To Whom it May Concern:Mr [redacted] is indeed a former client. He apparently has been trying to reach me. Nikki has told me that ; however, I have employees to handle issues for me as it is impossible to run a business by yourself let alone several. From what I was told by Nikki, Mr...
[redacted] refused to speak to her about whatever issue he was having and demanded to talk to me. In a perfect world that would be possible, and I have no hard feelings whatsoever towards Mr [redacted]. There just are not simply enough hours in the day, which is why I have employees. Nikki expressed several times that he did not want her to even attempt to answer whatever questions he had. My relationship with Mr [redacted] is terminated ; however, if he does have any questions still and refuses to speak to anyone other than me I would be happy to address them thru email. I did not get his previous email that he claims to have sent. Thank you
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The first time I attempted to receive information about my refund, I was told "[redacted] Lauer is the only one who handles refunds. I will have him return your call." This was now over two months ago. I really don't care who I speak with. I was just trying to get to the person who could help me. I was told that was Casey. Who I speak with is not the issue here. Getting my refund is the issue. Have SOMEONE call me and explain why I have not been given the cleaning deposit that my last tenant forfeited. I don't care who that someone is!
When the dishwasher was reported that it was not working we dispatched a repairman. The repairman claimed that the parts would be more than it was worth so they advised to replace which we did. We replaced with a used dishwasher from a unit we were remodeling which previously worked fine. Apparently...
it did not so we sent the repairman back out to look at the used dishwasher we just replaced and they advised to just buy a new one which we did and we upgraded it to a stainless steel appliance. As far as I know the tenant has not had further issue. Thank you
I am responding to the Complaint # [redacted]. When Ms. [redacted] applied for the property she was approved with a Double Security Deposit. She stated that she did not get paid until that Friday and she could have the money by then. The next day, I contacted her stating that the tenant was probably going...
to renew the lease and since she could not have the money in before the tenant resigned then it would be a waste of her time. She could have rented the property but she stated she did not have the security deposit readily available. The same day I contacted her stating that the tenant had officially changed his mind and did not want to renew so the property was still available. At this point in time she said she had found another place. Our offer still stands in the matter if she would like to apply for one of our other properties we would approve her without another fee but with the same security deposit stipulations. On her application, it clearly states "Once this application has been processed and and deposit money has been collected you forfeit your deposit in the event you do not sign a lease." I do apologize for the misunderstanding this has caused, but we are more than willing to apply her application fee to any other property that we have that's available. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks
Mr. [redacted] I posted claim to $120 of the former tenants security deposit on October 27, 2015. We wait 30 days until we disperse those funds to the owner in the event the tenant disputes the charges. Your final invoice was sent to you with your check enclosed. I see that it has not been cashed so I will cancel said check and reissue your final check again. I hope this resolves the matter. Thank you
Mr. [redacted] did hire us to manage his property filled with a difficult tenant that he put in there. When we had to evict her I personally made several trips over to the home which I did not have to do but I wanted to try and save Mr. [redacted] money. Having said that throughout the entire time we were...
his property manager he always questioned every little repair and I would tell him every single time these are costs that are expected to maintain a property even if the tenant is not paying rent. Mr. [redacted] is upset that HIS tenant cost him a lot of money and that he is upside down on his home and cant sell it. All of these issues are not my problem but he wants to blame someone. The last phone conversation we had he was [redacted] about how the cleaner that HE hired cost him $900 or something to clean it and here again he hired someone and he made a bad decision but some how that's my fault. I personally saw the home and my guys would have charged $350 max. I did initially waive the cancellation fee for Mr. [redacted] even though our contract states otherwise as a nice gesture because I honestly felt bad for him because it sounded like he was struggling financially. When I saw the defaming slanderous online review I was shocked because I did not feel like we had any bad blood between us. After calling him around 15 times to discuss the matter with no luck I blocked my number and then magically he picked up. I asked him about why he wrote those untrue things online and asked him what he was trying to accomplish with his posting. I never threatened him as he stated. The curtesy I extended to him was cancelled when he wrote those nasty things online about us so the $400 remained on his account. I did tell him I was going to sue him if he didn't pay me the money that was owed. He was not sent to collections because he did pay the money he owed. I am glad Mr. [redacted] did the right thing and paid the money he owed. It is unfortunate that he has continued to harass my company with these petty comments and complaints. If he is so right and I am so wrong then why did he pay me the $400. Its because he knew he owed it. I can provide the management contract if you need to see the language in the contract. Thank you.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:As stated many times I was never contacted by [redacted] or any representative of Lauer Real Estate about this appliance prior to repair. There was no missed call, no voice message, no email message and/ or no snail-mail received. Since no form of communication was initiated by any employee of Lauer Real Estate the repair should not have taken place per contract written by Lauer Real Estate.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:This company is partially telling the truth. They offer to give me my application fee back if I decided not to go with a different property. It does not matter what anything states when you offered to give my money back. I would have never started looking for another place to stay. I will never rent from this company or occupy any locations that they have. I will take this matter as far as I need to.
To Whom it May Concern:Mr [redacted] is indeed a former client. He apparently has been trying to reach me. Nikki has told me that ; however, I have employees to handle issues for me as it is impossible to run a business by yourself let alone several. From what I was told by Nikki, Mr...
[redacted] refused to speak to her about whatever issue he was having and demanded to talk to me. In a perfect world that would be possible, and I have no hard feelings whatsoever towards Mr [redacted]. There just are not simply enough hours in the day, which is why I have employees. Nikki expressed several times that he did not want her to even attempt to answer whatever questions he had. My relationship with Mr [redacted] is terminated ; however, if he does have any questions still and refuses to speak to anyone other than me I would be happy to address them thru email. I did not get his previous email that he claims to have sent. Thank you
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The first time I attempted to receive information about my refund, I was told "[redacted] Lauer is the only one who handles refunds. I will have him return your call." This was now over two months ago. I really don't care who I speak with. I was just trying to get to the person who could help me. I was told that was Casey. Who I speak with is not the issue here. Getting my refund is the issue. Have SOMEONE call me and explain why I have not been given the cleaning deposit that my last tenant forfeited. I don't care who that someone is!
When the dishwasher was reported that it was not working we dispatched a repairman. The repairman claimed that the parts would be more than it was worth so they advised to replace which we did. We replaced with a used dishwasher from a unit we were remodeling which previously worked fine. Apparently...
it did not so we sent the repairman back out to look at the used dishwasher we just replaced and they advised to just buy a new one which we did and we upgraded it to a stainless steel appliance. As far as I know the tenant has not had further issue. Thank you
I am responding to the Complaint # [redacted]. When Ms. [redacted] applied for the property she was approved with a Double Security Deposit. She stated that she did not get paid until that Friday and she could have the money by then. The next day, I contacted her stating that the tenant was probably going...
to renew the lease and since she could not have the money in before the tenant resigned then it would be a waste of her time. She could have rented the property but she stated she did not have the security deposit readily available. The same day I contacted her stating that the tenant had officially changed his mind and did not want to renew so the property was still available. At this point in time she said she had found another place. Our offer still stands in the matter if she would like to apply for one of our other properties we would approve her without another fee but with the same security deposit stipulations. On her application, it clearly states "Once this application has been processed and and deposit money has been collected you forfeit your deposit in the event you do not sign a lease." I do apologize for the misunderstanding this has caused, but we are more than willing to apply her application fee to any other property that we have that's available. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks
Mr. [redacted] I posted claim to $120 of the former tenants security deposit on October 27, 2015. We wait 30 days until we disperse those funds to the owner in the event the tenant disputes the charges. Your final invoice was sent to you with your check enclosed. I see that it has not been cashed so I will cancel said check and reissue your final check again. I hope this resolves the matter. Thank you
Mr. [redacted] did hire us to manage his property filled with a difficult tenant that he put in there. When we had to evict her I personally made several trips over to the home which I did not have to do but I wanted to try and save Mr. [redacted] money. Having said that throughout the entire time we were...
his property manager he always questioned every little repair and I would tell him every single time these are costs that are expected to maintain a property even if the tenant is not paying rent. Mr. [redacted] is upset that HIS tenant cost him a lot of money and that he is upside down on his home and cant sell it. All of these issues are not my problem but he wants to blame someone. The last phone conversation we had he was [redacted] about how the cleaner that HE hired cost him $900 or something to clean it and here again he hired someone and he made a bad decision but some how that's my fault. I personally saw the home and my guys would have charged $350 max. I did initially waive the cancellation fee for Mr. [redacted] even though our contract states otherwise as a nice gesture because I honestly felt bad for him because it sounded like he was struggling financially. When I saw the defaming slanderous online review I was shocked because I did not feel like we had any bad blood between us. After calling him around 15 times to discuss the matter with no luck I blocked my number and then magically he picked up. I asked him about why he wrote those untrue things online and asked him what he was trying to accomplish with his posting. I never threatened him as he stated. The curtesy I extended to him was cancelled when he wrote those nasty things online about us so the $400 remained on his account. I did tell him I was going to sue him if he didn't pay me the money that was owed. He was not sent to collections because he did pay the money he owed. I am glad Mr. [redacted] did the right thing and paid the money he owed. It is unfortunate that he has continued to harass my company with these petty comments and complaints. If he is so right and I am so wrong then why did he pay me the $400. Its because he knew he owed it. I can provide the management contract if you need to see the language in the contract. Thank you.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:As stated many times I was never contacted by [redacted] or any representative of Lauer Real Estate about this appliance prior to repair. There was no missed call, no voice message, no email message and/ or no snail-mail received. Since no form of communication was initiated by any employee of Lauer Real Estate the repair should not have taken place per contract written by Lauer Real Estate.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:This company is partially telling the truth. They offer to give me my application fee back if I decided not to go with a different property. It does not matter what anything states when you offered to give my money back. I would have never started looking for another place to stay. I will never rent from this company or occupy any locations that they have. I will take this matter as far as I need to.