Hello [redacted] , This is in regards to Revdex.com complaint ID: [redacted] We would like to inform [redacted] that a refund of $was already proceeded on ***June, 2015.Please find enclosed a copy ofRefund in the amount of $to [redacted] Thank you, [redacted]
In response to the concern raised by [redacted] , we wish to bring your attention to thefollowing facts and figures in regards to complaint no. [redacted] .1. [redacted] Apr – 2015 @ 11:25PM– This reservation was made by our mutual client from Detroit Wayne... to PuertoPlata for [redacted] July a one way reservation, on our website [redacted] by accepting all TERMS AND CONDITION, Itinerary and the Total Fare of$958.80 USD. After credit card verification was done, the booking was sent forissuance of tickets. At this point, we were notified that separate tickets needto be issued due to non- Interline Agreement between the two Airlines, AmericanAirlines (AA). And InterCaribbean Airways. We issued the tickets same day forboth airline separately and confirmation has been e-mailed to client e-mail @ [redacted] .2. [redacted] May – 2015 @ 11:57AM – We got acall from our mutual client [redacted] regarding booking confirmation, there wenoticed that Inter Caribbean airline had made scheduled change, after talkingto the airline and investigating properly, we were only left with the option toapply for a full refund because airline is not providing any other flight forthe particular date or other, except full refund. 3. [redacted] May- 2015 @ 03:35PM – We calledand advice [redacted] about cancellation made by InterCaribbean airline, due tothis airline had provided full refund for their portion, however this has notbeen accepted by our mutual client and insisting us to refund for Americanairline portion which ethically not possible , because both airline tickets hasbeen issued separately due to Interline agreement of e-tickets as mentionedabove and in our TERMS AND CONDITIONS as well , which we had made much clear onMulti airlines rules, URL’s and links mentioned below. [redacted] (Booking confirmation URL) [redacted] (Multi airline rulesunder Terms and Conditions)· We have noticed that [redacted] had purchased travel Insurance with us, which cover trip interruptionand cancellation, 4. On [redacted] June -2015- We immediatelycalled and left voice message on # [redacted] and e-mail sent to [redacted] one-mail @ [redacted] , mentioning that we aretrying for the refund for American airline ticket, because of cancellation madeby Inter Caribbean airline. However approval of refund is a whole discretion ofthe Insurance company, but we are trying on behalf of our mutual client [redacted] From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ]Sent: Friday, June **, 2015 2:36 AMTo: AnkitSubject: Re: FW: ***TRIP CANCELLATION, DELAY, INTERRUPTION CLAIM FORM [redacted] Fare Buzz Booking number [redacted] ,Attached is the form needed for the refund. If there is anything elseneeded please let me knowOn Tue, Jun *, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Ankit < [redacted] >wrote:Dear [redacted] ,This is in reference to booking number [redacted] ,We really apologize for the inconvenience caused due to cancel/ Interrupt toyour flight reservation.Please find Attached PDF, form from Insurance providers which you have to filland send it back to us, so that we can forward the same to Insurance company tofile a claim on behalf of you, to get a refund for American airline,Because the flight reservation which you booked with us from Detroit to PuertoPlata, which has been booked on American airline and Inter Caribbean airlinehas been cancelled. Due to Involuntary change by Inter Caribbean airlineas they had revoked their operations and cancelled the partial flights,We noticed you had purchased Insurance with us from Seven Corners a Insuranceproviders, we are filling a refund request with them for the American airlineportion, we request you to co-operate with us and fill the attach form and sendit back to us, so that we can try for the refund for American airline tickets.If you have any query, please get in touch with me directly by replying to thesame e-mail or call me at ###-###-####.Thank you, [redacted] -----Original Message-----From: Seven Corners Claims [mailto: [redacted] ]Sent: Friday, June **, 2015 1:33 PMTo: [redacted] Subject: ***TRIP CANCELLATION, DELAY, INTERRUPTION CLAIM FORM [redacted] Dear Claimant,I am sorry to hear that you had to cancel/delay/interrupt your flight. Please review your One Travel policy for policy provisions and exclusions. Ifyou decide to file a claim and need further assistance, please call ourCustomer Service team at ###-###-####. Please do not return the claimforms to the email they are sent from as they will not be reviewed. You canreturn the claim forms to [redacted] orby fax to Attn: Claims at ###-###-####. Thank you.From the above facts, itshoes that Fare Buzz made every effort and always willing to help client, andnot at a fault, it’s important for us that Fare Buzz would have to strictlyabide by all Airlines’ rules and regulations related to ticketing. Moreover, asper our Terms and Conditions which clearly states about multi airlinecancellation rules where Itinerary consists of more than one airline, thereforetwo separate fare rules will be apply, if your initial flight is cancelled orthe schedule is changed by either you or the airline, the other airline withwhich you booked your return flight is not obligated to issue a refund orchange your itinerary. You are responsible for complying with each airline'sterms and conditions.Still we are trying ourbest to work with Insurance Company as mentioned above if passenger can get arefund for unused portion on American airline due to cancellation of InterCaribbean airline portion.We request our mutualclient to wait for the response from the Insurance Company and if anyadditional information required please bear with us.Thank you, [redacted]
Hello [redacted] , This is in regards to Revdex.com complaint ID: [redacted] We would like to inform [redacted] that a refund of $was already proceeded on ***June, 2015.Please find enclosed a copy ofRefund in the amount of $to [redacted] Thank you, [redacted]
In response to the concern raised by [redacted] , we wish to bring your attention to thefollowing facts and figures in regards to complaint no. [redacted] .1. [redacted] Apr – 2015 @ 11:25PM– This reservation was made by our mutual client from Detroit Wayne... to PuertoPlata for [redacted] July a one way reservation, on our website [redacted] by accepting all TERMS AND CONDITION, Itinerary and the Total Fare of$958.80 USD. After credit card verification was done, the booking was sent forissuance of tickets. At this point, we were notified that separate tickets needto be issued due to non- Interline Agreement between the two Airlines, AmericanAirlines (AA). And InterCaribbean Airways. We issued the tickets same day forboth airline separately and confirmation has been e-mailed to client e-mail @ [redacted] .2. [redacted] May – 2015 @ 11:57AM – We got acall from our mutual client [redacted] regarding booking confirmation, there wenoticed that Inter Caribbean airline had made scheduled change, after talkingto the airline and investigating properly, we were only left with the option toapply for a full refund because airline is not providing any other flight forthe particular date or other, except full refund. 3. [redacted] May- 2015 @ 03:35PM – We calledand advice [redacted] about cancellation made by InterCaribbean airline, due tothis airline had provided full refund for their portion, however this has notbeen accepted by our mutual client and insisting us to refund for Americanairline portion which ethically not possible , because both airline tickets hasbeen issued separately due to Interline agreement of e-tickets as mentionedabove and in our TERMS AND CONDITIONS as well , which we had made much clear onMulti airlines rules, URL’s and links mentioned below. [redacted] (Booking confirmation URL) [redacted] (Multi airline rulesunder Terms and Conditions)· We have noticed that [redacted] had purchased travel Insurance with us, which cover trip interruptionand cancellation, 4. On [redacted] June -2015- We immediatelycalled and left voice message on # [redacted] and e-mail sent to [redacted] one-mail @ [redacted] , mentioning that we aretrying for the refund for American airline ticket, because of cancellation madeby Inter Caribbean airline. However approval of refund is a whole discretion ofthe Insurance company, but we are trying on behalf of our mutual client [redacted] From: [redacted] [mailto: [redacted] ]Sent: Friday, June **, 2015 2:36 AMTo: AnkitSubject: Re: FW: ***TRIP CANCELLATION, DELAY, INTERRUPTION CLAIM FORM [redacted] Fare Buzz Booking number [redacted] ,Attached is the form needed for the refund. If there is anything elseneeded please let me knowOn Tue, Jun *, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Ankit < [redacted] >wrote:Dear [redacted] ,This is in reference to booking number [redacted] ,We really apologize for the inconvenience caused due to cancel/ Interrupt toyour flight reservation.Please find Attached PDF, form from Insurance providers which you have to filland send it back to us, so that we can forward the same to Insurance company tofile a claim on behalf of you, to get a refund for American airline,Because the flight reservation which you booked with us from Detroit to PuertoPlata, which has been booked on American airline and Inter Caribbean airlinehas been cancelled. Due to Involuntary change by Inter Caribbean airlineas they had revoked their operations and cancelled the partial flights,We noticed you had purchased Insurance with us from Seven Corners a Insuranceproviders, we are filling a refund request with them for the American airlineportion, we request you to co-operate with us and fill the attach form and sendit back to us, so that we can try for the refund for American airline tickets.If you have any query, please get in touch with me directly by replying to thesame e-mail or call me at ###-###-####.Thank you, [redacted] -----Original Message-----From: Seven Corners Claims [mailto: [redacted] ]Sent: Friday, June **, 2015 1:33 PMTo: [redacted] Subject: ***TRIP CANCELLATION, DELAY, INTERRUPTION CLAIM FORM [redacted] Dear Claimant,I am sorry to hear that you had to cancel/delay/interrupt your flight. Please review your One Travel policy for policy provisions and exclusions. Ifyou decide to file a claim and need further assistance, please call ourCustomer Service team at ###-###-####. Please do not return the claimforms to the email they are sent from as they will not be reviewed. You canreturn the claim forms to [redacted] orby fax to Attn: Claims at ###-###-####. Thank you.From the above facts, itshoes that Fare Buzz made every effort and always willing to help client, andnot at a fault, it’s important for us that Fare Buzz would have to strictlyabide by all Airlines’ rules and regulations related to ticketing. Moreover, asper our Terms and Conditions which clearly states about multi airlinecancellation rules where Itinerary consists of more than one airline, thereforetwo separate fare rules will be apply, if your initial flight is cancelled orthe schedule is changed by either you or the airline, the other airline withwhich you booked your return flight is not obligated to issue a refund orchange your itinerary. You are responsible for complying with each airline'sterms and conditions.Still we are trying ourbest to work with Insurance Company as mentioned above if passenger can get arefund for unused portion on American airline due to cancellation of InterCaribbean airline portion.We request our mutualclient to wait for the response from the Insurance Company and if anyadditional information required please bear with us.Thank you, [redacted]