J.L. Weitzel Landscaping & Lawncare Reviews (5)
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From: < [redacted] @***.com>Date: Tue, Dec 29, at 7:AMSubject: Fwd: JL Weitzel Landscaping - complaint # [redacted] - response to November 6, JL Weitzel responseTo: "[email protected]" Cc: [redacted] < [redacted] @***.com>> To [redacted] :> I am responding to the correspondence form MrWeitzel dated November 6, As you can see by the nasty opening part of his letter, his real true lack of character, integrity, classless and unprofessional attitude keep coming forwardHis accusation of my calling him an a
e never happenedIt is again his way of deflecting attention away from the issues he skirts and dances around rather than face the real truthI will be attaching numerous pieces of correspondence and emails going back and forth which will bear out that my claim is not absurd or bogus, but complete facts MrWeitzel knows he has been caught and is doing his usual back peddling and excuse making to move attention away from all of the issuesLet's look at his many very classy unprofessional comments which are supported by all of the attached documentsCalled me "an angry old man", said in an email your so smart you don't even know how to attach a picture, also in an email said your wall looks awesome, which was after our corner wall had started to collapse which was there for a - year periodSee the email attached from MrWeitzels job and the dissatisfaction at [redacted] houseI have also attached an email from my conversation with [redacted] and how unhappy she was with MrWeitzel that two years ago she terminated his servicesHer best comment was that Freedom lawn care and landscapes workers really know how tooooo work!!! Sounds quite familiar as my conversation with [redacted] again backs my statements up 1,000% about at least two of the BUMS that were on my patio The real absurd and bogus person is MrWeitzel I would suggest he look up both words in the dictionary and maybe learn the meaning as they along with my opening comments describe exactly who he really is, along with being a bully and the discrimination he has exhibited towards our son and [redacted] ***In MrWeitzels most recent response, If MrWeitzel would have taken a loss, then step up now and take the lossYou have been caught and don't know what to doMrWeitzels other really bogus /absurd comment, wouldn't have retaliated against my son? Really? Let's look at March 27, when you were pushing the hell out of our son (also named ***) and his supervisor Jay, who were on a job and our son, who tries to always please people/employers overloaded the skid loader trying to work harder and finish the job they were unfairly being pushed to get done causing the skid loader to tip into the dump body of the truck damaging the truck body and a rim/tireMrWeitzel not only called our son a m
n, but through duress and coercion made him pay for the damages to the tune of $1,374.81, a worksite accident that was MrWeitzels fault, but of course, one in which as usual he takes no responsibility or accountability for his disgraceful behaviorA work site accident which could have seriously injured our son who has a damaged kidney MrWeitzel is well aware ofThe fact that he was on a piece of somewhat heavy equipment with no hard hat, ear protection or special work boots says it all to the safety practices of MrWeitzel as an employer What if he had been seriously injuredHe probably would have still been expected to pay the damages that his employer caused by pushing the job into an unsafe situationWhat the hell though, it was our sons fault, never MrWeitzels who again takes no responsibility or accountability for his outrageous behaviorBy the way, where he works now which is with very heavy equipment, hard hats, ear protection and special boots are requiredWhat a difference His supervisor Jay was very pissed off at the way MrWeitzel was pushing them and then, when our son was forced to pay the damages, was again very angry that MrWeitzel made our son pay the damages, and believe me as you can see by his behavior, our son would have lost his jobSo to say he would not have retaliated against our son is the biggest line of BS there is with our dissatisfaction on the overpriced final bill we received for our patioA real professional would admit he screwed us and our son over, paid the wages he screwed him out of and paid us for his outrageous overchargeMr Weitzel has also never denied calling our son a m
n, which in the labor world today constitutes bullyingMrWeitzel without a doubt is a bully and has discriminated against our son and another employee referenced within this correspondenceAll employees should be paying for any damages to any equipment, whether small or large, as this would exemplify careless unsafe behavior in MrWeitzels worldAnother employee he screwed over is [redacted] *** [redacted] told me he went to a fertilizer/pesticides course to become certifiedWhen he started to work with the chemicals, he started to begin feeling ill and consequently pursued employment elsewhereWhen he resigned, MrWeitzel made him pay for the courseHere is the response I received from Mr [redacted] verbatimHe made me pay the courseTold me it would not be good for me if I didn'tOnce again a bully who bullied another employee who told me it cost him $What disgraceful behavior and then to tell him it wouldn't be good for him if he didn'tWhat kind of a threat is this? I also want to point out that our sons reviews were never done by the employment manual date of April However in also reviewing innovative solutions payroll information, who prepares MrWeitzels payroll and setup on our sons employment account, the review date is actually listed as January NEVER, EVER in all the years he worked for MrWeitzel did this EVER HAPPEN!!! I have enclosed a copy of that detail within this responseWhen they were completed, there was never any retroactive back payI have gone back and calculated that back pay which is also attached here toBetween the damages our son had to pay and back pay he should have received, I have conservatively calculated a total of $3,due to our son, which is, I am sure much lower since his January reviews were NEVER done EVEN CLOSE to January Again, this shows the true character, integrity, classless, unprofessional employer, not to mention a bully and discriminatior our son was dealing withI would like to see if this is MrWeitzels practice with each and every employeeIf not, that would certainly constitute employee discriminationI doubt that Jay the supervisor and other employees have not had their reviews performed timely with getting their increases as due by their review date and that is a real problem for MrWeitzel And as for MrWeitzel, it is not the employees responsibility to do the yearly review on time, it is the employers responsibility to complete the annual yearly review by the review date, which as stated by the innovative solutions copy attached in this correspondence was January Tell us all why YOU/MrWeitzel did not complete ***'s reviews on time and pay him retroactively back to the review date ofJanuary 1??? I'm sure again you did not do this to all of your employeesWhat YOU/MrWeitzel did in my opinion whether you like it or not is nothing short of theft and the PA State Attorney Generals Office should be very interested in investigating these activitiesWith what MrWeitzel has clearly taken from all of us, our son and other customers as outlined within this response, it is no wonder he drives around in a brand new truck every one to two years, and believe me, if you talk to his employees, drive around doing nothing is all he does, and overcharging, screwing at least three of us customers and our son, makes life nice and easy for MrWeitzel, and these are the only other two customers I have talked to, beside our personal experience of being overcharged and ripped offIt is why his employees are a bunch of BUMS, because as the old saying goes, it all starts at the topWhat employees see, they become and the lack of work ethic with this bunch of BUMS says it allWhen our son first started for MrWeitzel, his crew told him to slow down as he was making them look badThis again shows how long these bunch of BUMS have been doing this and an employer who has allowed itBy the way, since our son has left MrWeitzels employment, in an eight month period he has received two raises and is expected to receive another very large raise in March or April, This shows what a GREAT WORK ETHIC our son hasHe will make more than double of what he has ever made under MrWeitzels employmentI also want you to know before MrWeitzel slings more of his mud THAT OUR SON IS AN ALCOHOLIC with a suspended licenseHis second DUI occurred after the March 27, work site accident and being called a m
nI believe Mr Weitzel certainly shares in this DUI after his disgraceful bullying, discriminatory behaviorMrWeitzel also said he should have drug tested him after the accidentI wished he would have as with his second DUI, and all of his DUI's in total, the blood testing showed no drugs in his system whatsoever Our son has not been a choir boy but has always given employers everything he has MrWeitzel also knows our son has a fully documented learning disability and very low self esteem, along with a damaged kidney from a very serious dirt bike accident and I believe this helped MrWeitzel take advantage of that as well while in his employment I have also been told by a very good source that their has been marijuana/pot smoking in MrWeitzel's trucks on the way to jobs by DaveI may not have complete physical proof, but that explains why no drug testing takes place and in all likelihood why MrWeitzel didn't drug test our son [redacted] on March 27, [redacted] confirmed with me while in the employment of MrWeitzel, he was never once drug or alcohol testedI wonder why that isDoes MrWeitzel know something about possible drug usage by his employees??? I have heard other things about some MrWeitzels other employees in the same veinI know you will defend them all as the choir boy employer you want to play yourself as, but to me , this explains why Dave is such a lazy BUMI have no explanation for Jay other than he appears to just be a lazy BUM because that is what he is It also amazed me as to why our son [redacted] and [redacted] used to mow the athletic fields on Saturdays when MrWeitzel had his own mowing crewJeff pointed out that MrWeitzel's mowing crew used to upset customers with ruts in their lawns and that MrWeitzel really didn't care about the lawn mowing part of the businessWhen mowing for the community, MrWeitzel wanted to have the best employees do the mowing to make things look good for him instead of the crew who would routinely put ruts in lawns.> As to the patio work your BUMS installed and screwed us over on, let's look at the bill which will show how you have been caughtYour October 17, email says that the completion timeframe will be two days and a bill of between $1,- $2,At $per hour for both BUMS, which is $per hour per BUM, at $per day would require your BUMS to be here hours a day, barely enough sunlight and workday time during the time of year that the patio was installed At $1,per day for your BUMS, that would compute to a 1/hour workday, totally impossible since there is no where near 1/hours of sunlight during that time of yearYour bill however states hours at $80./Hour forTWO BUMSFor a three day period per your October 17, and November 15, emails, they would have had to work 1/hours per dayBased on my sunrise and sunset charts of that time period, this is completely impossibleThat's call I GOTTCHA!!! I have attached the October and November sunrise and sunset charts for which bears out my argumentWith all of the standing around, b
g, smoking, trips to wawa, trips wasted to your yard for supposed supplies needed, although there must have been at least ten trips made(REALLY EFFICIENT) and God only knows what other time screwed away, at best, your two BUMS actually worked maybe hours a dayIf I am generous with hours a day, that computes to $per day for both BUMS, more than you deserve with the disgraceful work ethic of your two BUMSI am referencing an email dated November 15, which states with us doing the wall took an extra day and additional time to correct the base to get things right, more BS, since the base was already done and when you walked the patio to look at the job to do your estimate, your own words were that this will take very little to level which was in your two day estimate dated October 17, in an email also attached in this correspondence The other interesting part of the November 15th email is that you flew right by the $1,starting amount referenced in the October 17th email and went straight to the $2,amount, $more than the starting pointAs mentioned previously, this would have required a 1/hour workdayYour two BUMS didn't work a solid eight hour day much less a 1/hour workday especially since at best there was barely enough light for a ten hour dayBeing ungodly generous with an hour workday at per hour is $times the three days as stated in your emails of October 17th and November 15th, that totals $1,With the amount charged for materials which I also believe has also been very inflated, $Is more than generous for a total of $2,020, an overcharge in excess of $1,If I didn't know better, I am beginning to think you have charged me for the materials I bought and paid for, just so you could pull an even bigger profit from my pocketThe truth of the matter is you know you have been caught, which may give cause for criminal prosecution for intent to defraud and theft, especially with [redacted] information as to what he also went throughAs to my calling what you call your professional employees, they are nothing but two of the laziest BUMS I have ever seen and [redacted] backs me up on thatCoupled with the fact you never even showed your face on the job to see the complete lack of progress being madeYou have no clue what these two BUMS were doing and not getting accomplished As stated in prior correspondence, Dave did nothing but smoke on the job and I was there to see it during my many surprise visits which is more than I can say for youYour two BUMS, Jay and Dave spent countless hours [redacted] time away, wasting hours on retamping the tamping that was already done and by your own words would take little to correct.I have hired [redacted] to rebuild our wallThe estimate that was done was right on and their crew understood what the hard work meantThey came here, did the work they were hired for, completed it and were ten times more professional and more courteous than the two BUMS you sent and actually worked while on the job I was paying for [redacted] has also been back to do trimming, and some additional landscape workEach and every time they have either been right on with the estimate or even been underTheir professionalism makes YOU/MrWeitzel and the two BUMS you sent on our patio job look sickThey haven't mocked my wall that was starting to collapse, and by the way, had we dug the base a little deeper, that wall would still have been standing, but we at least tried and it made it - years, longer than the maybe months [redacted] wall stayed upWere you laughing at that with your great professionals who installed that? Once again, Dave and Jay, your two BUMS, are the same two [redacted] told me the same thing I am complaining about [redacted] has never addressed me as an angry old man or made smart remarks about how I am so smart I can't even attach a picture, by the way, a problem that occurred with my phoneOnce again your real professionalism and lack of class, integrity and character shines forthAt least I know how to do math and mine does not end up with some trumped up funny numbers that make no senseOpen your eyes and stop denying what these two BUMS are doingLook at my conversations with [redacted] and [redacted] ***Three for three that is 100% of three unhappy former customers and I haven't even had the chance to talk with I am sure many other unhappy customersAlso, when I got your overcharged bill, even though very unhappy with the bill, it was paid within a week, a practice I continue with [redacted] as I don't screw people over like you doI spoke to [redacted] and other contractors as to what was done on my patio, the estimate for the patio and the fact all the materials were within three feet of the patio and spread out to make life easy for your two BUMS as well as how the stone was already spread and tamped, approved by you other than for minor leveling and all of the wall materials within reaching distance and what I was chargedI thought their mouths would hit the groundThey told me they love jobs like that as the owner makes life very easy for themI was told by each of them, that to have to install that tiny wall and complete the patio, that I was way overchargedFace it, you have been caught and not only by me, but [redacted] and [redacted] ***.Just to again show backup for my many positions with MrWeitzels extremely unprofessional behavior, I had breakfast this past week of December 18th with a professional colleague of mine and mentioned MrWeitzels very unprofessional, classless remarksHis comment was that any business owner who exhibits behavior like this is the worst kind of businessman there isIt is one thing to think that toward a customer but to make those remarks especially in writing is clearly unconscionableI told him how MrWeitzel accused me of calling him an a
e and he has known me for a very long time and his comment was you have got to be kidding, I know you would never behave like thatI told him this is the way MrWeitzel operates by deflecting the attention away from the real issues and again taking the high road/real truth and attention away from the wrong he(MrWeitzel) has done instead of being a real man and taking responsibility for being caught in the way he has screwed over my wife and I with his new more modern math in our bill, our son who he screwed over on the worksite accident that was MrWeitzels fault and his lack of timely reviews and increases our son experienced yearly and then not being paid at his new rate by the review date as listed in the employee manual of April 1st/January 1st in our sons case, along with the breakdown on MrWeitzels fuzzy math calculations and how he screwed us over, on our patio billI also told him about the other customers referenced being the [redacted] and [redacted] and what he did to [redacted] the other former employee who he kept money from in another illegal fashionMy colleague told me he will make sure he not only never uses MrWeitzels business but I am sure his vast network of friends will never use him as wellHe made note of MrWeitzels name and business name as he was completely again, blown away by MrWeitzels very classless, unprofessional conductSeveral times his mouth almost hit the floor after hearing his complete classless and unprofessional mistreatment of all of us mentioned in this response.In summary you have stated you will not respond to the Revdex.com anymore, well I am just warming up with my list of authorities to contactYou will either repay what you have screwed us out of, a minimum of $1,along with the [redacted] and [redacted] ***, our son [redacted] with a gross wage payroll check before withholdings of $3,754.27, and [redacted] of the at least $you screwed him out of, also through payroll, or I will be contacting the Pennsylvania State Attorney Generals Office to look into filing criminal charges against you I think there is a good probability we can all file intent to defraud or criminal theft charges I will also be contacting [redacted] ***'s father, Lieutenant [redacted] from [redacted] Township to talk with him about starting an investigationYou may be able to bully/discriminate and push my son around as well as [redacted] ***, but you won't bully or push me around or Lieutenant Kratz I will let the authorities deal with you and they are just the beginning of the authorities I will be contacting[redacted] ***Harleysville, PA ***###-###-####> Sent from my ***
Please see attached
October 5, 2015
Dear [redacted],
This letter is in response to lD [redacted].
My company J.L. Weitzel Landscaping and Lawn Care, LLC has been in business for over 26 years and has never been sued or had a complaint filed with the Revdex.com. We were also a member of Revdex.com for a...
number of years. We have always done top quality work at a reasonable price. In addition we have always provided the highest level of customer service and have many testimonials on file about my company and specific employees to back that up.As you are aware this complaint is coming almost three years after work was completed which in itself is enough for you to dismiss the validity of [redacted] claim.
The work in question was completed as discussed with [redacted] and at no time did he ever convey his displeasure with our work or the final bill. In fact when he paid me he said how pleased he was that he was finally going to be able to relax and enjoy his patio which was previously installed by someone else incorrectly. Being that I have known [redacted] for many years, I am sure if he would not have hesitated to let me know if he was not happy. We had met and spoke many times after the patio was completed and he never gave any indication of being unhappy. He even asked me for an estimate to resurface his porch that is adjacent to the patio two months later. As you will see in the attached email that was originally about the additional work on the porch resurfacing he made it a point to express his happiness with the work we did on the patio as noted in pink highlight.
I would be glad to discuss this matter further if necessary but am sure you will make the right decision about this matter as it is your job not only to provide information to the Consumer but protect honest businesses that get bullied by customer. Thankfully businesses also have a website where we canreport problem customers.
[redacted] W., President
October 5, 2015Dear [redacted],This letter is in response to lD [redacted].My company J.L. Weitzel Landscaping and Lawn Care, LLC has been in business for over 26 years and has never been sued or had a complaint filed with the Revdex.com. We were also a member of Revdex.com for a number of years. We have always...
done top quality work at a reasonable price. In addition we have always provided the highest level of customer service and have many testimonials on file about my company and specific employees to back that up.As you are aware this complaint is coming almost three years after work was completed which in itself is enough for you to dismiss the validity of [redacted] claim.The work in question was completed as discussed with [redacted] and at no time did he ever convey his displeasure with our work or the final bill. In fact when he paid me he said how pleased he was that he was finally going to be able to relax and enjoy his patio which was previously installed by someone else incorrectly. Being that I have known [redacted] for many years, I am sure if he would not have hesitated to let me know if he was not happy. We had met and spoke many times after the patio was completed and he never gave any indication of being unhappy. He even asked me for an estimate to resurface his porch that is adjacent to the patio two months later. As you will see in the attached email that was originally about the additional work on the porch resurfacing he made it a point to express his happiness with the work we did on the patio as noted in pink highlight.I would be glad to discuss this matter further if necessary but am sure you will make the right decision about this matter as it is your job not only to provide information to the Consumer but protect honest businesses that get bullied by customer. Thankfully businesses also have a website where we canreport problem customers.Sincerely,[redacted] W., President
From: <[redacted].com>Date: Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 7:39 AMSubject: Fwd: JL Weitzel Landscaping - complaint #[redacted] - response to November 6, 2015 JL Weitzel responseTo: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>Cc: [redacted] <[redacted].com>> To [redacted]:> I am responding to the correspondence form Mr. Weitzel dated November 6, 2015. As you can see by the nasty opening part of his letter, his real true lack of character, integrity, classless and unprofessional attitude keep coming forward. His accusation of my calling him an a
e never happened. It is again his way of deflecting attention away from the issues he skirts and dances around rather than face the real truth. I will be attaching numerous pieces of correspondence and emails going back and forth which will bear out that my claim is not absurd or bogus, but complete facts. Mr. Weitzel knows he has been caught and is doing his usual back peddling and excuse making to move attention away from all of the issues. Let's look at his many very classy unprofessional comments which are supported by all of the attached documents. Called me "an angry old man", said in an email your so smart you don't even know how to attach a picture, also in an email said your wall looks awesome, which was after our corner wall had started to collapse which was there for a 9 - 10 year period. See the email attached from Mr. Weitzels job and the dissatisfaction at [redacted] house. I have also attached an email from my conversation with [redacted] and how unhappy she was with Mr. Weitzel that two years ago she terminated his services. Her best comment was that Freedom lawn care and landscapes workers really know how tooooo work!!! Sounds quite familiar as my conversation with [redacted] again backs my statements up 1,000% about at least two of the BUMS that were on my patio. The real absurd and bogus person is Mr. Weitzel. I would suggest he look up both words in the dictionary and maybe learn the meaning as they along with my opening comments describe exactly who he really is, along with being a bully and the discrimination he has exhibited towards our son and [redacted]. In Mr. Weitzels most recent response, If Mr. Weitzel would have taken a loss, then step up now and take the loss. You have been caught and don't know what to do. Mr. Weitzels other really bogus /absurd comment, wouldn't have retaliated against my son? Really? Let's look at March 27, 2013 when you were pushing the hell out of our son (also named [redacted]) and his supervisor Jay, who were on a job and our son, who tries to always please people/employers overloaded the skid loader trying to work harder and finish the job they were unfairly being pushed to get done causing the skid loader to tip into the dump body of the truck damaging the truck body and a rim/tire. Mr. Weitzel not only called our son a m
n, but through duress and coercion made him pay for the damages to the tune of $1,374.81, a worksite accident that was Mr. Weitzels fault, but of course, one in which as usual he takes no responsibility or accountability for his disgraceful behavior. A work site accident which could have seriously injured our son who has a damaged kidney Mr. Weitzel is well aware of. The fact that he was on a piece of somewhat heavy equipment with no hard hat, ear protection or special work boots says it all to the safety practices of Mr. Weitzel as an employer. What if he had been seriously injured. He probably would have still been expected to pay the damages that his employer caused by pushing the job into an unsafe situation. What the hell though, it was our sons fault, never Mr. Weitzels who again takes no responsibility or accountability for his outrageous behavior. By the way, where he works now which is with very heavy equipment, hard hats, ear protection and special boots are required. What a difference. His supervisor Jay was very pissed off at the way Mr. Weitzel was pushing them and then, when our son was forced to pay the damages, was again very angry that Mr. Weitzel made our son pay the damages, and believe me as you can see by his behavior, our son would have lost his job. So to say he would not have retaliated against our son is the biggest line of BS there is with our dissatisfaction on the overpriced final bill we received for our patio. A real professional would admit he screwed us and our son over, paid the wages he screwed him out of and paid us for his outrageous overcharge. Mr. Weitzel has also never denied calling our son a m
n, which in the labor world today constitutes bullying. Mr. Weitzel without a doubt is a bully and has discriminated against our son and another employee referenced within this correspondence. All employees should be paying for any damages to any equipment, whether small or large, as this would exemplify careless unsafe behavior in Mr. Weitzels world. Another employee he screwed over is [redacted]. **. [redacted] told me he went to a fertilizer/pesticides course to become certified. When he started to work with the chemicals, he started to begin feeling ill and consequently pursued employment elsewhere. When he resigned, Mr. Weitzel made him pay for the course. Here is the response I received from Mr. [redacted] verbatim. He made me pay the course. Told me it would not be good for me if I didn't. Once again a bully who bullied another employee who told me it cost him $400.00. What disgraceful behavior and then to tell him it wouldn't be good for him if he didn't. What kind of a threat is this? I also want to point out that our sons reviews were never done by the employment manual date of April 1. However in also reviewing innovative solutions payroll information, who prepares Mr. Weitzels payroll and setup on our sons employment account, the review date is actually listed as January 1. NEVER, EVER in all the years he worked for Mr. Weitzel did this EVER HAPPEN!!! I have enclosed a copy of that detail within this response. When they were completed, there was never any retroactive back pay. I have gone back and calculated that back pay which is also attached here to. Between the damages our son had to pay and back pay he should have received, I have conservatively calculated a total of $3,754.27 due to our son, which is, I am sure much lower since his January 1 reviews were NEVER done EVEN CLOSE to January 1. Again, this shows the true character, integrity, classless, unprofessional employer, not to mention a bully and discriminatior our son was dealing with. I would like to see if this is Mr. Weitzels practice with each and every employee. If not, that would certainly constitute employee discrimination. I doubt that Jay the supervisor and other employees have not had their reviews performed timely with getting their increases as due by their review date and that is a real problem for Mr. Weitzel. And as for Mr. Weitzel, it is not the employees responsibility to do the yearly review on time, it is the employers responsibility to complete the annual yearly review by the review date, which as stated by the innovative solutions copy attached in this correspondence was January 1. Tell us all why YOU/Mr. Weitzel did not complete [redacted]'s reviews on time and pay him retroactively back to the review date ofJanuary 1??? I'm sure again you did not do this to all of your employees. What YOU/Mr. Weitzel did in my opinion whether you like it or not is nothing short of theft and the PA State Attorney Generals Office should be very interested in investigating these activities. With what Mr. Weitzel has clearly taken from all of us, our son and other customers as outlined within this response, it is no wonder he drives around in a brand new truck every one to two years, and believe me, if you talk to his employees, drive around doing nothing is all he does, and overcharging, screwing at least three of us customers and our son, makes life nice and easy for Mr. Weitzel, and these are the only other two customers I have talked to, beside our personal experience of being overcharged and ripped off. It is why his employees are a bunch of BUMS, because as the old saying goes, it all starts at the top. What employees see, they become and the lack of work ethic with this bunch of BUMS says it all. When our son first started for Mr. Weitzel, his crew told him to slow down as he was making them look bad. This again shows how long these bunch of BUMS have been doing this and an employer who has allowed it. By the way, since our son has left Mr. Weitzels employment, in an eight month period he has received two raises and is expected to receive another very large raise in March or April, 2016. This shows what a GREAT WORK ETHIC our son has. He will make more than double of what he has ever made under Mr. Weitzels employment. I also want you to know before Mr. Weitzel slings more of his mud THAT OUR SON IS AN ALCOHOLIC with a suspended license. His second DUI occurred after the March 27, 2013 work site accident and being called a m
n. I believe Mr Weitzel certainly shares in this DUI after his disgraceful bullying, discriminatory behavior. Mr. Weitzel also said he should have drug tested him after the accident. I wished he would have as with his second DUI, and all of his 3 DUI's in total, the blood testing showed no drugs in his system whatsoever. Our son has not been a choir boy but has always given employers everything he has. Mr. Weitzel also knows our son has a fully documented learning disability and very low self esteem, along with a damaged kidney from a very serious dirt bike accident and I believe this helped Mr. Weitzel take advantage of that as well while in his employment. I have also been told by a very good source that their has been marijuana/pot smoking in Mr. Weitzel's trucks on the way to jobs by Dave. I may not have complete physical proof, but that explains why no drug testing takes place and in all likelihood why Mr. Weitzel didn't drug test our son [redacted] on March 27, 2013. [redacted] confirmed with me while in the employment of Mr. Weitzel, he was never once drug or alcohol tested. I wonder why that is. Does Mr. Weitzel know something about possible drug usage by his employees??? I have heard other things about some Mr. Weitzels other employees in the same vein. I know you will defend them all as the choir boy employer you want to play yourself as, but to me , this explains why Dave is such a lazy BUM. I have no explanation for Jay other than he appears to just be a lazy BUM because that is what he is. It also amazed me as to why our son [redacted] and [redacted] used to mow the athletic fields on Saturdays when Mr. Weitzel had his own mowing crew. Jeff pointed out that Mr. Weitzel's mowing crew used to upset customers with ruts in their lawns and that Mr. Weitzel really didn't care about the lawn mowing part of the business. When mowing for the community, Mr. Weitzel wanted to have the best employees do the mowing to make things look good for him instead of the crew who would routinely put ruts in lawns.> As to the patio work your BUMS installed and screwed us over on, let's look at the bill which will show how you have been caught. Your October 17, 2012 email says that the completion timeframe will be two days and a bill of between $1,600 - $2,000. At $80. per hour for both BUMS, which is $40. per hour per BUM, at $800. per day would require your BUMS to be here 10 hours a day, barely enough sunlight and workday time during the time of year that the patio was installed. At $1,000. per day for your BUMS, that would compute to a 12 1/2 hour workday, totally impossible since there is no where near 12 1/2 hours of sunlight during that time of year. Your bill however states 46.5 hours at $80./Hour forTWO BUMS. For a three day period per your October 17, 2012 and November 15, 2012 emails, they would have had to work 15 1/2 hours per day. Based on my sunrise and sunset charts of that time period, this is completely impossible. That's call I GOTTCHA!!! I have attached the October and November sunrise and sunset charts for 2012 which bears out my argument. With all of the standing around, b
g, smoking, trips to wawa, trips wasted to your yard for supposed supplies needed, although there must have been at least ten trips made(REALLY EFFICIENT) and God only knows what other time screwed away, at best, your two BUMS actually worked maybe 6 hours a day. If I am generous with 8 hours a day, that computes to $640. per day for both BUMS, more than you deserve with the disgraceful work ethic of your two BUMS. I am referencing an email dated November 15, 2012 which states with us doing the wall took an extra day and additional time to correct the base to get things right, more BS, since the base was already done and when you walked the patio to look at the job to do your estimate, your own words were that this will take very little to level which was in your two day estimate dated October 17, 2012 in an email also attached in this correspondence. The other interesting part of the November 15th email is that you flew right by the $1,600. starting amount referenced in the October 17th email and went straight to the $2,000. amount, $400. more than the starting point. As mentioned previously, this would have required a 12 1/2 hour workday. Your two BUMS didn't work a solid eight hour day much less a 12 1/2 hour workday especially since at best there was barely enough light for a ten hour day. Being ungodly generous with an 8 hour workday at 80. per hour is $640. times the three days as stated in your emails of October 17th and November 15th, that totals $1,920. With the amount charged for materials which I also believe has also been very inflated, $100. Is more than generous for a total of $2,020, an overcharge in excess of $1,600. If I didn't know better, I am beginning to think you have charged me for the materials I bought and paid for, just so you could pull an even bigger profit from my pocket. The truth of the matter is you know you have been caught, which may give cause for criminal prosecution for intent to defraud and theft, especially with [redacted] information as to what he also went through. As to my calling what you call your professional employees, they are nothing but two of the laziest BUMS I have ever seen and [redacted] backs me up on that. Coupled with the fact you never even showed your face on the job to see the complete lack of progress being made. You have no clue what these two BUMS were doing and not getting accomplished. As stated in prior correspondence, Dave did nothing but smoke on the job and I was there to see it during my many surprise visits which is more than I can say for you. Your two BUMS, Jay and Dave spent countless hours [redacted] time away, wasting hours on retamping the tamping that was already done and by your own words would take little to correct.I have hired [redacted] to rebuild our wall. The estimate that was done was right on and their crew understood what the hard work meant. They came here, did the work they were hired for, completed it and were ten times more professional and more courteous than the two BUMS you sent and actually worked while on the job I was paying for. [redacted] has also been back to do trimming, and some additional landscape work. Each and every time they have either been right on with the estimate or even been under. Their professionalism makes YOU/Mr. Weitzel and the two BUMS you sent on our patio job look sick. They haven't mocked my wall that was starting to collapse, and by the way, had we dug the base a little deeper, that wall would still have been standing, but we at least tried and it made it 9 - 10 years, longer than the maybe 6 months [redacted] wall stayed up. Were you laughing at that with your great professionals who installed that? Once again, Dave and Jay, your two BUMS, are the same two [redacted] told me the same thing I am complaining about. [redacted] has never addressed me as an angry old man or made smart remarks about how I am so smart I can't even attach a picture, by the way, a problem that occurred with my phone. Once again your real professionalism and lack of class, integrity and character shines forth. At least I know how to do math and mine does not end up with some trumped up funny numbers that make no sense. Open your eyes and stop denying what these two BUMS are doing. Look at my conversations with [redacted] and [redacted]. Three for three that is 100% of three unhappy former customers and I haven't even had the chance to talk with I am sure many other unhappy customers. Also, when I got your overcharged bill, even though very unhappy with the bill, it was paid within a week, a practice I continue with [redacted] as I don't screw people over like you do. I spoke to [redacted] and other contractors as to what was done on my patio, the estimate for the patio and the fact all the materials were within three feet of the patio and spread out to make life easy for your two BUMS as well as how the stone was already spread and tamped, approved by you other than for minor leveling and all of the wall materials within reaching distance and what I was charged. I thought their mouths would hit the ground. They told me they love jobs like that as the owner makes life very easy for them. I was told by each of them, that to have to install that tiny wall and complete the patio, that I was way overcharged. Face it, you have been caught and not only by me, but [redacted] and [redacted].Just to again show backup for my many positions with Mr. Weitzels extremely unprofessional behavior, I had breakfast this past week of December 18th with a professional colleague of mine and mentioned Mr. Weitzels very unprofessional, classless remarks. His comment was that any business owner who exhibits behavior like this is the worst kind of businessman there is. It is one thing to think that toward a customer but to make those remarks especially in writing is clearly unconscionable. I told him how Mr. Weitzel accused me of calling him an a
e and he has known me for a very long time and his comment was you have got to be kidding, I know you would never behave like that. I told him this is the way Mr. Weitzel operates by deflecting the attention away from the real issues and again taking the high road/real truth and attention away from the wrong he(Mr. Weitzel) has done instead of being a real man and taking responsibility for being caught in the way he has screwed over my wife and I with his new more modern math in our bill, our son who he screwed over on the worksite accident that was Mr. Weitzels fault and his lack of timely reviews and increases our son experienced yearly and then not being paid at his new rate by the review date as listed in the employee manual of April 1st/January 1st in our sons case, along with the breakdown on Mr. Weitzels fuzzy math calculations and how he screwed us over, on our patio bill. I also told him about the other customers referenced being the [redacted] and [redacted] and what he did to [redacted] the other former employee who he kept money from in another illegal fashion. My colleague told me he will make sure he not only never uses Mr. Weitzels business but I am sure his vast network of friends will never use him as well. He made note of Mr. Weitzels name and business name as he was completely again, blown away by Mr. Weitzels very classless, unprofessional conduct. Several times his mouth almost hit the floor after hearing his complete classless and unprofessional mistreatment of all of us mentioned in this response.In summary you have stated you will not respond to the Revdex.com anymore, well I am just warming up with my list of authorities to contact. You will either repay what you have screwed us out of, a minimum of $1,600. along with the [redacted] and [redacted], our son [redacted] with a gross wage payroll check before withholdings of $3,754.27, and [redacted] of the at least $400. you screwed him out of, also through payroll, or I will be contacting the Pennsylvania State Attorney Generals Office to look into filing criminal charges against you. I think there is a good probability we can all file intent to defraud or criminal theft charges. I will also be contacting [redacted]'s father, Lieutenant [redacted] from [redacted] Township to talk with him about starting an investigation. You may be able to bully/discriminate and push my son around as well as [redacted], but you won't bully or push me around or Lieutenant Kratz. I will let the authorities deal with you and they are just the beginning of the authorities I will be contacting.[redacted]Harleysville, PA [redacted]###-###-####> Sent from my [redacted]