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Killeen Plumbing Company

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Killeen Plumbing Company Reviews (8)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I do not agree that I was sold work that was not needed.  To begin with, the contractor who installed the check valve in the sewer line and replaced the sump pump and pit was not the first contractor who told me I needed the valve and that the sump pit was inadequate.  Both contractors told me virtually the same thing.  They said that there was no use in even trying to lower the pit that was already there, but that it would have to be redone from scratch.  Either they were in some sort of conspiracy to fool me, or they saw the same exact problems with Killeen Plumbing's install.I was aware that our line went into the city storm sewer at a much lower level than the water rose in the manhole during heavy rains.  I talked about this to several people, and Mr. Killeen was the only one who thought that trying to pump water into an already overflowing storm sewer was not a problem.  The check valve was recommended by others besides the contractor who performed the work.  It did reduce the amount of water coming into our basement by quite a bit.  This, and the replacement of the original sump that Killeen Plumbing put in, have meant that we may now  get an inch or two of water, instead of considerably more.  The builder (who is now out of business) was supposed to put in dams on both sanitary and storm lines, but apparently only did the storm line and possible did not do that very well.I did not at all get the impression at my final meeting with Mr. Killeen that he was eager to worry about my water problems any further.  He did offer me the number of someone who could fill in my basement with concrete if I wanted to have that done.  He never indicated that I should get back to him after getting more information.  He basically wished me the best and drove off.I am not sure if the contractor I am working with now will want to testify in Small Claims court.  He may not want to get involved.  I sent him a copy of the complaint I want to file and will call in a few days to learn his response.  If he does not want to testify I may have to give up.  It won't be because I am satisfied with either Mr. Killeen's work or his response, but only because I figure that he, being in the plumbing business, will talk circles around me. 
[redacted] response from complaint ID#[redacted] We did go out to this person's home on Friday afternoon and found multiple problems. First, the main line had tree roots in it. The city marked where the outside clean out was and we put an extension on it to grade so we could access the line from...

outside. We then snaked the main line removing the blockages. We then tested out the lines and there was still a problem with the branch line for the kitchen laundry and half bath. The customer had no visible clean outs to go from in the basement to clean the line properly. We attempted for quite a while to open the branch line from the kitchen sink and we were starting to move the blockage a little but we were not sure we were going to be able to get all of the debris out of the line. Nick, our plumber that was there, decided the next step instead of trying to clean a 4" diameter line through a 1 1/2" opening under the sink would be to open the wall in the basement and access the clean out on the stack or install one on it if there was not one there so we could properly clean out the 'line from there. She was quoted 2-4 hours and around $50 in misc. material if we had to add the clean out. There was a discussion about adding a clean out on the kitchen sink line that would have required to break up the floor but Nick told her he was confident if he used or installed the clean out on the stack, he would be able to properly clean the line. The customer and Nick agreed that we would return to take the next step instead of trying to open the line through the small access port we had under the sink. The problem was under control and would not get any worse as long as she did not use any water. The customer did not want us out the next morning because she was busy so we set it up for Monday morning. The job was not complete. Later that night, the customer must have forgot not to use the water and called in saying the problem was worse around 9 PM. I failed to see the text to call back that evening but we did call at 8AM the next morning when we are open and she still did not want us out that day and kept her appointment for Monday morning. Monday morning we called to go out and finish the job and the customer canceled. Tuesday morning we got a call from an irate daughter yelling at us and accusing us of ripping her mom off. My wife tried to call her back a couple of times according to the notes in the computer. On Friday, I walked passed a distressed Jodie who has worked for me for years and she had just gotten off the phone with the daughter who was yelling again and swearing at her. At that point, I immediately called her back and after she started calling me and my wife liars, I was quick and to the point. She did not want to hear anything I had to say and just wanted all the money back or she would use social media to defame my company's good name. I won't be bullied or tolerate improper treatment of any of my friends and coworkers. She then blasted my company all over social media with made up stories. What she did is illegal and I am still deciding on whether or not to file suit since she put so many false allegations in writing. I have since talked to the plumber from the other company involved. After another hour or two of snaking the line from the opening under the sink, he was able to get the branch line draining for how long and to what extent is unknown. You cannot do a very good job cleaning a 4" line through a 1 1/2" opening. He also recommended to have clean outs installed on the lines to clean them out properly (same opinion as ours). He also used a camera (again) as a tool and jetted out the sewer from the clean out we provided on the main line. He got the benefit of the 4 hours we previously had been working on the job. If you would have allowed us to finish what we started in the end you would have had a better job. Sorry you djd not choose us to complete the work. Quinn K[redacted]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.My daughter did call Killeen Plumbing on my behalf on Tuesday 9/12 at 8:17 am when she felt like I was taken advantage of... "Jody took the call and listened to the complaint briefly and started to make excuses why my three service calls went unanswered Friday night.  [redacted] (my daughter) then asked to speak with the owner.  She was told the owner was not in and would get back to her.  Not hearing back by Thursday 9/14, [redacted] called back at 10:52 am.  She was told that the owner would call her back that day.  On Friday, 9/15, [redacted] still had not heard back so she called a third time at 12:45 pm.  Jody told [redacted] that the owners were not in because they had a family emergency.  So Quinn's account of "walking past a distressed Jody" is either a lie or Jody saying he was not in the office was a lie and proves that Killeen Plumbing had no intention of calling her back.[redacted] was told at 12:45 pm they were not in and she asked if she could come to the office and wait for them to get back.  Jody said someone would call her back soon.  At 12:48 Quinn called her back from the office.  [redacted] asked for an explanation of what happened and why her (and my) calls went ignored. He said they weren't.  She asked why they left the job after 3 hours and 25 minutes if the job was not complete and his response was, "I am on the phone, what do you want?"  [redacted] was confused by this so she said, "I think a refund is in order seeing how your tech said the clog could not be removed by going through a pipe and it was removed in less than 2 hours by another company."   Quinn replied, "no."  She also wanted to know why I was told I would need to call a "carpet guy" to rip up the carpeting so Monday they could go through the basement floor.  Quinn offered her no explanation, but did inform her that I would not be getting a refund.[redacted] said she would be posting a review online, and Quinn welcomed it...even saying he would respond.  [redacted]'s post to a "closed" Facebook group called "Bay Village Connections" is for reviews and recommendations on local businesses. It had 53 comments, none of which were from Quinn, but there were quite a few comments on people sharing very similar experiences with this company.  The second company I did have out said a wall access panel is something I could have put in for future repairs. It wasn't necessary at this time, but something to think about the make access easier... that is true.  They also said if they could not get the clog by snaking my sink, they would go through the toilet .. and called that "proper protocol."  I was never told I would not be able to use water over the weekend.  I never would have agreed to not being able to shower or use the bathroom for three days!  I also do not have a "half bath" so I believe Quinn was misinformed.  Quinn was quick to point out that the other company benefitted from the work that his company previously did, but if the clog was able to be removed then why did his company not do it? Why did they say they had to tear up the basement?  (for which I was quoted 8-10 hours of time.. plus the cost of having someone remove and then put back the carpeting. Plus the cost of drywall and paint).[redacted] also wanted to know why I was charged for a hour of work by Killeen to put a camera down the pipes when I call my city and they came out the day before to do the very same thing.  My city provides this service free of charge and most people use it to save money when a tech has to come out. The city took many pictures which I provided to Killeen to use.  None of [redacted] questions were answered and her concerns were met with anger.  She did not swear at anyone but that is neither here nor there.  I am not trying to make them look bad as people, I want to know why I was charged for a job that wasn't done.  I want answers to why they insisted on putting a camera down for an hour when I had the city come out - just the day before - to avoid that cost.  I want to know why there are two different stories being told... did Nick, the tech, not tell Quinn our conversation?  When I spoke with Killeen on Saturday morning I said I could not find anyone to rip up my carpet by Monday... I also said I had to work and would not be able to be home.  This conversation was at 1:37 pm on Saturday 9/9.  I DID NOT wait until Monday to cancel... I never had a Monday appointment since I wouldn't have been able to be there.  I've attached a screenshot of the phone to show when (how many times) I called.   The last time was Saturday at 1:37 pm. I've also attached the receipt.

Thank you. I've attached the receipt from the second plumber that came out and fixed the problem.

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