Dear Ms.***,
Mr*** was seen in our office on September 24, as a referral from his general dentist,*** *** for tooth #We were requested to evaluate #which had previously had aroot canal and was now fractured, which would require extraction, possible tissue graft andbone
graftMr*** was seen for a consultation, given a break down of the procedureincluding a treatment plan, consent for surgery, an estimate of the costs, a copy of his DeltaDental Benefits, and a "guess-timate" of what the insurance might pay for his services
He returned to the office the following day and had the services performedThe fracture hadcaused significant damage to the bone and he had a large abscess present at the time ofextraction making his surgery more difficult than normal, however DrS*** noted that theprognosis was still good for the areaShe would delay any further treatment for a minimum of5-months to allow healing if the patient elected to do an implantThe patient returned on 10-8-for a post operative check and suture removal
On the day of surgery, Mr*** paid a down payment on the account of $400.00.Dr.S*** also graciously extended Mr.*** a 50% courtesy discount on one of theprocedures she deemed necessary, PRGF-Plasma rich in growth factors, a procedure used toenhance bone regeneration with the bone grafting, because it is commonly a non-coveredbenefit on patients dental plansMr*** insurance was billed for all of the procedures andDelta Dental denied several of them due to "contract exclusions" His estimate is based on thegeneric listing of benefits provided by Delta Dental, however they do not provide us with alisting of the specific details of the entire contractUltimately, insurance is billed as a courtesyand the bill is the patients responsibilityHe was quoted up front what the charges would beand there were no additional charges added to his accountMr.*** received the denial fromhis insurance company, as well as it was posted to his accountHe was sent monthly statementsand has only made one additional payment of$ on 10-28-On January 261h he was sent notification that his account was severely past due and was given days to make financial arrangements before forwarding to collectionsI gave him another chance on 2-6-withanother days notice before sending the account to collections on 2-16-I have enclosedcopies to back up my documentation and I'm sorry that Mr.*** feels that his account wasmishandledHowever, the services were rendered in good faith, and he was told the cost ofthem prior to performing them so we do not feel that we need to adjust our charges at this time
Julie B***Business Manager forKathleen S*** DDScc: Attorney General of Washington
***Please see attached documents***
Dear Ms.***,
Mr*** was seen in our office on September 24, as a referral from his general dentist,*** *** for tooth #We were requested to evaluate #which had previously had aroot canal and was now fractured, which would require extraction, possible tissue graft andbone
graftMr*** was seen for a consultation, given a break down of the procedureincluding a treatment plan, consent for surgery, an estimate of the costs, a copy of his DeltaDental Benefits, and a "guess-timate" of what the insurance might pay for his services
He returned to the office the following day and had the services performedThe fracture hadcaused significant damage to the bone and he had a large abscess present at the time ofextraction making his surgery more difficult than normal, however DrS*** noted that theprognosis was still good for the areaShe would delay any further treatment for a minimum of5-months to allow healing if the patient elected to do an implantThe patient returned on 10-8-for a post operative check and suture removal
On the day of surgery, Mr*** paid a down payment on the account of $400.00.Dr.S*** also graciously extended Mr.*** a 50% courtesy discount on one of theprocedures she deemed necessary, PRGF-Plasma rich in growth factors, a procedure used toenhance bone regeneration with the bone grafting, because it is commonly a non-coveredbenefit on patients dental plansMr*** insurance was billed for all of the procedures andDelta Dental denied several of them due to "contract exclusions" His estimate is based on thegeneric listing of benefits provided by Delta Dental, however they do not provide us with alisting of the specific details of the entire contractUltimately, insurance is billed as a courtesyand the bill is the patients responsibilityHe was quoted up front what the charges would beand there were no additional charges added to his accountMr.*** received the denial fromhis insurance company, as well as it was posted to his accountHe was sent monthly statementsand has only made one additional payment of$ on 10-28-On January 261h he was sent notification that his account was severely past due and was given days to make financial arrangements before forwarding to collectionsI gave him another chance on 2-6-withanother days notice before sending the account to collections on 2-16-I have enclosedcopies to back up my documentation and I'm sorry that Mr.*** feels that his account wasmishandledHowever, the services were rendered in good faith, and he was told the cost ofthem prior to performing them so we do not feel that we need to adjust our charges at this time
Julie B***Business Manager forKathleen S*** DDScc: Attorney General of Washington
***Please see attached documents***