Kayrouz Heating & Air Conditioning Reviews (1)
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Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2017/03/13) */
On 2/2/2017 RES was called by the owner to inspect his ceiling heat because of a wood screw that had penetrated the ceiling heat wire when the light fixture was originally installed (not by RES) and at this time the owner was informed of the...
rates he would be charged for RES to troubleshoot and repair the problem and he agreed. RES arrived at the home around 10:00 a.m. and after determining the wire could not be repaired from the attic above, it was then explained to the owner it would need to be repaired from below which would require drywall removal and patching. The owner was charged [redacted] for the work done on 2/2/2017 and was informed we would return to complete the project.
On 2/7/2017 RES arrived at the home around 8:00 a.m. and repaired the original broken wire. The tech realized the original installation of the fixture was not correct as the fixture was only screwed into the drywall (not a wood joist) so he attempted to securely fasten the fixture when he realized that the existing screw locations also had ceiling heat wires above them that now needed to be repaired. The tech repaired them without removing nearly as much drywall as the first repair required and felt it did not need to be patched. The owner was charged [redacted] for the work done on 2/7/2017.
On 2/8/2017 RES arrived at the home around 1:30 p.m. because the owner did not believe the room was heating up. When arriving he had already taken apart the thermostat and believed it did not have power when in fact it did. Typically when a homeowner tries to troubleshoot on their own it raises some concern so I offered to get a thermal imager to see if it was getting power just not heating up and would investigate further depending on the results. Later that night the owner had taken down the fixture and pulled down the spliced wires and discovered a bad connection. The owner was charged $0.00 for the work done on 2/8/2017.
On 2/9/2017 RES arrived at the home around 12:30 p.m. to repair the bad connection and informed the owner that RES would warranty any material installed by RES but could not warranty the entire run of ceiling heat wire due to its age and that the element could burn out at any time in the future for reasons not related to the work performed by RES. The owner was charged [redacted] for the work done on 2/9/2017.
The total amount paid by the owner was [redacted] We did credit [redacted] off his bill for his troubles. We feel we went above and beyond based on the circumstances. We hope this explanation resolves this issue.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2017/03/13) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
[redacted] states that the tech ([redacted]) found more repairs that needed done however they did not inform me before or after. If they would have fixed it on the first visit I would have never known since they put everything back up, seemed like they tried to hide the extra damage caused. Originally while I was still with him [redacted] had patched the wire and patched the ceiling with drywall patch. At that time I had left, later when checked the patch was not there, after [redacted] broke the other two wires he must have removed the drywall patch as he did not want to wait on it to dry. I also agree with [redacted] it is not good when a customer has to start troubleshooting, the reason I did is because after calling [redacted] I was reassured it had nothing to do with what the did. I was still not informed they had made two other holes at this time so I had [redacted] come out and since he did not understand how a broken wire would stop the heat from working he insisted on bring out a thermal scanner all but refusing to check [redacted]'s work when I had requested it. After he would not check [redacted]'s work I decided to remove the light and found the other holes. I then informed [redacted] of this and he sent [redacted] back out the next day. I explained to [redacted] that these were exposed wires and heating elements which they do not recommend they be exposed to the air. Exposing these to the air can cause them to burn out its why when designed they sandwich them between two pieces of drywall with drywall mud to fill all air gaps. [redacted] had not known that and stated they always leave them exposed. I told him that would be fine if the could give me a written warranty on that not the whole ceiling. HE refused saying he would need to talk to [redacted] and get back with me, they never spoke to me again. Overall I feel it was very unprofessional that they were at my Home 5 times in total and I had to verify their work. Attached image, Blue circle is the wire they were to look at other red ones are ones they broke.
Final Consumer Response /* (4200, 13, 2017/03/29) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
In the text I clearly asked that they patch the holes and when [redacted] came out he would not patch them. He informed me he would get with his supervisor after which I never heard anything back.
Final Business Response /* (4000, 11, 2017/03/29) */
I believe RES did everything we could to satisfy our customer by giving him a credit of $112.50 off the original bill and we stayed in constant communication over phone calls and text messages from 2/2/2017 to 2/9/2017. On 2/8/2017 I received a text message from the owner stating: "what I would like is at no cost to have you come and secure it and patch the holes he made. I'm trying to be reasonable I hope you understand"
I replied by telling the owner my tech would be onsite at 12:40 and he replied "thank you". We did exactly what the owner asked and after my tech left on 2/9/2017 I never received a phone call or text message from the owner stating he was not satisfied with the end result of our work. The splices we used are rated for the installation provided and RES will warranty any work/material installed in the owners home by RES but cannot warranty the entire ceiling. The owners ceiling heat is fully operational and I believe RES has done everything we could to satisfy our customer and I consider the matter closed.