Joyce Reid Capital Reviews (7)
Joyce Reid Capital Rating
Address: 1080 Woodock Road Suite 108, Orlando, Florida, United States, 32803
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Unsolicited offers to buy my house, which is not for sale.
I'm not sure how Joyce Reid Capital got my info, but their solicitations to buy my house look like a scam, or at the very least are extremely annoying. The latest unsolicited offer to buy my house "as is" came in the U.S. mail with the following return address: ***. There is a phone number, which I tried to call to tell them to take me off their list, but it goes to some kind of phone tree, which I also find annoying. I wish they would just go away and never try to contact me again. Attached is a copy of letter with return address pasted at bottom.
No further contact from Joyce Reid Capital or any affiliate business. I also want them to delete my info and to not share it with anyone.
We need an address to remove from our mailing list to successfully remove someone. We aren't finding any matches based on the complainer's name
I got the same letter today in my mailbox. I called the number and told them my house is not for sale and it is not in probate. Whats with these companies allowed to operate in this manner? Homeland Security and the FCC should be made aware of their unprofessional mannerism. I will save my letter for proof if need be and I hope someone investigates their actions for legal and protection purposes.
We've removed this person from the list, sorry for bothering! Didn't mean to offend and we know our service isn't for everyone however we can't remove you from the list until we know you aren't interested.
Unsolicited mail
I have received letter after letter from these people, whom I've never done business with, asking me if I want to sell my house. Stop sending me letters. My house is not for sale and you would be the LAST person I would call if it were. This smells like a scam. The letter is poorly worded, offers to pay in "all cash", and even mentions that I don't have to wait if the house is in probate. These seem like highly suspect business practices to me. Stop. Sending. Me. Letters.
That they remove me from their mailing list. That they stay out of my neighborhood. That they stop sending these bogus and misleading letters to everyone on the planet.
They will be removed from the list immediately
deceiving vulture sales practices
SECOND COMPLAINT. I topped throwing their incessant solicitation letters in the trash and complained. Then I called and asked to be removed from their mailing list, which they said they would do. And yet, here is another letter. Shocker! This smacks of a scam and fraud. Stay in your lane, Joyce ***. Take me off your mailing list or the next complaint goes to whatever regulatory committee your business is governed by and Todd ***.
That they never send me or anyone else on the planet earth a letter or solicitation of any kind ever again until the end of time. Too much to ask?
They will be removed from the mailing list
CONSTANT- I Want to Buy Your House Letters.CONSTANT Meaning over a YEAR & WON'T STOP.!.You Can SEll in Probate-You Don't Have To Wait.CALL US TODAY!
They CONSTANLY Spam and Solicit to Buy Two different addresses which happens to be 1 Owner & the Same property... They Send it to All Addresses & Names on Probate.. The Mail goes to Three different addresses...#1 House , # Vacant Lot next door ( same property), And
#3 My House Where we Live...They Have Been Told In Writing AND by Phone To STOP, IT IS NOT FOR SALE! STOP Sending THIS CRAP & Flooding My Mailbox with it...This Has Been Going on for a YEAR or More..
Every Time something gets filed in the County The Mail box Floods with this Junk...It Has Been Sent to other Names on the Probate to the Same Address , Which Winds UP in MY Mailbox....
IT Has BEEN Mailed BACK TO Them Telling Them To STOP..I Just received Another One Today 4-4-2019...I Have Received More Than 5-6 in March 2019 alone ... I Have Threatened to SUE Them for Harrassment over this...They Don't Care...
I Called Them And Told Them To STOP & Then They Started Calling me to Buy The House / Property.. The Property Owner/ Court Records are Listed as Jacqueline S.Gallo, Which is My Wife And We Live in My House at a Different Address
NO Further Contact By Business.... IT HAS TO STOP !....I KNOW WE CAN'T BE THE ONLY ONES--- I SAW ANOTHER COMPLAINT THAT SAID ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME THING-- WE WANT TO BUY YOUR HOUSE- YOU CAN SELL IN PROBATE. They Didn't Say it Has Been Going on for a YEAR or More though...To Myself & My Wife It Has been...SHE IS the PR /Administrator For The Estate SO Everyone else gets Their Mail Sent Here Too..They will Even Get The Names Wrong & Don't Care ---They'll Send to the Estate Of" When That Person is Still Alive ! what else can I say ? It's a pain in the xxs....It's Border Line HarrassmentAT Least With A phone You Can Be on The DO NOT CALL LIST..For what it's worth.
We haven't received a direct request from this client to be removed from the list. We require a phone call/message to know what the exact property address is to have someone removed. We only send one mailing (yes, sometimes to two addresses) to each client per month, never more than once in a month. They are getting letters from multiple companies, not sure why they are trying to single my company out. It's simply not possible that they received more than one mailing (no more than 2 letters max) in a 30 day span. Also, we only mail clients 3 times, meaning it's not possible for them to receive letters for over a year from our company.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They Are Full of it....I Have been receiving Multiple Letters @ 2 Different Addresses for Over a Year...They Have Been Told Numerous Times To Stop...Ask Them About the Letters Returned To Them W/a Note...They Should remember how pleasant I was..The Returned Letters Have The Name And Address on them...This is a Probate Estate , I Have Received Numerous Letters W/ All Names on them to 2 Different Addresses...I Received 5 letters Since Last Month..I Still Have 1 right here that I Haven't put a stamp to send back YET...I WILL Absolutely Send it Back w/ the Complaint number on it...I will call them Right Now & Tell Them To Stop Again--TODAY -- Let's see them DENY That...They Won't Give me their Name, So I have No Way Of Knowing if anyone even hears this.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They are full of it again...There are 2 addresses they " Want to Buy ". 1 for the house & 1 for the Adjoining Vacant Lot..the 3rd address is where I Live...
There were 4 different People associated With this " Probate " There are a Total 12 different letters that come to 1 Address, My House , where The Administrator of the Estate Lives... I Have received
all of these combinations Including the people that are No Longer Associated with this Estate... There Have Been @ Least 5 Phone Calls that went Directly to the Phone Number Listed on the Letters as Joyce Reid..Those Phone Calls AND The Return Letters have Been Ignored repeatedly...The Addresses AND Phone Calls Have Listed The Addresses... They Are Full Of It .I Am Going To Return ANOTHER Letter received in the last few days Today..Let's See If They Deny Receiving this 1 Too...
Ok so this is turning into a "He said, she said" discussion which will go nowhere. All we need is the full address of the subject property (property we said we were interested in buying) so we can get it permanently removed from the list. We have never had contact from this client. All we need is that address and we will stop sending letters. But again, there's no way all those letters are from JUST my company. Tons of companies use the same leads I do.
I received a letter on 12/27/18 for a Randy *** from this business offering to buy MY home. Randy does not own this home or live here I do.
I do not appreciate this business sending mail to Randy *** trying to purchase my home. He does not live here or own this home. I live here with my family which does not include Randy ***. My house is not for sale and will never be for sale. This is the second letter from this company that I have gotten and I am tired of it. When you try to call the number listed it is not valid. Stop trying to solicit people's homes and upsetting their families.
I do not want any contact with Joyce Reid Capital. Stop sending solicitations to purchase my home especially to people that DO NOT OWN IT!!!
Sounds like an error in our data. I've had this removed from our system. We send out a lot of mail and are not perfect. We require some sort of communication from someone receiving our mail to get them removed from the system so until this complaint we were not aware that we made this mistake. I do apologize for bothering them but it is JUST a piece of mail. It can be thrown in the trash like other junk mail. I hope this didn't cause any major problems or anything and it was just tossed in the garbage with the rest of the junk mail they receive on a daily basis.
This company defaulted on a home sales contract and ceased communication when I sought a cure.
I entered into a 30 day as-is contract in July 2018 with Joyce Reid Capital on a property that I own. As 30 days neared, one of the owners contacted me o say that they were working to secure a buyer for the property, however the contract states that they are the buyer. When asked if this would cause a delay, I was told it would not. It has now been over 60 days since the contract was signed, I have turned down multiple additional offers and the company has ceased communication with me.
I would like to be contacted by the company and either immediately conclude our business transaction per the contract or receive the $500 deposit.
We spoke with Mr *** and apologized for our error, and sent him the earnest money per our contract.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
While I did speak with the company and was assured the earnest money would be sent per the contract, I have not yet received confirmation that the earnest money has been sent and have not received the funds.
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Check still not received at either the property address or my residence.
The check has been sent, slight delay to the holidays but it's on the way.
The undated letter (received 10/31/2018) sent to me soliciting me to purchase my property mis-represents my property, in fact it is a stated lie.
quote "We hope you understand you do not have to wait until this probate is completed to sell the property."
My property IS NOT in probate.
This is the second letter I have received from them.
Also the letter misrepresents business location using a Dayton, Ohio address and an out of area phone number area code of 419.
No further contact by the busi 1. No further contact by Joyce Reid Capital.
Contact Name and Title: Brian J
Contact Phone: 4806200994
Contact Email:
I've looked through our systems and it seems we haven't spoke with this client. It looks like this was a data error with one of our marketing letters. We can remove her from the list (as we do with everyone who asks to be removed) if she calls us and gives us the address to remove.