved I have called repeatedly, provided the ticket to MrS*** twice, and called again today advising that I would be contacting his corporate office and the Revdex.com, but
I stayed at the Best Western with *and ** *** on January 6, Upon my departure while entering traffic, I noticed a parking ticket ($76) in my windshield Before I could pull over and retrieve the the ticket, it flew off my car, so I called Best Western directly where I was told to disregard the ticket and it would be handled
I received the first parking ticket in the mail dated 2/23/ Upon receipt, I called the hotel back and spoke to Justin, who said he would get me in touch with management Eric S*** called me back and again said he would take care of the issue right away The second ticket arrived approximately a month later, dated 3/22/and would be turned into collections so I took care of the matter and again called MrS*** for help To date, the issue is still not resolved I have called repeatedly, provided the ticket to MrS*** twice, and called again today advising that I would be contacting his corporate office and the Revdex.com, but
This is not all true*** was rehearsing in my studio since about feb for a special rate of $per hour which was to be paid in advance and never wasAlso he continued to go over the hours and was only paying for hours on sat evenings but was staying from 8pm- till minimum pm and many
nights after midnight but never paid for any of the extra time he used the facilityHe still has not paid for the last few times at all I text him several times withinn hours of him being in studio and runing past his time that was paid for stating he ran over and he would say we didnt practice last week so it carried over No that is not how it goes Now in reguards to recording we recorded days tracking drums and guitar with scratch voclas and both days the drummer was late and *** repeatedly was upset at him for tardyness and not playing up to *** standards to where *** was talking about not using *** for the songs and did state they were not doing some songs anymore because stvev could not play them like *** wanted Then *** booked a side band in studio but canceled less than hours notice Also I let his other friends band rehearse during the week that had a show in town at a moments notice *** would show up either drunk or drinking in the studio and at times bring other people in there and leave because he would forget his gear and leave for hour or longer and not notify me about this *** also had to stay the night because I dont let people drive after they drink so he would sleep on couch He also forgot to lock the door before and several times forget to text me when he was leaving so I can go and turn off everything and make sure it is secureI also text him about that as wellmost of the time no responce about that A few ties he has brought his dog in the studio and I dont have any animals in there for a few reasons one is allergies and two is I dont want messes to clean up IBack to recording after the two days they wanted me to mix and burn down all the takes and tracks from days and email to *** drummer so he knew what needed to be redone or what which I did and emailed to him and that is studio time as well *** is failing to add up all the time the studio has a,re*** put into this project and the canelations from them are about time a month they would give notice about 3-hours prior to be here saying oh there is a band play at " wherever" and so and so wants to go so No *** or steve I canceled one time because I had a band that was in middle of project and they ran over into next day and I did not know they left gear setup till that afternoon and as soon as I knew I let them know and appalogiged Now the 2nd cancelation he is talking about wasn not booked he txed me saying hey we need in I need eddie to be recorded real quick and he can make it tonight or tomorrow and when I responded back saying I could not accomadate then he got upset and I said I needed more notice than that Now the tour they were kicked off way before even coming into rerecord and he even emailed me saying so n so is upset and he kicked us off tour so you will want to take yourseklf off his friend event so he doesnt talk crap and he did this to me twice The drummer told me he did not want to tour with eddie because a several reasons I wont go into to but I had no part in getting anyone kicked off a tour and his tour was one show on one night in seatlle and the guy never paid anyone but himselfNo one else perforing made money and *** constantly complained about picking the guy up before show and taking him, home and driving him around but never got paidThere is alot more to this project but this gives a bit of insight into this but also *** got mad at my producer because *** told me to tell him (after he turned him down for free, it cost money)nthat he needed to produce there album for free because he used his computer in my studio and I said noThen *** told me he took his coputer out of my studio because the produce was a devil worshiper and he used itbut yet producer told me a few nights before they sat there smoking and chilling out talking music and watching videos and *** told me he liked the producer but then he turned it around told me all kinds of stuff at first not wanting to say a reason but then saying he did bad stuff using his name or something on his coputer and that his uncle checked into it and it was just a mess and all because I would not make my producer produce *** band for free see he is on the radio and is known so he wanted the name on his album and he had been hanging with him on several occasions with no problems till he wouldnt do stuff for free I talked to the drummer about this and he knew nothing about *** even asking a producer produce them see there was major comunication problems with *** and steve and this is the first responce I have received from Revdex.com and I see it stated 2nd also *** failed to mention he is doing this after months of being here at $hour and I told him I was raising it to $per hour for rehearsing and he had a fit also I never refused to record anyone there was other issues going on with *** and producer and producer wanted tracks off his computer and *** would not answer me or come by untill drummer got involved and thats when *** stated he wanted wav files I said bring a drive over and ill copy them no problem but just remember anytime I spend on a project is hourly and that is counted studio time also I said id record them they wanted to put off for a while because it was no rush beacsue they was not going to tour now cause it was only one show and the guy had kicked *** out of the band before that anywways and no one had a ride because eddie was taking a greyhound busThere is so much more to this but here is what I have I responce also note he stored his equipment here for months never paying storage fee ever but I and producer could use his gear but he took it out when he got mad because producer dont do work for free And *** would call before every show needing to come by to pick up equipment and that was a inconvienence waiting for him to show up and load his stuff out then want to drop off late night and usually had people with him so it was just not what I had planned to do waiting for him to show up and not be apid for any of my time and was very inconsiderate constantlly complaining about people or roomate or band peopleBut I have never said he could not record or practice or pick up his stuff I was here everytime he requested but once I also stated he brings me something to back his stuff up on I will I already sent tracks to them of days worth and he hasnt even gave me credit for doing that he thinks he only should be charged hours for seting up drums and micing them level checkrecording hours of music for days nad they were late both days and went well into next day and me editing,mixinig down days of everything recorded and converting them to what format *** wanted them emailed in and all this he only want to be charged houors and still owes me for last few rehearsal and running past pm on every rehearsal night If you added it up he would owe me money so we can look into this because it seems like I am owed as well thank you for your time *** ***
t about Steve. I alre*** forwarded it to him for his analysis. This however is my analysis. If we had used time in excess of the receipt, you would have provided a receipt at the end of the session detailing how much time we had left, or how much additional time we had used. If such time was used, it would have been paid for at the time of services rendered. However, you provided no such receipt, because we never used up the time. Therefore you owe us the time and I squared up with you on the last practice by deducting our standard practice fee. Your note about increased rates came later and that is when we decided to take our business elsewhere, as your stipulated studio rate of $an hour was $higher than a studio with exceptional quality gear, as most of yours is out of date. At the same time you were effectively doubling the studio hourly rate from $to $an hour. That is why we decided to stop working with you. Also, you cancelled recording appointments on occasions with grave consequences to our musical aspirations. Both *** and *** would be glad to testify to the validity of this. *** wanted to go down personally the day you cancelled with us to chew you out, but I didn't want to burden you with his extreme anger Best Regards,Mr***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Leslie seeks merely to keep my prepaid money for a host of reasons she makes up ex post facto. Sorry Leslie, you owe me the time indicated on the receipt attached, minus dollars for one unpaid practice. Leslie was quite clear about when we were charged. Most of her response is an effort to make up reasons why she should not be liable for the money we prepaid. However, we are still owed this money for the service for which it was paid was never delivered. She charged us $a practice prepaid at $a month, with the incentive that if we went over we would not be charged. Later she started to complain that we were going over on practice time, however she had stipulated that the prepay had the benefit of covering potential overages. Regarding her producer friend shopping for weapons such as a mac and surfing demonic material. Both times I complained. The second time I took back the computer. I know not why Leslie loaned out my computer for free, for in the beginning I was quite clear that if any of my gear that I kept there was used, that it would cost an hourly rate and that I would give her a cut of the rate. I asked for her friend to produce our record because he was using the computer and not paying any fee. Therefore his service would compensate me for the apparent 100's of hours of use on my mac pro tower with logic pro software. I still have copies of all the work he did on the mac and can easily provide evidence of copious use in court via the external hard drive I brought to her studio with his work on. She was to put our tracks on the same hard drive, but as soon as she got his work off the drive, she didn't want to put ours on the same drive. Leslie exaggerates many points in her response. I only brought the dog once and I heard no complaint, other than the dog was running fast across a big room, never the less, I took the point and never brought her again. So one does not = Leslie. Thanks for talking s
*** ***
I stayed at the Best Western with *and ** *** on January 6, Upon my departure while entering traffic, I noticed a parking ticket ($76) in my windshield Before I could pull over and retrieve the the ticket, it flew off my car, so I called Best Western directly where I was told to disregard the ticket and it would be handled
I received the first parking ticket in the mail dated 2/23/ Upon receipt, I called the hotel back and spoke to Justin, who said he would get me in touch with management Eric S*** called me back and again said he would take care of the issue right away The second ticket arrived approximately a month later, dated 3/22/and would be turned into collections so I took care of the matter and again called MrS*** for help To date, the issue is still not resolved I have called repeatedly, provided the ticket to MrS*** twice, and called again today advising that I would be contacting his corporate office and the Revdex.com, but