The Ventura County Health Care Plan (VCHCP) is in receipt of your correspondence dated November 23, VCHCP would like to assure you that we are concerned about the appearance of untimely billing practices to our members and any hardships they may have caused.The billing referenced in the above
mentioned correspondence was for a medical bill for medical services rendered and mailed by the Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC) which is not owned or operated by VCHCPWhile VCHCP contracts with VCMC for many of its health care services, VCMC is an entirely separate entityFor this reason, many VCHCP members mistakenly assume that many of VCMC's practices, including billing, are related to VCHCP even though they are notVCHCP does not own, operate, or otherwise control the medical or billing practices of any of the medical doctors, clinics, or hospitals with which we contract.VCHCP respectfully requests that the above facts be taken into consideration regarding this complaint and added to your record fileVCHCP further requests that this complaint be re-directed to the above mentioned party that performed the medical services and rendered the billingSection of California Code of Civil Procedure allows medical providers to bill patients up to four years after the date that such medical services were rendered.D** *** Health Plan Administrator Deputy Director - Managed Care/Patient Accounting
The Ventura County Health Care Plan (VCHCP) is in receipt of your correspondence dated November 23, VCHCP would like to assure you that we are concerned about the appearance of untimely billing practices to our members and any hardships they may have caused.The billing referenced in the above
mentioned correspondence was for a medical bill for medical services rendered and mailed by the Ventura County Medical Center (VCMC) which is not owned or operated by VCHCPWhile VCHCP contracts with VCMC for many of its health care services, VCMC is an entirely separate entityFor this reason, many VCHCP members mistakenly assume that many of VCMC's practices, including billing, are related to VCHCP even though they are notVCHCP does not own, operate, or otherwise control the medical or billing practices of any of the medical doctors, clinics, or hospitals with which we contract.VCHCP respectfully requests that the above facts be taken into consideration regarding this complaint and added to your record fileVCHCP further requests that this complaint be re-directed to the above mentioned party that performed the medical services and rendered the billingSection of California Code of Civil Procedure allows medical providers to bill patients up to four years after the date that such medical services were rendered.D** *** Health Plan Administrator Deputy Director - Managed Care/Patient Accounting