From: *** *** *** Sent: Monday, September 08, 9:AM
To: drteamSubject: Case # *** * *** *** *** ***
I am writing you in regards to the Case #*** I read the complaint but when the customer signed the contract he already lived more than miles away from the school. He never gave a written notice and real proof that he has moved to a new address. If that is provided, we will be happy to settle the case, no problem at all
Let me know how should I proceed
Thank you and have a good week,
From: *** *** *** Sent: Monday, September 08, 9:AM
To: drteamSubject: Case # *** * *** *** *** ***
I am writing you in regards to the Case #*** I read the complaint but when the customer signed the contract he already lived more than miles away from the school. He never gave a written notice and real proof that he has moved to a new address. If that is provided, we will be happy to settle the case, no problem at all
Let me know how should I proceed
Thank you and have a good week,