Avoid like the plague. Keep getting unexpected bills. They try to reschedule on a monthly basis for absolutely no reason. Well, the reason is to get more money. After being quoted how much I would have to come out of pocket and explaining if it will be anymore I do not want the appointment, they promised that was it. What happens a few weeks later? I get a bill. Shocker. The receptionist is rude, I never even saw a dentist, only the assistant, and the lady in billing actually argued with me. I have [redacted] near perfect teeth and meanwhile they wanted to book me for a 3rd time within a 3 month period. When I asked why, they said as a checkup from my last visit. My last visit was a deep cleaning. Since when do deep cleanings require follow ups? The place will book you and milk you dry. I ended up asking my friends father, who is a dentist, if any of this was necessary and after giving me an exam he thinks I have been scammed. This place will churn and burn your insurance then bill you on top. The service was subpar at best as it is. I mean really, your billing lady arguing with me? I should go to the better business bureu. Avoid, go to a reliable dentist. I paid plenty out of pocket and keep getting billed for more?
Avoid like the plague. Keep getting unexpected bills. They try to reschedule on a monthly basis for absolutely no reason. Well, the reason is to get more money. After being quoted how much I would have to come out of pocket and explaining if it will be anymore I do not want the appointment, they promised that was it. What happens a few weeks later? I get a bill. Shocker. The receptionist is rude, I never even saw a dentist, only the assistant, and the lady in billing actually argued with me. I have [redacted] near perfect teeth and meanwhile they wanted to book me for a 3rd time within a 3 month period. When I asked why, they said as a checkup from my last visit. My last visit was a deep cleaning. Since when do deep cleanings require follow ups? The place will book you and milk you dry. I ended up asking my friends father, who is a dentist, if any of this was necessary and after giving me an exam he thinks I have been scammed. This place will churn and burn your insurance then bill you on top. The service was subpar at best as it is. I mean really, your billing lady arguing with me? I should go to the better business bureu. Avoid, go to a reliable dentist. I paid plenty out of pocket and keep getting billed for more?