KLM Performance, Inc. Reviews (12)
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KLM Performance, Inc. Rating
Description: Auto Parts & Supplies - New
Address: 388 Danbury Rd, Wilton, Connecticut, United States, 06897-2510
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I ordered brake lines from this company on 5/8/The bank account got charged through ***I never have received a confirmation email from KLM PerformanceI called many times since then and left many voice messagesI contacted them by email several timeNo successThey never returned my calls or sent a email backAt this point I would like a full refund of $I don't even know if they are still in businessThe *** page can't be reached eitherI was in hopes to contact them through this site
On May 10, 2017, I purchased in good faith a part for my truckI needed it immediatelyI tried emailing and calling KLM Performance to see what the delivery time would be and never got to speak to anyoneI left a voice mail message and never received a callbackI then filed a dispute with *** since I used my *** credit to purchase the part and the only reason I could select is Did Not Receive itemI then immediately received an email from *** at KLM Performance with a tracking #I emailed back immediately asking that the part not be shipped to meI never got a response backI was out of town when the part was attempted to be delivered and my daughter not knowing signed for the partI contacted *** at KLM Performance and was told that since I had filed a dispute with *** I would need to speak to them and he hung up on me*** *** I have since contacted the 3rd part vendor, Premier Performance who shipped the product and requested a RMA # *** from *** *** t
Throughout my conversations with the guy from KLM it seemed like every time I told them my side of the story they would twist my words around or say the opposite of what I was telling them as if they were trying to catch me in a lie so I am not the least bit surprised they are saying I kept saying different "VERSIONS" of my story when I repeatedly told them the same story over and over again which was making me angry repeating myself over and over again. They say repeatedly that none of this would of happened if I had ordered the right part but what they need to realize is that I am not a diesel mechanicI don't do this every day or for a living, I am not percent sure what is suppose to work with what on my motorI basically got a verbal list of stuff I needed to get for my truck based on my diesel techs adviseSo it was my fault I didn't get all the details from himAs far as opening the box I don't know anyone that doesn't open a package when they receive itAs I told KLM we opened the box to inspect for damage during shipping as I was planning on still using that part at that timeI didn't open it to make sure it was the right partI do know that much that it was a ***But if something had got broken on it during shipping its no good to me and that's all the diesel tech and I didWe then put the pump back in the box and set it with the other parts I had ordered in the box of the truckWhen I called KLM about returning the pump he did indeed ask if I opened it and I then proceeded to tell him exactly what I just said we did and he told me that that was fineI was never issued an RMA number when I did this over the phone and if they said they issued me one I would love to see the proof with the proper date and was told to just send it back to the address it came from. As for the oil on the OUTSIDE of the box, it came from the oil rails that came out of the truckThey were placed on the tailgate next to the box with the pump in where the oil ran out and had got on the boxHow someone can tell that came from the inside out is beyond meStill has nothing to do with the integrity of the pumpIts still a new pump in the boxThey said the pump was covered in oil, well every remanufactured pump is tested before sent back and are therefore covered in new oilThis is not used oilI told him I would send them a picture of my stock pump I took out if they wanted so they could see what it looked like to be used. After talking with my tech and doing research I realized that I bought a pump that has a stock oil pressure volume output to the injectors and I needed a pump that would put out more volume to keep up with the injectors in my truckThis is when the call was madeI told them I opened the box so why would I send them back the opened box if I knew there would be no chance of a full refundIf that was the case I would of kept the pump and tried to sell it myself and save me the troubleI recently purchased the pump I need on July 3rdI have proof that I still have the stock pump that came out of my truck which is what KLM is assuming I sent back to themAlso have the receipt and order number of the new pump I had to purchase that says I will return the old pump from my truck to Innovative diesel where I purchased the new pumpWhy would I buy a pump from KLM, send in my old pump to them and expect a full refund, keep there new pump, and then purchase the one I needed and send KLMs new pump to themMakes absolutely no sense at allBut almost everything I have gone through with the company hasThey talk about fraud being a big problem which is funny because I believe that is exactly what they are doing to meI have a family and work very hard for my money so when I get cheated out of $it makes me angryI did lose my temper with them because of the story twisting and the degrading and smart comments they said to me and my wife which you get glimpse of in their response to my complaint. As a customer and trying to make things right I refuse to get treated that way. They said they sent the pump I sent them to *** for a third party inspection, well it doesn't take over a month to get a response back from *** on that matterWhich leads me to believe they never intended on giving me the refund and I assume they never sent the pump back to ***KLM told me they would let me know the following Monday after they sent it off what *** had came up with which was over a month ago with no word from themThey say they question what I was telling them when I question some of the things they had said to meFor example they asked me why I opened the bag for the gaskets and I told them I never did because I bought a new gasket said from *** *** so I didn't need there gaskets, (which I also have a receipt for prior to purchase with KLM), then later in the conversation he told me that the bag with the gaskets and stuff was completely gone and not in the boxIf the bag is gone then why did he say the bag for the gaskets was openI have nothing to hide and stand that my story is 100% true with the proof to prove itThe man working on my truck has said they he will verify my story, what happened, and that we still have the pump that came out of my truckHis name is Waylon VanMeter and his number is ###-###-####With my truck in the shop has cost me more money and time then what that pump is worthI just want to see this made rightLike I said I have all the emails, receipts, the stock pump and all the proofKLMs claim of what they think I am trying to do as far as fraud makes no sense at all
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***
In response to this complaint I would like to offer our version of this escapade
Customer ordered a Re-manufactured pump that was not portrayed as a new pump
Please check the products description for clarification on our E-Commerce platform
The only version of this pump now
available from *** are re-manufactured pumps
The customer agreed to all terms and conditions of this sale when he purchased the item online using his own free will
We shipped the correct part to the customer based upon the year make, make model and VIN # supplied by the customer
We were never informed nor was it noted what the customers intentions were
We received a call from *** *** asking if he could return this part
I then asked *** *** if the part was Unopened, Sealed In the Factory Box and had not been installed
He assured me it was Brand New, Unopened and Sealed in the factory box from the *** Motor Company
Based upon the information provided to by *** *** we issued and RMA number for this order
*** *** was instructed to put the RAM number on the box and return the brand new unopened item to us using a tracking number, insured value and link us to this shipment
After a period of two weeks with no tracking number or return insight we dismissed this matter
*** *** then called and went up one side of me and down the other demanding his full refund
I very clearly and concisely instructed him we did not get a tracking number or an oil pump back as a return and we would not be able to issue a refund
In about and hour *** *** was able to produce a tracking number and we located the part delivered by *** to the incorrect recipient
The part we received was opened, was not sealed and was covered in oil
Based upon the condition of the returned part we immediately issued *** *** the credit he was due for the return of the core charge associated with the sale
*** *** was emailed this credit and that is when the train went off the tracks!
*** *** was issued a credit for the core charge because of the following reasons
*** Re-manufactured *** box was Opened
*** Sealed *** bag was opened
Returned Pump was covered in Oil
*** OEM box that contained the pump was covered in black dirty oil which originated from the inside out
For the record unopened parts would not portray any of the above symptoms
Upon the emailed receipt of the credit memo I was then called every single name on the book by both *** and his lovely wife
For the record none of this would have ever happened had the customer not claimed the part he wanted to return was unopened!
I asked *** *** again if the part was unopened and he said he did indeed return an unopened part
I told him the box we received was in fact opened and this is where the multiple version of his every changing story started to appear
Version One - acknowledged part was received said part was not needed was untouched and customer requested a return
Version Two - Part was opened by *** *** because the undamaged sealed inner and outer boxes and part needed to be inspected for damage
Version Three - *** *** needed to open both boxes and vapor locked sealed plastic packing to make sure he did indeed receive the correct partApparently the big sticker with the *** Company Logo and *** re-manufactured part number were not good enough
Version Four - He did not open any of the packing or the parts but his diesel tech did
Version Five - He returned an opened part that was not installed but was inspected for both damage and part correctness
Version Six is that he did not pack up the part but his diesel tech did and he does not know what happened
At this point I repeated each one of his six story versions to him word for word and asked him which version he would like to stick with as I was getting confused?
What *** *** and his wife have failed to divulge is that this entire issue would not have happened had the part never been opened or if they had just purchased the correct part for their unknown intentions!
You cannot expect to return a used part and get credit for a new part!
We instructed *** *** that we would send this part back to our *** parts supplier for inspection so that we could have a third party source do the inspection for a possible credit
What *** *** and his wife have failed to divulge is that this entire issue would not have happened had the part never been opened or purchased the correct for their unknown intentions!
In these tough economic times we are constantly amazed at the increasing level of fraud and have now been forced to take a defensive position with customers of such questionable character!
Their use of profane language by both *** *** *** *** in no way helps to resolve an issue such as this!
We instructed *** *** that we would send this part back to our *** parts supplier for an inspection so that we could have a third party source do the inspection for a possible credit
As this time we have not received an answer from *** but we do hope to have an answer sometime this week
Please let me know if you need any additional information
Thank you!
I ordered my parts during the Christmas holidaysThey were delivered the day after Christmas Kevin even slchecked on the shipment to make sure it was deliveredGreat service!!
*** *** filed a *** complaint for products not received hours after the order was placedWe settled this issue with *** by providing the tracking number to *** then lost this disputeIf time was of the essence most customer choose expedited freight and not FREE SHIPPING as a
delivery methodDirect communication ceased with *** *** as a result of the *** Dispute.*** *** then filled her Second Dispute with *** when she claimed she did not receive what she orderedWe provided the information to *** and again her claims were vindicated and she again lost this dispute!*** *** then filed a 3rd Dispute with *** now saying she was not issued a credit for items she returnedWhen *** uses her own free will to generate her own Return Authorization Number and ships a package back to a business in Lexington ** not KLM Performance the seller we cannot be held responsible for her actions*** then lost this dispute with ***Here next action was to threaten KLM Performance with Legal Action, Destroy our Reputation and File a Revdex.com Claim.*** *** agreed to our terms and conditions when she purchased this product using her own free willThe KLM Performance Return Policy is listed here - ***/return-policyHer actions violated many of these conditions!I am very sorry to say that we cannot issue a credit for items we have not received back for this customer.Please let me know if you need any further information
I placed an order on 2/15/I have called times with no answer I have sent emails on 3/2, 3/13, and 3/
trying to find out the status of the order and can not get a response
KLM Performance stand by our response and now consider this matter closed
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted] From: [redacted] Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 3:48 PM...
To: [redacted] Subject: Re: You have a New Message from Revdex.com Serving Connecticut Regarding Complaint #[redacted] I received my order from KLM Performance today. It was sent out on the 23rd. Thanks
From: [redacted] Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 10:59 AMTo: [email protected]: [redacted]Subject: FW: Repone To Final Reminder Dated August 6th 2014 for [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
In response to the ever changing versions of [redacted] story I hereby state these facts once again in our 2nd response.
A Return Authorization Number was granted for the return of the unopened product purchased.
Part returned was in fact opened, even though customer said it was not.
The Core returned in the opened box was covered in black motor oil resulting in an immediate credit for the returned core charge. You return the core you get a core credit, but do not get a credit for the returned used part.
[redacted] stated he did not know what part was returned as he did not inspect the box containing the return packed by his mechanic.
The part which is available on line and purchased by [redacted] using his own free will contains a complete and total description of the parts manufacturer, condition and application. We accept no responsibility for the customer not reading or comprehending the information portrayed.
In an effort to resolve this matter we returned this part back to the [redacted] Motor Company for another opinion as to what was actually returned.
Upon receipt of this part [redacted] Motor Company then issued a credit of $150.00 to us for the return of the core.
All of these ever changing complaints and issues presented in a very unfair and one sided manner could have been avoided if the customer had just returned the unopened part they purchased.
We do not appreciate [redacted]’s efforts to smear our company online and hope that he realizes these actions in no way help to resolve this matter.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: KLM refused to communicate with me even when I sent an email to request the part not be sent and per [redacted] the Seller and Buyer are to try and resolve issues. The only choice I had was to contact [redacted] who filed the disputes on my behalf only to find out they were using the incorrect dispute reason which caused the disputes to be denied by their incompetent reviewer after speaking with a manager at [redacted]. I have received my refund from [redacted] and my satisfaction is this seller now has a mark against them. I hope I never come across a company that handles their customers this way. They need to own their own down fall of poor communication and learn to work with customers and not ignore their written as well as verbal request.
Review: I ordered a high pressure oil pump from KLM Performance for my [redacted]. After receiving the pump from them I was informed by my diesel technician that the pump I ordered from them would not work because I was putting in bigger injectors so I need a pump that pushed out a higher flow. So when I first got the pump from KLM Performance my diesel tech opened the box and inspected the pump to make sure there was no defects to it. First thing we noticed was I was under the impression I was buy a brand new pump and the pump I received from them was a remanufactured one. So that didn't make me to happy to begin with but after realizing that pump I got from them was the wrong one I needed I called KLM Performance up and asked if I could send the pump back and get a refund. He asked if I opened the box and I told him yes that we opened and inspected the pump and put it back in the box and it never left the box again. He said that was fine so I shipped it back. They received the pump and I hadn't heard or seen my refund yet so I called them and he said he had to go find the box and he would call me back. After a couple hours I got an email stating that they refunded me $150. Well I spend almost $850 on that pump. If I sent them my old pump in as a core charge they would refund me $150. So I figured they made a mistake. I called them back, the guy continued to tell me that I sent him a used pump back and that it wasn't a brand new pump. He first tried telling me that it wasn't the pump they sent me which is ridiculous I was holding the one that came out of my truck. The guy basically told me I was an i
t for buy the wrong one and they won't refund me my money. I need the money to buy the one I need. So now my truck is all tore apart waiting on this pump. After a bunch of rude conversations with the guy that works there and him being disrespectful to me and my wife they are basically avoiding me now and wont return my phone calls. I am out almost $700 and my truck is still broke down.Desired Settlement: I just want 100% of the money back that I paid them for the pump. I wish I could charge them all the down time my truck has been sitting in the shop waiting on this part. Also charge him for all the rudeness and disrespect that myself and my wife have received from them since this whole thing started.
In response to this complaint I would like to offer our version of this escapade.
Customer ordered a Re-manufactured pump that was not portrayed as a new pump.
Please check the products description for clarification on our E-Commerce platform.
The only version of this pump now available from [redacted] are re-manufactured pumps.
The customer agreed to all terms and conditions of this sale when he purchased the item online using his own free will.
We shipped the correct part to the customer based upon the year make, make model and VIN # supplied by the customer.
We were never informed nor was it noted what the customers intentions were.
We received a call from [redacted] asking if he could return this part.
I then asked [redacted] if the part was Unopened, Sealed In the Factory Box and had not been installed.
He assured me it was Brand New, Unopened and Sealed in the factory box from the [redacted] Motor Company.
Based upon the information provided to by [redacted] we issued and RMA number for this order.
[redacted] was instructed to put the RAM number on the box and return the brand new unopened item to us using a tracking number, insured value and link us to this shipment.
After a period of two weeks with no tracking number or return insight we dismissed this matter.
[redacted] then called and went up one side of me and down the other demanding his full refund.
I very clearly and concisely instructed him we did not get a tracking number or an oil pump back as a return and we would not be able to issue a refund.
In about and hour [redacted] was able to produce a tracking number and we located the part delivered by [redacted] to the incorrect recipient.
The part we received was opened, was not sealed and was covered in oil.
Based upon the condition of the returned part we immediately issued [redacted] the credit he was due for the return of the core charge associated with the sale.
[redacted] was emailed this credit and that is when the train went off the tracks!
[redacted] was issued a credit for the core charge because of the following reasons.
[redacted] Re-manufactured [redacted] box was Opened.
[redacted] Sealed [redacted] bag was opened.
Returned Pump was covered in Oil
[redacted] OEM box that contained the pump was covered in black dirty oil which originated from the inside out.
For the record unopened parts would not portray any of the above symptoms.
Upon the emailed receipt of the credit memo I was then called every single name on the book by both [redacted] and his lovely wife.
For the record none of this would have ever happened had the customer not claimed the part he wanted to return was unopened!
I asked [redacted] again if the part was unopened and he said he did indeed return an unopened part.
I told him the box we received was in fact opened and this is where the multiple version of his every changing story started to appear.
Version One - acknowledged part was received said part was not needed was untouched and customer requested a return.
Version Two - Part was opened by [redacted] because the undamaged sealed inner and outer boxes and part needed to be inspected for damage.
Version Three - [redacted] needed to open both boxes and vapor locked sealed plastic packing to make sure he did indeed receive the correct part. Apparently the big sticker with the [redacted] Company Logo and [redacted] re-manufactured part number were not good enough.
Version Four - He did not open any of the packing or the parts but his diesel tech did.
Version Five - He returned an opened part that was not installed but was inspected for both damage and part correctness.
Version Six is that he did not pack up the part but his diesel tech did and he does not know what happened.
At this point I repeated each one of his six story versions to him word for word and asked him which version he would like to stick with as I was getting confused?
What [redacted] and his wife have failed to divulge is that this entire issue would not have happened had the part never been opened or if they had just purchased the correct part for their unknown intentions!
You cannot expect to return a used part and get credit for a new part!
We instructed [redacted] that we would send this part back to our [redacted] parts supplier for inspection so that we could have a third party source do the inspection for a possible credit.
What [redacted] and his wife have failed to divulge is that this entire issue would not have happened had the part never been opened or purchased the correct for their unknown intentions!
In these tough economic times we are constantly amazed at the increasing level of fraud and have now been forced to take a defensive position with customers of such questionable character!
Their use of profane language by both [redacted] in no way helps to resolve an issue such as this!
We instructed [redacted] that we would send this part back to our [redacted] parts supplier for an inspection so that we could have a third party source do the inspection for a possible credit.
As this time we have not received an answer from [redacted] but we do hope to have an answer sometime this week.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Thank you!
Throughout my conversations with the guy from KLM it seemed like every time I told them my side of the story they would twist my words around or say the opposite of what I was telling them as if they were trying to catch me in a lie so I am not the least bit surprised they are saying I kept saying different "VERSIONS" of my story when I repeatedly told them the same story over and over again which was making me angry repeating myself over and over again. They say repeatedly that none of this would of happened if I had ordered the right part but what they need to realize is that I am not a diesel mechanic. I don't do this every day or for a living, I am not 100 percent sure what is suppose to work with what on my motor. I basically got a verbal list of stuff I needed to get for my truck based on my diesel techs advise. So it was my fault I didn't get all the details from him. As far as opening the box I don't know anyone that doesn't open a package when they receive it. As I told KLM we opened the box to inspect for damage during shipping as I was planning on still using that part at that time. I didn't open it to make sure it was the right part. I do know that much that it was a [redacted]. But if something had got broken on it during shipping its no good to me and that's all the diesel tech and I did. We then put the pump back in the box and set it with the other parts I had ordered in the box of the truck. When I called KLM about returning the pump he did indeed ask if I opened it and I then proceeded to tell him exactly what I just said we did and he told me that that was fine. I was never issued an RMA number when I did this over the phone and if they said they issued me one I would love to see the proof with the proper date and was told to just send it back to the address it came from. As for the oil on the OUTSIDE of the box, it came from the oil rails that came out of the truck. They were placed on the tailgate next to the box with the pump in where the oil ran out and had got on the box. How someone can tell that came from the inside out is beyond me. Still has nothing to do with the integrity of the pump. Its still a new pump in the box. They said the pump was covered in oil, well every remanufactured pump is tested before sent back and are therefore covered in new oil. This is not used oil. I told him I would send them a picture of my stock pump I took out if they wanted so they could see what it looked like to be used. After talking with my tech and doing research I realized that I bought a pump that has a stock oil pressure volume output to the injectors and I needed a pump that would put out more volume to keep up with the injectors in my truck. This is when the call was made. I told them I opened the box so why would I send them back the opened box if I knew there would be no chance of a full refund. If that was the case I would of kept the pump and tried to sell it myself and save me the trouble. I recently purchased the pump I need on July 3rd. I have proof that I still have the stock pump that came out of my truck which is what KLM is assuming I sent back to them. Also have the receipt and order number of the new pump I had to purchase that says I will return the old pump from my truck to Innovative diesel where I purchased the new pump. Why would I buy a pump from KLM, send in my old pump to them and expect a full refund, keep there new pump, and then purchase the one I needed and send KLMs new pump to them. Makes absolutely no sense at all. But almost everything I have gone through with the company has. They talk about fraud being a big problem which is funny because I believe that is exactly what they are doing to me. I have a family and work very hard for my money so when I get cheated out of $700 it makes me angry. I did lose my temper with them because of the story twisting and the degrading and smart comments they said to me and my wife which you get glimpse of in their response to my complaint. As a customer and trying to make things right I refuse to get treated that way. They said they sent the pump I sent them to [redacted] for a third party inspection, well it doesn't take over a month to get a response back from [redacted] on that matter. Which leads me to believe they never intended on giving me the refund and I assume they never sent the pump back to [redacted]. KLM told me they would let me know the following Monday after they sent it off what [redacted] had came up with which was over a month ago with no word from them. They say they question what I was telling them when I question some of the things they had said to me. For example they asked me why I opened the bag for the gaskets and I told them I never did because I bought a new gasket said from [redacted] so I didn't need there gaskets, (which I also have a receipt for prior to purchase with KLM), then later in the conversation he told me that the bag with the gaskets and stuff was completely gone and not in the box. If the bag is gone then why did he say the bag for the gaskets was open. I have nothing to hide and stand that my story is 100% true with the proof to prove it. The man working on my truck has said they he will verify my story, what happened, and that we still have the pump that came out of my truck. His name is Waylon VanMeter and his number is ###-###-####. With my truck in the shop has cost me more money and time then what that pump is worth. I just want to see this made right. Like I said I have all the emails, receipts, the stock pump and all the proof. KLMs claim of what they think I am trying to do as far as fraud makes no sense at all.
Review: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
From: [redacted]
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 10:59 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [redacted]
Subject: FW: Repone To Final Reminder Dated August 6th 2014 for [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
In response to the ever changing versions of [redacted] story I hereby state these facts once again in our 2nd response.
A Return Authorization Number was granted for the return of the unopened product purchased.
Part returned was in fact opened, even though customer said it was not.
The Core returned in the opened box was covered in black motor oil resulting in an immediate credit for the returned core charge. You return the core you get a core credit, but do not get a credit for the returned used part.
[redacted] stated he did not know what part was returned as he did not inspect the box containing the return packed by his mechanic.
The part which is available on line and purchased by [redacted] using his own free will contains a complete and total description of the parts manufacturer, condition and application. We accept no responsibility for the customer not reading or comprehending the information portrayed.
In an effort to resolve this matter we returned this part back to the [redacted] Motor Company for another opinion as to what was actually returned.
Upon receipt of this part [redacted] Motor Company then issued a credit of $150.00 to us for the return of the core.
All of these ever changing complaints and issues presented in a very unfair and one sided manner could have been avoided if the customer had just returned the unopened part they purchased.
We do not appreciate [redacted]’s efforts to smear our company online and hope that he realizes these actions in no way help to resolve this matter.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.