Spend money with a place that acts like your children are a burden to them? Unacceptable !!!! Nasty dirty park all the campers look like they are from the early 90's and older and haven't been moved in 20years wash house needs a health inspection. Seen online where it says newly remodeled shower house/ laundry room. When? When it was first built in the 60's!!!!!! Don't waste your time or money!!!!!!?!!
Spend money with a place that acts like your children are a burden to them? Unacceptable !!!! Nasty dirty park all the campers look like they are from the early 90's and older and haven't been moved in 20years wash house needs a health inspection. Seen online where it says newly remodeled shower house/ laundry room. When? When it was first built in the 60's!!!!!! Don't waste your time or money!!!!!!?!!