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December 19, 2017 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted], Complaint #[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: The consumer complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] has been forwarded to the Ferrellgas Legal Department for investigation and comment. I have...
completed my investigation, talked to the relevant field personnel and offer the following response. A review of Mr. [redacted]’s consumer account reveals he commenced services with us in December 2016; owns his 500-gallon propane container; chose “keep full” delivery service and is on Net 30 payments. Mr. [redacted]’s concerns relate to his last propane fill from December 11, 2017. He is concerned that his tank was filled after he requested he be removed from “keep full” delivery. He also wishes to have his last fill rebilled to his new provider’s first fill offer price. A review of Mr. [redacted]’s account reveals that he called our Negaunee, Michigan Service Center on November 30, 2017, advising that he would be making a payment within the next week and asked if we would match a competitor’s pricing at a $1.25 first time fill promotion and a $1.559 lock in price. Later that day, our Customer Service Specialist left a voice mail for Mr. [redacted] informing him that we could lock in at $1.559 and requested Mr. [redacted] call back and confirm if he would like to lock in at that price. On December 8, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called our Service Center stating that he made a payment online and gave his confirmation number. We have no record of Mr. [redacted] confirming his choice to lock in at $1.59 per gallon, informing our Service Center of his plan to switch providers or his request to be removed from “keep full” delivery. Customers on “keep full” service receive propane deliveries systematically based on their usage and tank level and are not contacted in advance of delivery. Mr. [redacted]’s tank was filled on December 11, 2017 based on an automatic service order. He was charged for 228.2 gallons at our going rate. Mr. [redacted] called our Service Center after his tank was filled, stating that he had previously informed Ferrellgas that he was switching providers and wanted to be taken off “keep full” service and was displeased that the tank had still been filled. Our Customer Service Representative informed Mr. [redacted] that we did not have record of his request and that she would remove him from “keep full” service. She agreed to rebill Mr. [redacted]’s fill from that day, December 11, 2017, to match the competitor’s lock in price he had referenced on November 30, 2017, at $1.559 per gallon. We regret that Mr. [redacted] is dissatisfied with the service he received. In the spirit of good faith and as a gesture of customer satisfaction, we will rebill Mr. [redacted]’s last fill from December 11, 2017 to match his new provider’s first-time fill rate of $1.299 per gallon. We hope this helps resolve Mr. [redacted]’s concerns. Thank you for bringing Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention. We thank him for his past patronage and wish him well in the future. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rebecca [redacted] Paralegal cc: Lori [redacted], Customer Service Manager Don [redacted], General Manager II
March 3, 2017
Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC
Subject: [redacted] – Complaint ID [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
The complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] has been forwarded to the Legal Department for investigation and comment. I’ve completed my...
investigation, talked with relevant field personnel and offer the following response.
A review of Ms. [redacted]’s consumer account reveals she commenced services with us in October, 2015; she owns her own tank; chose “will call” delivery service and is a “Pay in Advance” customer.
Ms. [redacted]’s concerns relate to a gas delivery that was made on November 4, 2016. Ms. [redacted] originally called for a delivery on September 30, 2016 and when our driver arrived at her residence on October 5, 2016 to deliver fuel, a leak was discovered on her tank and the tank was subsequently red-tagged. As Ms. [redacted] had a customer owned tank, she was responsible for any and all repairs to the tank.
She notified us on November 3, 2016 that another company had repaired the tank and that she would like a delivery the next day. Our personnel were able to add her to our route the next day, November 4, and we were able to deliver 100 gallons of gas that day at the promotional rate she originally called with back in September, 2016 but was unable to utilize at the time due to the leak in her tank.
Ms. [redacted] was charged a $100 next day delivery fee for her delivery on November 4. After a review of the case notes on this account, we noted that Ms. [redacted] did not agree to this charge, but our logistics supervisor was able to add her to an existing route for delivery the next day without interrupting service to any existing orders. This fee should not have been charged to Ms. [redacted]’s account and will be credited back to the customer. The charge for $27.93 from the service call on October 5, 2016 is also being credited back to the customer as a courtesy and as a gesture of good faith on our part, as we regret the error that occurred on this account.
We regret Ms. [redacted]’s experience and hope that the proposed refund of charges will resolve the matter. We thank her for her past patronage and look forward to serving as her propane provider in the future.
Thank you for bringing Ms. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention.
Cathy [redacted]
cc: [redacted], Manager of Customer Service
[redacted], Director of Operations
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are reje**ing the response. If no reason is received your complaint [redacted] be closed Administratively Resolved]
*ors , and the f
* that our average as been 100-225, a jump of 300 dollars? No.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am reje**ing this response because:I am happy you responded as things have gotten worse , on top of the bill that doesn't match up the customer service and putting my families health in danger has worsen . If this isn't handled I [redacted] take further measures until it is.
Ferrelgas was conta**ed on 2-15-2016 to check for a gas leak, Clay, did come out and did smell the leak ... And stated he turned off the gas on 2-15-2016 at 7PM. We continued to smell the gas and called back , he said he could no longer help us (he is a ferrelgas employee) that it wasn't his job. Ok, well he was to shut off the "outside" gas and failed. Long story short my husband ,I and young children had to stay in a hotel because of the leak no one wanted to fix or turn off properly by ferrelgas employee Clay. The next day plumbers came out and stated the leak was still there and would easily be the cause of the double plus bill amount. We NEVER used the fireplace or turned it on. Nothing has changed in our living usage , if anything, we've used less gas due to broken down appliances i.e. Stove and dishwasher. PRESENT DAY:I tried to go through a [redacted], to get things taken care of. On 2-16-2016 he stated he would have someone come out and look at the meter to see if it was working properly. [redacted] Q, is the technician that works for ferrelgas who came out. At the same time my two plumbers from Plumbing Innovators were here fixing the gas leak by shutting down the gas to the fireplace. [redacted] Q the ferrelgas employee when coming to the door asked "what needs to be done" ?... We explained to him we had a leak and he needed to check to see if the meter was working properly. I quote him "there's no gas coming from the meter"? [redacted] never checked the meter to see if it was working, he also had no clue why he was there. Plumbing innovators not only explained the gas leak that clearly has been going on for some time being to the cause of the bill but that and the meter that wasn't checked for "accuracy" , needs to be replaced. Plumbing innovators state that it was way older than the house. With the above f
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[redacted]The new owner is having to use from the tank and the tank had 250 gal in it when company was called. I am expecting them to pay for the 250 gal as new owner could not move the tank to have his tank installed. if they do this then I will accept the offer.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Assumed Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Ferrellgas that is not a good way to do business at all. If you don't want to do anything about the situation then I will promise you that I will spread this info anywhere that will let me review your excuse of a company. They say a happy customer tells one out of the next ten people they see. But a unhappy customer will tell 9 out of the next 10 people they come in contact with. Social media is a powerful tool in he day in age, and I promise you a bunch of people will see it. Thanks for nothing!
December 18, 2017 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: The consumer complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] has been forwarded to the Ferrellgas Legal Department for investigation and comment. I have completed my...
investigation, talked to the relevant field personnel and offer the following response. A review of Ms. [redacted]’s consumer account reveals she commenced services with us in May 2015; she leased a 250-gallon propane container from us; chose “will call” delivery service and is on Net 30 Payment Terms. Ms. [redacted]’s concerns relate to her last propane fill and the related charges from August 2017. Ms. [redacted] also has concerns relating to her customer service experience. Based on our records of the message sent through the email portal by Ms. [redacted] on August 19, 2017, Ms. [redacted] stated that she wanted to schedule a refill. There appears to have been a miscommunication and our service center personnel perceived the email as a request for a tank fill and not a request for a call. A service technician promptly arrived at Ms. [redacted]’s property on August 22, 2017. At that time, it was found that Ms. [redacted]’s tank was empty. It is Ferrellgas safety protocol to perform a leak check before filling an empty tank. The leak check was performed and as no leaks were found, the tank was green tagged and filled. A Customer Service Specialist called Ms. [redacted] on August 22, 2017 to inform her of the green tag and the filled tank. Ms. [redacted] called Ferrellgas on October 11, 2017 requesting the tank and propane in it be picked up. She expressed frustration that the tank had been filled without having been called first. The leased 250-gallon tank was picked up on November 14, 2017. At that time, the propane level was checked and it was found that 22.6 gallons had been used since the tank had been filled in August. Ms. [redacted] was refunded for the gas remaining in the tank, totaling a refund of $267.58. In the spirit of good faith and in a gesture of customer satisfaction we did not charge Ms. [redacted] a tank pick up fee and have also removed the leak meter fee from Ms. [redacted]’s account. We find the remaining past due balance of $65.61 due and payable. With regard to Ms. [redacted]’s concerns as they relate to her customer service experience, we regret that she had a less than satisfactory experience. Ferrellgas strives to provide each customer with the best customer service possible. Her concerns will be shared with our local office. Thank you for bringing Ms. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention. We thank her for her past patronage and wish her well in the future. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rebecca [redacted] Paralegal cc: Katie [redacted], Customer Service Manager
February 21, 2018 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted], Complaint #[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: The consumer complaint filed by Mr. [redacted] has been forwarded to the Ferrellgas Legal Department for investigation and comment. I have...
completed my investigation, talked to the relevant field personnel and offer the following response. A review of Mr. [redacted]’s consumer account reveals he commenced services with us in November 2017; leases a 250-gallon propane container; chose “will call” delivery service and is on Pay in Advance payment terms. Mr. [redacted]’s concerns relate to the installation of the 250-gallon leased propane container and the correlating fees. He also expresses concerns regarding his customer service experience. Based on our records Mr. [redacted] requested a site check be done on his property in preparation for the installation of the 250-gallon propane container on November 7, 2017. The site check was completed on November 9, 2018 at no charge to Mr. [redacted]. On November 16, 2018 the tank was installed on Mr. [redacted]’s cabin property at the special installation cost of $199.10. Our service tech states that he contacted the customer before heading to his cabin and the customer confirmed that though the appliances for his cabin had not yet arrived, he wished for the tank set to be completed that day. If the tank were installed without the appliances on site, another service call would be required to place the tank in service. This would require an extra charge at the regular hourly rate. On December 11, 2018 the leased tank was placed in service for $124.42. We regret that Mr. [redacted] is dissatisfied with the cost for the service calls; however, Mr. [redacted] was aware that a second service call would be required to place the tank in service if the appliances were not there at the time of tank set. We regret if any miscommunication occurred and if Mr. [redacted] did not understand that a second fee would be charged for the extra service call to place the tank in service. As to Mr. [redacted]’s customer service concerns, our records show that Mr. [redacted] called on January 3, 2018 regarding the cost of the service calls and that the customer service representative explained the charges to Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] spoke with a different representative on February 7, 2018 discussing the matter again. We regret that Mr. [redacted] was dissatisfied with his customer service experience and felt he did not receive the communication and explanation he requested. Ferrellgas strives to provide excellent service to every customer and we regret that Mr. [redacted] did not feel he received that. Mr. [redacted]’s experience and concerns have been shared with the relevant field personnel. A Ferrellgas representative will reach out to Mr. [redacted] once more to clarify the charges on Mr. [redacted]’s account. We hope this will help to resolve this matter. Thank you for bringing Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention. We appreciate his past patronage and look forward to serving as his propane provider in the future. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rebecca [redacted] Paralegal Cc: Michael [redacted], General Manager II Ismael [redacted], Customer Service Manager
March 9, 2017
Mr. Nikolas Reese of Greater KC
Subject: Ric W[redacted] – Complaint ID - 12001701
Dear Mr. Reese:
I am writing in response to Mr. W[redacted]’s consumer complaint regarding possible damage caused to plants on the customer’s...
property upon delivery of propane. I have completed my investigation, spoken with relevant field personnel and would like to offer the following response:
A review of this consumer account reveals that Mr. W[redacted] has been in contact with Carrie J[redacted] from our Risk Management department regarding this matter.
Internal documents indicate that Mr. W[redacted]’s suggestion that Ms. Jacob’s had failed to reach out to him as of the date of the filing of his Better Business Complaint is in error. Ms. J[redacted] sent Mr. W[redacted] an email dated February 24, 2017 at 8:26am wherein she stated she would like to resolve the matter with Mr. W[redacted] and she mentioned that they had spoken via phone twice prior to the February 24 email but had been disconnected both times. She left her contact information including phone, email and fax information and asked Mr. W[redacted] to let her know how we could help resolve this issue.
The latest correspondence between Mr. J[redacted] and Mr. W[redacted] occurred on March 9, 2019. Ms. J[redacted] reached out to Mr. W[redacted] via email once again to request an estimate for the damaged plants.
That said, I believe Mr. W[redacted] and Ms. J[redacted] are in the process of working toward resolution of this matter. As of the date of this response, we are awaiting further information from Mr. W[redacted] regarding his claim.
Thank you for bringing Mr. W[redacted]’s concerns to our attention.
Cathy Korte
cc: Sheena Brueggemann, Manager of Customer Service
Eddie Lamphear, Director of Operation
Carrie J[redacted], Senior Claims Specialist
September 14, 2016 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted] – Complaint Number [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: I am writing in response to Mr. [redacted]’s consumer complaint regarding his 20 pound propane tank. Mr. [redacted] claims that his tank was...
missing an “O” ring and this caused the line hose to leak. Mr. [redacted] then contacted the Blue Rhino customer care team and asked for an empty tank with an “O” ring properly installed. Blue Rhino then offered Mr. [redacted] the option of exchanging his faulty tank for another Blue Rhino tank. Mr. [redacted] wasn’t happy with that solution and stated that he believed the used tanks were turned in because the “certification life had passed”. When Blue Rhino picks up empty, exchanged tanks at a retail location that customers have exchanged for a full tank of propane, the empty tanks are taken to our Blue Rhino plants to be cleaned, inspected, leak-checked and re-certified if necessary. Once tanks pass through all inspection points they are sent back out to retail locations. Our tanks are re-certified twelve years after manufacture and then every 5 years thereafter. Our Blue Rhino team has offered to exchange an empty tank for another empty tank or to give Mr. [redacted] a tank exchange coupon for a free full tank. To redeem either of these offers, he may call the Blue Rhino customer care team and they will send him the coupon or arrange for an empty exchange. We regret that Mr. [redacted] has experienced an issue with his propane cylinder. We appreciate his feedback as well as the opportunity to address his concerns. Please call if you have questions. Thank you, Cathy K[redacted] Paralegal cc: Morgan C[redacted] – Data Integrity Senior Rep
March 6, 2017
Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC
Subject: Chris H[redacted] – Complaint ID - [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
I am writing in response to Mr. H[redacted]’s consumer...
complaint regarding his Blue Rhino charcoal grill, model number [redacted].
We have reviewed this information and spoken with the appropriate field personnel and determined that we can offer Mr. H[redacted] a new bottom bowl with slide as a courtesy and as a gesture of good faith.
These parts should get to the customer next week. We are shipping today via FedEx. The tracking number for this shipment is [redacted].
Thank you for bringing Mr. H[redacted]’s concerns to our attention.
Cathy K[redacted]
cc: Morgan C[redacted], Data Integrity Lead, Blue Rhino
April 7, 2017
Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC
Subject: [redacted], Complaint No – [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
The complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] has been forwarded to the Legal Department for investigation and comment. I’ve...
completed my investigation, talked with relevant field personnel and offer the following response.
A review of Ms. [redacted]’s consumer account reveals she commenced services with us in April, 2012; she leased a 500 gallon propane container; chose “will call” delivery service and was on Net 30 payment terms
Ms. [redacted] is concerned about propane left in a tank at the residence she sold upon closing of the property. Ms. [redacted] was aware that the propane in the tank should have been addressed in the real estate contract, but it was not. As she noted in her complaint, she has spoken to her realtor, the title company and tried to get the new homeowner to pay her for the propane and the new homeowner has apparently refused to reimburse Ms. [redacted].
While this is a frustrating and unfortunate situation, Ferrellgas finds that this is a civil matter between the former and current homeowners and does not involve Ferrellgas.
Thank you for bringing Ms. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention.
Cathy [redacted]
cc: [redacted], Manager of Customer Service
[redacted], Director of Operations
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Assumed Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because the company is taking no responsibility for their staff member who told me that they would credit me for the gas in the tank. I have this phone conversation recorded. I have paid the amount due, but this is not over.
Shelley W[redacted]
September 18, 2017 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted] – Complaint ID - [redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: Thank you for forwarding Mr. [redacted]’s most recent communication. We regret that Mr. [redacted] is unhappy with our service. However, we feel strongly that our personnel went above and beyond to assist Mr. [redacted]. We have no further information to give at this time. Thank you for bringing Mr. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention. Sincerely, Rebecca [redacted] Paralegal cc: Michael S[redacted], Director of Operation
February 17, 2017
Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC
Subject: [redacted] , Complaint No [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
A review of Mr. [redacted]’ consumer account reveals he commenced services with us in September, 2009; he owns his own propane containers;...
chose “will call” delivery service and was on cash on delivery payment status.
Mr. [redacted] appears to be concerned about a service call that was completed at his residence on his customer owned tank. With a customer owned tank, the customer is responsible for any loss or damaged caused by his or her system. Our Customer Agreement also states that the customer is required to maintain and pay for all expenses for maintaining the system and all hoses, meters, or other equipment which are a part of the system.
According to the complaint, Mr. [redacted] reported that our service personnel came on December 13, 2016 to fix an issue identified with his customer owned tank. At that time, our service technician replaced the regulator on Mr. [redacted]’ tank. It was during this visit that the customer alleged that our service technician hit a part on the tank with a hammer and/or screwdriver. On December 19, 2016, our driver was dispatched to perform a leak test to ensure that the system would hold pressure and subsequently filled Mr. [redacted]’ tank with 286.8 gallons of propane. On January 19, 2017, the customer phoned to report a gas leak and another service technician was dispatched to address the leak that same day.
Mr. [redacted] claims that he lost 70% of the propane that was pumped into the tank on December 19, 2016. On January 20, Mr. [redacted] spoke with the local Customer Service Manager who offered him 100 gallons of gas to compensate him for any gas that was lost due to a leak in his tank.
After some discussion with our local office, it is my understanding that as of the date of this letter, our office has offered Mr. [redacted] a free full tank of gas (roughly 256 gallons) to compensate him for his trouble and has also agreed to replace the broken part in question from his tank. We regret the inconvenience to our customer and hope that this will resolve the matter.
We appreciate Mr. [redacted]’ patronage and look forward to serving his propane needs in the future.
Thank you for bringing Mr. [redacted]’ concerns to our attention.
Cathy [redacted]
cc: [redacted], Manager of Customer Service
[redacted], Director of Operations
April 25, 2016 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted], Complaint 11398314 Dear Mr. [redacted]: I am writing in response to Ms. [redacted]’s consumer complaint regarding her Better Homes and Gardens grill purchased...
in June 2015. After speaking with the appropriate personnel, it has been determined that our position on Ms. [redacted]’s complaint remains unchanged from her prior report of issues which we believe to have stemmed from grease fires. It is our position that based on photos provided in a previous communication with our company as well as the photo provided from this complaint that the damage to the grill was as a result of grease fire(s). Grease fires can occur without proper maintenance and cleaning of the grill. Please know that we strive to provide excellent service to our customers, and we sorry to learn that Ms. [redacted] is displeased. We appreciate her feedback as well as this opportunity to address her concerns. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please call if you have questions. Thank you, [redacted] Paralegal cc: [redacted] – Data Integrity Senior Rep [redacted] – Customer Care Manager April 25, 2016 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted], Complaint 11398314 Dear Mr. [redacted]: I am writing in response to Ms. [redacted]’s consumer complaint regarding her Better Homes and Gardens grill purchased in June 2015. After speaking with the appropriate personnel, it has been determined that our position on Ms. [redacted]’s complaint remains unchanged from her prior report of issues which we believe to have stemmed from grease fires. It is our position that based on photos provided in a previous communication with our company as well as the photo provided from this complaint that the damage to the grill was as a result of grease fire(s). Grease fires can occur without proper maintenance and cleaning of the grill. Please know that we strive to provide excellent service to our customers, and we sorry to learn that Ms. [redacted] is displeased. We appreciate her feedback as well as this opportunity to address her concerns. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please call if you have questions. Thank you, [redacted]Paralegal cc: [redacted] – Data Integrity Senior Rep[redacted] – Customer Care Manager April 25, 2016 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted], Complaint 11398314 Dear Mr. [redacted]: I am writing in response to Ms. [redacted]’s consumer complaint regarding her Better Homes and Gardens grill purchased in June 2015. After speaking with the appropriate personnel, it has been determined that our position on Ms. [redacted]’s complaint remains unchanged from her prior report of issues which we believe to have stemmed from grease fires. It is our position that based on photos provided in a previous communication with our company as well as the photo provided from this complaint that the damage to the grill was as a result of grease fire(s). Grease fires can occur without proper maintenance and cleaning of the grill. Please know that we strive to provide excellent service to our customers, and we sorry to learn that Ms. [redacted] is displeased. We appreciate her feedback as well as this opportunity to address her concerns. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please call if you have questions. Thank you, [redacted]Paralegal cc: [redacted] – Data Integrity Senior Rep[redacted] – Customer Care Manager April 25, 2016 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted], Complaint 11398314 Dear Mr. [redacted]: I am writing in response to Ms. [redacted]’s consumer complaint regarding her Better Homes and Gardens grill purchased in June 2015. After speaking with the appropriate personnel, it has been determined that our position on Ms. [redacted]’s complaint remains unchanged from her prior report of issues which we believe to have stemmed from grease fires. It is our position that based on photos provided in a previous communication with our company as well as the photo provided from this complaint that the damage to the grill was as a result of grease fire(s). Grease fires can occur without proper maintenance and cleaning of the grill. Please know that we strive to provide excellent service to our customers, and we sorry to learn that Ms. [redacted] is displeased. We appreciate her feedback as well as this opportunity to address her concerns. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Please call if you have questions. Thank you, [redacted]Paralegal cc: [redacted] – Data Integrity Senior Rep[redacted] – Customer Care Manager
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Charles S[redacted]
February 3, 2017
Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC
Subject: [redacted], Complaint No – [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
The complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] has been forwarded to the Legal Department for investigation and...
comment. I’ve completed my investigation, talked with relevant field personnel and offer the following response.
A review of Ms. [redacted]’s consumer account reveals she commenced services with us in October, 2016; she leased a 124-gallon propane container from us and was a Pay in Advance customer.
Ms. [redacted] was concerned about the pickup of her propane tank that was set on November 3, 2016. A review of case notes reveal that Ms. [redacted] requested the tank be picked up on November 17, 2016. Ferrellgas removed the tank on February 1, 2017, so the tank was removed from the customer’s property before the filing of this complaint.
We regret the delay in retrieving our tank. However, winter is our busiest time of the year, thus our personnel are focused on gas deliveries during the cold winter months. Tank pickups are scheduled as time allows and when we have the equipment and personnel available. We also must factor in the weather weather allows us to access the property safely and without damaging the yard. As a gesture of good faith for the delay Ms. [redacted] experienced, we have waived her tank pick up fee. She will also be receiving credit back for the 78 gallons of propane that were in her tank upon pickup.
Thank you for bringing Ms. [redacted]’s concerns to our attention.
cc: [redacted], Manager of Customer Service
[redacted], Director of Operations
April 9, 2015
Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC
Subject: [redacted] [redacted] – Complaint ID [redacted]
Dear Mr. [redacted]:
I am writing in response to Mr. [redacted]’s rebuttal. The Budget Billing Program bills customers
the same amount each billing period based upon the customer’s estimated annual
fuel usage. The Budget Bill monthly
payment amount only reflects LP gas purchases and annual tank rental
fees. All other non-gas related items,
such as the propane container Mr. [redacted] purchased, are not part of the Budget
Bill payment amount.
Mr. [redacted] has carried a credit balance on his account since
approximately 2009. The credit on his account satisfied the tank sale
amount. Currently, his account balance reflects
a $50.00 credit, which agrees with his calculations, based upon the comments made
on his rebuttal.
I have been informed that Mr. [redacted] requested to be removed
from our Budget Billing program effective today, April 9th. Therefore,
in the future, Mr. [redacted] will be billed on net 30 terms for his
I am hopeful this information clears up any confusion Mr.
[redacted] may have regarding his Ferrellgas account. We appreciate his many years of
patronage. Thank you for bringing Mr.
[redacted]’s concerns to our attention.
July 25, 2017 Mr. [redacted] of Greater KC Subject: [redacted] D [redacted], Complaint #[redacted] Dear Mr. [redacted]: Thank you for passing along Mr. [redacted]’s most recent communication. We regret that Mr. [redacted] is dissatisfied; however, we have no new or additional information regarding this complaint. Please call if you have questions. Thank you, Rebecca [redacted] Paralegal cc: Morgan [redacted] – [redacted] Joanne [redacted] – [redacted]