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Address: 3952 Vienna Dozier Rd, Pfafftown, North Carolina, United States, 27040-9615
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Every time they cut my neighbors grass they throw grass over on my yard and my Leyland Cypress trees. I have contacted them over five times every time I called I asked to speak with the manager his name is Richard morning he's never return my calls. They cut the grass today August 20, 2018 and did the same thing throwing grass on my property . I called and asked to speak with Richard *** and they said he wasn't in. Richard *** finally gave me a call on my cell phone today and he was very rude called me *** they don't respect other people's property .
We have been mowing our customers property for over 2 years now and up until the past few months we have never had an issue. A couple months ago Mr. called our office and told us that our mow crew had mowed over his property line. We apologized and told him that the property line is not every well marked that the gentlemen mowing did not realize he was on his property. He demanded us to buy him a 50lb bag of grass seed for a 12x12 ft section of grass. We told him at that time that we would not purchase him a bag of seed that 50 lbs is over extensive for that area but we would be glad to put seed down in that area for him. That was not good enough for him. He wanted to see the bag of seed that we were using and then us give him seed to put out himself. We accommodated his request and showed him the bag of seed we use and gave him seed to put down. Mr. put up white flags to mark his property line. The gentlemen mowing mow 2-3 passes blowing the grass in the opposite direction of Mr. yard yet every time we mow he calls and screams at the office staff that he is going to call the cops on the mow crew because they blew grass in his yard. (We have even had to write on their mow sheets do not mow or blow grass in this guys yard or he will call the cops on you) On 8/20/2018 when Mr. called he was very argumentative with the office staff. Demanding that she give him the owners home address and personal cell phone number. He was very rude and loud with her and over half was through the phone conversation then proceeded to tell her that their phone call is being recorded. When the owner Mr. got back in the office a short time later he returned Mr. phone call. Mr. proceeded to be rude to him as well and called him a M F and told Mr. that he was going to whip his a. We have pictures attached to show that the grass we mowed was not blown on Mr. yard or under his trees.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
s and that he better get off the phone before he says something worse I guess his employees are following the bad attitude of the owner Richard ***. I take care of my yard by putting down seed fertilizer lime and treating the yard yearly.our I request that your company stop allowing employees to come over into our property and throwing grass. I do have a no trespassing sign posted maybe I need to put a couple more down to make sure that the employees see it . This can be resolved easily if you make sure your employees stay out of our yard stop throwing grass under our trees and in the street. Be respectful of other people's property. Also I told the secretary of the company I was going to call the city on them because you cannot throw grass in the street and you can be fined for it.
Complaint: 13044727
I am rejecting this response because:
I disagree with their statement and it is incorrect and it's a shame the business has lied to try and save themself. I did not ask for a 50 pound bag of seed.I did asked to see the bag the seed was in so I could make sure it is good seed. I did not hire you to cut our grass and have verbally ask your company several times in the past five months to stop coming over into our property cutting and killing our grass your company was hired to cut the grass at *** Village Trail. I last spoke to someone on 8/20/2018 who stated he was Richard *** Richard *** say to me I was being an a
This company is awful. They charged me to turn off my irrigation system last year (December 2017 and then, this spring (2018) to turn it back on. They did neither service. When I realized my irrigation service was not working, I called for service only to be told that they don’t do irrigation any more. I called another irrigation company to make the repair and they found multiple problems and it’s cost me almost $600. To get it working again. They don’t answer their phone and don’t return calls, they don’t know they are doing and are totally irresponsible.
Yards by us destroyed my fence in my yard. I don't even use them my neighbor does, when notified he said it would be fixed its been 3months and still not fixed. They has lied numerous times about the fencing company coming to fix it and today 11-16-2017 Richard said he would not repair it or pay to have it repaired or let us file a insurance claim against his company
Our employee Mr. Joe *** went out to mow the property beside Mr. and his mower slid into a small portion of their fence. Mr. spoke to Mr. when it happened and Mr. told Mr. that it was fine that it was just a small area and that they were going to be tearing the fence down anyway. Mr. is no long with our company due to him taking on a full time paid position with Climax Fire Dept. He is however willing to talk to anyone he needs to about that day and what was told to him about not repairing that fence. Mr. did come back in the office that afternoon and tell us about hitting the fence but told us that Mr. had told him that there was no need to repair it.
Three weeks later Mr. calls the office and is very rude that no one has called him or come out to his house to fix his fence that was torn up. Kelly proceed to explain to him that we were notified that he told Mr. that it didn't need to be repaired. He got louder that, wasn't true and that someone better come out and fix his fence.
Mr. was sent out to Mr. house so that he could assess the damage that was done to the fence. When Mr. got to the house he found that it was a small spot in the fence that the bottom part of the mower had grabbed a hold of. Mr. told him that he was getting a dog and he did not want it to get out of the hole. Mr. also proceeded to inform Mr. that on another occasion that a black guy mowing the grass in the rain hit is fence too and he didn't stop he just kept mowing. We spoke to the person in question and he swears and says he will testify that he never hit Mr. fence. Our guys are not perfect, they have broken windows, glass doors, dented cars but they have always come back and told us or called us and let us know and we have taken care of it.
The fact that Mr. said that we refused to fix or repair his fence is just a bold face lie. We went out to his house and fixed his fence with re bar the same exact way that he fixed a portion of his fence. While Mr. was out there fixing it Mr. told him that it was fine since that was the same way he had fixed it before. Not another word was heard out of Mr. until this week when he called the office and said that he had talked to Mr. earlier in the day (which he had not because Mr. was in the office all day and he did not get a phone call from Mr.) and that Mr. was supposed to be talking to a fence company about fixing his fence. No one from our company has ever talked to Mr. about a fence company fixing his fence.
Then on Thursday morning Mr. bust open the office manager's door without her even knowing anyone was coming into the shop. He just went off about how he had been lied to about a fence company coming to his house and that he did not want Mr. to come back out and fix his fence.
Then Thursday after noon Mr. the owner gets a phone call from a Ms. and she states that she is Mr. girlfriend. She stated that we needed to give her our insurance information and have a fence company come out there to fix their fence. Mr. proceed to tell her that her fence had been fixed but that he had a roll of chain link fence from where he drags baseball fields that he would be gals to cut off a 2x2 section and come wire it in. Her response to that was " So what is the landscape company a fence repair company now". We have offered to go out and fix the small area on top of what we have already repair but she refused. We do not really understand why they are calling us any way when they are not even the homeowners. The homeowners should be the ones that we should be dealing with and that would be Bunce Investments. They are just the tenants.
Pictures attached are before the repair was made, 2 of the repair that we did, and 1 of the repair that Mr. did on another section of fence
We have fixed the fence the same way that the fence was previously fix in another spot whether by Mr. or the actual home owner and we have offered to come out and fix the area of the fence by patching in a new piece of chain link fence that our owner knows how to do, however, Mr. wife/girl friend told our owner no that she did not want him make that repair on the fence.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved
Complaint: 12508583
We did not say we didnt want it fixed, We just wanted it fixed professionally by a fence company because Michael told us he had never done it and didnt know how. That could have potentially led to more damage. Regardless of who said what at the end of the day my fence is not like it was before the 2 seperate times your guys pulled the links with the mowers. I just want it fixed like it was before without the rebar bandaid thats not how it was and its not how I was told it would be done. Why would micheal tell me numerous times he had a fence company on the way I the next few days when he hadn't even contacted anyone.. He also told me that he was told by the fence company they had been out here and fixed it when I asked when the fence company was coming he said "they have already been there, let me call them ill call you right back" and still have yet to receive call back