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Description: Auto Dealers - New Cars, Auto Dealers - Used Cars, Auto Detailing, Auto Repair & Service
Address: 3663 N Reserve St, Missoula, Montana, United States, 59808-1509
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint (For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.)The fact remains that as a customer for the fourth year in a row I paid Cloud to have my hair straightened, and it was not straight I have sought a fair and reasonable resolution by phoning Cloud numerous times, by going there in person, as well as by working through Call for Action (a national source of assistance for consumers) and the Revdex.com But I have been met with total resistance and the absolute opposite of customer service Luci Breunig (owner of Cloud 9) and Leah (her employee) could easily have asked me to come in to the salon; they could have washed my hair and seen for themselves that it was not straight I had nothing to hide But they have never chosen to do thatThe Matrix product used on my hair was unsuccessful, perhaps because NO strand test was performed by the salon employee to determine which of three Matrix formulas was best suited for my hair Whatever was in the back room at Cloud was what was put on my hair -- and it did not work Matrix's web site recommends a strand test be performed prior to selecting and applying the straightening product Yet Luci and Leah repeatedly have insisted that protocol was followed They were counting on the probability that a layperson such as I would never find out about the strand test My hair was not straight, the product failed, and I am due a refund If this does not occur, I would ask that either the Revdex.com make a determination or that arbitration take place to settle this matter once and for all. Sincerely,
Terri Winscher
I received your request for a response to Terri's complaint on acknowledging customers concers, state the facts as you see them and avoid emotion and explain the actions you can and can't take to resolve concerns.This is quite confusing in response to my thorough original response If Terri is not getting the answers or resolutions she wants, it's simply because I feel we have done everything in a very professional manner I can not Accommodate a dissatisified client because she personally rates the standards of her own persoanl needs If she feels she can get better customer service some where else, we have available salons in the Sauk Praire area, she knows of of them that claim they would bend over backwards.When I read her responses they are so twisted and reaching again for substance that will help facilate her complaint Ex: She had provided the precise dates from her phone records while I provided no such proof of the converstations that I actually said took place WOW! I won't change who I am to fit her needs, I run a very tight ship and would bow down if I felt we could have done something different or better Good day to you!Luci Breunig Cloud Nine Day Spa & SalonPhillips BoulevardSauk City, WI 53583 (608)[email protected]
Dear Revdex.com I appreciate your organization and have utilized it in the past. Before I proceed I would like to proclaim, I would've rather had a release form signed by Terri stating that she agreed to sharing of information, but will proceed with the sequence as best I can. I have been...
researching facts as well.The circumstances that revolve around Terri's issues are mostly fabricated. I've owned a business for 20 years and opened the salon portion in 2008. Cloud Nine Day Spa & Salon is proud of its guest services from beginning to end. The business resides in a very small community, Sauk Prairie. In the event of a service gone bad, the word-of-mouth would travel quickly. If Cloud 9 was/is negligent in any form or fashion, we would address & resolve the issue immediately.I pride my business on morals and ethics and can not resolve or be held by ultimatums that are personal issues your client has. Terri's story has many conflicting facts and flat out lies. On May 29, 2013 Rachel Lynn performed a Keratin straightening treatment at the cost of $200, on May 14th, 2014 Leah performed an Aveda straightening treatment at the cost of $200, on June 13, 2015 Leah performed a Matrix straightening treatment also at the cost of $200. The straightening services take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. Other area salons like Anaala's treatment is $350 and The Ultimate Veritas Spa Salon starts at $300, to give you an idea of pricing.There has been a lot of controversy in the salon industry over straightening systems being unhealthy, especially for the person performing the service, as the formaldehyde could be harmful to your health. With this information we have had discussions among the team and have gone in-depth about what they would feel comfortable doing, and we stay up to date. This particular service has gotten plenty of attention from Cloud 9 because of this very factor. This is also the reason we are careful in each step of our guest service. Leah said she enjoys performing that particular service and has made it her expertise. Aveda had pulled the straightening product from their line, and if we we're going to continue providing that service, we would have to find an alternative. Matrix is what we choose & still currently use and have much success with it. When Terri called to make the appointment for a straightening system, the message was given to Leah. She was the delegated stylist to do consultations and set up appointments for the straightening system. Leah stated to me that she informed Terri about the discontinuation of the Aveda straightening line & also informed her that we are currently using the Matrix straightening system. Terri stated to Leah that she really liked the Aveda system. We then tried to contact other salons to see if they had any on their shelf that they would sell us & we asked our Aveda Representative to ask around as well. We could not track one down, and Leah called Terri to let her know that if she wished to have the service done we would have the Matrix system available. So she was well informed prior to even setting an appointment up for June 13, 2015. Again, this service is very lengthy in time so Leah herself sets those appointments up, while usually the front desk makes all appointments. There was plenty of communication before, during and after Terri Winscher's straightening system service. Terri down right lied when she said she did not know we would be using the Matrix straightening system until she was in the salon chair for her actual appointment.Terri was, again, well-informed on the initial call and subsequent calls before the appointment was even made that we use the Matrix straightening system. When Terri arrived for her appointment an additional consultation was done prior to the service on June 13, 2015. Leah stated during this appointment consultation that after lengthy research, Cloud Nine had chosen the Matrix line because we believed it to be the safest available product for both the guest and employee. There WERE no guarantees made and hoping for 80% straight results.Terri was informed to not wash her hair for three days, not five as she claims, and in addition, Leah also recommended a special shampoo and conditioner for best results. Terri opted out and said she had her own products at home. I am not sure on the date that Terri had called the salon, but Leah had responded a couple times after she had gotten the messages. When she talked to Terri, Terri said she didn't think the straightening did as well as the Aveda one and that she still had some wave in her hair. Leah brought up the consultation that had taken place the day of the service and said there still would be some wave and that it would work up to getting 80% of the curl out. Terri felt she should get some money towards her next straightening service since it didn't work. Leah then discussed what they had talked about on the phone prior to the appointment and then again at the appointment. Terri was upset and Leah said she would talk to me (Luci), which she did right away - unlike the claims Terri made that she was not returning calls or getting me the information. Our communication between team members is excellent, and the resolution of any issues is taken care of as soon as possible.I asked Leah if there were any complications in the service or if she felt things could have gone better. The answer was very clear, "no" she said, it looked great and she left happy. Leah again said she was very clear in the consultation before, during and after. There was no room for miscommunication and Leah was very confident that she followed all the guidelines with educating the guest, consultation, and follow up! Terri's lies continued, saying Leah never returned calls or told her boss, along with not knowing we weren't going to use Aveda and thought it was unfair that we told her at her appointment and then she felt she had no choice. Leah performed another Matrix straightening system on July 9th 2015 on another guest, which again turned out beautifully, so the possibility of the product being faulty was of no issue either. When I view all aspects of this service, I can say without a doubt that Terri Winscher got an excellent service at a phenomenal price! Terri was persistent in contacting Leah to the point of bullying, and calling her out for not doing anything or telling her boss about the situation (again). Leah had informed me of the situation and had also told Terri that I (Luci) said we would not be refunding or putting anything towards her next service. Leah said Terri kept saying she paid a lot of money and she at least wanted something towards her next straightening service. I told Leah to call her and let her know I would be sending her an email with our follow up. This letter is in red further down in this email.So Leah and I wrote the email together and had sent it to Terri. She knew the email was coming so for her to say she didn't get it was another conflict in her story. I heard Leah leave the message to Terri stating that we would be sending the email.Terri then came to into the Salon and demanded the front desk get the manager/owner. I do believe this to be on November 4th, 2015. I happened to be in the office which is rare since I am a Massage Therapist and usually behind closed doors. When I came to the front waiting area, Terri began revamping everything that had been discussed multiple times. She was trying to cause a commotion of embarrassment since the salon was busy. I do not react to this kind of behavior and especially when no wrong doing was done by my business. She then claimed she did not get the email, so at that time Leah resent it while she was still in the salon. Terri made many threats and said I was running an awful business and that my customer service was terrible, and that she was warned that I would react this way. Leah had just finished with a guest and had some input as well. Terri was claiming (to Leah) that Leah never told her that it wasn't going to be completely straight and that she never returned ANY of her calls and was avoiding her. Leah gently said " I did tell you when the appointment was being set up and again in the consultation during the appointment, along with giving the recommendation of using the Shampoo & Conditioner for that particular service to get best results." As the story turned in to the third round of the same conversation, and her continual badgering, I offered and encouraged her to open her own salon right down the road and she could run it any way she wanted too. I saw Terri the next day leaving work, so November 5th I took this picture as I waited for my children, so I have attached this picture. A huge difference from the picture she sent Call for Action. She definitely did not leave our salon with hair like that. Call for Action called her picture factual and many other contradicting factors as you can see since I have attached that as well.Another red flag in my eyes - why on earth would a client go to 3 different salons in 3 to 6 months. I have contacted one of those salons. Looking for attention and burning bridges? She claims we were so awful and ruined her hair, yet wanted a refund in the form of putting it towards her next service at Cloud 9. After I would not honor that request, it became she wanted money back. I would not negotiate or mediate because there was nothing to discuss. Meeting her half way was a hideous comment. After all the interaction with Terri, I had asked a few people I thought might know her (a retired employee of the Sauk Praire School district and a current substitute teacher). The first feedback was "Ooh she's a challenge", the second said, "Well she is the last one on the totem pole to be asked to sub". None of this was news to me because her character is very clear in her actions. I did show the picture to my kids and asked if they knew her and they said "%*+*". Explicit words, I will not share! Also her family has scheduled their wedding services with Cloud 9!As the Revdex.com notes, unanswered complaints may be shared with the media and could be posted on the website. I have no fear of this. We and our guests know who we are and what we stand for and that's what matters to me! I do not claim on LinkedIn of my customer service, those are endorsements! The website has references and I commit myseelf to them, Terri may not think so but it is because it is not convenient for her needs!In closing, Terri has reached for the stars on this issue and if she expects anything from Cloud 9 Day Spa & Salon it will have to be in the form of a small claims court! I have been up against a Cosmetology school who did not have licensed instructors among other things and the Chrysler Automobile industry for selling a lemon vehicle. I am a principle person and will work beyond the stars to hold that merit of honor!I have BCC my manager and Leah this information as well but did not want Terri to have their information.The email Call for Action is of course end to beginning,just FYI, Start at bottom and go up for easier reading and understanding!Regretfully, Luci Breunig
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11182799, and have determined that this does not solve my complaint.: Dear Revdex.com I appreciate your organization and have utilized it in the past. (Yet you have chosen to not have your salon accredited by the Revdex.com.)Before I proceed I would like to proclaim, I would've rather had a release form signed by Terri stating that she agreed to sharing of information, but will proceed with the sequence as best I can. I have been researching facts as well. (More talk of seeming to care about my rights and privacy. Similar to her nonsensical citing of HIPPA regulations previously in her February 10 email to Carol at Madison Channel 3's Call for Action.)The circumstances that revolve around Terri's issues are mostly fabricated. I've owned a business for 20 years and opened the salon portion in 2008. Cloud Nine Day Spa & Salon is proud of its guest services from beginning to end. The business resides in a very small community, Sauk Prairie. In the event of a service gone bad, the word-of-mouth would travel quickly. If Cloud 9 was/is negligent in any form or fashion, we would address & resolve the issue immediately. I pride my business on morals and ethics and can not resolve or be held by ultimatums that are personal issues your client has. (Please decode that sentence for me.) Terri's story has many conflicting facts and flat out lies. (One fact: my first straightening at Cloud 9 was on May 3, 2012 performed by Elise, as I recall, and I wrote a check for $270.)On May 29, 2013 Rachel Lynn performed a Keratin straightening treatment at the cost of $200, on May 14th, 2014 Leah performed an Aveda straightening treatment at the cost of $200, on June 13, 2015 Leah performed a Matrix straightening treatment also at the cost of $200. The straightening services take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. Other area salons like Anaala's treatment is $350 and The Ultimate Veritas Spa Salon starts at $300, to give you an idea of pricing. (irrelevant) (irrelevant background)There has been a lot of controversy in the salon industry over straightening systems being unhealthy, especially for the person performing the service, as the formaldehyde could be harmful to your health. With this information we have had discussions among the team and have gone in-depth about what they would feel comfortable doing, and we stay up to date. This particular service has gotten plenty of attention from Cloud 9 because of this very factor. (what???) This is also the reason we are careful in each step of our guest service. Leah said she enjoys performing that particular service and has made it her expertise (specialty?). Aveda had pulled the straightening product from their line, and if we we're going to continue providing that service, we would have to find an alternative. Matrix is what we choose & still currently use and have much success with it. When Terri called to make the appointment for a straightening system, the message was given to Leah. She was the delegated stylist to do consultations and set up appointments for the straightening system. Leah stated to me that she informed Terri about the discontinuation of the Aveda straightening line & also informed her that we are currently using the Matrix straightening system. Terri stated to Leah that she really liked the Aveda system. We then tried to contact other salons to see if they had any on their shelf that they would sell us & we asked our Aveda Representative to ask around as well. We could not track one down, and Leah called Terri to let her know that if she wished to have the service done we would have the Matrix system available. So she was well informed prior to even setting an appointment up for June 13, 2015. Again, this service is very lengthy in time so Leah herself sets those appointments up, while usually the front desk makes all appointments. There was plenty of communication before, during and after Terri Winscher's straightening system service (proof from phone records?). Terri down right lied when she said she did not know we would be using the Matrix straightening system until she was in the salon chair for her actual appointment. Terri was, again, well-informed on the initial call and subsequent calls before the appointment was even made that we use the Matrix straightening system. When Terri arrived for her appointment an additional consultation was done prior to the service on June 13, 2015. Leah stated during this appointment consultation that after lengthy research, Cloud Nine had chosen the Matrix line because we believed it to be the safest available product for both the guest and employee. There WERE no guarantees made and hoping for 80% straight results. (Who was hoping? Did Leah use this figure with me prior to my appointment?) Terri was informed to not wash her hair for three days, not five as she claims, and in addition, Leah also recommended a special shampoo and conditioner for best results. Terri opted out and said she had her own products at home. (If this product recommendation occurred, I would have told Leah that I use only a Wen cleansing product on my hair as it protects my color, followed each time by Aveda Dry Remedy Moisturizing Treatment Masque which I bought at Cloud 9 after my previous straightening.) I am not sure on the date that Terri had called the salon (My cell phone records show that I called on June 18, June 27, June 29, and July 6. My home phone records show that I called on August 10 as well) , but Leah had responded a couple times after she had gotten the messages. When she talked to Terri, Terri said she didn't think the straightening did as well as the Aveda one and that she still had some wave in her hair. Leah brought up the consultation that had taken place the day of the service and said there still would be some wave and that it would work up to getting 80% of the curl out. Terri felt she should get some money towards her next straightening service since it didn't work. Leah then discussed what they had talked about on the phone prior to the appointment and then again at the appointment. Terri was upset and Leah said she would talk to me (Luci), which she did right away - unlike the claims Terri made that she was not returning calls or getting me the information. Our communication between team members is excellent, and the resolution of any issues is taken care of as soon as possible. (I had no communication from Luci until I visited the salon on November 4.) I asked Leah if there were any complications in the service or if she felt things could have gone better. The answer was very clear, "no" she said, it looked great and she left happy. Leah again said she was very clear in the consultation before, during and after. There was no room for miscommunication and Leah was very confident that she followed all the guidelines with educating the guest, consultation, and follow up! Terri's lies continued, saying Leah never returned calls (Actually I said "When Leah did on occasion return my call, she listened to my concerns but never offered to do anything or to pass on my dissatisfaction to Luci, her boss." or told her boss, along with not knowing we weren't going to use Aveda and thought it was unfair that we told her at her appointment and then she felt she had no choice. Leah performed another Matrix straightening system on July 9th 2015 on another guest, which again turned out beautifully, so the possibility of the product being faulty was of no issue either. When I view all aspects of this service, I can say without a doubt that Terri Winscher got an excellent service at a phenomenal price! Terri was persistent in contacting Leah to the point of bullying (seriously???), and calling her out for not doing anything or telling her boss about the situation (again). Leah had informed me of the situation and had also told Terri that I (Luci) said we would not be refunding or putting anything towards her next service. (Not true. I had no indication that Luci had been informed, and that is why I finally stopped in on November 4. to deal directly with her.) Leah said Terri kept saying she paid a lot of money and she at least wanted something towards her next straightening service. I told Leah to call her and let her know I would be sending her an email with our follow up. (Email never received because Luci realized on November 4 that she had sent it to the wrong email address for me.) This letter is in red further down in this email. (I still have not been able to read that email as it is not further down in this email.) So Leah and I wrote the email together and had sent it to Terri. She knew the email was coming so for her to say she didn't get it was another conflict in her story. I heard Leah leave the message to Terri stating that we would be sending the email. (phone records of this call?) Terri then came to into the Salon and demanded the front desk get the manager/owner. I do believe this to be on November 4th, 2015. I happened to be in the office which is rare since I am a Massage Therapist and usually behind closed doors. When I came to the front waiting area, Terri began revamping everything that had been discussed multiple times. She was trying to cause a commotion of embarrassment since the salon was busy. (Then there should be plenty of witnesses who can report what truly happened. Luci came up to within several inches of me in an attempt to invade my personal space and to intimidate me. I was surprised that she never offered to have that conversation in a private room.), I do not react to this kind of behavior and especially when no wrong doing was done by my business. She then claimed she did not get the email, so at that time Leah resent it while she was still in the salon. (How is that possible when they never asked for my correct email address? I still have not received that email.) Terri made many threats (such as? I actually suggested quite reasonably that I would be willing to come back the next spring and have the straightening done at half price if another, better product were used.) and said I was running an awful business and that my customer service was terrible (statements not made at the time, but I feel that way now) , and that she was warned that I would react this way. Leah had just finished with a guest and had some input as well. Terri was claiming (to Leah) that Leah never told her that it wasn't going to be completely straight and that she never returned ANY of her calls (not true) and was avoiding her. Leah gently said " I did tell you when the appointment was being set up and again in the consultation during the appointment, along with giving the recommendation of using the Shampoo & Conditioner for that particular service to get best results." (Leah made no such statements.) As the story turned in to the third round of the same conversation, and her continual badgering, I offered and encouraged her to open her own salon right down the road and she could run it any way she wanted too. I saw Terri the next day leaving work (substitute teaching at the Sauk Prairie Middle School that day), so November 5th I took this picture as I waited for my children, so I have attached this picture. A huge difference from the picture she sent Call for Action. (On February 10 Carol at Madison Channel 3's Call for Action requested some photos to see for herself. I sent her four photos of myself on various dates and one photo of two strands of my hair on a tissue along with this statement: "Attached are photos of my hair after washing it and pulling it as straight as possible while drying it. I also included a photo of me at the gym in December, 2015 so you can see how my hair looks after I've used a smoothing cream and a hot flat iron to get it straight. I shouldn't have to do that after having paid to have my hair professionally straightened." I was very fair in selecting the photos and did not merely send photos of my frizzy hair before I styled it. No doubt the photo of me at the gym shows my hair very similar to my hair in the photo taken of me by Luci. So what is her point?) She definitely did not leave our salon with hair like that. Call for Action called her picture factual and many other contradicting factors (such as?) as you can see since I have attached that as well. (My point is that I should not have to spend the same amount of time drying my hair that I did before it was straightened. I should not have to deal with the frizz evident in the photos nor pull it straight out while drying it. I should not have to use a smoothing product. I should not have to subject my chemically-straightened hair to a hot flat iron on a daily basis. My hair (other than the out-growth) should be straight! It was never even 80% straight!) Another red flag in my eyes - why on earth would a client go to 3 different salons in 3 to 6 months. (Why can't I go to one salon for straightening for four years, one for color for the past 11 years, and another for a cut for several years? It's not unusual, and I have excellent relationships with the owners of the other two salons. I relied on their professional and objective assessment of my hair to make sure I wasn't imagining that the straightening was less than successful.) I have contacted one of those salons. Looking for attention and burning bridges? (more nonsensical, irrational accusations?) She claims we were so awful and ruined her hair (when did I say that?), yet wanted a refund in the form of putting it towards her next service at Cloud 9. After I would not honor that request, it became she wanted money back. I would not negotiate or mediate because there was nothing to discuss. Meeting her half way was a hideous comment. (Or responding appropriately and providing customer service, depending on your point of view.) After all the interaction with Terri, I had asked a few people I thought might know her (a retired employee of the Sauk Praire School district and a current substitute teacher). The first feedback was "Ooh she's a challenge", (Not much of an indictment, is it? the second said, "Well she is the last one on the totem pole to be asked to sub". None of this was news to me because her character is very clear in her actions. I did show the picture to my kids and asked if they knew her and they said "%*+*". Explicit words, I will not share! Also her family has scheduled their wedding services with Cloud 9! (Such personal attacks, but I guess that's what one resorts to when one's case is weak. I would caution Luci about the potential penalties for repeating slander.) My first reaction is not to dignify her allegations by responding, but I will say that you can only imagine how kids who use that language with their mother about an adult will treat a substitute teacher. Perhaps Luci's children learned that language from her; she neglected to share with you that she came up behind me on February 9 at Anytime Fitness and said, "You're not going to win, b
!" Her actions and words inside the gym as well as outside in the parking lot made me feel unsafe and persuaded me to file a report with the Sauk Prairie Police Department that evening. Luci is unaware that I sub 35 - 40 times a year and that I am on the "preferred list" for many teachers at Sauk Prairie Middle School and High School. Just last week, I subbed one day and turned down two other requests because I had plans. I am sought after as a sub because I accomplish whatever plans the teacher has left for me and because I have excellent classroom control. Lastly, my son's fiancée cancelled the June appointments for herself and her attendants at Cloud 9 after learning of the treatment I experienced there.) As the Revdex.com notes, unanswered complaints may be shared with the media and could be posted on the website. I have no fear of this. We and our guests know who we are and what we stand for and that's what matters to me! I do not claim on LinkedIn of my customer service, those are endorsements! The website has references and I commit myseelf to them, Terri may not think so but it is because it is not convenient for her needs! In closing, Terri has reached for the stars (what???) on this issue and if she expects anything from Cloud 9 Day Spa & Salon it will have to be in the form of a small claims court! (That's the next step I have planned.) I have been up against a Cosmetology school who did not have licensed instructors among other things and the Chrysler Automobile industry for selling a lemon vehicle. I am a principle (principled?) person and will work beyond the stars to hold that merit of honor! (gibberish) I have BCC my manager and Leah this information as well but did not want Terri to have their information. The email Call for Action is of course end to beginning,just FYI, Start at bottom and go up for easier reading and understanding! Regretfully, Luci Breunig The bottom line remains that the straightening service provided me by Cloud 9 was unsatisfactory and unsuccessful. I paid for a treatment that did not work. Having been my fourth time getting my hair straightened at Cloud 9, I was able to see the contrast in results and realize the treatment's failure very quickly. I have stuck to the facts as I recall them; I have been careful not to libel or twist any details. To be accused of lying is bizarre and unfair. I have provided the precise dates from my phone records while Luci has provided no such proof of the conversations she alleges took place. I contacted Cloud 9 on many occasions and sought a just and reasonable remedy. I tried to mediate through Call for Action, but Luci Breunig was unwilling. The standard customer service most of us would expect in such a situation was not forthcoming; in fact, it has turned ugly, unprofessional, and personal. Three other salon owners have told me that they bend over backwards to accommodate a dissatisfied client and would never allow this situation to have escalated as it has. They say it is simply not smart business. I am hopeful that the Revdex.com can facilitate a resolution.
Terri Winscher
I've been in many car dealer in Montana, and never had meet such a great people like [redacted] and [redacted], very professional, real and friendly people.
On on January 14th 2016 I brought my 2015 Chevrolet 2500 Duramax to Karl Tyler Chevrolet in Missoula Montana.
Customer # 380897
Invoice # 361945
Service advisor: Mark K[redacted] Complaint claim # 8-**SSN**
Reason for service: Driver side seat bottom cushion was inop. Passenger side rear corner of oil pan leaking.
Day one: Karl Tyler Chevrolet accepted the warranty work and also notified of a recall to reprogram the glow plug module.
I was contacted by Karl Tyler Chevrolet service department and notified that to replace the oil pan gasket the Pro-Comp lift would have to be removed and it would not be covered by warranty. I was asked to pay $450.00 to complete the warranty work. I refused and asked the associate to review my warranty and call back.
Day two: Contacted by Karl Tyler Chevrolet service department and was notified that the removal of the Pro-Comp lift would be covered by warranty.
After I received the truck back I inspected the work and found the following:
*Driver side seat cushion improperly reinstalled.
*Oil on the oil pan and gasket.
*Oil on the frame below oil pan.
#3 month old oil filter still on the vehicle after oil replacement. Oil light was reset to 100%.
I'm thoroughly displeased with this service. I can't even verify if the work has been completed due to the unprofessionalism of your service department.
I would like to be contacted ASAP with a resolution to this mistake.