I have requested to know what happened to my pet during his stayThis is my final request for this informationAlso I filed a complaint with PetSmart corporate and I have not received a responsePlease find enclosed the attached picturesI would like to have an explanation
Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I am sorry to hear about your experience. I have been in contact with our field management team. They were able to locate your transaction and I have fowarded that to the store who can assist you with a return or exchange
There is no evidence on my phone of a missed call or voicemail from your e-commerce team Perhaps the incorrect number is on file Please provide the number I should call and the person I should speak with to get this issue resolved
Thank you for reaching out. We would like to help. The phone number provided does not work. We would be happy to reach out and assist. You can also contact our store at *** for futher assistance
Thank you
Dear MsR.***,
Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I was sorry to hear about the experience you have had with the guinea pigs purchased at our store. I have escalated this to our pet safety department and ask that they work with our field management team to ensure that you are
contacted regarding this situation
Dear MrL***,
Thank you for your reply. I was sorry to hear about your tree frog. I was unable to find the purcahse of the tree frog or terraruim on your pet perks card, but would like to assist. Could you please email a copy of your receipt to us at [email protected] or fax it to us at 623-580-attention Jessica and I can look into this for you. Could you also let us know when/if you alerted the store as to the illness your tree frog was suffering from and any vet or treatment notes for review. Our return policy is fo rdays on new or resellable merchandise but I am happy to review with our field management team for an exception.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
Dear Ms***,
Thank you for your reply. Our store manager has not had the opportunity to speak to you regarding this issue. They have attempted to contact you but have been unsuccessful to date. Please reach out to Paul at *** and he would be happy to discuss with you.
Hi ***,Thank you for reaching out to PetSmart in regards to your recent experience at our PetsHotelI was sorry to hear about the incident that occurred and do hope your pet is feeling betterI have escalated this to the District Leader, Kristen who informed me that she was able to touch base
with you last week to reimburse you for the PetsHotel stay and coordinate a vet visit with Banfield at no expense to you to have your pet examined. We truly appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Sincerely,Coral
Dear Samantha,
Thank you for your follow up. I have been in contact with our store who has informed me that you were able to pick up your gift card
Thank you
Ms. [redacted],I again would like to say how sorry I am that a trip to my grooming salon caused a hardship for you and [redacted]. Our expectation at my store as well as every PetSmart is that every pet receives excellent care and we failed to meet those expectations on April 1st. I was very happy to hear from both a vet at Banfield on 4/8 as well as the vet at the [redacted] County Animal ER on 4/10 after running blood work and performing physical exams on [redacted] that they concluded that she had a good prognosis and that all tests came back normal. I was also happy to see that the ER vet concluded that no abnormalities were found but since it is sometimes seen where dogs can express pain from Advantix he was able to provide you with some pain medication to give [redacted] over the 10 day span if she showed any signs of discomfort. As we have discussed before, I am totally committed to ensuring that [redacted] receives all of the Care necessary resulting from what took place at our grooming salon just as we have paid for the 3 vet visits to date resulting in charges of $483. Also, as a gesture to keep your business and to lessen the burden on you we have given you a bag of [redacted]’s food ($52.99) , an application of Advantix ($24), Dental supplies ($16.99), a puppy kit containing $250 worth of coupons ($19.99), as well as refunding your groom and flea products for a total of $87. As an additional gesture on top of the $200 listed above we would like to offer you a PetSmart gift card of $50 so that you can purchase any other essential products needed for [redacted]. Along with partnering very closely with the 2 vets that [redacted] has been seen by to ensure she is receiving the Care needed I also want to ensure you that I have been partnering very closely with our Pet Safety team as well as our Human Resources Department here at PetSmart. In regards to your concerns about the associate, as we discussed on the phone I have partnered closely with our HR team and while unfortunately I cannot discuss the outcome with you I want to ensure you again that the matter was handled appropriately and professionally. Lastly, I would like to apologize for you being embarrassed when being denied the additional products such as the 6pack of Advantix, a Soresto flea collar, bed, brush, harness, as well as a few other treats and toys. We had talked on the phone earlier that day and agreed on the items that you would be by to pick up and that was the instructions that I gave the closing manager that night. That is the reason he was not prepared for when you showed up wanting an additional $300 worth of merchandise. That is why we would like to offer you the $50 gift card so that you can come in and get some additional products for [redacted].Hopefully I have been able to address any concerns that you have, and I look forward to seeing both you and [redacted] back in the store soon.Sincerely,[redacted]Store LeaderPetSmart [redacted], **
I am sending you the story of my 4 lovely pups because I wanted to give avoice to my pups whom I love very much.Over 5 years ago I adopted a 6 month old puppy of which I named Kiwi amini poodle, she is very smart, intelligent and very likable. Her storywhen I picked her at the Humaine Society in Bellevue was that she wasloved by an elderly owner who can no longer take care of her. According toher papers the owner lived nearby and so whenever we're driving around andKiwi recognizes the area she would "howl and cry as if she was trying totell us something.A year later we decided to get a playmate for Kiwi and that is when myhusband and I added Prince Riley all the way from Puyallup.He was only about 6 weeks when we got him and he is a pure breed Malteeseand he was't adopted, we actually paid for him, but we were told he hadsome kind of medical issue that he might not make it so I decided I wantedhim even more even though I had to pay for him, because I know what theydo to sick puppies…. So I took him home and took care of him and tendto him like he was my baby……He is grown now and luckily he survive the medical ordeal and now over 2years old, but he still acts like a baby and cries like one………We had tomoved out and sellour townhouse because of the lack of space for Kiwi and Riley……….weactually had to built our house…….In the meantime because we sold ourhouse so soon and we had to move to an apartment I had ask my daughter ifshe could take care of Kiwi till the house is ready to move in coz ourapartment can only accommodate certain size and so she did……….She loveKiwi as much as we do because of her intelligence, you can actually talkto her and she understand and respond like a person, can you believe sheactually watches TV all day and bark at other dogs if she sees one andwhen she was with me because I love watching Ellen she watches thattoo…..So we treat her like a part of the family. Also because she is superactive that she needed a yard to play…..After we move-in to our new house my daughter Jessica decided to keep hernot just for her intelligence also because of her size forsecurity…….That's when I decided we needed a playmate for Riley……. Isearched and looked and searched some more until I found these 4 littersonline. I searched the location to see if I can go and check them out andsure enough the breeder was only about 3-4 hours drive. So I called thebreeder and we agreed on meeting half way in Ellensburg…… It was a veryicy drive going East, but I manage to convince my husband to go with me.At first he made me promise that he will go with me if I promise to onlyget one, So I said yes even though I already made up my mind I'm going toget "2"……We arrived to Ellensburg 30 mins before the breeder so we had achance to look around and make sure we are not meeting some psycho that isgoing to take our money and no pups……..It was after the new year I believeit was January 6th about 2pm…..The minute a I saw the pups I wanted themall, but I only had enough money for 2, so I picked two of which at thattime I don't know what kind of breed they were, but one of them is tan andcalled "Bishpoo" ( a mixed between a Bishon and Mini Poodle and the secondone is a black and white called "Havashu" (a mixed between Havaneese andStshu) and they were both born on November 23 by two different parentsof course.They were the cutes if of all if you know what I mean and will be 6 monthson May 23 2017 of which the Veterianarian suggested they should getspayed and Neutered prior to turning 6 months as well as getting theirfirst haircut.I know this is a long story before the main story, but I needed everyoneto know that my pups are very special to me and that they are my babiesand that I wanted everyone to know where they came from and how specialthey are and that I will do anything for them and speak for them by anymeans necessary.For the last 3-4 months that I have them I have been giving them baths andtry to groom them as much as I can without butchering theirlooks, because back in February I tried to take them to Petsmart inIssaquah for a walk-in groom appointment and we were turned away by therudest person I have ever met working in a pet salon……and she even callsherself the groom manager ???? Hello!!!I wanted my pups groomed so it is easier to manage their hair as well asgetting them cleaned in certain areas of which I don't know how to do andwe were turned away, how rude was that. Even though it said on theirwebsite walk-in grooming appointment. I stated that multiple times to"RANDY" only to be called a "BH" when I told her I will report her toher superior….Because I was very upset and frustrated I contacted the Revdex.com and made aformal complaint. A few weeks later they were able to get a hold ofPetsmartCorporate office and I received a personal phone call from the StoreManager for Petsmart Issaquah apologizing and offering 2 free groomingappointment for my pups….I wanted to forget the experience so I waited a while before booking theappointment upuntil 3-4 weeks weeks ago I made an appointment for May 19th today onlyto received a call 2 days prior and be told that they need to cancel mypupsappointment because the groomer had injured herself. I had stated to"Shayan" that my pups are having surgery next week and that they need thegrooming prior otherwise they will not get another chance until after theyare heal, but she would not listen and she insisted they have no groomeravailable. I became upsetand stated to her that you do not call me last minute and tell me that youcannot accommodate my pups. I insisted to her to call other store or havesomeone come in especially just for my pups because I am not taking "NO"for an answer this time. I even stated to her to bring in her so calledgrooming manager name "RANDY" to cover for the injured worker and or makelocate a groomer from a bother store, because if it wasn't for her theseissue wouldnot have come up.No matter what I said I was going nowhere with "Shayan" I don't know ifshe made all the attempt and effort because not once that I have gottenanymore calls from her regarding any update.I tried calling 3 -4 time I was getting the same answer from her if not Iwas getting shut down or hang-up by other people like Cindy. I eventhreatened them that I will bring in this complaint to the corporateoffice and still being ignored.So I am asking that this store make it right. I have taken the time offtoday so I can coordinate my time and my 4 dogs with their appointment andwould like that not to be overlooked….My pups are getting their surgerynext week and that they need their grooming appointment prior to thesurgery date. I would like ASHLEY the store manager to make this herpriority.I would also like the Store and the Corporate Office to know that if thisexperience continues that I will be filing a legal complaint about thestore and certain employees. I will make all the effort to give my puppieswhat they deserve and not be turned away again.Attached is a picture of my pups; ----HOW CAN YOU TURN AWAY THESE FACES???Sincerely,[redacted]Phone: [redacted]
which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
Revdex.com: Thank you for your assistance in mediating this complaint. The store manager contacted me this afternoon and provided a full refund on the service. Eric was professional and helpful, and I appreciate his attention to this matter. Upon receiving the refund, I will consider this complaint to be satisfactorily resolved.
Tell us why here...
Hello [redacted],
Thank you for reaching out to us at PetSmart, regarding your unfortunate experience with your dog's injury in the salon. I am very sorry that this happened, and we understand how emotional this can be. We did hear back from your local PetSmart, the Store Leader....
She let us know that she did reach out to you in regards to your request of asking for them to pay for your vet bill. She told us that you would be coming back to the store to receive your check. Again, I am very sorry this happened and I am happy to hear that they provided you this compensation for your dog's injury. We hope that you will continue to visit us at PetSmart.
Thank you.
Sheri P[redacted]-Customer Care Specialist
Hi [redacted],Thank you for your follow-up. We appreciate your additional feedback. I am more than happy to send you a gift card at the address provided to credit the harness. You can always reference our return which is printed on the back of your receipt.We again thank you for reaching out to us.Sincerely,Coral
Dear Mr. [redacted],
Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I was sorry to hear about your experience in our store. I have reached out to our store to ensure that they have sent you a gift card refund of your purchase. I have also asked that they have their District Manager reach out to you...
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Javier G[redacted]
I was contacted by the grooming manager Jessica about the situation they are working on a resolution
No one contacted me so far and Ive called the corporate office 3 times, every time they say that someone will contact me and no one does. Never received any refunds from the Pets Mart. Thank you.
I have requested to know what happened to my pet during his stayThis is my final request for this informationAlso I filed a complaint with PetSmart corporate and I have not received a responsePlease find enclosed the attached picturesI would like to have an explanation
Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I am sorry to hear about your experience. I have been in contact with our field management team. They were able to locate your transaction and I have fowarded that to the store who can assist you with a return or exchange
There is no evidence on my phone of a missed call or voicemail from your e-commerce team Perhaps the incorrect number is on file Please provide the number I should call and the person I should speak with to get this issue resolved
Thank you for reaching out. We would like to help. The phone number provided does not work. We would be happy to reach out and assist. You can also contact our store at *** for futher assistance
Thank you
Dear MsR.***,
Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I was sorry to hear about the experience you have had with the guinea pigs purchased at our store. I have escalated this to our pet safety department and ask that they work with our field management team to ensure that you are
contacted regarding this situation
Dear MrL***,
Thank you for your reply. I was sorry to hear about your tree frog. I was unable to find the purcahse of the tree frog or terraruim on your pet perks card, but would like to assist. Could you please email a copy of your receipt to us at [email protected] or fax it to us at 623-580-attention Jessica and I can look into this for you. Could you also let us know when/if you alerted the store as to the illness your tree frog was suffering from and any vet or treatment notes for review. Our return policy is fo rdays on new or resellable merchandise but I am happy to review with our field management team for an exception.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
Dear Ms***,
Thank you for your reply. Our store manager has not had the opportunity to speak to you regarding this issue. They have attempted to contact you but have been unsuccessful to date. Please reach out to Paul at *** and he would be happy to discuss with you.
Hi ***,Thank you for reaching out to PetSmart in regards to your recent experience at our PetsHotelI was sorry to hear about the incident that occurred and do hope your pet is feeling betterI have escalated this to the District Leader, Kristen who informed me that she was able to touch base
with you last week to reimburse you for the PetsHotel stay and coordinate a vet visit with Banfield at no expense to you to have your pet examined. We truly appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Sincerely,Coral
Dear Samantha,
Thank you for your follow up. I have been in contact with our store who has informed me that you were able to pick up your gift card
Thank you
Ms. [redacted],I again would like to say how sorry I am that a trip to my grooming salon caused a hardship for you and [redacted]. Our expectation at my store as well as every PetSmart is that every pet receives excellent care and we failed to meet those expectations on April 1st. I was very happy to hear from both a vet at Banfield on 4/8 as well as the vet at the [redacted] County Animal ER on 4/10 after running blood work and performing physical exams on [redacted] that they concluded that she had a good prognosis and that all tests came back normal. I was also happy to see that the ER vet concluded that no abnormalities were found but since it is sometimes seen where dogs can express pain from Advantix he was able to provide you with some pain medication to give [redacted] over the 10 day span if she showed any signs of discomfort. As we have discussed before, I am totally committed to ensuring that [redacted] receives all of the Care necessary resulting from what took place at our grooming salon just as we have paid for the 3 vet visits to date resulting in charges of $483. Also, as a gesture to keep your business and to lessen the burden on you we have given you a bag of [redacted]’s food ($52.99) , an application of Advantix ($24), Dental supplies ($16.99), a puppy kit containing $250 worth of coupons ($19.99), as well as refunding your groom and flea products for a total of $87. As an additional gesture on top of the $200 listed above we would like to offer you a PetSmart gift card of $50 so that you can purchase any other essential products needed for [redacted]. Along with partnering very closely with the 2 vets that [redacted] has been seen by to ensure she is receiving the Care needed I also want to ensure you that I have been partnering very closely with our Pet Safety team as well as our Human Resources Department here at PetSmart. In regards to your concerns about the associate, as we discussed on the phone I have partnered closely with our HR team and while unfortunately I cannot discuss the outcome with you I want to ensure you again that the matter was handled appropriately and professionally. Lastly, I would like to apologize for you being embarrassed when being denied the additional products such as the 6pack of Advantix, a Soresto flea collar, bed, brush, harness, as well as a few other treats and toys. We had talked on the phone earlier that day and agreed on the items that you would be by to pick up and that was the instructions that I gave the closing manager that night. That is the reason he was not prepared for when you showed up wanting an additional $300 worth of merchandise. That is why we would like to offer you the $50 gift card so that you can come in and get some additional products for [redacted].Hopefully I have been able to address any concerns that you have, and I look forward to seeing both you and [redacted] back in the store soon.Sincerely,[redacted]Store LeaderPetSmart [redacted], **
I am sending you the story of my 4 lovely pups because I wanted to give avoice to my pups whom I love very much.Over 5 years ago I adopted a 6 month old puppy of which I named Kiwi amini poodle, she is very smart, intelligent and very likable. Her storywhen I picked her at the Humaine Society in Bellevue was that she wasloved by an elderly owner who can no longer take care of her. According toher papers the owner lived nearby and so whenever we're driving around andKiwi recognizes the area she would "howl and cry as if she was trying totell us something.A year later we decided to get a playmate for Kiwi and that is when myhusband and I added Prince Riley all the way from Puyallup.He was only about 6 weeks when we got him and he is a pure breed Malteeseand he was't adopted, we actually paid for him, but we were told he hadsome kind of medical issue that he might not make it so I decided I wantedhim even more even though I had to pay for him, because I know what theydo to sick puppies…. So I took him home and took care of him and tendto him like he was my baby……He is grown now and luckily he survive the medical ordeal and now over 2years old, but he still acts like a baby and cries like one………We had tomoved out and sellour townhouse because of the lack of space for Kiwi and Riley……….weactually had to built our house…….In the meantime because we sold ourhouse so soon and we had to move to an apartment I had ask my daughter ifshe could take care of Kiwi till the house is ready to move in coz ourapartment can only accommodate certain size and so she did……….She loveKiwi as much as we do because of her intelligence, you can actually talkto her and she understand and respond like a person, can you believe sheactually watches TV all day and bark at other dogs if she sees one andwhen she was with me because I love watching Ellen she watches thattoo…..So we treat her like a part of the family. Also because she is superactive that she needed a yard to play…..After we move-in to our new house my daughter Jessica decided to keep hernot just for her intelligence also because of her size forsecurity…….That's when I decided we needed a playmate for Riley……. Isearched and looked and searched some more until I found these 4 littersonline. I searched the location to see if I can go and check them out andsure enough the breeder was only about 3-4 hours drive. So I called thebreeder and we agreed on meeting half way in Ellensburg…… It was a veryicy drive going East, but I manage to convince my husband to go with me.At first he made me promise that he will go with me if I promise to onlyget one, So I said yes even though I already made up my mind I'm going toget "2"……We arrived to Ellensburg 30 mins before the breeder so we had achance to look around and make sure we are not meeting some psycho that isgoing to take our money and no pups……..It was after the new year I believeit was January 6th about 2pm…..The minute a I saw the pups I wanted themall, but I only had enough money for 2, so I picked two of which at thattime I don't know what kind of breed they were, but one of them is tan andcalled "Bishpoo" ( a mixed between a Bishon and Mini Poodle and the secondone is a black and white called "Havashu" (a mixed between Havaneese andS
tshu) and they were both born on November 23 by two different parentsof course.They were the cutes if of all if you know what I mean and will be 6 monthson May 23 2017 of which the Veterianarian suggested they should getspayed and Neutered prior to turning 6 months as well as getting theirfirst haircut.I know this is a long story before the main story, but I needed everyoneto know that my pups are very special to me and that they are my babiesand that I wanted everyone to know where they came from and how specialthey are and that I will do anything for them and speak for them by anymeans necessary.For the last 3-4 months that I have them I have been giving them baths andtry to groom them as much as I can without butchering theirlooks, because back in February I tried to take them to Petsmart inIssaquah for a walk-in groom appointment and we were turned away by therudest person I have ever met working in a pet salon……and she even callsherself the groom manager ???? Hello!!!I wanted my pups groomed so it is easier to manage their hair as well asgetting them cleaned in certain areas of which I don't know how to do andwe were turned away, how rude was that. Even though it said on theirwebsite walk-in grooming appointment. I stated that multiple times to"RANDY" only to be called a "B
H" when I told her I will report her toher superior….Because I was very upset and frustrated I contacted the Revdex.com and made aformal complaint. A few weeks later they were able to get a hold ofPetsmartCorporate office and I received a personal phone call from the StoreManager for Petsmart Issaquah apologizing and offering 2 free groomingappointment for my pups….I wanted to forget the experience so I waited a while before booking theappointment upuntil 3-4 weeks weeks ago I made an appointment for May 19th today onlyto received a call 2 days prior and be told that they need to cancel mypupsappointment because the groomer had injured herself. I had stated to"Shayan" that my pups are having surgery next week and that they need thegrooming prior otherwise they will not get another chance until after theyare heal, but she would not listen and she insisted they have no groomeravailable. I became upsetand stated to her that you do not call me last minute and tell me that youcannot accommodate my pups. I insisted to her to call other store or havesomeone come in especially just for my pups because I am not taking "NO"for an answer this time. I even stated to her to bring in her so calledgrooming manager name "RANDY" to cover for the injured worker and or makelocate a groomer from a bother store, because if it wasn't for her theseissue wouldnot have come up.No matter what I said I was going nowhere with "Shayan" I don't know ifshe made all the attempt and effort because not once that I have gottenanymore calls from her regarding any update.I tried calling 3 -4 time I was getting the same answer from her if not Iwas getting shut down or hang-up by other people like Cindy. I eventhreatened them that I will bring in this complaint to the corporateoffice and still being ignored.So I am asking that this store make it right. I have taken the time offtoday so I can coordinate my time and my 4 dogs with their appointment andwould like that not to be overlooked….My pups are getting their surgerynext week and that they need their grooming appointment prior to thesurgery date. I would like ASHLEY the store manager to make this herpriority.I would also like the Store and the Corporate Office to know that if thisexperience continues that I will be filing a legal complaint about thestore and certain employees. I will make all the effort to give my puppieswhat they deserve and not be turned away again.Attached is a picture of my pups; ----HOW CAN YOU TURN AWAY THESE FACES???Sincerely,[redacted]Phone: [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here...
which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
Revdex.com: Thank you for your assistance in mediating this complaint. The store manager contacted me this afternoon and provided a full refund on the service. Eric was professional and helpful, and I appreciate his attention to this matter. Upon receiving the refund, I will consider this complaint to be satisfactorily resolved.
Tell us why here...
Hello [redacted],
Thank you for reaching out to us at PetSmart, regarding your unfortunate experience with your dog's injury in the salon. I am very sorry that this happened, and we understand how emotional this can be. We did hear back from your local PetSmart, the Store Leader....
She let us know that she did reach out to you in regards to your request of asking for them to pay for your vet bill. She told us that you would be coming back to the store to receive your check. Again, I am very sorry this happened and I am happy to hear that they provided you this compensation for your dog's injury. We hope that you will continue to visit us at PetSmart.
Thank you.
Sheri P[redacted]-Customer Care Specialist
Hi [redacted],Thank you for your follow-up. We appreciate your additional feedback. I am more than happy to send you a gift card at the address provided to credit the harness. You can always reference our return which is printed on the back of your receipt.We again thank you for reaching out to us.Sincerely,Coral
Dear Mr. [redacted],
Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I was sorry to hear about your experience in our store. I have reached out to our store to ensure that they have sent you a gift card refund of your purchase. I have also asked that they have their District Manager reach out to you...
if that was requested.
I have had no one contact me from Petsmart in regards to this or anyone for this matter.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Javier G[redacted]
I was contacted by the grooming manager Jessica about the situation they are working on a resolution
In your email to me you said that the company replied to me. There is NO reply from them.
No one contacted me so far and Ive called the corporate office 3 times, every time they say that someone will contact me and no one does. Never received any refunds from the Pets Mart. Thank you.