Gave Kepple Carpet measurements for room to have carpet and padding installed We agreed to a $service charge for actual room measurement based on the estimate given for installation of same After the measurement was taken the estimate increase was almost $and then we were told by salesman Mike that he did not include the cost of the padding and other charges However, when we agreed to have Kepple measure, it was done so based on installation of carpet, padding and taxes and his estimate Had the correct quote been given originally we would not have had the measurement by the company doneWe realize that the first quote was an estimate but the difference should not have been $Only after actual price was stated did Mike say that there were items that was not included in the estimate quote, although I specifically stated that the estimate was based on all items
Gave Kepple Carpet measurements for room to have carpet and padding installed We agreed to a $service charge for actual room measurement based on the estimate given for installation of same After the measurement was taken the estimate increase was almost $and then we were told by salesman Mike that he did not include the cost of the padding and other charges However, when we agreed to have Kepple measure, it was done so based on installation of carpet, padding and taxes and his estimate Had the correct quote been given originally we would not have had the measurement by the company doneWe realize that the first quote was an estimate but the difference should not have been $Only after actual price was stated did Mike say that there were items that was not included in the estimate quote, although I specifically stated that the estimate was based on all items