FOR ANYONE CONSIDERING GETTING A TATTOO- Do NOT get it done at King City Tattoo&Piercing in Overland Park! I went in yesterday to get a tattoo done and they completely screwed me over. First off- I showed Amber, the girl that did my tattoo, a picture of what I wanted. The tattoo I got says "as high as mountains climb" with an arrow pointing up, and "as deep as oceans dive" with an arrow pointing down. It's pretty basic. Amber drew up the tattoo and then gave it to me to look at. Everything looked great and was ready to be done. So with this tattoo, the arrow going up needs to be up and the arrow going down needs to be down- that is common sense. But what does Amber do? She placed the tattoo upside down, and I could not see that she messed up because I was looking at it from a different angle. Keep in mind, this tattoo is on my ribs so I can't really see it seeing as I was on my side facing away from Amber. The tattoo was finished and everything looked fine from what I could tell. Then I got to work and I was so excited to show my coworkers my new tattoo, until they pointed out that 1.) the arrow heads are completely different, and 2.) that the arrow heads do not match the saying. So I quickly went to the bathroom to look at the tattoo and sure enough, Amber made my tattoo read "as high as mountains climb" with the arrow going down, and "as deep as oceans dive" with the arrow going up. I was beyond pissed and frustrated because I now have this tattoo that doesn't make any sense and the arrows look like st. Also keep in mind that I payed $220 for the tattoo, so I expected it to be of high wua quality with no mistakes. So what do I do to try and fix the mess? I went back to King City Tattoo&Piercing today to explain to Amber and the owner that my tattoo was messed up and I wanted it fixed along with my money back because what I received was not worth anything to me, and the customer is always right. So I arrived and immediately ran into Amber. She asked me what's up and I showed her my tattoo and explained to her that I had several negative comments on the tattoo she gave me because of the fact that it doesn't make sense and my arrows looked ridiculous. Also I mentioned that I was very embarrassed of it and reminded her that I payed a lot of money for a good tattoo, not what she gave me. She got defensive and began ridiculing me for HER mistake, telling me that it's not her fault that she placed the tattoo upside down and I should've noticed. I was absolutely baffled at how I was being spoken to and blamed for something I couldn't even see. So I asked to speak to her boss and she brought me into the store and had me wait while she spoke to her boss first. The boss, a man who I don't know the name of, told me to come in back with him and Amber. The second I went in back, the two began attacking me and saying that Amber was in no way at fault for this st tattoo. The boss said that Amber could try and do her best to fix it, which I was not okay with. Why the hell would I want the same person that screwed my tattoo up in the first place to "fix it"? That's just absurd and I'm sure she would sabotage the touch up because of the fact that I didn't like it in the first place. I explained to them that I did not want Amber to fix it and the boss said he wouldn't do it because he didn't want to deal with me, then he tried telling me to leave. I mentioned wanting my money back because I was furious that I payed so much money for a poor tattoo, and they would absolutely not refund me. I then told them that I would be telling everyone how piss poor of a tattoo shop King City is and the owner flipped me off. Absolutely pathetic and childish. If you want an awful tattoo and immature artists, then go ahead and go there. Otherwise I suggest you take your business elsewhere. Not to mention that they completely screwed me over on the price and refuse to give me money back. Do NOT go there!
FOR ANYONE CONSIDERING GETTING A TATTOO- Do NOT get it done at King City Tattoo&Piercing in Overland Park! I went in yesterday to get a tattoo done and they completely screwed me over. First off- I showed Amber, the girl that did my tattoo, a picture of what I wanted. The tattoo I got says "as high as mountains climb" with an arrow pointing up, and "as deep as oceans dive" with an arrow pointing down. It's pretty basic. Amber drew up the tattoo and then gave it to me to look at. Everything looked great and was ready to be done. So with this tattoo, the arrow going up needs to be up and the arrow going down needs to be down- that is common sense. But what does Amber do? She placed the tattoo upside down, and I could not see that she messed up because I was looking at it from a different angle. Keep in mind, this tattoo is on my ribs so I can't really see it seeing as I was on my side facing away from Amber. The tattoo was finished and everything looked fine from what I could tell. Then I got to work and I was so excited to show my coworkers my new tattoo, until they pointed out that 1.) the arrow heads are completely different, and 2.) that the arrow heads do not match the saying. So I quickly went to the bathroom to look at the tattoo and sure enough, Amber made my tattoo read "as high as mountains climb" with the arrow going down, and "as deep as oceans dive" with the arrow going up. I was beyond pissed and frustrated because I now have this tattoo that doesn't make any sense and the arrows look like s
t. Also keep in mind that I payed $220 for the tattoo, so I expected it to be of high wua quality with no mistakes. So what do I do to try and fix the mess? I went back to King City Tattoo&Piercing today to explain to Amber and the owner that my tattoo was messed up and I wanted it fixed along with my money back because what I received was not worth anything to me, and the customer is always right. So I arrived and immediately ran into Amber. She asked me what's up and I showed her my tattoo and explained to her that I had several negative comments on the tattoo she gave me because of the fact that it doesn't make sense and my arrows looked ridiculous. Also I mentioned that I was very embarrassed of it and reminded her that I payed a lot of money for a good tattoo, not what she gave me. She got defensive and began ridiculing me for HER mistake, telling me that it's not her fault that she placed the tattoo upside down and I should've noticed. I was absolutely baffled at how I was being spoken to and blamed for something I couldn't even see. So I asked to speak to her boss and she brought me into the store and had me wait while she spoke to her boss first. The boss, a man who I don't know the name of, told me to come in back with him and Amber. The second I went in back, the two began attacking me and saying that Amber was in no way at fault for this s
t tattoo. The boss said that Amber could try and do her best to fix it, which I was not okay with. Why the hell would I want the same person that screwed my tattoo up in the first place to "fix it"? That's just absurd and I'm sure she would sabotage the touch up because of the fact that I didn't like it in the first place. I explained to them that I did not want Amber to fix it and the boss said he wouldn't do it because he didn't want to deal with me, then he tried telling me to leave. I mentioned wanting my money back because I was furious that I payed so much money for a poor tattoo, and they would absolutely not refund me. I then told them that I would be telling everyone how piss poor of a tattoo shop King City is and the owner flipped me off. Absolutely pathetic and childish. If you want an awful tattoo and immature artists, then go ahead and go there. Otherwise I suggest you take your business elsewhere. Not to mention that they completely screwed me over on the price and refuse to give me money back. Do NOT go there!