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La Bella Moda

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Reviews La Bella Moda

La Bella Moda Reviews (1)

Complaint3/13/13 I went to La Bella Moda on High Street in Clinton, MA. I purchased a name brand bridal gown for my October wedding. This shop advertises and states it is not a consignment shop and all items sold are new. I was told my dress was never altered, worn only for a photo shoot for the dress shop. I placed an order for 3 bridesmaids dresses and a flower girl dress, specific of brand, color and style. 1 dress came in the wrong color. All dresses came far too large for alteration to be a possibility due to incorrect measurements being taken. 3 of the 4 dresses were over charged to the girls by $55 due to incorrect book keeping on the shops behalf. The dresses were not specified brand, or any brand but in fact hand made in terrible quality. On Sept 9 I received an email from the shop owner stating flower girl dress came in but was incorrect order. Upon visualizing the gown it was also too large, completely different style, hand made in terrible quality and the original color ordered, therefore making it not match any of the gowns. I stated, once again, that I wanted the gown to match as if it did not it ruined the appearance of my wedding. On Sept 11 shop owner stated correct dress would not come in, that I could be refunded the 1 gown. I stated this was not acceptable as I could not find a flower girl gown to match the other horrid dresses. She offered to take scraps from the other gowns after alterations and affix them to the gown in question, essentially offering to clothe my child in a $150 piece of trash. Upon taking my wedding gown to the original maker I was informed it had been altered, exclusive of said companys markings as proof. Also, in proper lighting and next to other bridal gowns my gown was obviously not white. I did not remove my gown from La Bella Moda until Sept 11. My mother requested of shop owner to refund my gown at cost, $375. Owner said she would let me exchange it but could not afford refund. She told me my order would not be completed 37 days before my wedding.Product_Or_Service: wedding gownDesired SettlementI would like a refund in full for my wedding gown, $375. Due to her not being able to deliver my order as requested I had to purchase a new gown, 3 bridesmaid gowns and a flower girl gown 37 days before my wedding. It was a huge inconvenience to all involved. The fact that she stated I could exchange the gown for another since it would not match proves that she knows I am entitled to the requested refund. She said that she cant afford to refund the gown.Business Response 1st, [redacted] was notified from the very beginning that this was my first wedding. [redacted] was also notified that the wedding gown was used in a photo shoot. Thus the low price on the gown. [redacted] (her mother) stated in email that she would never have guessed it was my first wedding. We have used approximately 6 gowns in photo shoots. ALL of the gowns were cleaned, put in bags and hung up. Should a perspective bride want one of those gowns? They are notified PRIOR to buying it that it was used by a model in a shoot. [redacted] was perfectly fine with that. I personally purchased this gown from a dealer that had very expensive gowns. This was NEW, never used, with the exception of the photo shoot. NO alterations were made while the gown was in my possession. Over the months, since they first came in, [redacted] wanted to "visit" her gown on many occasions. Where she would put the gown on, pose in front of the mirror. Several times, her friends were with her. I asked repeatedly if she was happy with the gown. Every time, she said yes. The ONLY thing [redacted] requested, was the the straps that held up the gown, to have hooks placed on the front so she could remove or keep them, according to how things went. She wasn't sure if she wanted the straps or not. I said it wasn't a problem. She stated she wanted to lose a few pounds. At which I responded to wait for the straps to be done till approximately 2 weeks before the wedding, to assure a perfect fit. She confirmed that was fine.She had already placed the order for 2 mocha gowns (dark brown) and 1 persimmon colored gown, for her mother and a gown for her daughter. Which was suppose to be white and persimmon.When the adults gowns came in, [redacted] stated (in front of witnesses) that they were perfect and she loved them. I have several emails with her and I going back and forth. She NEVER stated that the gowns were wrong till just a few days ago. Had she notified me, I would have gladly sent the gowns back and have new ones made. We had plenty of time back then to do this. She and her mother insisted the gowns were beautiful and perfect. To make sure all the gowns were in the same color, I requested that all the girls come in at the same time so I could order the same dresses and everything would match. I have numerous emails going back and forth with both [redacted] and her mother ([redacted]) regarding [redacted] (her sister) how she needed to come in and be measured. After several weeks, I went ahead and ordered the gown, with [redacted]'s mothers approval. Again, have an email. I provide pictures and colors to EVERY client through email and request they authorize the order. At which time, NO ONE stated there was any problem. I told [redacted] that I would pay for [redacted]'s alterations, as I had to order it bigger to make sure it wasn't to small for [redacted]. They agreed. So as for the large size in [redacted]'s gowns? That was to be expected. Since she had ignored several emails and prompting from both her mother and [redacted].When the flower girls dress ([redacted]'s daughter) came in, I told [redacted] that the gown was unacceptable. It wasn't what she wanted and the color was completely wrong. [redacted] came in to inspect this gown. At that point, [redacted] stated that the gown could still be used. I told HER that there was no way. She insisted the gown was more "age appropriate" for her daughter. Again, I said no. That this was a special day for her, you only do it once and EVERYTHING needed to be exactly as she wanted it. She kept insisting the gown was fine and could still be used, in front of witnesses this was stated. [redacted]'s mother came in that same day. She was upset because the gown wasn't right. I told her Im trying to correct this and that [redacted] already saw the gown. At some point (I have the email) [redacted] wrote me and told me that the gowns were all wrong. I contacted [redacted] immediately through email. She called my personal number. This was Sunday later afternoon. I asked her what was wrong with the gowns?? She said she has no idea. That she was fine with those gowns. That [redacted] and her sister [redacted] were giving her a difficult time and making things worse for her. She was tired of it. Tired of them telling her what she should and shouldnt do for her wedding. We spoke at length regarding the issues she was having with both women. Unfortunately, I got myself involved and contacted [redacted] through email, telling her off and how difficult she was making [redacted] stress out. Pretty much, everything escalated from there.The following day, [redacted] came in requesting a full refund of all tuxes and gowns for her wedding party. Gladly gave her the money back. She was making my life very difficult. According to [redacted], she told [redacted] to "knock off the [redacted]". [redacted] changed dresses and tuxes so many times for the wedding party.[redacted] (mother) came in with [redacted]. Where both proceeded to scream and yell and make a scene. Foul language, the whole bit. I kept telling everyone to knock it off. [redacted] responded with a "[redacted] you" to my [redacted]. I requested they both leave. [redacted] refused to leave until I gave her the money back for all the gowns ordered for the bridesmaid and maid of honor. I have a large sign..........since the day I opened. It states NO REFUNDS. Since this was already a very stressful situation, I tried to make things easy. I told her ([redacted]) that I would refund the gowns that she had on her. That the 4th gown ([redacted]'s) would be refunded when she brought the gown back and in new condition. Of course,[redacted] refused. After going back and forth, I had enough, I gave her the money for 3 gowns. She insisted that her daughter, [redacted] would bring the gown back the following morning. Against better judgement, I refunded the money for all 4 gowns. In front of SEVERAL witnesses. There's a paper we have that has [redacted]'s signature and 2 other signatures to witness money was being refunded. The following day, [redacted] came into the shop. She asked me "mother to mother", if she could have the flower girl dress. Already having enough of this, I said, fine. We walked to the back. [redacted] proceeded to take the wedding gown out and compare it to the flower girl dress. She insists the gown was dirty as the "white" did not match. I stated that there are several degrees of white. At this point, she wanted money back for the wedding gown. I said no, that I cant. Im already stuck with the gowns her daughter ordered. That I would never be able to sell them. I felt I did enough. No, I couldnt afford to refund the money.....thats the ONLY true part of their statement. Also, [redacted] was NOT present when her mother requested a refund of the gown. [redacted], who was with [redacted] at the time, had her gown in her hand. Things, yet again, started getting heated. I requested [redacted] put the gown on the chair and to please leave. [redacted] refused and so did [redacted]. I have on tape, where they both went running out of the shop. [redacted]'s gown in hand, already having been refunded. Police were called. Charges are pending on [redacted] for stealing a gown that was already refunded. This entire situation has gotten way out of hand. They are lashing out and trying to ruin my business because THEY were wrong. They stole the gown. Period! Charges WILL indeed be pressed. They were forewarned ahead of time if they left with the gown, police would be called. They said they didnt care and ran.If there were ANY issues regarding ANY of the gowns, including the wedding gown, they NEVER told us, after repeated requests. Now, all of a sudden there's problems with not one, but 5 gowns?This entire report is bogus, childish and blatant lies. Even so much as to state that [redacted] never said anything to me over the phone about [redacted] and [redacted] giving her a hard time. I did ask if she had a problem with me emailing both? She said she didnt care. If I had intentions of ripping anyone off, why would I provide my personal phone number as well as email?They were given AMPLE time to request a change. As I tell all my clients, is has to be perfect, NEVER SETTLE!If I mess up? I make it right. According to all contact, conversations, phone calls and emails, there was no problem. Final Consumer Response (The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)I am not a liar. That being addressed, due to the "extra professional" way this shop has treated myself and my wedding party I will not be satisfied until I receive a refund. I had not had email contact frequently with shop owner until 9/9/13. The emails I have state that my daughters dress was wrong and could not be ordered correctly in time. That being said it caused my daughters gown not to match. Matching was the only intent I stressed from day one. Because she messed up my daughters gown it caused the other gowns not to match. That is what bridal parties do for the sake of photos. They match. Her error caused it not to match. Therefore she ought to fix it. The gown in question to be refunded for $375 is not the very expensive gown she claims it to be. It retails $[redacted] full price at [redacted]. I know and never contested it was worn by a model. The alterations were done, whether they were done prior to her obtaining the gown she should not have stated it was never altered. There is a difference between never altered and not altered while in my possession. She stated it was not altered. I did visit my gown, and was happy with it under the belief that my daughters gown was coming and would MATCH. There are many shades of white. But it makes my wedding look gross if my daughters white is not the same as mine. Hence getting the gowns from the same shop. I did place an order for 4 gowns: 1 persimmon, 2 mocha and 1 white with persimmon straps and sash. I ordered [redacted] gowns. My original email from shop owner is titled [redacted]. The persimmon gown came burgandy (HUGE DIFFERENCE) and the mochas came dark brown. They were handmade, not [redacted]. I stated this was acceptable, AS LONG AS MY DAUGHTERS GOWN MATCHED. I was told it would. Im fairly laid back and easy going so I was agreeable with the mistakes. Not a big deal. As for the sizing, [redacted] was measured for everything but height. So Im not sure what exactly she is referring to. When my daughters gown came in I did state that it looked more age appropriate but I DID NOT state that it could be used. I have an email stating that two dresses had been ordered, that the other was on its way. I said I wanted to see the other gown. I was told I would be informed when it arrived. The next email I got stated that the gown wasnt coming. As for anyone else having communication with the shop, if not in regards to my wedding its not my business. Any dealings between [redacted] and [redacted] and [redacted] wedding have nothing to do with me or my event but [redacted]s business was forwarded to my email. That situation was not mine, emotionally or financially. I do believe it was in bad taste for the shop owner to forward them to me. It is understandable though as she had confused our weddings prior. As for anyone making the shop owners life difficult? She is in the business of weddings. With that comes brides and wedding parties full of women. Some are more excitable than others, especially in reference to the biggest day of their lives. [redacted] did indeed curse at the [redacted], AFTER being called the B word. That tends to elicit a response. Again, very professional. As for the police, they did not file the shoplifting because it wasnt shoplifting. The [redacted] is lucky that assault wasnt filed upon her for putting her hands physically on my sister. The video that she claims to have was not able to be produced to the police. I would love to see it because it will prove there was no shoplifting and then the assault can be investigated without it being merely a verbal accusation. Again, more professionalism. There was not ample time to request a change as the last email sent to me states "Hi [redacted] I am not able to get [redacted] gown in time. Ive been waiting over a month and a half for the original gown order. Unless something changes and I dont think it will I will notify you. For now you can have the dress thats at my shop and I will issue a full refund for [redacted] dress. Sorry for the mix up and troubles associated with the entire wedding.Wish you well, [redacted]" 37 days before my wedding? That is NOT ok. I replied that if that was the case I needed all gowns refunded because they wouldnt match. I reminded her of all the previous errors. I informed her that I had inquired of 3 other shops that stated the dress could not be replicated. her reply was "Im trying to fix this, be patient a little longer, Im working on it now" I told her I was patient and had no more time. Realistically, bridal party dresses are ordered months in advance so this left me in a lurch. Her solution was to take the hem scraps from my mothers alterations and affix them to the gown for my daughter, the gown that I paid $140 for. That is beyond ridiculous. As a customer and a bride for the owner to suggest that I dress my child in scraps of trash? Deplorable. I let her know I was upset. Nicely, with no swearing. At no point was my behavior questionable. The next email I received was ridiculous condescending drama that contained some very questionable statements. I had to go buy a new gown. Point blank due to repeated errors on behalf of the shop. The shop owner states she is "stuck with the gowns" and will never to be able to sell them. She owns a dress store. She sells dresses. The $140 dress that was incorrectly ordered for my child was hanging on a rack with a $120 price tag on it last I saw it. Yet another inconsistency. She does have a large sign that states no refunds. But if her mistakes caused the reason for a refund than she should issue it. This situation is out of hand, absolutely. I am not lashing out, nor am I trying to ruin her business, nor was I wrong. The shop was incapable of providing me what I ordered. I have not even delved into what distress this has caused my wedding. Nor do I particularly care to get upset about the time constraint, charges incurred or inconveniences that I am dealing with. The dress doesnt match because of the problems with the last dress. I want my dress refunded. Final Business Response This entire situation has escalated way out of control. The gown she picked is the same gown we've held on to for her for several months. She was repeatedly asked if she was happy with the gown. Which she consistently stated yes. She has removed the gown from the shop, causing damage to the gown. So even if we wanted to refund the gown? We cant.Id respectfully ask ANYONE to go into ANY bridal store. Have gowns ordered and paid for, and a wedding gown picked out several months ago, get a refund of any kind. Wont happen. Out of the KINDNESS of my heart, I refunded [redacted]'s bridesmaid and maid of honor, mother of the bride gown and flower girl gown. Of which, the 4th gown was taken from the premises and they have refused to return it. They have ALREADY received a full refund for those gowns. Sorry, but that is theft.....especially if you go running from the store.Her mother ([redacted]) signed in place of [redacted] that the wedding gown was being accepted as is. We were no longer responsible for it or what happened to it. That there were to be no issues regarding this wedding gown. I have that signed by her mother and by 3 other people who witnessed that as well as the refund for the other gowns.Her mother and her best friend and sister have come into this shop, caused scenes, screaming and yelling at businesses while walking down the block. Expletives used in the presence of my 6 year old daughter, clients and my employee and friends.As far as "scraps", it was [redacted]'s idea to do that. Again, 2 witnesses not including me. She said she wanted the gown, I TOLD HER NO.I did agree, if she wanted to go that route, that I would just give her the flower girl dress since there was a problem with the flower girl dress. She stated that wasn't necessary (again, in front of 2 other witnesses). Which is exactly what her mother stated on the final day she was here. To let her have the flower girl dress. Of which, (in front of witnesses) fine.At the time of the first order, I explained, in PLAIN ENGLISH that she should not order the white for her daughter. She insisted on it anyway. As any sane person knows, there's several degrees of white. But, she was warned prior to this, several times.I did try to rectify the situation. I figured it was getting to close to the wedding and felt she should get her daughter a gown else where. This entire situation is because 3 "girls" couldn't have their way and are now throwing a "temper tantrum". As far as slander? Yes indeed. Posts all over facebook stating how I ripped them off, I had horrible used gowns. Endless list. Now, Im suppose to be kind enough to refund a gown that was removed from the shop? Plus, they were refunded the money for all the other gowns, 1 of which was illegally taken from the shop? Sorry, no. You dont cause a scene, scream, yell, curse, especially in front of a 6 year old child.Ive, personally and professionally gone out of my way to help and do what I could. I do have an email, which I wrote to her mother ([redacted]) offering to let the guys use the tuxes I have here for a fraction of the cost anywhere else. Again, I was trying to help as she complained about finances. So its ok for her to have financial problems, but not me? Im out the money for the 4 gowns!! Which I already paid for.AGAIN, there were NEVER any issues discussed, emailed or phone calls referring to the gowns being the wrong color or the wrong gowns from the beginning. I sent [redacted] (mother) a final email requesting authorization for the gowns to be made. Of which, she replied emphatically yes. the mocha color, was indeed shown to her from a swatch. She said that was the color. Its chocolate brown. Thats what she got. When the 3 gowns came in, if they were wrong? Why did she NOT state there was a problem? I would have had plenty of time to reorder. Not ONE WORD was ever mentioned until several months later. But Im irrational? Seriously?We all were very professional when dealing with this entire situation. [redacted] told us to "*" off, to which elicited a response from my [redacted]. Sorry, no refund.......damage my name, as you already have. You're all very good at that. You take NO responsibility for any of this. That completely amazes me. You get the gowns in, state you love them. Now YOUR mistake I have to pay for? NoNo refund is forthcoming. Nor will there be. Had they started out by being nice? Professional? Or, gee, spoke calmly? We would have helped. Now? Forget it.Do what you wish, Im done. I have other things to work on and finish. I have no time for this nonsense.

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Description: Bridal Shops

Address: 180 High Street, Clinton, Massachusetts, United States, 01510


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