Lan Wan Professional Reviews (41)
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Description: Employment Training
Address: 7545 Irvine Center Dr #200, Irvine, California, United States, 92618
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ADVERTISEMENT I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Revdex.comComplaint # [redacted] In response to LAN/WAN ProfessionalThe individual on this complaint fits our membership profile based on his 15+ years of IT work experience[redacted] and my "mentor" [redacted] told me face-to-face "...that you do not fit our business model" such as the [redacted] impersonator and others with little or no professional network experience.The individual on this complaint received $39,in services to date and has not paid for those services yet.Per the agreement, repayment is to being with the first paycheck from my new employerAs I have recently started this job, I have not received my first full paycheckI stand firm that LAN/WAN Professional provided approximately 1/of the services as indicated in the camp orientation guideFor that reason I believe my obligation should match the services receivedI agree to pay LAN/WAN Professional in kind for the actual services receivedWhich I calculate to be in the amount of $13,less the deposit of $First payment to be sent in May in the amount of $dollars, with monthly payments remaining at $per month.The individual on this complaint attended a camp and PERSONALLY AND THOROUGHLY experienced our service PRIOR making any commitment for future services.I attended a 3-day camp which showed me the level of commitment needed and the ability of the staff which would allow me to complete my objectives; 1) router and design review 2) to renew my expired CCNP certificationI was dissatisfied with the level of support I received from the instructor's intern during a vital test during the first camp, which ranked my level of knowledge below a given LAN/WAN Professional (LWP) standardWhile the instructor was busy with other candidates, I was to seek support from his intern who was not effective in assessing and evaluating my work (he didn't understand the problem I was to solve) in the early portion of the testAs the questions/problems of the test built upon the one previous, I answered the remaining test questions based on the information I received from the intern which led to an improper final assessmentI discussed my dissatisfaction of this intern with my "mentor" [redacted] who assured me that I would only have to deal with the instructors and not their interns in future campsI felt my future was being held hostage as my resume and any correspondence from potential employers is run through the LWP email serverMy return email response from any future employers or reviewers of my job applications were run through the LWP network and not my personal email addressI had other concerns about the next camp and was a bit reluctant to commit to the LWP programI addressed these concerns in a 3-way phone call with Stan [redacted] and my wife, *** It was LWP's position that I was not employable at my current level (CCNA certification level) and need to go back for their "Fast Track" program to obtain my CCNPThis gave me pause as I knew that their return was based on 15.95% of whatever job I obtained.After the initial camp (December 2014), I received a letter that outlined the repayment terms upon obtaining a position within 1-months from the initial camp completionThis letter indicated a salary range between $90,000-$114,I found this confusing as per the initial advertising I viewed from LWP indicated that after using their services I could make 20%-100% more than my highest paid job (this advertisement has since been pulled from the internet), however the letter from Mr [redacted] listed a salary range below that and one I would not consider whether using their services or notThis indicated to my wife and I that perhaps they did not have faith in their own servicesAt this time we discussed with Mr [redacted] what would happen if I didn't get a job in the salary range I was seeking per their advertisementHe told us that the amount indicated in Mr [redacted] letter was the salary range for the "first job" and that it was their goal to get me into some employment right away and that I could complete the additional camps while working at the "first job." He said the aim of the company is to get me into a "second job" with a much higher salaryI told him I could not take a job below $125,as anything less would not allow me to pay my bills and still be able to start a repayment plan with LWPHe also said that we would not have to repay anything if the salary I received was not within the range in the repayment agreementFor this reason, we had Mr [redacted] adjust the repayment agreement to reflect a higher salary range in keeping with their company promisesAdditionally, in discussing why I should continue on with LWP, Mr [redacted] said that they provide job placement and have a database that contains 95% of the jobs not otherwise listed on the internet job boardsHe then gave an example and said "if I search for 'network engineer in Boulder' I only see eight jobs available on the internetIf I run this through our database I see 105." We also discussed my goal to become a 'data center director.' To which he responded that they could help my achieve that goal through their program if I were to continueFeeling a bit more confident in the company, I agreed to continueI continued to be disappointed as I did commit to hours per week in my job search, yet I did not receive any interviews over the next month.My next visit was a 1-week camp (January, 2015) which was based on hanexperienceHad I known this prior to attending, I would have dropped the programAs a professional with years of corporate and network experience I did not require hantrainingAccording to my "mentor" in order to attend this camp, I had to complete my CCNA certification and "pre-load lab exams." It was during the lab exams that I pointed out to the LWP help desk and my mentor of a discrepancy in the "process and procedures" from one web page to anotherThe first web page stated I was to answer questions and copy my answers into a electronic notepad and send them in to the LWP support desk via a second web page However the second web page stated I was to copy the network device configurations from all switches (in total) and send that in to the support deskOnce I reported this error to my "mentor" he claimed I was the first person ever to bring this to his attention, in which he stated he knows he is working with a "true engineer and not a technician." This is one of many inconsistencies I alerted both the "mentor" and technical support toThe camp schedule was from am until pm daily, with only one prepared meal that was made available to the students, all staff and any visitorsWhile it was discussed and agreed that the focus of my training would be in data center management, LWP continued to focus their attention on entry level engineering with exposure to various tasks required of a network engineerIt seemed that their program was really "one-size-fits-all." In addition, I was asked to post my resume (still constructed for network engineering and not data center direct) to 40+ internet job sitesIt was at this time I inquired as to why we were doing this if they had a placement service and larger database, that I learned said database did not existIn my experience, I learned that companies that receive duplicate submissions often dispose of all resumes submitted for a particular job I have had on occasion, recruiting companies pull my resume from the internet and submit it for jobs despite not having an agreement for them to represent meI was concerned about the potential for "double submissions" and shared this concern with LWP Their response was that it was good practice to interview for jobs I may not be interested in, but they didn't address the potential for being not considered due to "double submission." Nearer the end of the second camp, I was pressured in doing a video of my experiences with LWPIf I participated in this video, LWP would reduce my repayment feeIn the video, I was asked the question "Would you recommend LAN/WAN Professional to others?" I did not answer this question for the reasons outlined aboveAfter the second camp I had serious reservations about LWP, but I continued to fulfill my obligations regarding job search and secured additional certifications as a network design professionalBefore attending the third camp (February, 2015), I passed five certifications (receiving above average scores) through my individual studies at homeI had a conference call with [redacted] and my "mentor" [redacted] in which I insisted that I did not want to spend the time on "hanexperiences (labs)," but wanted to focus on the certification test experience (for the CCNP 'troubleshooting' exam coming up)To which Mr [redacted] agreedI attended the third camp on Mr [redacted] insistence, as he was firm that I needed the camp experience and resources in order to pass the "troubleshooting" test as part of my CCNP certificationI failed that certification test (the only one I failed and failed with less than half the points needed for passing) while I attended the third campThe exam itself had been revised by Cisco only days prior to the campI attribute this to LWP's lack of preparedness and their rush to release information without properly vetting the material prior to me to taking this examOnly one person in the LWP organization took the revised "troubleshooting" test and successfully passedThe test itself contains 15-questions, however the questions change and are pulled from a larger pool of questions from the Cisco databaseWith only one person going through the testing process, it was not possible LWP to present a lab or learning materials that covered enough material to successfully answer of all of the possible test questionsThere is a pattern of LWP's rush to release informationWith this stated, I point out another flaw contained within the contract presented to me in which LWP contained mathematical errorsI agree that it is not a major point in itself, however it goes to show the rush to release information without checking it properlyI strongly feel this rush is why I spent considerable money on a flight to camp, testing fees and camp costs resulting in the "only" failed attempt to pass a certification while working with LWPThe intention of the third camp was to complete the final two exams I needed to bring my certifications currentI was very clear with Mr [redacted] as to what I needed in the form of support from LWP I left the third camp empty-handedI was very disappointed due to the time and money spent, as I believed I held up my end of the agreement in following through with all instructions dictated by LWPWith my disappointment, coupled with the lack of sleep and food at the camp, I was in no emotional shape to engage in a confrontation with the LWP staffHowever I later shared this with Mr [redacted] after returning home from campI had concerns as well regarding what retaliation the organization might take against me if I were to say anything negative against them, as by this time I was made aware of other complaints against them through the and their responses to themNow two months in and three camps later, having filled out numerous applications, I still had no job offers.This includes committing to a minimum of hrs/week until employed and meeting all mutually agreed upon goals and commitments and proactively communicating and coordinating with LAN/WAN Professional until employed.After my first full week at camp, we had agreed that I should continue in my educational pursuit to achieve a higher level positionI could attain this with just the CCNA certificationAt the time, we both agreed that my employment search should not take precedent over my certification pursuitsPROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP SUMMARY - Including Mutual Commitments Between LAN/WAN Professional & Complaint PersonThe individual on this complaint was unemployed at the time of approval as a memberJust as important, his most recent employment in prior to being laid off was a full-time position earning only $108,per year.Once again the figures are wrong as my compensation was at $118,annually with expired certifications.Beginning 3/2/2015, the candidate still did not meet all preparatory requirements OR did not invest hrs/week OR did not communicate proactively with LAN/WAN Professional In spite of this, the candidate received a job offer on 4/9/(approximately month after he started job search) in the amount of $156,per year This is $6,more than the highest range we discussed and $48,MORE THAN HIS PREVIOUS JOB.I spent, as agreed with LWP to spend, hours per week minimum in my job searchI have sent out 0ver applications for employment and have documented as such in their employment databaseI would not have been able to achieve this at less than hours per weekThis is exhibited in the database in which it indicates that I have achieved "ABOVE" the target of jobs applied forWhich at the time of this writing is weeks after my job started, so I have not updated any information on it and I still have a (Above) rated as seen in the screenshot (Not listed in this document but I have on file - system will not let me incorporate it on this page)During this time, [redacted] (Director of Placement) was removed and Mr [redacted] had ordered [redacted] (Placement Coordinator) to call me each day at am to verify that my progress was on scheduleWith Mr [redacted] receiving daily progress reports, as well as my entries in the database, I fail to understand how I can be perceived as not meeting the required hours per week in my job searchBased on his positive employment result, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the client follows through on his commitment to LAN/WAN for the full amount of the services received to date We hope that the individual posting this complaint reflect on the significant improvement in his employment today versus his unemployment when he was approved in 12/ As previously stated, I do agree that I owe LWP for some of the services receivedThe LWP program provides hanlabs for the "book smart" to gain the necessary experience to successfully obtain employment and certification achievement through exposure to resources that provide test questions for certification examsWhat I found valuable at LWP was the lectures and discussions that followed with regard to what interviewers were really trying to ascertain with their interview questionsMr [redacted] personal lectures on how to respond to interview questions were most enlighteningAs an individual with years experience, I did not require the hanlab work offered to me at the second campMy initial request was for assistance in routing skillsMr [redacted] agrees I did not receive this assistance, but states it is available to me should I elect to take a future campHowever, at this time I am expected to pay the full price for services not receivedMr [redacted] and Mr [redacted] agreed that I "was not the typical candidate" for LWP, however in order to have me contract with them for additional services, we agreed that my training would be focused on the areas of need; routing and certification achievementMr [redacted] acknowledges that I did not get everything I was seeking from LAN/WAN Professional, yet he wants full payment from me for services not receivedThis appears to have happened before as there is a previous ( complaint in which the individual's complaint states "I will not accept them (LWP) charging me for services I never received" (Ref# complaint/resolution log dated 4/23/14)Having been investigated before, the states on the their site that LAN/WAN Professional (a.k.aTechPro Group) "...the company fails to respond to complaints; their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the laws, licensing or regulation requirementsTechPro Group was also founded by [redacted] and his brother Ray [redacted] both who are involved with LAN/WAN Professional."Despite not achieving the full certifications through LWP, I did secure a positionI cannot credit LWP with assisting me in achieving this positionMr***, while responsive in assisting my with interview questions for a different position, he did not respond to my requests for assistance with obtaining my current jobDespite this, he wants to take credit for me finding and getting this jobIn reflecting upon my current employment versus where I was in December 2014, I find that much of what I achieved was through my own independent study (approximately hours per week) to develop and refine my skillsMuch of my time spent (approximately hours per week) was spent on LWP material performing data entry into their database to keep them informed of my search as well as re-entry of data to keep me at the top of the recruiters listsMany of the LWP staff acknowledged in the camp classes, the student's dissatisfaction with the LWP database due to the amount of time spent to continually update information regarding their job searchIn addition, despite having done this data entry, LWP staff neglected to read it on the database and insisted on calling me daily to reiterate the information already shared through the indicated route (database) which also took up more timeIn addition, the materials (documentation, orientation guidebook, labs, website, internal processes, procedures and instruction) were not complete or vetted properlyI found myself continually contacting tech support and Mr [redacted] to advise of inconsistencies and errors within their materials and environmentIn going through the guidebook and reviewing the outline for what I could expect to receive from LWP training, I highlighted those portions I received and contrasted that with those I did not and I find that I received about 1/of what I contracted to receive with regard to training and servicesFurther, I find that in my dealings with Mr [redacted] to be grossly misleading with regard to what I was told I could expect as far as assistance and services/resources versus what I received and what was legitimately available amounts to fraud on behalf of LWPTherefore, upon reflection I believe that I do owe LWP some remuneration for what I received, but not the full amount they are seekingAs I received approximately 1/of the services, I am inclined to repay 1/of the full amount less my initial $deposit.I want to express my gratitude to the for providing a platform to discuss this matter in an effort to seek resolution and for bringing to my attention the availability of including the media in engaging the public in this matter Regards, [redacted]
As stated previously, LAN/WAN Professional has one of the most extensive vetting process for becoming a member of our organization, including receiving to over hours of services over a period of to months BEFORE becoming a member and BEFORE signing any significant agreements that obligates these members This is to ensure that all new members are fully aware of both the positive benefits of membership and also the deferred obligations, requirements and sacrifices that are necessary to be a successful member The individual who is posting this complaint received additional services totaling over hours over a period of over months BEFORE signing the current agreement This is due to our concern regarding both the individual’s technical aptitude and professional approach/perspective, including how the individual handles interpersonal conflicts in professional situations In addition, we had concerns as to whether this individual would follow through on his obligations to us Based on all these significant concerns, our initial decision was to not approve the individual for membership With that stated, the individual made repeated statements of how much he appreciates the services he received to date and his positive statements regarding the high quality of our services Finally, the individual was very tenacious requesting to become a member Based on this we approved the individual for membership with significant reservations To date, the member has received $43,in services after applying initial payments This is validated by at least three separate agreements including (1) a document that was signed prior to receiving the services, (2) second document signed during the course of receiving the services and a (3) final document that was signed after receiving the services and a LAN/WAN job At no time during this period did the individual questioned whether he received the services and the quality of our services Finally, the individual quit his job without notification to both his employer and LAN/WAN Professional This last action alone is unprofessional behavior and is not something that any member of our organization would do LAN/WAN Professional states that we provided quality services that his beyond what was expected and respectfully hopes that the individual posting this complaint will now fulfill his obligations to us
As the candidate has already stated, LAN/WAN Professional has provided $39,in services and candidate has only paid $in security deposit to date The $39,does NOT INCLUDE the $2,grant that LAN/WAN Professional provided to the candidate that allowed the candidate to “test drive” our program prior to committing to the rest of the program.Just as important, the candidate’s highest employment was earning $118,(corrected from $108,000) and the candidate has been stuck in this range for over years and has been unable to get past $120, per year Even worse, the candidate was unemployed at the time he was accepted into the program and was having difficulty getting proper employment in the $100,range ($20,below what he is used to getting) due to his expired certificationsThe candidate fully experienced our program through an initial camp paid by a grant we provided and only committed AFTER personally validating our service Upon approval to move forward, the candidate received approximately $39,in additional services that included updating his expired credentials and solidifying/expanding his technical and professional skills This culminated in a job offer of $156,per year This is $38,per year more than the highest compensation he has ever received to date.In regards to complaints and issues, the candidate did bring up some minor issues during the relationship but never mentioned his high dissatisfaction of our services at any time during the period In fact, the candidate overall statements multiple times during the relationship process ranged from positive to very good It was only AFTER he received his job offer and was scheduled to begin paying for his services that the candidate decided to state his dissatisfaction.LAN/WAN Professional invests in its members and only benefits from their success The candidate listed above is currently employed in a job that pays $38,more than he has every earned This is a fact that is not in dispute For this reason, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the candidate follows through on his commitment to us now that he has benefited from the relationship We believe that this is a very reasonable request and only wish the candidate and his family the best in his information technology career I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below My response: The testing I undertook was to determine eligibility for RECEIVING services (i.eattending a camp)Since I attended NO camp at all, I never received ANY servicesAll I did was take a series of tests to DETERMINE eligibility for receiving camp services.Furthermore, I cancelled only AFTER (on 2-13-2015), when the director(s) rescheduled the January camp and AFTER my 2/11/conversation with [redacted] and [redacted] ***.During that conversation, both [redacted] and Michael did not even consider I did NOT cancel services BEFORE either of these two eventsMy cancellation was a REACTION to those prior events.The "CWA Camp" document says that if I were to cancel less than month before attending camp I would be charged $(see bottom of document) - I cancelled on 2-13-- but I was not scheduled to attend any camp within month as of that date (2-13-2015) Regards, [redacted]
LAN/WAN Professional provides a Day Camp as a Han“Test Drive” to prospective members to validate that they have the aptitude to become a successful Member of LAN/WAN Professional prior to being accepted into any of our Immediate Placement or Internship Programs which help fast
track their employment into LAN/WAN positions through-out the United States.
Ms*** attended one of our Qualification Camps on 01/08/She also received a grant from LAN/WAN Professional for $3,to cover her training costs for this initial camp. The purpose of this Qualification camp is to allow her to experience us and our services while we validate her technical aptitude.
Based on her performance she was authorized to be accepted into our Placement Program which she began on 01/14/14. At that point she was given access to our resources to begin on her Placement Camp Preload which she was actively engaged and was supported during. On 02/26/we received an email from her requesting to cancel out of the program after receiving over a month of services
Our cancellation policy which she received and signed clearly stated that she would only be responsible for services she had started as of the cancellation date and she would not be responsible for any services scheduled for a later date. At the date of cancellation she had received $3,in services and a $cancellation fee for the camp she was scheduled to attend on 03/01/14. She had paid for $2,in Deposits and hard costs at the date of cancellation which would be applied to the balance due, leaving a remaining balance of $2,
I have attached her signed Placement Program Confirmation Form outlining what she has paid for and what she has received and was scheduled to receive. This form also clearly explains the cancellation policy
*** ***
Director of Client Relations
Professional is a membership based organization for IT Professionals. We offer various career related services
designed to help our Members fast track to upgraded LAN/WAN employment. For individuals who are
fully approved for
our membership we invest around $40,of employment related services designed
to help them get into upgraded
LAN/WAN employment earning $54,to $126,within to months and $90,
to over $180,per year within months of initial employmentSince our fees our tied to our member’s
employment success, candidates must pass a two part qualification process
designed to ensure that we only accept candidates who we feel will achieve upgraded
Based on a
conversation with the LAN/WAN Mentor questions were asked to determine the candidate’s
employment seriousness and past employment history including length of
employment and reason for the positions ending.
At the conclusion of the first conversation the candidate was directed to
go back into the website to review the details of the membership opportunity
and was scheduled for a follow up conversation.
During the
follow up conversation the candidate indicated that he was not able to speak at
the scheduled time and when asked the reason for needing to reschedule became
very rude and defensive. It was
explained that we are not a hiring organization and asked employment related
questions to determine if it would be mutually beneficial to be considered for
the opportunity. Based on his
unprofessional behavior over the phone we notified him that it did not seem
like this would be the appropriate direction for either of us to be considered
in moving forward and wished him the best in his career
We are not
clear what the individual’s complaint actually is We had a qualification conversation and based
on his unprofessional behavior and attitude it was determined that we would not
move forward with being considered for the membership opportunity. We have very positive and long term
relationships with our members who not only interact with our staff, but also
other members and based on our interactions, he would not be a positive
contributing member moving forward
The candidate posting
complaint received a partial training grant of $2,to be used to pay for a
training program valued at $2,during the month of December that
includes remote hantraining that culminated in attending a day camp in
January. The candidate paid $($2,- $2,Grant) and started
receiving remote hantraining in preparation for the camp
LAN/WAN Professional offers
grants for initial training programs including attending a camp to allows
qualified candidates the opportunity to experience our service prior to making
any serious commitment and allows LAN/WAN Professional to fully validate the
candidate’s credentials and skills prior to investing over $50,in services
Once a candidate receives a
grant and is scheduled to attend a camp, LAN/WAN Professional rarely cancels a
scheduled camp. Unfortunately, the candidate’s initial camp was
rescheduled and the candidate was inform of
this at the beginning of January. At this moment, the candidate had
received remote services to date. With that stated, if the candidate
decided that he does not desire to be rescheduled and desires to cancel from
the process, LAN/WAN Professional would happily refund any fees the candidate
incurred even though the candidate did receive some services.
The candidate decided to
continue forward with the process and was given additional access to han
remotely at no additional costs and was rescheduled for a camp date in February
2015. Including the additional access, the candidate receive
approximately $1,in services to date. During the month of February, right before
attending his newly scheduled camp, the candidate informed us that he will not
be attending the camp due work situation and was cancelled from the second
camp. The last minute cancellation meant that we were not able to rebook
the spot that the candidate cancelled
In summary, LAN/WAN Professional
has provided over $1,in services including providing a spot at a camp
valued at $2,that was left unfilled due to the candidate’s last minute
cancellation. LAN/WAN Professional services investment is $3,and the
candidate has only paid $470. For this reason, the candidate does not
qualify for a refund. This is an unfortunate situation and we only wish
the candidate the best in his information technology career
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Revdex.comComplaint #[redacted]
In response to LAN/WAN Professional
The individual on this complaint fits our membership profile based on his 15+ years of IT work experience.
[redacted] and my "mentor" [redacted] told me face-to-face "...that you do not fit our normal business model" such as the [redacted] impersonator and others with little or no professional network experience.
The individual on this complaint received $39,000 in services to date and has not paid for those services yet.
Per the agreement, repayment is to being with the first paycheck from my new employer. As I have recently started this job, I have not received my first full paycheck. I stand firm that LAN/WAN Professional provided approximately 1/3 of the services as indicated in the camp orientation guide. For that reason I believe my obligation should match the services received. I agree to pay LAN/WAN Professional in kind for the actual services received. Which I calculate to be in the amount of $13,000.00 less the deposit of $495. First payment to be sent in May 2015 in the amount of $2000 dollars, with 11 monthly payments remaining at $955 per month.
The individual on this complaint attended a camp and PERSONALLY AND THOROUGHLY experienced our service PRIOR making any commitment for future services.
I attended a 3-day camp which showed me the level of commitment needed and the ability of the staff which would allow me to complete my objectives; 1) router and design review 2) to renew my expired CCNP certification. I was dissatisfied with the level of support I received from the instructor's intern during a vital test during the first camp, which ranked my level of knowledge below a given LAN/WAN Professional (LWP) standard. While the instructor was busy with other candidates, I was to seek support from his intern who was not effective in assessing and evaluating my work (he didn't understand the problem I was to solve) in the early portion of the test. As the questions/problems of the test built upon the one previous, I answered the remaining test questions based on the false information I received from the intern which led to an improper final assessment. I discussed my dissatisfaction of this intern with my "mentor" [redacted] who assured me that I would only have to deal with the instructors and not their interns in future camps.
I felt my future was being held hostage as my resume and any correspondence from potential employers is run through the LWP email server. My return email response from any future employers or reviewers of my job applications were run through the LWP network and not my personal email address. I had other concerns about the next camp and was a bit reluctant to commit to the LWP program. I addressed these concerns in a 3-way phone call with Stan [redacted] and my wife, [redacted]. It was LWP's position that I was not employable at my current level (CCNA certification level) and need to go back for their "Fast Track" program to obtain my CCNP. This gave me pause as I knew that their return was based on 15.95% of whatever job I obtained.
After the initial camp (December 2014), I received a letter that outlined the repayment terms upon obtaining a position within 1-2 months from the initial camp completion. This letter indicated a salary range between $90,000-$114,000. I found this confusing as per the initial advertising I viewed from LWP indicated that after using their services I could make 20%-100% more than my highest paid job (this advertisement has since been pulled from the internet), however the letter from Mr. [redacted] listed a salary range below that and one I would not consider whether using their services or not. This indicated to my wife and I that perhaps they did not have faith in their own services. At this time we discussed with Mr. [redacted] what would happen if I didn't get a job in the salary range I was seeking per their advertisement. He told us that the amount indicated in Mr. [redacted] letter was the salary range for the "first job" and that it was their goal to get me into some employment right away and that I could complete the additional camps while working at the "first job." He said the aim of the company is to get me into a "second job" with a much higher salary. I told him I could not take a job below $125,000 as anything less would not allow me to pay my bills and still be able to start a repayment plan with LWP. He also said that we would not have to repay anything if the salary I received was not within the range in the repayment agreement. For this reason, we had Mr. [redacted] adjust the repayment agreement to reflect a higher salary range in keeping with their company promises. Additionally, in discussing why I should continue on with LWP, Mr. [redacted] said that they provide job placement and have a database that contains 95% of the jobs not otherwise listed on the internet job boards. He then gave an example and said "if I search for 'network engineer in Boulder' I only see eight jobs available on the internet. If I run this through our database I see 105." We also discussed my goal to become a 'data center director.' To which he responded that they could help my achieve that goal through their program if I were to continue. Feeling a bit more confident in the company, I agreed to continue. I continued to be disappointed as I did commit to 50 hours per week in my job search, yet I did not receive any interviews over the next month.
My next visit was a 1-week camp (January, 2015) which was based on hands-on experience. Had I known this prior to attending, I would have dropped the program. As a professional with 17 years of corporate and network experience I did not require hands-on training. According to my "mentor" in order to attend this camp, I had to complete my CCNA certification and 10 "pre-load lab exams." It was during the lab exams that I pointed out to the LWP help desk and my mentor of a discrepancy in the "process and procedures" from one web page to another. The first web page stated I was to answer questions and copy my answers into a electronic notepad and send them in to the LWP support desk via a second web page. However the second web page stated I was to copy the network device configurations from all switches (9 in total) and send that in to the support desk. Once I reported this error to my "mentor" he claimed I was the first person ever to bring this to his attention, in which he stated he knows he is working with a "true engineer and not a technician." This is one of many inconsistencies I alerted both the "mentor" and technical support to. The camp schedule was from 7 am until 11 pm daily, with only one prepared meal that was made available to the students, all staff and any visitors. While it was discussed and agreed that the focus of my training would be in data center management, LWP continued to focus their attention on entry level engineering with exposure to various tasks required of a network engineer. It seemed that their program was really "one-size-fits-all." In addition, I was asked to post my resume (still constructed for network engineering and not data center direct) to 40+ internet job sites. It was at this time I inquired as to why we were doing this if they had a placement service and larger database, that I learned said database did not exist. In my experience, I learned that companies that receive duplicate submissions often dispose of all resumes submitted for a particular job. I have had on occasion, recruiting companies pull my resume from the internet and submit it for jobs despite not having an agreement for them to represent me. I was concerned about the potential for "double submissions" and shared this concern with LWP. Their response was that it was good practice to interview for jobs I may not be interested in, but they didn't address the potential for being not considered due to "double submission." Nearer the end of the second camp, I was pressured in doing a video of my experiences with LWP. If I participated in this video, LWP would reduce my repayment fee. In the video, I was asked the question "Would you recommend LAN/WAN Professional to others?" I did not answer this question for the reasons outlined above. After the second camp I had serious reservations about LWP, but I continued to fulfill my obligations regarding job search and secured additional certifications as a network design professional.
Before attending the third camp (February, 2015), I passed five certifications (receiving above average scores) through my individual studies at home. I had a conference call with [redacted] and my "mentor" [redacted] in which I insisted that I did not want to spend the time on "hands-on experiences (labs)," but wanted to focus on the certification test experience (for the CCNP 'troubleshooting' exam coming up). To which Mr. [redacted] agreed. I attended the third camp on Mr. [redacted] insistence, as he was firm that I needed the camp experience and resources in order to pass the "troubleshooting" test as part of my CCNP certification. I failed that certification test (the only one I failed and failed with less than half the points needed for passing) while I attended the third camp. The exam itself had been revised by Cisco only days prior to the camp. I attribute this to LWP's lack of preparedness and their rush to release information without properly vetting the material prior to me to taking this exam. Only one person in the LWP organization took the revised "troubleshooting" test and successfully passed. The test itself contains 15-25 questions, however the questions change and are pulled from a larger pool of questions from the Cisco database. With only one person going through the testing process, it was not possible LWP to present a lab or learning materials that covered enough material to successfully answer of all of the possible test questions. There is a pattern of LWP's rush to release information. With this stated, I point out another flaw contained within the contract presented to me in which LWP contained mathematical errors. I agree that it is not a major point in itself, however it goes to show the rush to release information without checking it properly. I strongly feel this rush is why I spent considerable money on a flight to camp, testing fees and camp costs resulting in the "only" failed attempt to pass a certification while working with LWP. The intention of the third camp was to complete the final two exams I needed to bring my certifications current. I was very clear with Mr. [redacted] as to what I needed in the form of support from LWP. I left the third camp empty-handed. I was very disappointed due to the time and money spent, as I believed I held up my end of the agreement in following through with all instructions dictated by LWP. With my disappointment, coupled with the lack of sleep and food at the camp, I was in no emotional shape to engage in a confrontation with the LWP staff. However I later shared this with Mr. [redacted] after returning home from camp. I had concerns as well regarding what retaliation the organization might take against me if I were to say anything negative against them, as by this time I was made aware of other complaints against them through the and their responses to them. Now two months in and three camps later, having filled out numerous applications, I still had no job offers.
This includes committing to a minimum of 40 hrs/week until employed and meeting all mutually agreed upon goals and commitments and proactively communicating and coordinating with LAN/WAN Professional until employed.
After my first full week at camp, we had agreed that I should continue in my educational pursuit to achieve a higher level position. I could attain this with just the CCNA certification. At the time, we both agreed that my employment search should not take precedent over my certification pursuits.
PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP SUMMARY - Including Mutual Commitments Between LAN/WAN Professional & Complaint Person. The individual on this complaint was unemployed at the time of approval as a member. Just as important, his most recent employment in 2014 prior to being laid off was a full-time position earning only $108,000 per year.
Once again the figures are wrong as my compensation was at $118,000 annually with expired certifications.
Beginning 3/2/2015, the candidate still did not meet all preparatory requirements OR did not invest 40 hrs/week OR did not communicate proactively with LAN/WAN Professional. In spite of this, the candidate received a job offer on 4/9/2015 (approximately 1 month after he started job search) in the amount of $156,000 per year. This is $6,000 more than the highest range we discussed and $48,000 MORE THAN HIS PREVIOUS JOB.
I spent, as agreed with LWP to spend, 50 hours per week minimum in my job search. I have sent out 0ver 80 applications for employment and have documented as such in their employment database. I would not have been able to achieve this at less than 50 hours per week. This is exhibited in the database in which it indicates that I have achieved "ABOVE" the target of jobs applied for. Which at the time of this writing is 3 weeks after my job started, so I have not updated any information on it and I still have a (Above) rated as seen in the screenshot (Not listed in this document but I have on file - system will not let me incorporate it on this page).
During this time, [redacted] (Director of Placement) was removed and Mr. [redacted] had ordered [redacted] (Placement Coordinator) to call me each day at 9 am to verify that my progress was on schedule. With Mr. [redacted] receiving daily progress reports, as well as my entries in the database, I fail to understand how I can be perceived as not meeting the required 40 hours per week in my job search.
Based on his positive employment result, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the client follows through on his commitment to LAN/WAN for the full amount of the services received to date. We hope that the individual posting this complaint reflect on the significant improvement in his employment today versus his unemployment when he was approved in 12/2014
As previously stated, I do agree that I owe LWP for some of the services received. The LWP program provides hands-on labs for the "book smart" to gain the necessary experience to successfully obtain employment and certification achievement through exposure to resources that provide test questions for certification exams. What I found valuable at LWP was the lectures and discussions that followed with regard to what interviewers were really trying to ascertain with their interview questions. Mr. [redacted] personal lectures on how to respond to interview questions were most enlightening.
As an individual with 17 years experience, I did not require the hands-on lab work offered to me at the second camp. My initial request was for assistance in routing skills. Mr. [redacted] agrees I did not receive this assistance, but states it is available to me should I elect to take a future camp. However, at this time I am expected to pay the full price for services not received. Mr. [redacted] and Mr. [redacted] agreed that I "was not the typical candidate" for LWP, however in order to have me contract with them for additional services, we agreed that my training would be focused on the areas of need; routing and certification achievement.
Mr. [redacted] acknowledges that I did not get everything I was seeking from LAN/WAN Professional, yet he wants full payment from me for services not received. This appears to have happened before as there is a previous ( complaint in which the individual's complaint states "I will not accept them (LWP) charging me for services I never received" (Ref# complaint/resolution log 3 dated 4/23/14). Having been investigated before, the states on the their site that LAN/WAN Professional (a.k.a. TechPro Group) "...the company fails to respond to complaints; their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the laws, licensing or regulation requirements. TechPro Group was also founded by [redacted] and his brother Ray [redacted] both who are involved with LAN/WAN Professional."
Despite not achieving the full certifications through LWP, I did secure a position. I cannot credit LWP with assisting me in achieving this position. Mr. [redacted], while responsive in assisting my with interview questions for a different position, he did not respond to my requests for assistance with obtaining my current job. Despite this, he wants to take credit for me finding and getting this job. In reflecting upon my current employment versus where I was in December 2014, I find that much of what I achieved was through my own independent study (approximately 30 hours per week) to develop and refine my skills. Much of my time spent (approximately 60 hours per week) was spent on LWP material performing data entry into their database to keep them informed of my search as well as re-entry of data to keep me at the top of the recruiters lists. Many of the LWP staff acknowledged in the camp classes, the student's dissatisfaction with the LWP database due to the amount of time spent to continually update information regarding their job search. In addition, despite having done this data entry, LWP staff neglected to read it on the database and insisted on calling me daily to reiterate the information already shared through the indicated route (database) which also took up more time. In addition, the materials (documentation, orientation guidebook, labs, website, internal processes, procedures and instruction) were not complete or vetted properly. I found myself continually contacting tech support and Mr. [redacted] to advise of inconsistencies and errors within their materials and environment. In going through the guidebook and reviewing the outline for what I could expect to receive from LWP training, I highlighted those portions I received and contrasted that with those I did not and I find that I received about 1/3 of what I contracted to receive with regard to training and services. Further, I find that in my dealings with Mr. [redacted] to be grossly misleading with regard to what I was told I could expect as far as assistance and services/resources versus what I received and what was legitimately available amounts to fraud on behalf of LWP. Therefore, upon reflection I believe that I do owe LWP some remuneration for what I received, but not the full amount they are seeking. As I received approximately 1/3 of the services, I am inclined to repay 1/3 of the full amount less my initial $495 deposit.
I want to express my gratitude to the for providing a platform to discuss this matter in an effort to seek resolution and for bringing to my attention the availability of including the media in engaging the public in this matter.
LAN/WAN Professional believes that it
is important to provide some general information regarding our company and the
relationship dynamics we with have with our members (clients). This is important to better understand why
the complaint posted by this individual does not make any logical sense. Especially when this individual ACHIEVED a
service SUCCESS level that is HIGHER than what we MUTUALLY SET. Please read below for details.
LAN/WAN Professional is a nationwide PROFESSIONAL
MEMBERSHIP organization that provides various professional and technical
services to its members. The services we
provided are ONLY AVAILABLE to individuals who have been approved as members. Our members are primarily intelligent,
educated and seasoned IT professionals with a minimum of 7 to over 20 years of
IT work experience. In addition, we also
consider sharp recent graduates with bachelors, masters or higher degrees and
professional career changers with a minimum of 5 years of corporate work
experience. Just as important, the vast
majority of our members work for major corporations, government organizations,
national technology service providers with enterprise networks with a minimum
of 1,000 users to global organizations with a network user base that exceeds
10,000,000 users. To be a member, you
must meet strict technical and professional guidelines as listed below. The
individual on this complaint fits our membership profile based on his 15+ years
of IT work experience.
WHAT WE PROVIDE (We Invest $30,000 to
over $50,000 In Each Member and Benefit From Our Members Success)
In regards to what we provide, LAN/WAN
Professional invests approximately $30,000 to over $50,000 in technical and
professional services to every member it accepts with the primary goal of
TIMELY and/or UPGRADED employment. Just
as important, we allow our members to defer the payment of those services to
begin once the member is employed in a new position. For unemployed members, this means fulltime
employment. For working professionals,
proper employment in a new position.
Compensation ranges for our members after they receive our services
typically range from $90,000 up to over $210,000 per year. The
individual on this complaint received $39,000 in services to date and has not
paid for those services yet.
PROCESS (All Qualified Candidates Personally Experience Our Service Prior To
Making Commitment)
Since our fees are tied to a
candidate’s success, LAN/WAN Professional regularly receives significantly more
applications then we have spots available for membership each month. For this reason, all interested candidates
must pass a two-step qualification process that begins with (1) a remote phone
screening with a qualified LAN/WAN Mentor.
Candidates who pass the first step will be given a training grant that
can be used to attend a training camp onsite at our facility. This camp allows a qualified candidate the
opportunity to personally experience our service prior to making any serious
commitment and allows LAN/WAN Professional to thoroughly assess each candidate
technically and professionally prior to investing $30,000 to $50,000 in
services. At any point in the
qualification process, the candidate can cancel and part ways with no
additional obligations or commitments. The individual on this complaint attended a
camp and PERSONALLY AND THOROUGHLY experienced our service PRIOR making any
commitment for future services.
(Must Meet 4 Factors & Every Member Must Also Follow Through On Their
Since we only benefit from our
candidate’s success, all candidates are thoroughly prescreened both technically
and professionally prior to being approved as a member and prior to investing
the $30,000 to over $50,000 in services.
This includes 4 factors including (1) Transferable Background &
Education, (2) Technical Knowledge, Aptitude & EFFICIENT Learning Skills, (3)
Pass Background Check, and (4) Candidates COMMITMENT to Employment Seriousness. This
includes committing to a minimum of 40 hrs/week until employed and meeting all
mutually agreed upon goals and commitments and proactively communicating and
coordinating with LAN/WAN Professional until employed.
Including Mutual Commitments Between LAN/WAN Professional & Complaint
The individual on this complaint was
unemployed at the time of approval as a member.
Just as important, his most recent employment in 2014 prior to being
laid off was a fulltime position earning only $108,000 per year.
The individual was approved for our
program on approximately 12/23/2014 and was scheduled to attend a camp on
1/10/2015 to begin job searching by 1/19/2015 and with the goal of job offer between
2/20 to 3/20/2015 earning approximately $100,000 to $130,000 per year as the
initial job and $120,000 to $150,000 within 12 months of initial employment. Upon attending the 1/10 camp, the individual
stated his satisfaction of services received to date. Just as important, the individual was
approved to receive more services prior to initial employment including getting
special authorization to attend a second camp on 2/7/2015 with revised goal to
begin job searching on 2/16/2015.
Based on the additional services, we
set a revised employment goal of timely employment of between 3/20 to 4/20/2015
earning $120,000 to $150,000 per year.
This was CONDITIONED upon the candidate investing a minimum of 40
hrs/week actively seeking employment including meeting all technical and
professional preparatory requirements by 2/19/2015 and working proactively with
LAN/WAN Professional staff in full coordination and communications until
employed. The candidate DID NOT
complete all required preparatory activities by 2/16/2015. For this reason, the candidate’s job search
was delayed by 2 weeks until 3/2/2015.
Beginning 3/2/2015, the candidate
still did not meet all preparatory requirements OR did not invest 40 hrs/week
OR did not communicate proactively with LAN/WAN Professional. In spite of this, the candidate received a
job offer on 4/9/2015 (approximately 1 month after he started job search) in
the amount of $156,000 per year. This is
$6,000 more than the highest range we discussed and $48,000 MORE THAN HIS
To date, LAN/WAN Professional provided
$39,000 in services. More important, the
individual has received a job offer earning $48,000 more than his previous job
in approximately 1 month of job search start in spite of not meeting his
commitments to LAN/WAN Professional (See above) and has been employed since
Monday, April 13, 2015.
Based on his positive employment
result, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the client follows
through on his commitment to LAN/WAN for the full amount of the services
received to date. We hope that the individual
posting this complaint reflect on the significant improvement in his employment
today versus his unemployment when he was approved in 12/2014. In spite of this complaint, we truly wish the
client and his family the best in their future.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
My response: The testing I undertook was to determine eligibility for RECEIVING services (i.e. attending a camp). Since I attended NO camp at all, I never received ANY services. All I did was take a series of tests to DETERMINE eligibility for receiving camp services.Furthermore, I cancelled only AFTER (on 2-13-2015), when the director(s) rescheduled the January camp and AFTER my 2/11/2015 conversation with [redacted] and [redacted].During that conversation, both [redacted] and Michael did not even consider I did NOT cancel services BEFORE either of these two events. My cancellation was a REACTION to those prior events.The "CWA Camp" document says that if I were to cancel less than 1 month before attending camp I would be charged $495 (see bottom of document) - I cancelled on 2-13-2015 - but I was not scheduled to attend any camp within 1 month as of that date (2-13-2015).
As the candidate has already stated, LAN/WAN Professional has provided $39,000 in services and candidate has only paid $450 in security deposit to date. The $39,000 does NOT INCLUDE the $2,970 grant that LAN/WAN Professional provided to the candidate that allowed the candidate to “test drive” our program prior to committing to the rest of the program.Just as important, the candidate’s highest employment was earning $118,000 (corrected from $108,000) and the candidate has been stuck in this range for over 5 years and has been unable to get past $120,000 per year. Even worse, the candidate was unemployed at the time he was accepted into the program and was having difficulty getting proper employment in the $100,000 range ($20,000 below what he is used to getting) due to his expired certifications. The candidate fully experienced our program through an initial camp paid by a grant we provided and only committed AFTER personally validating our service. Upon approval to move forward, the candidate received approximately $39,000 in additional services that included updating his expired credentials and solidifying/expanding his technical and professional skills. This culminated in a job offer of $156,000 per year. This is $38,000 per year more than the highest compensation he has ever received to date.In regards to complaints and issues, the candidate did bring up some minor issues during the relationship but never mentioned his high dissatisfaction of our services at any time during the period. In fact, the candidate overall statements multiple times during the relationship process ranged from positive to very good. It was only AFTER he received his job offer and was scheduled to begin paying for his services that the candidate decided to state his dissatisfaction.LAN/WAN Professional invests in its members and only benefits from their success. The candidate listed above is currently employed in a job that pays $38,000 more than he has every earned. This is a fact that is not in dispute. For this reason, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the candidate follows through on his commitment to us now that he has benefited from the relationship. We believe that this is a very reasonable request and only wish the candidate and his family the best in his information technology career.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.My response: The testing I undertook was to determine eligibility for RECEIVING services (i.e. attending a camp). Since I attended NO camp at all, I never received ANY services. All I did was take a series of tests to DETERMINE eligibility for receiving camp services.Furthermore, I cancelled only AFTER (on 2-13-2015), when the director(s) rescheduled the January camp and AFTER my 2/11/2015 conversation with [redacted] and [redacted].During that conversation, both [redacted] and Michael did not even consider I did NOT cancel services BEFORE either of these two events. My cancellation was a REACTION to those prior events.
The "CWA Camp" document says that if I were to cancel less than 1 month before attending camp I would be charged $495 (see bottom of document) - I cancelled on 2-13-2015 - but I was not scheduled to attend any camp within 1 month as of that date (2-13-2015).
The candidate posting this
complaint received a partial training grant of $2,500 to be used to pay for a
training program valued at $2,970 during the month of December 2014 that
includes remote hands-on training that culminated in attending a 3 day camp in
January. The...
candidate paid $470 ($2,970 - $2,500 Grant) and started
receiving remote hands-on training in preparation for the camp.
LAN/WAN Professional offers
grants for initial training programs including attending a camp to allows
qualified candidates the opportunity to experience our service prior to making
any serious commitment and allows LAN/WAN Professional to fully validate the
candidate’s credentials and skills prior to investing over $50,000 in services.
Once a candidate receives a
grant and is scheduled to attend a camp, LAN/WAN Professional rarely cancels a
scheduled camp. Unfortunately, the candidate’s initial camp was
rescheduled and the candidate was inform of
this at the beginning of January. At this moment, the candidate had
received remote services to date. With that stated, if the candidate
decided that he does not desire to be rescheduled and desires to cancel from
the process, LAN/WAN Professional would happily refund any fees the candidate
incurred even though the candidate did receive some services.
The candidate decided to
continue forward with the process and was given additional access to hands-on
remotely at no additional costs and was rescheduled for a camp date in February
2015. Including the additional access, the candidate receive
approximately $1,000 in services to date. During the month of February, right before
attending his newly scheduled camp, the candidate informed us that he will not
be attending the camp due work situation and was cancelled from the second
camp. The last minute cancellation meant that we were not able to rebook
the spot that the candidate cancelled.
In summary, LAN/WAN Professional
has provided over $1,000 in services including providing a spot at a camp
valued at $2,500 that was left unfilled due to the candidate’s last minute
cancellation. LAN/WAN Professional services investment is $3,500 and the
candidate has only paid $470. For this reason, the candidate does not
qualify for a refund. This is an unfortunate situation and we only wish
the candidate the best in his information technology career. I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. LANWAN Professional advised me during job consultations to tell my employer there is no "OSPF area 0" in the backbone design and how to illustrate a "physical diagrams", "employer stated unacceptable" This is a reflection of Job counseling sessions and upset employer twice. This advice during some of our sessions made employer anger regarding area 0 statements and then again when I turned in diagram is what caused the loss of employment. I followed there instructions, employer got upset on two occasions, caused serious problems. I lost the job because of these issues. All I ever wanted was the CWA/CCNA/CCNP training and to get my certifications. I never once asked for additional packages, they were recommended and I trusted [redacted] opinion. I did asked for job placement help and I was told I must come to camp for that so another agreement was created These agreements are used to obligate individuals into large financial responsibilities. Someone needs to review this financials obligation and how it coincides with the job training, and job placement. The Job Training/placement is a directly reflection of how well a individual do on the job. On a final note my resume was rewrote by LANWAN Professional and that is really what got the employers attention. Everyone in my class took issues with it, not just me.
As stated previously, LAN/WAN Professional has one of the most extensive vetting process for becoming a member of our organization, including receiving 100 to over 150 hours of services over a period of 1 to 2 months BEFORE becoming a member and BEFORE signing any significant agreements that obligates these members. This is to ensure that all new members are fully aware of both the positive benefits of membership and also the deferred obligations, requirements and sacrifices that are necessary to be a successful member. The individual who is posting this complaint received additional services totaling over 300 hours over a period of over 3 months BEFORE signing the current agreement. This is due to our concern regarding both the individual’s technical aptitude and professional approach/perspective, including how the individual handles interpersonal conflicts in professional situations. In addition, we had concerns as to whether this individual would follow through on his obligations to us. Based on all these significant concerns, our initial decision was to not approve the individual for membership. With that stated, the individual made repeated statements of how much he appreciates the services he received to date and his positive statements regarding the high quality of our services. Finally, the individual was very tenacious requesting to become a member. Based on this we approved the individual for membership with significant reservations. To date, the member has received $43,545 in services after applying initial payments. This is validated by at least three separate agreements including (1) a document that was signed prior to receiving the services, (2) second document signed during the course of receiving the services and a (3) final document that was signed after receiving the services and a LAN/WAN job. At no time during this period did the individual questioned whether he received the services and the quality of our services. Finally, the individual quit his job without notification to both his employer and LAN/WAN Professional. This last action alone is unprofessional behavior and is not something that any member of our organization would do. LAN/WAN Professional states that we provided quality services that his beyond what was expected and respectfully hopes that the individual posting this complaint will now fulfill his obligations to us.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Revdex.comComplaint #[redacted]In response to LAN/WAN ProfessionalThe individual on this complaint fits our membership profile based on his 15+ years of IT work experience.[redacted] and my "mentor" [redacted] told me face-to-face "...that you do not fit our normal business model" such as the [redacted] impersonator and others with little or no professional network experience.The individual on this complaint received $39,000 in services to date and has not paid for those services yet.Per the agreement, repayment is to being with the first paycheck from my new employer. As I have recently started this job, I have not received my first full paycheck. I stand firm that LAN/WAN Professional provided approximately 1/3 of the services as indicated in the camp orientation guide. For that reason I believe my obligation should match the services received. I agree to pay LAN/WAN Professional in kind for the actual services received. Which I calculate to be in the amount of $13,000.00 less the deposit of $495. First payment to be sent in May 2015 in the amount of $2000 dollars, with 11 monthly payments remaining at $955 per month.The individual on this complaint attended a camp and PERSONALLY AND THOROUGHLY experienced our service PRIOR making any commitment for future services.I attended a 3-day camp which showed me the level of commitment needed and the ability of the staff which would allow me to complete my objectives; 1) router and design review 2) to renew my expired CCNP certification. I was dissatisfied with the level of support I received from the instructor's intern during a vital test during the first camp, which ranked my level of knowledge below a given LAN/WAN Professional (LWP) standard. While the instructor was busy with other candidates, I was to seek support from his intern who was not effective in assessing and evaluating my work (he didn't understand the problem I was to solve) in the early portion of the test. As the questions/problems of the test built upon the one previous, I answered the remaining test questions based on the false information I received from the intern which led to an improper final assessment. I discussed my dissatisfaction of this intern with my "mentor" [redacted] who assured me that I would only have to deal with the instructors and not their interns in future camps. I felt my future was being held hostage as my resume and any correspondence from potential employers is run through the LWP email server. My return email response from any future employers or reviewers of my job applications were run through the LWP network and not my personal email address. I had other concerns about the next camp and was a bit reluctant to commit to the LWP program. I addressed these concerns in a 3-way phone call with Stan [redacted] and my wife, [redacted]. It was LWP's position that I was not employable at my current level (CCNA certification level) and need to go back for their "Fast Track" program to obtain my CCNP. This gave me pause as I knew that their return was based on 15.95% of whatever job I obtained.After the initial camp (December 2014), I received a letter that outlined the repayment terms upon obtaining a position within 1-2 months from the initial camp completion. This letter indicated a salary range between $90,000-$114,000. I found this confusing as per the initial advertising I viewed from LWP indicated that after using their services I could make 20%-100% more than my highest paid job (this advertisement has since been pulled from the internet), however the letter from Mr. [redacted] listed a salary range below that and one I would not consider whether using their services or not. This indicated to my wife and I that perhaps they did not have faith in their own services. At this time we discussed with Mr. [redacted] what would happen if I didn't get a job in the salary range I was seeking per their advertisement. He told us that the amount indicated in Mr. [redacted] letter was the salary range for the "first job" and that it was their goal to get me into some employment right away and that I could complete the additional camps while working at the "first job." He said the aim of the company is to get me into a "second job" with a much higher salary. I told him I could not take a job below $125,000 as anything less would not allow me to pay my bills and still be able to start a repayment plan with LWP. He also said that we would not have to repay anything if the salary I received was not within the range in the repayment agreement. For this reason, we had Mr. [redacted] adjust the repayment agreement to reflect a higher salary range in keeping with their company promises. Additionally, in discussing why I should continue on with LWP, Mr. [redacted] said that they provide job placement and have a database that contains 95% of the jobs not otherwise listed on the internet job boards. He then gave an example and said "if I search for 'network engineer in Boulder' I only see eight jobs available on the internet. If I run this through our database I see 105." We also discussed my goal to become a 'data center director.' To which he responded that they could help my achieve that goal through their program if I were to continue. Feeling a bit more confident in the company, I agreed to continue. I continued to be disappointed as I did commit to 50 hours per week in my job search, yet I did not receive any interviews over the next month.My next visit was a 1-week camp (January, 2015) which was based on hands-on experience. Had I known this prior to attending, I would have dropped the program. As a professional with 17 years of corporate and network experience I did not require hands-on training. According to my "mentor" in order to attend this camp, I had to complete my CCNA certification and 10 "pre-load lab exams." It was during the lab exams that I pointed out to the LWP help desk and my mentor of a discrepancy in the "process and procedures" from one web page to another. The first web page stated I was to answer questions and copy my answers into a electronic notepad and send them in to the LWP support desk via a second web page. However the second web page stated I was to copy the network device configurations from all switches (9 in total) and send that in to the support desk. Once I reported this error to my "mentor" he claimed I was the first person ever to bring this to his attention, in which he stated he knows he is working with a "true engineer and not a technician." This is one of many inconsistencies I alerted both the "mentor" and technical support to. The camp schedule was from 7 am until 11 pm daily, with only one prepared meal that was made available to the students, all staff and any visitors. While it was discussed and agreed that the focus of my training would be in data center management, LWP continued to focus their attention on entry level engineering with exposure to various tasks required of a network engineer. It seemed that their program was really "one-size-fits-all." In addition, I was asked to post my resume (still constructed for network engineering and not data center direct) to 40+ internet job sites. It was at this time I inquired as to why we were doing this if they had a placement service and larger database, that I learned said database did not exist. In my experience, I learned that companies that receive duplicate submissions often dispose of all resumes submitted for a particular job. I have had on occasion, recruiting companies pull my resume from the internet and submit it for jobs despite not having an agreement for them to represent me. I was concerned about the potential for "double submissions" and shared this concern with LWP. Their response was that it was good practice to interview for jobs I may not be interested in, but they didn't address the potential for being not considered due to "double submission." Nearer the end of the second camp, I was pressured in doing a video of my experiences with LWP. If I participated in this video, LWP would reduce my repayment fee. In the video, I was asked the question "Would you recommend LAN/WAN Professional to others?" I did not answer this question for the reasons outlined above. After the second camp I had serious reservations about LWP, but I continued to fulfill my obligations regarding job search and secured additional certifications as a network design professional. Before attending the third camp (February, 2015), I passed five certifications (receiving above average scores) through my individual studies at home. I had a conference call with [redacted] and my "mentor" [redacted] in which I insisted that I did not want to spend the time on "hands-on experiences (labs)," but wanted to focus on the certification test experience (for the CCNP 'troubleshooting' exam coming up). To which Mr. [redacted] agreed. I attended the third camp on Mr. [redacted] insistence, as he was firm that I needed the camp experience and resources in order to pass the "troubleshooting" test as part of my CCNP certification. I failed that certification test (the only one I failed and failed with less than half the points needed for passing) while I attended the third camp. The exam itself had been revised by Cisco only days prior to the camp. I attribute this to LWP's lack of preparedness and their rush to release information without properly vetting the material prior to me to taking this exam. Only one person in the LWP organization took the revised "troubleshooting" test and successfully passed. The test itself contains 15-25 questions, however the questions change and are pulled from a larger pool of questions from the Cisco database. With only one person going through the testing process, it was not possible LWP to present a lab or learning materials that covered enough material to successfully answer of all of the possible test questions. There is a pattern of LWP's rush to release information. With this stated, I point out another flaw contained within the contract presented to me in which LWP contained mathematical errors. I agree that it is not a major point in itself, however it goes to show the rush to release information without checking it properly. I strongly feel this rush is why I spent considerable money on a flight to camp, testing fees and camp costs resulting in the "only" failed attempt to pass a certification while working with LWP. The intention of the third camp was to complete the final two exams I needed to bring my certifications current. I was very clear with Mr. [redacted] as to what I needed in the form of support from LWP. I left the third camp empty-handed. I was very disappointed due to the time and money spent, as I believed I held up my end of the agreement in following through with all instructions dictated by LWP. With my disappointment, coupled with the lack of sleep and food at the camp, I was in no emotional shape to engage in a confrontation with the LWP staff. However I later shared this with Mr. [redacted] after returning home from camp. I had concerns as well regarding what retaliation the organization might take against me if I were to say anything negative against them, as by this time I was made aware of other complaints against them through the and their responses to them. Now two months in and three camps later, having filled out numerous applications, I still had no job offers.This includes committing to a minimum of 40 hrs/week until employed and meeting all mutually agreed upon goals and commitments and proactively communicating and coordinating with LAN/WAN Professional until employed.After my first full week at camp, we had agreed that I should continue in my educational pursuit to achieve a higher level position. I could attain this with just the CCNA certification. At the time, we both agreed that my employment search should not take precedent over my certification pursuits. PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP SUMMARY - Including Mutual Commitments Between LAN/WAN Professional & Complaint Person. The individual on this complaint was unemployed at the time of approval as a member. Just as important, his most recent employment in 2014 prior to being laid off was a full-time position earning only $108,000 per year.Once again the figures are wrong as my compensation was at $118,000 annually with expired certifications.Beginning 3/2/2015, the candidate still did not meet all preparatory requirements OR did not invest 40 hrs/week OR did not communicate proactively with LAN/WAN Professional. In spite of this, the candidate received a job offer on 4/9/2015 (approximately 1 month after he started job search) in the amount of $156,000 per year. This is $6,000 more than the highest range we discussed and $48,000 MORE THAN HIS PREVIOUS JOB.I spent, as agreed with LWP to spend, 50 hours per week minimum in my job search. I have sent out 0ver 80 applications for employment and have documented as such in their employment database. I would not have been able to achieve this at less than 50 hours per week. This is exhibited in the database in which it indicates that I have achieved "ABOVE" the target of jobs applied for. Which at the time of this writing is 3 weeks after my job started, so I have not updated any information on it and I still have a (Above) rated as seen in the screenshot (Not listed in this document but I have on file - system will not let me incorporate it on this page). During this time, [redacted] (Director of Placement) was removed and Mr. [redacted] had ordered [redacted] (Placement Coordinator) to call me each day at 9 am to verify that my progress was on schedule. With Mr. [redacted] receiving daily progress reports, as well as my entries in the database, I fail to understand how I can be perceived as not meeting the required 40 hours per week in my job search. Based on his positive employment result, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the client follows through on his commitment to LAN/WAN for the full amount of the services received to date. We hope that the individual posting this complaint reflect on the significant improvement in his employment today versus his unemployment when he was approved in 12/2014. As previously stated, I do agree that I owe LWP for some of the services received. The LWP program provides hands-on labs for the "book smart" to gain the necessary experience to successfully obtain employment and certification achievement through exposure to resources that provide test questions for certification exams. What I found valuable at LWP was the lectures and discussions that followed with regard to what interviewers were really trying to ascertain with their interview questions. Mr. [redacted] personal lectures on how to respond to interview questions were most enlightening. As an individual with 17 years experience, I did not require the hands-on lab work offered to me at the second camp. My initial request was for assistance in routing skills. Mr. [redacted] agrees I did not receive this assistance, but states it is available to me should I elect to take a future camp. However, at this time I am expected to pay the full price for services not received. Mr. [redacted] and Mr. [redacted] agreed that I "was not the typical candidate" for LWP, however in order to have me contract with them for additional services, we agreed that my training would be focused on the areas of need; routing and certification achievement. Mr. [redacted] acknowledges that I did not get everything I was seeking from LAN/WAN Professional, yet he wants full payment from me for services not received. This appears to have happened before as there is a previous ( complaint in which the individual's complaint states "I will not accept them (LWP) charging me for services I never received" (Ref# complaint/resolution log 3 dated 4/23/14). Having been investigated before, the states on the their site that LAN/WAN Professional (a.k.a. TechPro Group) "...the company fails to respond to complaints; their advertising is grossly misleading, they are not in compliance with the laws, licensing or regulation requirements. TechPro Group was also founded by [redacted] and his brother Ray [redacted] both who are involved with LAN/WAN Professional."Despite not achieving the full certifications through LWP, I did secure a position. I cannot credit LWP with assisting me in achieving this position. Mr. [redacted], while responsive in assisting my with interview questions for a different position, he did not respond to my requests for assistance with obtaining my current job. Despite this, he wants to take credit for me finding and getting this job. In reflecting upon my current employment versus where I was in December 2014, I find that much of what I achieved was through my own independent study (approximately 30 hours per week) to develop and refine my skills. Much of my time spent (approximately 60 hours per week) was spent on LWP material performing data entry into their database to keep them informed of my search as well as re-entry of data to keep me at the top of the recruiters lists. Many of the LWP staff acknowledged in the camp classes, the student's dissatisfaction with the LWP database due to the amount of time spent to continually update information regarding their job search. In addition, despite having done this data entry, LWP staff neglected to read it on the database and insisted on calling me daily to reiterate the information already shared through the indicated route (database) which also took up more time. In addition, the materials (documentation, orientation guidebook, labs, website, internal processes, procedures and instruction) were not complete or vetted properly. I found myself continually contacting tech support and Mr. [redacted] to advise of inconsistencies and errors within their materials and environment. In going through the guidebook and reviewing the outline for what I could expect to receive from LWP training, I highlighted those portions I received and contrasted that with those I did not and I find that I received about 1/3 of what I contracted to receive with regard to training and services. Further, I find that in my dealings with Mr. [redacted] to be grossly misleading with regard to what I was told I could expect as far as assistance and services/resources versus what I received and what was legitimately available amounts to fraud on behalf of LWP. Therefore, upon reflection I believe that I do owe LWP some remuneration for what I received, but not the full amount they are seeking. As I received approximately 1/3 of the services, I am inclined to repay 1/3 of the full amount less my initial $495 deposit.I want to express my gratitude to the for providing a platform to discuss this matter in an effort to seek resolution and for bringing to my attention the availability of including the media in engaging the public in this matter.
Review: On two different occasions, the directors of the program decided I was not to attend a camp. It was not up to me to cancel a camp. In December, they canceled a weekend camp that I was scheduled to attend (1/16/2015 through 1/19/2015).I could not reschedule to attend a week later (during the middle of a week) because I was working. This camp was rescheduled through no fault of my own to the new dates of 1/21 to 1/23/2015.I was to forced to cancel flights also that had originally been arranged for .On February 11, during a conference call, the director of LAN/WAN Professional, [redacted], said I was not financially ready to attend a camp - so, again, through no fault of my own, I myself did not cancel. Therefore, since I myself did not initiate either camp cancellation, I should not be forced to give up my original deposit of $470 that I had paid 12/17/2014. However, LAN/WAN Pro has kept the entire deposit, even though the cancellations were not up to me. I was also forced to cancel flights. If I was to attend the new camp on 1/21/2015, the flight change fees totaled $524.As it stands now, however, each flight I had made for the 1/6/2015 camp remains cancelled, and to reschedule each of those flights now would be to pay $200 per leg,Desired Settlement: $465 because the cancellation was not initiated by me, plus all the costs of the legs of flights which I was forced to cancel, which is as follows:United Reservation PB3ZSB, which can be used again if I only pay $200United Reservation PBMCLX,which can be used again if I only pay $200
The candidate posting this
complaint received a partial training grant of $2,500 to be used to pay for a
training program valued at $2,970 during the month of December 2014 that
includes remote hands-on training that culminated in attending a 3 day camp in
January. The candidate paid $470 ($2,970 - $2,500 Grant) and started
receiving remote hands-on training in preparation for the camp.
LAN/WAN Professional offers
grants for initial training programs including attending a camp to allows
qualified candidates the opportunity to experience our service prior to making
any serious commitment and allows LAN/WAN Professional to fully validate the
candidate’s credentials and skills prior to investing over $50,000 in services.
Once a candidate receives a
grant and is scheduled to attend a camp, LAN/WAN Professional rarely cancels a
scheduled camp. Unfortunately, the candidate’s initial camp was
rescheduled and the candidate was inform of
this at the beginning of January. At this moment, the candidate had
received remote services to date. With that stated, if the candidate
decided that he does not desire to be rescheduled and desires to cancel from
the process, LAN/WAN Professional would happily refund any fees the candidate
incurred even though the candidate did receive some services.
The candidate decided to
continue forward with the process and was given additional access to hands-on
remotely at no additional costs and was rescheduled for a camp date in February
2015. Including the additional access, the candidate receive
approximately $1,000 in services to date. During the month of February, right before
attending his newly scheduled camp, the candidate informed us that he will not
be attending the camp due work situation and was cancelled from the second
camp. The last minute cancellation meant that we were not able to rebook
the spot that the candidate cancelled.
In summary, LAN/WAN Professional
has provided over $1,000 in services including providing a spot at a camp
valued at $2,500 that was left unfilled due to the candidate’s last minute
cancellation. LAN/WAN Professional services investment is $3,500 and the
candidate has only paid $470. For this reason, the candidate does not
qualify for a refund. This is an unfortunate situation and we only wish
the candidate the best in his information technology career.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
My response: The testing I undertook was to determine eligibility for RECEIVING services (i.e. attending a camp). Since I attended NO camp at all, I never received ANY services. All I did was take a series of tests to DETERMINE eligibility for receiving camp services.Furthermore, I cancelled only AFTER (on 2-13-2015), when the director(s) rescheduled the January camp and AFTER my 2/11/2015 conversation with [redacted] and [redacted].During that conversation, both [redacted] and Michael did not even consider I did NOT cancel services BEFORE either of these two events. My cancellation was a REACTION to those prior events.
Review: I had stated that I needed help with Routing procedures and processes, which I was assured I would get along with other services, placement services and access to a job database as 95% of the job were not posted on the internet. That claim was stated over the phone on a 3 way call so I wasn't the only one who heard the salesman ask where was I located? I replied Boulder, Colorado to which he replied Oh yeah I see over 105 jobs in your area from his company's data base; where as he only saw 5 on the web site Indeed. Their publication which they handed out during one of their camps states ..."$54,000 to $120,000 yearly employment after 1 month (Unemployed Candidates) page 4 Company Overview and Program Goals Certified WAN Professional / Engineering Camp dated January 10,2015. From that same page, same publication - Proven & Effective Placement System - Placement system designed to get you IMMEDIATE job offers. I am a network engineer with 17 years experience who needed help with routing as I had been working in a switching environment. I applied to 81 jobs over a period of 3 months and 3 days I finally received a job offer. Now company is trying to state I did not inform them in a timely manner of these issues yet I have copies of emails sent to my mentor (salesman) and tech support dating back to December 4th 2014 pointing out numerous errors with lack of proper documentation, information of errors in their testing systems and information they supply consumers such as myself.Desired Settlement: I agree I do own the company some money, but at 1/3rd what they are requesting for services rendered. I already knew most of what they were teaching to people who did not have my background and experience. Both [redacted] and [redacted] (owner) stated I do not fit their normal business unit. They help people who have little to no Network experience, such as one of Mr [redacted] favorites a gentleman who was a [redacted] impersonator.
I had stated to my Mentor (Salesman) that I needed training with Routing procedures and processes, which I was assured I would get along with other services, including Placement services. This placement service included access to their company's Professional "job database" in which my Mentor claimed provided them access to 95% of the employment opportunities not available through the commercial sites posted on the internet. This claim is also within their general information provided to me at the camp. That claim was stated to me over the phone while on a 3-way call so I wasn't the only one who heard the salesman make this statement. When he asked where I was located, I replied Boulder, Colorado. He proceeded to look up jobs on and said he found eight. He then proceeded to check the "company's database" and said he found 105 jobs in Boulder, to which I replied "that is a lot, perhaps it covers Denver too."The 'handbook' materials they provided me during one of their camps states that I could expect a salary of "$54,000 to $120,000 yearly employment after 1 month (Unemployed Candidates)" using their services--found on page 4–Company Overview and Program Goals Certified WAN Professional/Engineering Camp dated January 10, 2015. I am a network engineer with 17 years experience. I needed training and support with 'routing' as I have been working in a 'switching' environments for some time. According to the same publication, the company says (same page, under "Proven & Effective Placement System) "Placement system designed to get you IMMEDIATE job offers." When I arrived at camp, the instructor had me list my resume on the commercial job sites. It was at this time I learned the company does not have a database of employment opportunities. I applied to 81 jobs over a period of 3+ months, before receiving my first job offer.When I finally became employed, the "placement director" at LAN/WAN Professional contacted me to discuss my payment options for their services. I informed him that I was happy to pay for the services commensurate to what I received. At this time (and despite following the "chain of command protocols" as these instances occurred), and its owner [redacted], are claiming that I did not inform them in a timely manner regarding the issues surrounding the lack of training, fulfillment of services, and not meeting the provisions/promises within their contract and they want full payment immediately. They admit to not giving me the routing training they promised and stated that it is in future classes which would require me to undertake additional training from LANWAN Professionals. I have copies of the emails sent to my mentor (salesman) and tech support dating back to December 4, 2014 indicating the numerous errors with regard to the lack of proper documentation, not fulling the contract prameters, information regarding errors in their testing systems and information they supply consumers such as myself. Again thank you Ms [redacted]!Regards,[redacted]
LAN/WAN Professional believes that it
is important to provide some general information regarding our company and the
relationship dynamics we with have with our members (clients). This is important to better understand why
the complaint posted by this individual does not make any logical sense. Especially when this individual ACHIEVED a
service SUCCESS level that is HIGHER than what we MUTUALLY SET. Please read below for details.
LAN/WAN Professional is a nationwide PROFESSIONAL
MEMBERSHIP organization that provides various professional and technical
services to its members. The services we
provided are ONLY AVAILABLE to individuals who have been approved as members. Our members are primarily intelligent,
educated and seasoned IT professionals with a minimum of 7 to over 20 years of
IT work experience. In addition, we also
consider sharp recent graduates with bachelors, masters or higher degrees and
professional career changers with a minimum of 5 years of corporate work
experience. Just as important, the vast
majority of our members work for major corporations, government organizations,
national technology service providers with enterprise networks with a minimum
of 1,000 users to global organizations with a network user base that exceeds
10,000,000 users. To be a member, you
must meet strict technical and professional guidelines as listed below. The
individual on this complaint fits our membership profile based on his 15+ years
of IT work experience.
WHAT WE PROVIDE (We Invest $30,000 to
over $50,000 In Each Member and Benefit From Our Members Success)
In regards to what we provide, LAN/WAN
Professional invests approximately $30,000 to over $50,000 in technical and
professional services to every member it accepts with the primary goal of
TIMELY and/or UPGRADED employment. Just
as important, we allow our members to defer the payment of those services to
begin once the member is employed in a new position. For unemployed members, this means fulltime
employment. For working professionals,
proper employment in a new position.
Compensation ranges for our members after they receive our services
typically range from $90,000 up to over $210,000 per year. The
individual on this complaint received $39,000 in services to date and has not
paid for those services yet.
PROCESS (All Qualified Candidates Personally Experience Our Service Prior To
Making Commitment)
Since our fees are tied to a
candidate’s success, LAN/WAN Professional regularly receives significantly more
applications then we have spots available for membership each month. For this reason, all interested candidates
must pass a two-step qualification process that begins with (1) a remote phone
screening with a qualified LAN/WAN Mentor.
Candidates who pass the first step will be given a training grant that
can be used to attend a training camp onsite at our facility. This camp allows a qualified candidate the
opportunity to personally experience our service prior to making any serious
commitment and allows LAN/WAN Professional to thoroughly assess each candidate
technically and professionally prior to investing $30,000 to $50,000 in
services. At any point in the
qualification process, the candidate can cancel and part ways with no
additional obligations or commitments. The individual on this complaint attended a
camp and PERSONALLY AND THOROUGHLY experienced our service PRIOR making any
commitment for future services.
(Must Meet 4 Factors & Every Member Must Also Follow Through On Their
Since we only benefit from our
candidate’s success, all candidates are thoroughly prescreened both technically
and professionally prior to being approved as a member and prior to investing
the $30,000 to over $50,000 in services.
This includes 4 factors including (1) Transferable Background &
Education, (2) Technical Knowledge, Aptitude & EFFICIENT Learning Skills, (3)
Pass Background Check, and (4) Candidates COMMITMENT to Employment Seriousness. This
includes committing to a minimum of 40 hrs/week until employed and meeting all
mutually agreed upon goals and commitments and proactively communicating and
coordinating with LAN/WAN Professional until employed.
Including Mutual Commitments Between LAN/WAN Professional & Complaint
The individual on this complaint was
unemployed at the time of approval as a member.
Just as important, his most recent employment in 2014 prior to being
laid off was a fulltime position earning only $108,000 per year.
The individual was approved for our
program on approximately 12/23/2014 and was scheduled to attend a camp on
1/10/2015 to begin job searching by 1/19/2015 and with the goal of job offer between
2/20 to 3/20/2015 earning approximately $100,000 to $130,000 per year as the
initial job and $120,000 to $150,000 within 12 months of initial employment. Upon attending the 1/10 camp, the individual
stated his satisfaction of services received to date. Just as important, the individual was
approved to receive more services prior to initial employment including getting
special authorization to attend a second camp on 2/7/2015 with revised goal to
begin job searching on 2/16/2015.
Based on the additional services, we
set a revised employment goal of timely employment of between 3/20 to 4/20/2015
earning $120,000 to $150,000 per year.
This was CONDITIONED upon the candidate investing a minimum of 40
hrs/week actively seeking employment including meeting all technical and
professional preparatory requirements by 2/19/2015 and working proactively with
LAN/WAN Professional staff in full coordination and communications until
employed. The candidate DID NOT
complete all required preparatory activities by 2/16/2015. For this reason, the candidate’s job search
was delayed by 2 weeks until 3/2/2015.
Beginning 3/2/2015, the candidate
still did not meet all preparatory requirements OR did not invest 40 hrs/week
OR did not communicate proactively with LAN/WAN Professional. In spite of this, the candidate received a
job offer on 4/9/2015 (approximately 1 month after he started job search) in
the amount of $156,000 per year. This is
$6,000 more than the highest range we discussed and $48,000 MORE THAN HIS
To date, LAN/WAN Professional provided
$39,000 in services. More important, the
individual has received a job offer earning $48,000 more than his previous job
in approximately 1 month of job search start in spite of not meeting his
commitments to LAN/WAN Professional (See above) and has been employed since
Monday, April 13, 2015.
Based on his positive employment
result, LAN/WAN Professional respectfully request that the client follows
through on his commitment to LAN/WAN for the full amount of the services
received to date. We hope that the individual
posting this complaint reflect on the significant improvement in his employment
today versus his unemployment when he was approved in 12/2014. In spite of this complaint, we truly wish the
client and his family the best in their future.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Revdex.comComplaint #[redacted]
Review: I want to report this Company for using inappropriate interview tactics to enroll people in their training classes. [redacted] a placement Services Mentor asked personal questions during the interview process that are not appropriate specifically related to my disability. According to the Americans with Disability act I am a protected citizen and his personal questions were both inappropriate and illegal. During the second attempted interview when he asked if I was available to speak with him and I indicated now was not a good time to discuss going forward with his program he demanded to know why. When I responded that it was none of his business he told me I was being unprofessional. All I had requested was to set up a time the next day at a time that was mutually acceptable to the both of us. After looking online I found that this company has changed its name multiple times over the last couple of years and is really a come on to enroll people in their training programs to make money for the company.Desired Settlement: Since this Company has been reported before under other names. ie: TECH PROS being one of them I wanted to make other people aware that they are still in the business.
Professional is a membership based organization for IT Professionals. We offer various career related services
designed to help our Members fast track to upgraded LAN/WAN employment. For individuals who are fully approved for
our membership we invest around $40,000 of employment related services designed
to help them get into upgraded
LAN/WAN employment earning $54,000 to $126,000 within 1 to 2 months and $90,000
to over $180,000 per year within 12 months of initial employment. Since our fees our tied to our member’s
employment success, candidates must pass a two part qualification process
designed to ensure that we only accept candidates who we feel will achieve upgraded
Based on a
conversation with the LAN/WAN Mentor questions were asked to determine the candidate’s
employment seriousness and past employment history including length of
employment and reason for the positions ending.
At the conclusion of the first conversation the candidate was directed to
go back into the website to review the details of the membership opportunity
and was scheduled for a follow up conversation.
During the
follow up conversation the candidate indicated that he was not able to speak at
the scheduled time and when asked the reason for needing to reschedule became
very rude and defensive. It was
explained that we are not a hiring organization and asked employment related
questions to determine if it would be mutually beneficial to be considered for
the opportunity. Based on his
unprofessional behavior over the phone we notified him that it did not seem
like this would be the appropriate direction for either of us to be considered
in moving forward and wished him the best in his career.
We are not
clear what the individual’s complaint actually is. We had a qualification conversation and based
on his unprofessional behavior and attitude it was determined that we would not
move forward with being considered for the membership opportunity. We have very positive and long term
relationships with our members who not only interact with our staff, but also
other members and based on our interactions, he would not be a positive
contributing member moving forward.
Review: I withdrew from their program within their one month period and they refuse to refund me for services not rendered. They claim they they gave me "Placement Camp Preload", and that's why they won't refund me the $2,556.00 I paid for the services. I never received a receipt or documents saying I was receiving the "Placement Camp Preload" or what it included.Desired Settlement: I am more than willing to accept the $2,556.00 minus any reasonable expenses they may have related to my account. But I will not accept them charging me for services I never received.
LAN/WAN Professional provides a 4 Day Camp as a Hands-On “Test Drive” to prospective members to validate that they have the aptitude to become a successful Member of LAN/WAN Professional prior to being accepted into any of our Immediate Placement or Internship Programs which help fast track their employment into LAN/WAN positions through-out the United States.
Ms. [redacted] attended one of our Qualification Camps on 01/08/14. She also received a grant from LAN/WAN Professional for $3,970 to cover her training costs for this initial camp. The purpose of this Qualification camp is to allow her to experience us and our services while we validate her technical aptitude.
Based on her performance she was authorized to be accepted into our Placement Program which she began on 01/14/14. At that point she was given access to our resources to begin on her Placement Camp Preload which she was actively engaged and was supported during. On 02/26/14 we received an email from her requesting to cancel out of the program after receiving over a month of services.
Our cancellation policy which she received and signed clearly stated that she would only be responsible for services she had started as of the cancellation date and she would not be responsible for any services scheduled for a later date. At the date of cancellation she had received $3,990 in services and a $950 cancellation fee for the camp she was scheduled to attend on 03/01/14. She had paid for $2,556 in Deposits and hard costs at the date of cancellation which would be applied to the balance due, leaving a remaining balance of $2,384.
I have attached her signed Placement Program Confirmation Form outlining what she has paid for and what she has received and was scheduled to receive. This form also clearly explains the cancellation policy.
Director of Client Relations