Kuni Chevrolet Cadillac Reviews (15)
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Kuni Chevrolet Cadillac Rating
Description: Auto Dealers - New Cars, Auto Dealers - Used Cars, Auto Body Repair & Painting, Auto Repair & Service, Auto Parts & Supplies - Wholesale & Manufacturers
Address: 2449 Fulton Ave, Sacramento, California, United States, 95825
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Review: My car has been in several times for engine problems... they keep it excessive amounts of time & return it still making engine noise.
My car has been in several times for engine problems. Each time they keep it for an excessive amount of time... don't return phone calls & then return the car again still making engine noise, or having engine problems. I took my car in & was told one week to do the repairs... they had my car 3 1/2 weeks & returned it to me still making engine noise. I brought it back in and was told if it wasn't dine in two or three days they would provide me a car. After two days I called & left a message... finally a week later I received a phone call. I was promised a car for the next day which was Christmas Eve... then at noon on Christmas Eve I was told they wouldn't. Their customer service is the worst I have ever seen. They don't deliver on promises, call back promptly, or even simply just properly fix a carDesired Settlement: They have torn into my engine multiple times without correctly fixing it. The problem manifested from a faulty design of a part at only 50,000 miles. I want a complete new engine in my vehicle as I no longer believe it can be fixed correctly. I am the original owner & bought the vehicle through the Costco Buyer program. I also want returned the $200.00 I was forced to pay them. The rental car fees I have incurred as well as those I continue to incur.
Contact Name and Title: [redacted]
Contact Phone: [redacted]
Contact Email: [redacted]
To whom it may concern, I am the service director and have reviewed the complete history for the customer's vehicle. The customer has never before presented this service department with a concern of engine noise. All previous concerns were for suspected excessive oil consumption. Unfortunately, in order to determine whether the engine is consuming oil in excess of what is considered above Manufacturer's specifications, a series of tests must be done. There was also a manufacturer's suggested repair that includes replacing one valve cover with a new design. Following is the repair as stated on the repair order. This repair was also performed under a goodwill General motors after warranty adjustment. The customer was only asked to participate with $200 of that repair. The vhicle was released to the customer to drive cormally and keep an eye on the consumption of oil.
The vehicle did not return for approx. 6000 miles and six months. When the vehicle did return, the customer continued to have the concern with exessive oil consumption. At this point, we recommended to start an official oil consumption test in order to accurately calculate how much oil is being consumed on an average over the course of time and mileage. Those tests primarily consisted of performing an oil and filter change, documenting the current mileage and releasing the vehicle for normal use until the oil level becomes 1 quart low (no more and no less) for best results. The test also required for the customer to check the oil level periodically and once the oil level was down by 1 quart, the customer is directed to return to the dealer with her vehicle, purchase the 1 quart of oil and allow a member of our service team to fill the oil to (full) capacity using the 1 quart purchased. The customer is then released to drive the vehicle. This step by step process must be repeated at least three times to allow for averaging of miles driven VS oil used. If the process is not followed precisely, it must be extended to include more than three times or possibly repeated entirely if too many miles are driven and the filter becomes dirty. The testing must continue until we have accumulated at least three properly conducted tests as described above.
Once the oil consumption test was completed for Ms. [redacted], the results were found to be above manufacturer's acceptable oil consumption specifications.
After contacting the factory regional service manager and fully explained the situation as well as the history of consumption concerns, I requested additional goodwill on the customer's behalf, I received authorization to replace the piston rings if found to be the issue related to oil consumption. This repair would be 100% goodwill for the customer. No cost would be requested from the consumer as a final goodwill decision.
The engine was inspected for the condition of excessive oil consumption. The head was removed along with the push rods. The lifters were left intact. While inspecting the pistons, it was noted that ther was sludge built up on the pistons and rings not allowing the rings to expand enough to control the oil passing by. The oil consumption issue was dtermined to be caused from this piston ring problem. The pistons were cleaned and the rings replaced. The engine was reassembled to complete this repair.
Approx. 850 miles later, the vehicle was returned to us for engine noise. The lifters would sound off clicking during cold start and go away after approx. 5 seconds. We can hear another slight knock from the engine. The noise sounds like one piston may be rocking or slapping the cylinder wall. It is very faint to hear.
We are currently investigating these noises and have contacted the Regional service manager for General Motors. We have yet to make a determination on the cause. Our intention is to have a formal recommendation within 10 working days. Due to the shop capacity load and the holidays, we have had some delays. The customer has been advised that we do not have an answer as of yet. The customer is asked to be patient and understanding that we are making all efforts to assist her concerns.
Any further questions, please contact me directly.
[redacted]. Service Director
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept the response. Many of the statements made by [redacted] are misleading or just completely untrue. In fact I think they are purposely misleading and that is truly wrong.
The "manufactor suggested repair" did include replacing a valve cover...it is a "new design" because the old design caused oil to spray all over the piston & piston rings causing the original engine problem. They also cleaned what oil they could get to which is why is took 6,000 miles for the problem that was never fixed correctly returned.
I find the fact he spends so much time talking about the oil consumption test & what happens when directions aren't followed correctly... I brought my vehichle in exactly when told & it did take only 3 times because of my dilligence.
The noise is not faint. I brought the vehicle in & showed ** the noise it makes warm. When put it in Drive with your foot on the brake (IE in a drive through) after approx 3 minutes the oil pressure drops dramatically & it starts making engine noise which gets louder & louder. Scary as it sounds like they still aren't even diagnosing it correctly... again.
The comment about the vehicle not coming back until 850 is completely misleading. I had a call in to ** within 24 hours of receiving my vehicle back the last time as it made noise the first day going thru a drive thru as well as the first morning on a cold start. I was told their shop was busy & as they kept my vehichle 3 1/2 weeks the prior time instead of the one they promised I asked to be scheduled when they could work on it & not just sit there. After waiting more than a week for a call I called my self & scheduled an appointment with **. The vehicle came out of their shop making the engine noise. ** told me the evening before Christmas Eve that they would have a car waiting for me as my car still wasn't even started after being there 8 days... again. Then Christmas Eve at noon after I had asked a friend to drive me up there and rearranged my Christmas Eve, ** called & said [redacted] changed his mind about giving me a car to use. It totally ruined my Christmas eve & caused me great distress. [redacted] shouldn't treat customers like that... it is disgusting. My car is still not fixed. I am a very unhappy customer... still
Ok, let me begin this response with my apology to Ms. [redacted]. My intentions have only been to help you with your vehicle. My previous response to the Revdex.com case was merely to explain the facts as I see them. In short, your vehicle has been out of warranty since December 11th 2011. The first concern by you for an oil consumption problem was October of 2012. That is almost one year after your warranty ended. In order for me to see what I can do for you, I need the facts and expected expenses to evaluate what I could do in terms of offering you any after warranty adjustment. This is why I requested to perform the consumption test. As you may know, General Motors suggested, as the first step to verify the oil consumption using their testing and repair guidelines. First step, we would decarbon and desludge the engine as well as change the oil and engine's oil filter. Also during this repair attempt, there was a newly designed valve cover available. The design was to improve the oil's circulation and help reduce sludging. The cost of this repair outside of the manufacturer's warranty is approximately $800.00. I offered you goodwill at that time so that you would only pay a portion of this expense = $200.00. The balance of the expence was absorbed under goodwill by both this dealer and the factory.
After this repair was completed, the vehicle was released from our service center. The vehicle returned 6 months and 6,000 miles later. It was reported that the oil consumption issue had not been solved and the engine was still consuming too much oil. We requested that the oil consumption test be repeated including a fresh oil and filter change and periodic visits when the oil becomes one quart low. This process was completed and from the test we determined that the piston rings had most likely collapsed causing the oil to pass by the piston and blowby would occur. The rings would most likely need replacing. It would be necessary to dismantle the engine and expose the pistons for further inspection.
During the physical inspection of the piston rings, we did determine the rings had collasped from the engine sludge. The sludge has acted like a sleeve preventing the rings from expanding. The engine was desludged again, the pistons were fully cleaned by hand and the rings were replaced. The engine was reassembled to factory guidelines and the consumption problem resolved.
The vehicle was returned to us for two noises, one coming in when cold which was determined to be lifter noise. The noise would go away after 5 seconds beyond a cold start. The second noise is very slight and will sound louder when between two walls as when in a drive through. The noise is not abnormal for this engine especially with mileage in excess of 50,000. The noise is not considered serious or detremental to the engine's normal operation, therefore we are not recommending any repair at this time. Speculation leads us to the fact that the sludge that was built up on the pistons had been helping prevent the noise by keeping those moving parts more stable within the cylinders. Now that the sludge is gone, the wear factor after 70,000 miles is being noticed. As I said, this would not be considered abnormal for this engine at this mileage from our experience.
As of the time I am writing this email, all lifters are being replaced on this vehicle as a final offer as goodwill to this customer. Unfortunately, no further goodwill repairs may be offered to this vehicle in the future. The customer's request to replace the engine has been denied. The customer should understand that General motors has made these repairs beyond warranty as an after warranty goodwill adjustment. Our hope is that the customer is satisfied once this final repair is completed.
Thank you. **
The complaint is still open & unresolved. I received a call today that Chevy is sending them a new engine for my car. However, I still don't have my car & won't for awhile. There are several things I find untrue about [redacted]'s latest statements...however they seem a waste of time to argue at this point. Am just now waiting to see if I get my vehicle back running correctly. Unfortunate as I have now again been without my vehicle for a month & they are now just doing what I asked for & should have been done a month ago.
Review: Ran credit check at 10 different credit union when they already had a preapproved letter from my credit union.
On Nov 22, 2013 I went to Kuni Dealership on Fulton Aveto to look at a car. On November 23, 2013, I went to purchase the car. From the very beginning I told them I was preapproved by my credit union and gave them the paperwork and copies of my paystubs. I was at this dealership for 5 hrs. I never told them that they could contact any other banks, credit unions or anyone because I was already pre-approved. They claimed I did sign something allow them to do this. Why would I do this if I was already approved? When I told one of the people that I wasn't going to buy the gap insurance or the mechanical insurance from them. Things seemed to go bad; they arbitrarily sent my information to Safe credit union when they were supposed to send it to golden one. They told me they were waiting for the package to come back from Safe credit union, however when I talked with safe credit union, they said they never received my file just the inquiry. Then on 12/9/13, my bank finally received the information they needed to process the loan. I contacted the dealership and they refuse to take ownership of this error. and refused to sent me a letter so that I can clear-remove those inquired off my credit report. I have been trying to build my credit. And they just continue to make excuse, they made me feel stupid. I know I am not stupid or wrong. I feel this is bad business practices by this dealership.Desired Settlement: I would like to have a letter from them stating that it was an error and I did not authorize them to contact ten (10) different credit unions to finance my car. I was already preapproved from Golden-one credit union which I provided the paper work up front and also said I was not looking for a cheaper interest rate. I need this letter so that I can send it to the credit bureaus Experian and Transunion to have them remove those inquires off my credit report
Initial Business Response
Contact Name and Title: [redacted] Pres.
Contact Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Contact Email: [redacted]@kunigm.com
We have reached out to Mrs. [redacted] and explained exactly why her credit was reviewed and that the documents she signed was specifically so we as a dealership can verify her identity and credit worthiness for the possible sale of a vehicle. We also, as she pointed out, were able to find her lower rate financing than her credit union but she felt more comfortable paying a higher rate to G1 verses our alternatives. We did inadvertently send her contract to the wrong credit union which delayed our payment of her car purchase by 10 days. We know that Mrs. [redacted] liked the sales team and Parts department and was troubled that we would run her credit but as I explained to her that is routine for those seeking financing. We thank her for her business and apologize for the slight delay in funding her loan. At this point we can not issue a letter as she requests as our general sales manager explained to her that at the time of purchase we needed to verify her credit standing for approval so that we could sell and deliver her the car she desired.
Review: In August, I brought my 1999 Cadillac Escalade to Kuni Cadillac. I called several times to obtain the status of my car without success. Finally, they supposedly fixed my car on September 25th and charged me almost $3,000. When I picked up the car, I noticed it was still shaking and the problem persists, so I called ** who is the service adviser at Kuni. I did not bring the car back to Kuni until December 29, 2015. The reason for the delay is because the car was broken into and totaled. When I finally brought the car back to them, they still have not gotten back to me with their evaluation and its been over a week. The service adviser and management are unresponsive. The delay and the service are unacceptable and unsatisfactory.Desired Settlement: Kuni Cadillac needs to be held accountable for the delays and improper re They need to keep me abreast of what's going on and commit to a date that they will finish the repairs. Finally, Kuni needs to repair the car properly or give me a refund.
I shouldn't have to bring the car to them multiple times and have them keep me in the dark about the status of the car. They need to make every effort to keep me informed and to either fix the car properly or say they cannot repair it and give me a refud
Tell us why here...This vehicle was brought into service department for the vehicle hitting a foreign object. It was determined that the front differential was damaged and needed to be replaced. Parts were discontinued leaving no choice but to obtain a used unit. The vehicle now has been brought back with an additional 153 miles being driven. This vehicle was brought in on December 29th, 2016 and it was determined to have a loose axle not a leak. The transaction has been reviewed between the customer with Kuni Chevrolet-Cadillac's Production Service Manager [redacted] and Service Advisor **. The front differential will be replaced with another used unit. This will be at no charge to the customer and there is no reason for a refund. There are no delays in this process. All leaks have been addressed and are not from the repairs, non-related and declined any futher repair. Customer was given an update on Jan. 12th, 2016.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. "To Whom It May Concern,
Review: My complaint is in regards to a wire harness that was returned to the Kuni Chevrolet store from which it was purchased. The part was received at our [redacted] dealership on August 21, 2015. Once we realized this was the incorrect harness, we immediately returned it unused on Monday the 24th of August. Upon the return of the incorrect harness, Kuni charged us $314.50 in a restocking fee. In my 10 years in the car business buying parts, no one has heard of such a restocking fee, including the mechanic we work with. This is clearly unprecedented. We have spoken to numerous representatives and managers and did not receive a response regarding the situation. When we finally spoke to [redacted] at the Sacramento location, she raised her voice, told us to pound rocks and hung up the phone. Her conduct was extremely unprofessional and condescending. This was by far the worst customer service we have experienced and they continue to ignore our request when we reach out to them.Desired Settlement: We would like the issue resolved in a full reimbursement of the restocking fees in the amount of $314.50
[redacted] purchased a special order part from our parts department. They signed the form that stated if they returned the part their would be a restocking charge of 35%. This is on their paperwork and also posted in parts department for all to see. They have been explained this several times but just don't care and want their money back. We have explained to them repeatedly and will not be returning the restocking fee. The parts department explained this to them, the parts manager explained it to them and I explained it to them. The representative from Sun Valley has increasingly become more agitated and belligerent and we told them not to call us anymore.
In purchasing the part, we were not under the impression that this was a special order part. Nowhere on the receipt did we find it saying that this is a special order part. With that said, the reason for my persistence is that in all my years working in the industry, including all the people I have worked with in the industry, no one has ever heard of a $314.50 restocking fee. The most that anybody has been charged, is a shipping fee of about $30, which we are willing to pay. This is extremely unreasonable and we are willing to pay a much more reasonable restocking fee of $30 to cover shipping.
I will point to our previous response to this same issue. As all the documentation is clear that there is a 35% restocking fee. No other change in our decision is being viewed by our company at this time. Thank you.
I am rejecting this response because:By no
means was I made aware that this was a special order part. I
understand that you have a policy of a 35% restocking fee for special
order parts, but you never disclosed that I was buying a special
order part before the purchase or on the purchase receipt. My
conclusion is that this is not a special order part, and I would like
my full refund.
Review: My complaint is for a 2008 audi A4 and the employees at kuni dealership , not only was the car over priced, when the warranty was explained to me ,I was told I could bring it in for repairs 100% free ,I diddnt find out about the $200 deductible intell I brought it in for an oil leak and service light, ive had the car repaired 4 times in one month $4000 in repairs and my light is on again , it also was supposed to still have a factory warranty and I just found out that it expired b4 I even bought the car ,everyone that I talk to at kuni lies and lies, ive asked to talk to a manger time and time again and I still have not been contacted by the manger even though im told I will b hearing from him shortly. When I went to their finance department [redacted] cond me into spending $2000 on top of the $17,000 for the car on what he told me was a clear coat that repails rocks and if I can bring it in for scraches for up to a year I found out was a tolal lie after I dropped the car off for the scarches and clear coat, when I picked it up I still seen the few scaches and it diddnt look like anything was applied to the paint and to find out it wasnt a clear coat at all. $23,000 into this car that sits in my driveway with a car cover on it, while I walk to work everdayDesired Settlement: I would like them to exchange the car with a reliable car, our pay for all the repairs needed that should have been done b4 they sold it, and I think the employees should not get away with lies to make a sale our tell u that the manger will b contacting u soon evertime u complain and nothen
Tell us why here...
This vehicle was sold "as is", with a
2yr/100k limited powertrain warranty included (no charge) with a $200.00
deductible per covered event/occurrence. This is a 2008 pre-owned vehicle with over 80k miles
and it passed our safety inspection. It also has a clean Carfax. All of this
has been reviewed with Ms. [redacted]. This guest also was offered an extended
service contract which she declined. She also canceled her wheel and tire
protection which we refunded to her in full for $995.00 in January. The sale
price of the car was $14,900 and she purchases the lux care for $999.00. All of
this is documented on her purchase docs. Unfortunately we cannot predict what
issue could develop on a foreign or any preowned vehicle. At this time I have
found nothing else we can assist her with. She could trade her Audi in on
another vehicle that she feels might better suit her driving needs. However
after her repeated attempts to demean our store we would no longer be willing
to assist her.
I am rejecting this response because: that is a lie ,first off nothen was mentioned to me about a $200 deductible intell after I bought the car ,I was told all parts and labar was 100% free and the manufacturer warranty was supposed to still b good to but to find out it expired be for I even bought the car from u, and further more ive tried and tried to talk to someone at kuni chevrolet and not once did you guys contact me ,this not once have you guys tried to help me our even talk to me tell now
To summarize your requests; we did in fact have the guest([redacted]) sign at least two documents regarding the limited warranty that we provided with the car she purchased and the $200.00 deductible that is required for any covered component failure. She also reviewed her concerns with the GSM here at the dealership or on the phone 5-6 months ago regarding the cars limited warranty and what if anything the dealership would fix outside that warranty. She was told that we would not be fixing or paying for any repairs for this vehicle outside of the covered component coverage as the warranty stipulates. She did not have us(the dealership) look at her car for any needed repairs since her purchase. I do not have anything besides a “write-up” for service in March of this year for an oil leak and oil on the dipstick level concern. The customer opted not to pay for any inspection at that time and we have not seen or worked on this vehicle since. If you need any further clarification please let me know. Regards, [redacted]General ManagerKUNI Chevrolet Cadillac916.929.2777 office916.609.1701 office direct916.609.1857 fax “Its KuniTime!”Your Time, Well Spent
Review: Took My 2008 Cadillac CTS to kuni due to factory recall. Also my service tire indicator/light was turn on. Thus $140 for the diagnostic. I received my car back with the service tire light off. The guy who serviced stated, he think it was the battery per repair guy. 2-3 days later service tire light came back on. I called kuni and spoke with [redacted] explained above. [redacted] stated, he'll give refund only after talking down to me. Now I still have not received refund. I called account payable and spoke with a female who stated,"we the refund for $140 to kuni on 5/8/15. I call [redacted] and keep getting voicemail and no calls returnedDesired Settlement: Return my moneyI don't want to take my car there for anymore false repairs. They could have been doing this for years to me. I just don't know. If general manager can lie and talk down to me. Why not the workers too
The check was issued and sent to the address we had on file which turns out to be a different address than where this guest resides. We notified them that the check was issued and sent to their other address and they stated they would go to the other house to look at the mail. Customer then did call to confirm they had received the money. I believe there is no further action to be taken at this time. The service manager also reviewed all repair questions that were brought up with the [redacted]'s.
Review: On October 18, 2015 (Sunday) I was driving to an appointment and when I arrived I could not turn off my vehicle, my key would not come out of the ignition. I remembered that there was a recall on my vehicle for the same reason and drove it directly to Kuni Chevrolet to have it checked/looked at. Unfortunately the service center/repair shop was closed but the representative let me put my car in the shop overnight to prevent possible theft since anyone could go into the car and drive it away. I was informed that shop opened up at 7:30 am and that I should be here to explained what happened. On October 19, 2015 (Monday) I walked to the dealership and arrived approximately at 7:45 am, I realized that my car was moved and located a worker to find out what happened, she explained that the battery had died and they had to place the car in neutral to move it out the way. She escorted me to the service counter and introduced me to **. ** informed me that I would have to get a diagnostic to find out what happened; I pulled out the recall letter to show him that what was mentioned in the recall letter was the same that happened to my vehicle. ** would not take the letter to review it and just repeated that I had to pay $100 for the diagnostic and that the lock could be for a number of reasons. I currently have interlock device in my vehicle; ** mentioned that the device would have to be removed before he would even touch it. I walked out of the area and contacted Integrity Auto (the shop that installed my interlock) and left a message because their business opened at 9am and walked back home. When I returned home I called customer service for [redacted], the number on the recall letter, to explain that I was turned away. The customer service representative, [redacted], informed me that I had not ONE but TWO recalls on my vehicle and that I shouldnt have been turned away in fact I should have gotten a rental while my car is being repaired, I explained that my license has a restriction and I wouldnt be able to get a rental but my car should be fixed. She contacted Kuni and informed her that I towed my vehicle there (not true) and left it (how did it get in the repair shop if they were closed?) [redacted] spoke with **s supervisor, [redacted] to explain my frustration. [redacted] ended the call with me explaining that [redacted] would give me a call to explain what will happen. I received a call at 9:16 am from [redacted] she apologized for me being turned away and informed me in more detail why I should get a diagnostic, she also explained that if the result of the diagnostic is the same reason as the recall then the fee would be waived. I told [redacted] that I would like to do the diagnostic and she informed me that someone would call 10 minutes before my appointment (I told her I would be available all day) to come so I could blow into the interlock device to start on my car. I then received a voicemail from ** at 9:32 asking me to give him a call at [redacted] I returned to call at 9:33. ** informed me that his supervisor, [redacted] provided me the incorrect information and the he still needed to have the device removed. I explained what [redacted] mentioned to me and that I was available to be there all day if needed. I also explained that the per the device manual, if the interlock needed to be uninstall then the dealership could contact Integrity Auto for assistance. ** once again said that he would not call Integrity and that IF he worked on the vehicle more than likely it wouldnt be today. I then informed him that I didnt want the diagnostic but just to have both of the recalls corrected; he informed me again that he wouldnt work on it. I received a call from [redacted] at 10:00 pm and explained what the dealership said, I mentioned that my key was stuck and per the recall letter my shift need to be replaced. Per [redacted] representative, if the shift needed to be replaced then there is no need to have the device removed. I definitely feel like ** from Kuni Chevrolet has been discriminatory against me base on my interlock device. I was told by management that my vehicle could be worked on he went against it; I was informed by Integrity auto that the interlock device was in a completely different area from the shift and he still went against it. He had been rude from the very beginning from when I walked into the office at 7:45 when he refused to look at the recall letter.Desired Settlement: I would like to get both of the recall issues repaired, if I need to be there all day I will make arrangements.
After writing a full reply and hitting Proceed, I received an error message and apparently lost all of my response. I will attempt once again!
I will begin by apologizing. This client has misunderstood our intentions as well as how the process works. Below is my attempt to clear things up:
The client spoke with our appointment coordinator ([redacted]) and made an appointment for a dead battery concern. [redacted] informed the client that the vehicle in question has open recalls that need to be completed in addition to addressing the battery concern.
The vehicle was dropped off during non service business hours. The client arrived the following business day and spoke with **, one of our Service Advisors. ** began the conversation by explaining that a diagnostic test would need to be performed in order to find what the root cause of the dead battery is. The test requires the client to authorize fees associated with those tests. The customer declined to authorize the diagnostic test.
The vehicle is equipped with an interlock devise which prevents the car from being started until the driver blows and hums into a breath analyzer and depending on if the analyzer determines the breath is free of alcohol, etc., the vehicle will start. This action needed is difficult at best to duplicate for our people and this is why we now require either the interlock system must be bypassed before we work on these vehicles or the client must be on site and ready to assist in this required action at the time we are ready. Since our shop has been over loaded due to larger and more time consuming jobs than estimated, we are not in a position to have this client stand by on site.
The customer needs to work with us and understand our processes. We need to determine the repairs needed and what caused the failure. We are unable to do this without the clients authorization for diagnoses and to work with us concerning the ignition interlock breath analyzer system.
1) customer must be readily available to work the interlock system when we are ready to pull the vehicle into the shop. Customer must be on site during the repair to continue to assist with the interlock system or have the system bypassed.
2) customer must authorize diagnostic fees to begin our process.
3) The customer must authorize recommended repairs as the diagnoses proceeds.
4) once the repairs for the dead battery are completed, we can then perform the open recalls
NOTE* If the vehicle's concern of dead battery is directly related to the open recalls, GM will assume responsibility for the battery related repairs.
I am happy to discuss this process with the customer directly and assist wherever possible.
Service Director
[redacted] direct.
After writing a full reply and hitting Proceed, I received an error message and apparently lost all of my response. I will attempt once again!
I will begin by apologizing. This client has misunderstood our intentions as well as how the process works. Below is my attempt to clear things up:
The client spoke with our appointment coordinator ([redacted]) and made an appointment for a dead battery concern. [redacted] informed the client that the vehicle in question has open recalls that need to be completed in addition to addressing the battery concern.
The vehicle was dropped off during non service business hours. The client arrived the following business day and spoke with **, one of our Service Advisors. ** began the conversation by explaining that a diagnostic test would need to be performed in order to find what the root cause of the dead battery is. The test requires the client to authorize fees associated with those tests. The customer declined to authorize the diagnostic test.
The vehicle is equipped with an interlock devise which prevents the car from being started until the driver blows and hums into a breath analyzer and depending on if the analyzer determines the breath is free of alcohol, etc., the vehicle will start. This action needed is difficult at best to duplicate for our people and this is why we now require either the interlock system must be bypassed before we work on these vehicles or the client must be on site and ready to assist in this required action at the time we are ready. Since our shop has been over loaded due to larger and more time consuming jobs than estimated, we are not in a position to have this client stand by on site.
The customer needs to work with us and understand our processes. We need to determine the repairs needed and what caused the failure. We are unable to do this without the clients authorization for diagnoses and to work with us concerning the ignition interlock breath analyzer system.
1) customer must be readily available to work the interlock system when we are ready to pull the vehicle into the shop. Customer must be on site during the repair to continue to assist with the interlock system or have the system bypassed.
2) customer must authorize diagnostic fees to begin our process.
3) The customer must authorize recommended repairs as the diagnoses proceeds.
4) once the repairs for the dead battery are completed, we can then perform the open recalls
NOTE* If the vehicle's concern of dead battery is directly related to the open recalls, GM will assume responsibility for the battery related repairs.
I am happy to discuss this process with the customer directly and assist wherever possible.
Service Director
[redacted] direct.
I have made contact with [redacted] Service Director at Kuni Chevrolet, and we have settle the grievance.
I have made contact with [redacted] Service Director at Kuni Chevrolet, and we have settle the grievance.
Review: on 08 Jan 2016 I ordered a replacement wiper motor by vin number from [redacted] (never could get his name). somehow even with the vin number he managed to order the wrong one. when I called kuni parts after installation and told them it was not working I was told that it was the one the correct one was not available and I had to use a rebuild kit on the original. then I was told that special order parts were not refundable/returnable even if it was them that made the mistake. this is unacceptableand I want my refund of $326.26 plus tax.
date: [redacted]Desired Settlement: The amount of $326.26 plus tax credited back to my credit card.
If we did indeed order the wrong part we would have refunded his money. The guest ordered specifically a wiper motor for his particular vehicle and there is only one wiper motor for this vehicle. The guest found that after installing the new wiper motor in his vehicle that he needed another part. Since this wiper motor is special ordered and an electrical part and was installed and used on his vehicle it is not available for any return or refund. Our paperwork and signage both clearly disclose this. The second part, a modular, helped resolve the wiper malfunction according to the guest. Whether the guest or another shop would have special ordered this wiper motor and installed this part it would not have been eligible for a refund. In addition to the above referenced; this part would not be eligible for resale to any other guest since it has been used. The dealership declines to offer a refund as asked for.
Review: Bad customer service. Unprofessional ethics. Unreasonable price charges. Failure to communicate.
Upon agreement I brought two cars for a detailed car wash with the concept of getting 10% off the total price.
1) when I brought my escalade, they quoted that it will be $170. The representative saw the car and gave me an estimate. Later they called and demanded it will be $370. After multiple calls, the manager stated he is doing me a "favor" by making the price $250. He also stated he will exclude the 10% discount on this car
2) when I brought my Mercedes they quoted me at $170 and that was left untouched. Alas that was the continuation of my dismay. I left my car in the morning and was promised it will be done either at the end of the day or the next morning. I waited till the next day. Towards 10:30 am I called and left a voicemail. No one returned my call. Again, I called and yet again same result. At this point I became well known to the receptionist and even she was appalled with the situation. She transferred me to a new rep who took my number and simply hung up on me on the spot. Again, waited and no call back after he promised to call me back in the next 5 minutes (about another 30 minutes passed). Finally I managed to catch my original rep after multiple calls. He said he will call me at 1:30 (current time was 1:00) and promised me my car would be done. Now it's 5 o'clock and no call.
3) I called for the last time after Because I had a break at work and again the receptionist was absolutely embarrassed with the service and transferred me to the manager where I had to leave another voicemail. After a few minutes the manager called me and spoke extremely rudely to me. He said that they called me at 1:31 and left a voicemail. I have no record of that and I even added a secondary number incase I don't answer so there was no way not to contact me. He talked very rudely and used a snarky attitude. He abruptly hung up the phone trying to get rid of me. Alas the story doesn't finish there.
4) my father went to pick up my car because I was at work and couldn't afford to miss anymore time from work. I am a swim coach and I lost 3 private lessons due to this situation. THIs is equivalent to $90-150. When my father stated to the rep we were dissatisfied, the rep insisted the did a good job and my father has no idea what he is talking about. The manager came out and told my father, in a rudely and hastily manner, that he talked to me and I was completely satisfied (which was a total lie because he hung up and didn't let me speak). He kept saying how they called and did an excellent job although I have no call record on the primary or secondary number. The manager ended up telling my father to leave and exclaimed "I cannot get through you, this conversation is over" and proceeded to walk away.
In conclusion, I (as a college student) lost a lot of money because of their disorganization. I am simply lost in this situation. I have not seen an ounce of ethical professionalism from Kuni (except their receptionist). I have never dealt with such unprofessionalism. As the fact they say one thing and do the other absolutely horrifies me. If that's how I worked, I would be fired on the spot. I say this with full confidence: I am sickened with their customer service and I have never seen such level of disrespect to the customer. This is the worst service I have ever had. Justice must be served. Kuni must step up their professionalism an ethics if they want their customers to be happy.
Desired Settlement: As a settlement, I am not looking for a lot. Yes I did lose a lot of money and it would be justifiable to get reimburse, but what I'm hoping to get is better service for future customer and a level of professionalism that is respectable in people's eyes. I lost $90-150 in private lessons, Kuni took an extra $80 from me for the escalade and didn't give me my 10% on my escalade. This is monetary problems that will be greatly appreciated if resolved. Also if we can correct such problems to prevent them in the future, it will be greatly appreciated. I'm not here stating that I'm against Kuni, I'm here to state I'm here for: honesty, ethical work, and proper customer care.
Initial Business Response
Sorry to hear that you feel there was any lack of service! I did look into this detail issue and found that you were given an estimate over the phone with the explicit disclosure that the service advisor has to see the vehicle before giving a final estimate. Condition does make a difference in the determination of the cost to clean extra dirty vehicles. Upon arrival you were given an estimate for a detail on your Escalade and were given an opportunity to do nothing if you felt it was higher than you wanted to spend. Since the vehicle was in greater need of clean up than most cars it was going to be more expensive. The service manager worked with you to lower the bill to accomodate you. He also mentioned that with that discount he could not discount the price an addtional 10% and you were ok with that final resolution. The second car was dropped off many hours after it was expected and the detail could not be done in the same day and that was explained to your mother. The second vehicle was completed and a call went out to your phone to let you know it was completed and we have a record and time stamp of that call. Then after many hours another gentleman came in to pick up the vehicle and was making a scene in the cashier area at which point we let him know that we talked to [redacted](you) about the completion of the detail. From interviewing the detail shop where it was cleaned the amount of time needed and the time until completion was timely. At this time I do not feel there are any further discounts to avail you for the details and I have found we did try to get in touch with you for the simple pick up of the vehicle. There was no mention on the second vehicle of any particular time that the vehicle had to be completed as it was discussed due to its late arrival it would extend over until the following day.
I am sorry that you felt you were untitled to bigger discounts than any other of our customers but I can see that we did discount these services to try and satisfy you. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
General Manager
Final Consumer Response
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Dear [redacted],
I appreciate your response. I truly hope you look into the file again and find the items I was referring to.
I will be more than happy to send you all printouts I have in order to ease your research and save some of your expensive time so you can allocate more time to other Kuni clients.
All printouts are in PDF format and can be emailed to you at anytime you request.
Also, if you need, I can email you the schedule of private lessons I lost due to what happened.
FYI, all printouts are from my cellular company with incoming and outgoing calls for all the numbers you have on record and all paperwork I received from the kuni's service manager.
Final Business Response
Dear [redacted],
We are not questioning any paperwork that you received during the drop off however; the facts involving the difference in the estimate for your Cadillac Escalade need to include all details. Please allow me to restate the detailed facts beginning with the initial telephone call that you made inquiring about a detail and the costs involved.
The initial quoted price of $170.00 for the Cadillac was offered as a discounted price, based on you bringing two vehicles back to back. The price was also offered based on each vehicle was in an average (dirty) condition. The customer service rep on the telephone who made your reservation made further statements to you that the quote given would still require a visual inspection by a professional upon the vehicle's arrival on our service drive.
When the vehicle arrived, and later inspected by one of our professional detailers, it was found to be excessively filthy and full of stains. It was necessary to change the quoted price. Increasing the quote to $350.00 based on the actual condition. It was determined that a normal detail would have produced a substandard outcome. Our service advisor was directed to call you on the phone and explain that the circumstances for the detail service had changed. More time would be needed to clean this vehicle and end up with a quality job. More time would require an increase in labor costs. Therefore the selling price would need to be increased to $350.00 I was then advised that you were not satisfied with the increase and wanted to speak with a manager. I received all information pertaining to the condition of your vehicle, the expected service and the need to increase our initial quote. I then personally inspected the vehicle's condition and agreed with the inspection results. The vehicle's current condition was well beyond what would be considered an (average) dirty vehicle. I then telephoned you and we discussed the situation. After much discussion, I wanted to satisfy you and show you that our intentions are to always offer the very best customer service to all of our customers. I offered you a substantial discount to the new price. I offered $100.00 discount. Changing the quote from $350.00 down to $250.00. You seemed to be more receptive to this offer. You then asked if you could still receive the original 10% off this new price. I said no. I am unable to discount any further. I explained that I had just offered you $100 off the current price and that I couldn't possibly lower the price anymore. You agreed to the $250 and authorized us to perform the work.
The vehicle was detailed and brought to the front of the service area. It looked great! I was extremely pleased with the results. We called you and explained that we were ready for the other vehicle to be dropped off the next morning.
The following day, you had your mom drop off the Mercedes SUV. At the time of drop off, around 12:30 or 1:00 p.m., your mom was informed that this vehicle would not be completed by the end of the day because it was being dropped off almost 5 hours later than expected. Your mom seemed understanding. The Mercedes would be completed during the next day. The next morning, we began receiving phone calls from you inquiring when the vehicle would be completed. We gave you an estimated time of approximately 10:30 a.m. initially. However, as it got closer to 10:30 a.m., our service consultant spoke to you or another family member on the phone explaining that the job was taking longer than expected to get it cleaned properly. A new completion time was then given 1:30p.m. At 1:31 p.m. the vehicle was completed and our service consultant called the telephone number given to him, leaving a message that the vehicle was ready for pick up.
At approximately 5:00 p.m. I received a message from my receptionist that you were on the line asking to speak with me. I picked up the call and stated that you were upset because no one had called you back since the day before. You said you were late and needed to pick up the vehicle. I looked into the situation and found that we had been in contact with you the day before and during this day. I searched our in house telephone record's history and found that our service consultant had indeed placed a call to the number listed on the invoice. Later I found that number was your cell phone. As we were speaking on the phone, I verified the number with you. I explained that the vehicle had been done for a few hours and is ready for pick up. About 30 minutes later, I heard yelling from someone at the cashier's office. I approached and found a man yelling at my service consultant. He was a little difficult to understand but I asked him if I could help. He began yelling at me and again I couldn't understand him but had enough to know that he was here to pick up the detailed vehicles. I explained that I had just got off the phone with you and that you understood all that had happened including what the invoice total was. I said you were going to be picking the vehicles up. The man continued to yell and speak in a derogatory manner to me stating that we are unprofessional. After much time of listening to this man continually yelling and not listening to anything I was saying, I asked the man to finish the transaction at the cashier's office and please pick up the vehicles or call you to complete the transaction. He continued to yell words that I could not understand. I explained that this conversation was going nowhere and that I could not continue. I then walked away to help another customer.
I have no idea how we could have handled this better. I feel strongly that we offered the best customer service to you and I wish the entire situation would have proved to be a much more positive experience for both you and me.
Service Director.
Review: This complaint is in regards to KUNI Chevrolet/Cadillac's online GM Parts website: www.gmpartsdepartment.com When ordering two parts for my truck the website had no information regarding shipping. The only info stated was how much the shipping would cost. Because I was charged a shipping fee I was under the impression everything was okay. However I received an email today stating:"Hi[redacted], these items will have to be purchased from your local GM dealer. THey would be to large of an item for me to ship. Order canceled."This places me in a difficult situation not only because I won't be receiving my parts but now I would have to wait a week or two before I receive the funds back into my account. Had the information regarding their shipping been posted somewhere more prominent on their website, I wouldn't have ordered from them in the first place.Horrible online consumer services.Desired Settlement: I would like the company to state clearly their shipping methods especially for those ordering over seas. They should place a more prominent and professional shipping statement both when the consumer is shopping for a product and also on the check out page before purchasing. Knowing this information can prevent overseas online shoppers from ordering from this company and falling into the same unfortunate situation as I did with this company.
Per U.P.S.
shipping guidelines, the pieces requested by the customer were unfortunately too
large to ship to Hawaii. We checked with other freight companies, who quoted shipping
prices starting at $95, making shipping, plus the parts, cost prohibitive. To purchase the parts locally would make more
sense for the consumer. The information regarding shipping is posted on the website
under shipping policies on the home page. After proceeding through the step of
VIN verification, is the shipping policy disclaimer you must check the box to
agree that you read and understand the shipping policy. The shipping policy is
listed below.
IPlease be advised
On Thursday 7/9/15 – my car was taken – Kuni Hubacher Motors LLC authorized unknown person to tow my vehicle.
Unless exempted pursuant to B&P Code 7500.3, only persons holding a
valid repossession agency license or registration, issued by the State of
California, may engage in the activities of a repossession agency (B&P 7500.3)
I want to know who took my car. I want to confirm their license. I have contacted Kuni several times and I’m being ignored.
I contacted the
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services at 400 “S” Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 322-4000
And they have no record of Kuni Hubacher Motors LLC being authorized to tow vehicles.
Furthermore I haven’t been contacted. According to Vehicle Code 2282(a) –
Within 48 hours of the storage, unless the vehicle is in a vehicle abatement
program, or abandoned, the public agency is required to notify both legal
and registered owners [VC 22852(a)].
It’s been more than 48 hours and I haven’t been notified. I have no idea where the vehicle is being held.
Review: Earlier this year my 2003 [redacted] CTS started to shut off at random times while driving. The security light comes on, the steering wheel locks, as well as the breaks. It was something that happened all the time but since this issue is a potentially dangerous issue I decided to take it to get fixed. Because this is my first car I decided it would ve best to just take it to a dealership. They told me it was because I needed a new throttle body and battery.Since then I have taken my car to this dealership 5 times to fix this same issue. Each time they told me that if that fixed something different it "should" resolve the issue and I told them whatever it takes to fix this very dangerous issue do it.However nothing that they have done has fixed my issue and for a while they couldn't even diagnose the issue.The just figured it out the 4th time I took it in. The 4rd time they told me that the car "should" be fine now and I can pick it up. 3hrs later the car stopped. So I had it towed back to the dealership and the are telling once again that if thay fix something it "should" fix the issue. I completely feel taken advantage of by this company.I have paid them almost $3000 so far to fix an issue they have yet to fix and they are asking me to pay them more money to keep trying to fix it. And I know in my hearts of hearts that since I took it to a [redacted] dealer it should have been fixed the first time no if and or buts. And if they made a mistake it should have been fixed for free instead of me continuing to give them more money. I also feel they are either not actually doing work to my car because one of the things they said will fix my problem was a new battery so I agreed to have them place a new one in the car and 2 months later the had to replace the supposedly new battery because it went out.Desired Settlement: I would like a refund of some of the money paid since they I only agreed to let them fix the other issues because they told me it should fix the problem. I would also like them to fix the issue at no additional cost or offer me compensation for a new vehicle.
Revdex.com & [redacted], I can appreciate your frustration with having a car that is not working and having multiple issues going on. Please feel free to reach out to me directly as I will get with my service manager to review your service file today. I have not heard of any issues in regards to your cars repairs and I can comment via this method with Revdex.com or directly to you and review the situation directly. Most guests that have had an issue or question what operations were done and why will call me or my service manager so we can step in and review as things are going on. We are happy to do so. My service manager name is [redacted] and direct dial is [redacted]. We look forward to working with you in this matter. [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: upon talking to them they are trying to make it seem like what they did was right because I didn't bring the car back in right a way.However, when I picked up the car from getting repaired. That first time the same day my car shut off on the freeway while, I was on my way out of town but I got it to turn back on. As soon as it happened I called [redacted] and he told me to bring it back in. I told him that I was unable to do so because I was heading out of town. On my way back into town I had my boyfriend recorded what was going on with the ca5r. And then I brought the car back to Kuni on one of my days off and they did a free inspection and held my car over theweekend. He told me what the issue was the following week and gave me a estimate. The estimate was high and he worked with the manager to get it down. I told him then that I felt like I was being taken advantage of and told him I couldn't afford the repairs and asked him to just give me my car back. The car stopped again a few months later and I had to have it towed in yet again. They had my car over the weekend again I came to pick it up and 3hrs later the had to go back to Kuni.
Our Service Director explained to Miss [redacted] that all repairs recommended were based on components that were tested and proven to be defective. These parts and their operational use are directly related to engine drivability concerns and could be related to the specific concern of "intermittent engine stall"The battery was deemed faulty because it would not hold the required 12 volt charge, With all the computers that must work in unison for the vehicle to operate correctly, having less than 12 volts will cause malfunctions to a variety of computer and electrical parts. The Throttle body had also failed (electronically), requiring replacement. The last repair through process of elimination was the ECM. All diagnostic steps used for the engine stall concern follows [redacted] diagnostic trouble shooting procedures. It is unfortunate that this vehicle had multiple component failures that would in fact cause the engine to run poorly and/or cause the engine to stall. The fact that the stall concern was intermittent and difficult to replicate was a factor during diagnostic troubleshooting. Miss [redacted] was given a substantial discount as a courtesy for all repairs authorized. The approximate $400 overall discount for this concern is our attempt to show our client that KUNI Service wishes to act as a partner with our client. We understand that often our clients may be unfamiliar with the difficulties involved when repairing cars of today. Additional information: During our inspections we also found that the vehicle has other malfunctions such as intermittent airbag messages that will show in the instrument cluster along with various other electrical malfunctions. The customer was given the opportunity to utilize the discounts offered during this visit to address these additional issues as well. The Customer declined to have us address these other malfunctions at this time. Should our client decide to address any other issues in the future, we will continue to work with her and offer additional assistance. Thank you.
I am rejecting this response because: I still feel like the response is not good enough because they gave me back a car that had a potentially life treating problem instead of making sure they knew for a fact the issue was fixed. They say they followed a repair tree however after making the repairs instead of doing another diagnosis to see if the repairs fixed the issue they told me the issue was fixed and handed me my keys. I have never once rushed them to give me back my car so there was no reason that a proper safety inspection could not have been done. And now all if a sudden my car has an oil leak. All of the times my car has been there and now all of a sudden there is an oil leak that sounds crazy. That you just had my car last week doing repairs and when I bring it back to you because the repairs that was done didn't fix the issue and now all of a sudden an oil leak appears. I'm not at all satisfied and I feel like my repairs should be on the house since my life was placed at risk.
Review: In March 2014 I took my car for service, they replaced the water pump and other parts on my car. However they forgot to tide the clamps that attached the pump , therefore my radiator was leaking and my car was overheating. I took it to the nearest chevy dealer (fairfield) spoke with J[redacted] and he explained nothing was tide properly. I called the dealer and they stated they will passed the message to the manager. I called and the dealer on Fairfield called but the never called back. I have to paid for the poor repair that they should had cover. No only they did not fix it properly they put my children in danger. I called after several hours and they will not forward the call to the manager, the recepcionist was very rude and hang up the phone on me. I called again and they ignored my call. Manager continue ignoring my calls. I havae to paid for the full service and they never attempted to return my call or pay for the service that was cause by the lack of professional services. They were rude and said that it was not their fault I could not bring my car there. My husband is deployed and I have an 8 month old baby with a car that will start overheating 5 minutes after driving it and I live 60 miles away. There are very disrespectful.They did not care Iwas waiting on them to pick up my only transportation. There disregard for their customers is incredible.Desired Settlement: I just want my money back.
Kuni Chevrolet - Cadillac does not possess any documentation to identify what the $142.00 charge is. Please submit a document so it may be reviewed. Please forward to [redacted] at email address [redacted]
Thank you,
[redacted], Parts and Service Director
I am rejecting this response because: Cause I left multiple messages and ecplained the situation and I had yet to received a call back from this business after almost a week. I will go ahead and submit the information by email. This charges where due to a diagnosis for a problem cause due to the unprofessional of the service department when changing my water pumo and letting loose the conections. My car was not working properly and the only problem they found was connected to the change of the water pump Kuni installed. Something they will know if they would have had answer my call or call me back.
I am rejecting this response because:they have not call or talk to me at all. They have not request my new address to send the refund. I do not kmow who they spoke but it was not me. How do I confirm this information?
WE are sending or sent a check to a [redacted] at this address [redacted]
Review: On Thursday 7/9/15 my car was taken Kuni Hubacher Motors LLC authorized unknown person to tow my vehicle. Unless exempted pursuant to B&P Code 7500.3, only persons holding a valid repossession agency license or registration, issued by the State of California, may engage in the activities of a repossession agency (B&P 7500.3)I want to know who took my car. I want to confirm their license. I have contacted Kuni several times and Im being ignored.I contacted the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services at 400 S Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 322-4000And they have no record of Kuni Hubacher Motors LLC being authorized to tow vehicles.Furthermore I havent been contacted. According to Vehicle Code 2282(a) Within 48 hours of the storage, unless the vehicle is in a vehicle abatement program, or abandoned, the public agency is required to notify both legal and registered owners [VC 22852(a)].Its been more than 48 hours and I havent been notified. I have no idea where the vehicle is being held.July 14, 2015Desired Settlement: I want them to make contact with me.
Mr. [redacted] and the dealership have meet and all down payment and personal belongings were returned to him. The repossession company acquired and then brought the vehicle to our dealership. The company collected all his belongings and dropped them off to our dealership. we subsequently gave them back to Mr. [redacted] at a meeting on the 22nd. I believe this matter to be resolved as both parties concluded on that day.
I recently hit an object on a Sacramento freeway resulting in damage to my Chevrolet Corvette. As there was damage to both the body and mechanic components of the vehicle I had the vehicle towed to the closest dealership which was Kuni Cherolet. As I've not owned a GM product in some years I had not visited Kuni prior to this time.
Upon arrival I was informed by the service person (Eric) that as it was a Saturday the vehicle would not be evaluated until Monday of the following week. Over the course of the next month I experienced a series of delays, poor communication, and an apparent lack of the responsive from the dealership. I'm now over six (6) weeks out from the point at which I had the vehicle brought in and it is still not ready.
The most frustrating part of my experience with Kuni was the less than adequate communication process. In the absence of the timely repair of my vehicle it was my expectation that I would at least be kept informed of the progress of my vehicle. However, I was repeatedly told that I would receive calls to update me which didn't occur. And when the calls did occur I was then informed the work would take longer than initially thought.
In sum, this has been the most frustrating experience I've had in over 4 decades of car ownership. I don't know if this systematic of a broader problem with GM or simply a result of poor management and customer service at the dealership (Kuni) level. I do know that when I finally get my vehicle back I will never step foot anywhere near Kuni again.