This is case # [redacted] Legendary Lending had a contract with [redacted] to process loans for$per funded file, once she saw the revenue coming in to the companyShe demanded to be paid $In order to maintain a good workingrelationship we agreed to pay her $I have included a copy of the checkthatWas issued to herShe claims we would only compensate her for $perher contract, we went above & beyond paying her $
This is case # [redacted] Legendary Lending had a contract with [redacted] to process loans for$per funded file, once she saw the revenue coming in to the companyShe demanded to be paid $In order to maintain a good workingrelationship we agreed to pay her $I have included a copy of the checkthatWas issued to herShe claims we would only compensate her for $perher contract, we went above & beyond paying her $