The picture with the most lawn has a leaf about half way up the picture.That leaf represents how far on the lawn and the area that was damaged?Picture with half the road is the same direction picture just backed up Also where the tracks and yard was damaged.Last the road he said I ruined the new asphalt but there are some tire marks and wood marks that will fade away soon.I did not damage road
The picture with the most lawn has a leaf about half way up the picture.That leaf represents how far on the lawn and the area that was damaged?Picture with half the road is the same direction picture just backed up Also where the tracks and yard was damaged.Last the road he said I ruined the
new asphalt but there are some tire marks and wood marks that will fade away soon.I did not damage road
Here are my pictures from the day after the eventI wish not to waste any more of my valuable time on this, but your pictures were post repairReputable businesses would not respond or address issues in this manner
The picture with the most lawn has a leaf about half way up the picture.That leaf represents how far on the lawn and the area that was damaged?Picture with half the road is the same direction picture just backed up Also where the tracks and yard was damaged.Last the road he said I ruined the new asphalt but there are some tire marks and wood marks that will fade away soon.I did not damage road
The picture with the most lawn has a leaf about half way up the picture.That leaf represents how far on the lawn and the area that was damaged?Picture with half the road is the same direction picture just backed up Also where the tracks and yard was damaged.Last the road he said I ruined the
new asphalt but there are some tire marks and wood marks that will fade away soon.I did not damage road
Here are my pictures from the day after the eventI wish not to waste any more of my valuable time on this, but your pictures were post repairReputable businesses would not respond or address issues in this manner