Review posted has many inaccuracies. Father is not happy that his needs were not met in divorce/custody proceedings. As an officer of the Family Court, I am prohibited from providing details. Website should remove false reviews after checking out allegations and finding they are inaccurate or false.
this is my opinion of J C Metzger ,
16 hours of training to be a Gal On Maui Hawaii
Guardian ad litem for the Kids
A guardian ad litem is a unique type of guardian in a relationship that has been created by a court order only for the duration of a legal action. Courts appoint these special representatives for infants, minors, and mentally incompetent persons, all of whom generally need help protecting their rights in court.Jean Metzger or gals working for devorce att.. (Maui) who claims to have a Doctorate degree in education. My opinion is that is an on line degree and nto reflected in her performance.
gal on Maui with 16 hours of training and no custody qualifications certifications making recommendations on custody in divorce cases
and the judges on Maui are making sole custody decisions without custody evaluator reports.
knowing that Gals are not trained and not the job of Gal ---- Guardian ad Litem
Those Domestic court Judges permitting this are placing the needs of one parent and attorneys over those of the children. This has been going on for 12 years here and no one is reporting this .
supporting attorneys and her needs and not those of children. as the attorneys are guiding the Gals include custody recommendations and not impartial record keeping and reporting
they are siding with who ever will pay the most
To my knowledge she never had any kids of her own, and the role model that she presents to kids
leaves a lot to be desired. get a photo of her you will be amazed, her billing methods and Claims to have a Dr degree in education . And on top of all this she hires her own attorney and bills you
to represent her in your case.
One of her close associated attorneys is Diane Ho that in my opinion ( based on the records) they work together toward the goals of Ho clients wishes.
the above is my opinion only
this is my opinion of J C Metzger ,
16 hours of training to be a Gal On Maui Hawaii
Guardian ad litem for the Kids
A guardian ad litem is a unique type of guardian in a relationship that has been created by a court order only for the duration of a legal action. Courts appoint these special representatives for infants, minors, and mentally incompetent persons, all of whom generally need help protecting their rights in court.Jean Metzger or gals working for devorce att.. (Maui) who claims to have a Doctorate degree in education. My opinion is that is an on line degree and nto reflected in her performance.
gal on Maui with 16 hours of training and no custody qualifications certifications making recommendations on custody in divorce cases
and the judges on Maui are making sole custody decisions without custody evaluator reports.
knowing that Gals are not trained and not the job of Gal ---- Guardian ad Litem
Those Domestic court Judges permitting this are placing the needs of one parent and attorneys over those of the children. This has been going on for 12 years here and no one is reporting this .
supporting attorneys and her needs and not those of children. as the attorneys are guiding the Gals include custody recommendations and not impartial record keeping and reporting
they are siding with who ever will pay the most
To my knowledge she never had any kids of her own, and the role model that she presents to kids
leaves a lot to be desired. get a photo of her you will be amazed, her billing methods and Claims to have a Dr degree in education . And on top of all this she hires her own attorney and bills you
to represent her in your case.
One of her close associated attorneys is Diane Ho that in my opinion ( based on the records) they work together toward the goals of Ho clients wishes.
the above is my opinion only