James River Insurance Company Reviews (45)
James River Insurance Company Rating
Description: Insurance Agency, Insurance Agencies and Brokerages (NAICS: 524210)
Address: 6641 W Broad St Ste 300, Richmond, Virginia, United States, 23230-1728
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Good afternoon, Attached please find our response to the above noted complaint. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you have any problems opening the attachment or require anything further. Thank you! Meggie D[redacted], AIC, AINS, MHRMClaims Project ManagerJames...
River Insurance CompanyP.O. Box [redacted], VA [redacted]-[redacted]Phone: [redacted]Fax: ([redacted]) [redacted]-[redacted]
We received Revdex.com Complaint/Case # [redacted] yesterday, April 20th 2017. I apologize for the delay, as the complaint letter was dated April 11, 2017 and requires a response within 7 days. This matter has been resolved with the customer, Mr. [redacted]. This accident was reported to...
James River on March 21, 2017 by [redacted], the Partner Driver’s personal insurance company. The first notice of loss indicated that Mr. [redacted] was rear ended by the partner driver. Our adjuster attempted to contact the Partner Driver numerous times to confirm the facts of loss. The Partner Driver was uncooperative with the investigation. We should have followed up with [redacted] to obtain the information they had from the Partner Driver, instead of only reaching out to them directly for their statement. This was the cause of the delay in the investigation. It was not until this morning, that we learned [redacted] had a recorded statement from the Partner Driver and reported the claim to us based on that information. They could not handle the claim, since the Partner Driver was driving on the [redacted] at the time of the accident, which is not covered by the personal insurance carrier. Had we reached out to [redacted] sooner, we would have been able to accept liability and handle the claim prior to a complaint being filed. At this time, liability has been accepted. Mr. [redacted] has been contacted and an estimate has been set up for his vehicle. After the estimate is completed, we will pay for the repairs to his rear bumper and trunk lid. We will offer him a rental as well while his vehicle is being repaired. Mr. [redacted] was very understanding and appreciated our assistance. We again apologize for the delay in handling, the matter has been addressed with the handling adjuster and we do not foresee any other issues moving forward. Thank you. Amber H[redacted]Claims Manager[redacted] Direct[redacted] Fax[redacted], VA [redacted]
Please see attachment.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear...
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
Dear [redacted]
Thank you for helping me out in this case and James River insurance cooperated and I was able to fix my car and they paid for my rental as well.Thank you again for helping me out and resolving this case.Your need in these times is much more required by people to speak to business and get their resolutions.Much gratitude and regards,[redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]: James River Insurance Company ("James River") is in receipt of The Revdex.com Complaint No. [redacted] filed by [redacted]. James River is the automobile insurance carrier for [redacted]. (more commonly referred to as [redacted], which is legally...
incorrect). The James River policy is a Business Auto Policy. The policy number is [redacted]. The policy is effective 12/21/2014-3/01 /2016 and provides Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Coverage as well as Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage to [redacted] Partner Drivers subject to certain conditions and exclusions. In this case the [redacted] partner driver, [redacted], was on a trip with a [redacted] passenger when she was involved in a rear-end collision with an uninsured motorist who fled the scene. As a result of the accident, Ms. [redacted] was injured. In this circumstance, Ms. [redacted] was eligible to utilize the Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage. At Ms. [redacted]'s request, we processed her Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury claim and made her a reasonable settlement offer on May 11, 2016. Ms. [redacted] was not satisfied with the offer we made and made a counter demand. We re-evaluated the claim and made another offer to Ms. [redacted] on May 19, 2016 to which she also rejected. After Ms. [redacted] presented us with additional information to document an increase in the value of her claim, we made another offer which was also rejected. After several rounds of negotiations, the final offer of $17,205.54 was made July 22, 2016. As an automobile insurer, James River has an obligation to pay all sums the "insured" is entitled to recover as compensatory damages from the owner or driver of an uninsured motor vehicle. We only owe what is fair compensation and we base our evaluations of bodily injury claims on recent jury verdict research and years of experience. While James River can appreciate that Ms. [redacted] underwent a very traumatic and painful experience by being rear ended by a vehicle who fled the scene, we are unable to satisfy her last demand of $25,000. We have explained this to Ms. [redacted] and she indicated in her response that she may hire a lawyer. The claims examiner, Tyler R[redacted], asked Ms. [redacted] to let us know if she hired a lawyer as all further communication would have to go through the law firm. Following that conversation, Ms. [redacted] reached out to the Mr. R[redacted]'s manager, Joyce S[redacted], to express her dissatisfaction with the offer we made. Ms. S[redacted] documented the July 25, 2016 telephone call in the file notes and there is no indication in those notes that Ms. [redacted] asked to speak to Ms. S[redacted]' supervisor. While the above represents a review of the file, the actual complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] appears to be related to the conversation she had with Joyce S[redacted]. As Ms. S[redacted]' manager, I am in receipt of her complaint and my contact information is below in the event Ms. [redacted] would like to speak further regarding this matter. Again, I would like to reiterate that I have reviewed the claim file and I believe the file was properly evaluated at $17,205.54. If Ms. [redacted] has additional information which may impact the value of the claim, which has not already been conveyed, we stand by ready to receive such information. While we fully understand the claims process can be frustrating and confusing; I feel the examiner and the manager handled the subject claim in a timely, courteous and professional manner. If you have any additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Courtenay [redacted], AIC, SCLA
Dear Ms.[redacted]: I am in receipt of The Better BusinessBureau Complaint [redacted] made by [redacted]. Your cover letterstates that the Complaint was made on 02/17/2015; however, I didn’t receiveyour letter until February 27, 2015. Since receiving The Better Business...
BureauComplaint I have reviewed the James River Insurance Company (“James River”)claim file and I will provide a brief summary of the claim to this point. Theinitial loss notice came to our office on January 27, 2015 and the claim wasquickly assigned to a Claims Examiner the same day. Within the initial lossnotice, our policyholder provided a “Reporting Form” which did not include thename and contact information of [redacted] then left avoicemail for the Claims Examiner which provided the needed name and contactinformation. The Claims Examiner then returned her call on February 06, 2015and left a voicemail asking for a return call. The Claims Examiner notes fromher call log that a call came in from Ms. [redacted] on February 12, 2015 but shewas out of the office. The Claims Examiner’s voicemail message noted that shewas out of the office through February 16th and included the name of her back-upto be contacted in her absence. The office was closed on February 16th due tothe President’s Day Holiday and then again on the 17th due to inclement weatherconditions in the area. The Claims Examiner was unable to make it into theoffice on the 18th due to the inclement weather. Again, the voicemail providedthe back-up Claims Examiner’s contact information if immediate assistance wasneeded. The Claims Examiner returned the call to Ms. [redacted] on February 20,2015 and set up an inspection for the vehicle. The check was issued to theclaimant on February 27, 2015. The Claims Examiner called Ms. [redacted] and lefta message regarding the check. Furthermore, the Claims Examiner sent an emailadvising of the check and the procedures for supplemental damage and a rentalvehicle. I believe that Ms. [redacted] concerns have been addressed and theclaim has been resolved with the exception of any additional damage that may befound once the customer takes the vehicle to her shop of choice and repairs begin.I hope this answers all your questions. If not, please feel free to contact meas it is always our goal to provide prompt and courteous service to ourcustomers. Do not hesitate to contact me at Tel [redacted], Fax # [redacted] or via Email: [redacted]
As Uber driver, had accident 2/16/18. Notified Uber same date; then notified James River Ins on 2/22/18. Process moved along except adjuster in Arizona insisted that repair shop should get car from impound. All shops do not tow, as was in this case. So my car sat for nearly two weeks in impound until I contacted adjuster's supv. Supv understood this required being more resourceful on their part and finally had car paid for and towed to repair shop. Things moved along very well until nearing end of repairs. Adjuster claimed he sent check to repair shop on 4/4/18, today is 4/22/18 and shop has not been paid. What kind of crap is this? Pay for the work that has been done please.
I have been dealing with James River Insurance regarding a claim for property damage from one of their insureds. The repair has taken 9 days due to the fact that the original estimate from James River was too low and required supplement payment to complete the repair, which took James River 3 days to approve then they mailed the supplemental check as of day 1 week later no check. My car will not be released until the check is received, but James River has told me that my rental car ends today. So I have to drop off the rental and not pick-up my car, so I guess I'm walking home and to work. This doesn't seem fair or how insurance companies do business. They have been nasty and difficult and I wouldn't recommend them to ANYONE.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Here is a summary on the PD:
The week of Nov. 9th is when the body-shop assessed the vehicle and found additional damage, damage was over the threshold and it was sent to the appraiser for further handling.
Dec. 2nd, I received call from [redacted] w/Custard Adjusters, advising that the vehicle was a total loss. That is when [redacted] presented her offer to me.
Dec. 3rd lawyer sent email to [redacted] re; confirm our conversation, she was still reviewing the additional information as to the value of the vehicle. Counsel advised [redacted] to email them once she had that completed.
No response.
Dec. 7th lawyer sent email to [redacted] after their telephone conversation re; sent her a copy of the vehicle-purchase contract. Counsel also advised her that she should have sent them an email advising that she needed additional information, since they spoke to her Thursday Dec. 3rd and she never mentioned more documents were required for her evaluation of the value of the vehicle. They also sent her an email Friday Dec. 4th, she never responded or advised that additional information was needed.
On or about Dec. 9th [redacted] advised that the offer would remain the same.
My greatest frustration is the time between Nov. 9 and Dec. 2, almost an entire MONTH during which I was without transportation and unable to work because of this. That is the negligence I want documented and addressed by whomever oversees companies like James River and their affiliates.
Dear Ms. [redacted]: This letter will acknowledge receipt on
December 11, 2015 by James River Insurance Company (“James River”) of your
correspondence dated December 09, 2015. According to your correspondence, we
understand [redacted] has submitted a Complaint to the RevDex.com...
regarding the handling of his physical damage claim. Please allow the
following to summarize the handling of Mr. [redacted] physical damage claim. Mr.
[redacted] was involved in a motor vehicle accident on November 01, 2015 in
Riverside, CA. The accident was reported to James River on the same day. The
examiner assigned to handle the file is Leslie [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] contacted Mr.
[redacted] on November 02, 2015. Mr. [redacted] reported he was logged into the
[redacted]Driver application and had just picked up two riders to transport them to
their destination. Mr. [redacted] vehicle was parked, when he was struck by an
unknown vehicle that fled the scene. Ms. [redacted] explained to Mr. [redacted] the
policy coverage for a physical damage claim, and went on to explain to Mr.
[redacted] there is a $1,000 deductible that will apply. Ms. [redacted] further
explained that in order to confirm coverage, James River will need a copy of
Mr. [redacted] declarations page from his personal auto policy to confirm
collision coverage was on the subject vehicle. The explanation of coverage for
the physical damage claim was memorialized in an email to Mr. [redacted] on
November 02, 2015. Mr. [redacted] provided a copy of his declarations page to Ms.
[redacted] via email on November 2, 2015 after the James River office was closed.
On November 3, 3015, Ms. [redacted] requested an inspection of Mr. [redacted] vehicle
by a third party vendor used by James River, Property Damage Appraisers
(“PDA”). Ms. [redacted] sent an email to Mr. [redacted] on November 4, 2015, advising
him of the assignment to PDA and further advising him that upon receipt of the
estimate, James River will issue payment for his physical damage claim less the
policy’s deductible. James River received the PDA estimate via email on
November 4, 2015 after the James River office was closed. The total estimate
was for $6,423.71. On November 05, 2015, Ms. [redacted] sent an email to Mr.
[redacted], which included a copy of the estimate, and advised him that payment was
issued in the amount of $5,423.71 to he and his repair facility ([redacted]). The email also explained to Mr. [redacted] that if the repair
facility found any additional damage they are to contact PDA to evaluate any
further damage. Mr. [redacted] confirmed receipt of the email, and advised that he
has forwarded the estimate to Metro Nissan of Redlands’ preferred repair
facility. Mr. [redacted] left a voicemail and then sent an email later in the day
on November 05, 2015, advising the check would need to be reissued in the name
of [redacted] Auto Body. Ms. [redacted] requested a stop pay on the check on November
06, 2015, and Ms. [redacted] contacted [redacted] at [redacted] Auto Body to obtain their
W-9 for remittance of payment directly to the repair facility. Ms. [redacted]
advised Mr. [redacted] of same via email on November 06, 2015. [redacted]ie Mancha of
[redacted] Auto Body sent a “test” email to Ms. [redacted] November 06, 2015,
presumably to ensure they had the proper email address to send the W-9. A W-9
is not located in the file, and the check was not reissued. Mr. [redacted] sent an
email to Ms. [redacted] on November 06, 2015, stating the following: “One more
thing I need from you at this time is a statement explaining James River Ins'
policy of demanding a $1,000 deductible from me in a case where I was 0% at
fault AND placed in the position wherein I my vehicle was damaged by [redacted], the
insured agency. I need this to prepare my legal case.” Ms. [redacted] responded via
email on November 09, 2015 stating she left a voicemail seeking clarification
on the aforementioned email. Ms. [redacted] responded “Apologies for the confusion.
It might be better if I just let my legal representation communicate on my
behalf. I don't know how to word my request.” Ms. [redacted] requested the letter
of representation for Mr. [redacted] attorney. Mr. [redacted] responded “Thank you for
following up with me. I spoke with Ms. [redacted]. I wanted to make sure I told you
directly that I have no desire to sound like I'm attacking you or any member of
your team. This situation is problematic and I do not hold any of you
individually responsible. I just want to clarify that. I know you are each
doing your best to resolve the situation within the confines of your policies
and practices. I appreciate your faithful attention to my concerns throughout
this process.” PDA was contacted by the repair facility on Friday, November 20,
2015 for a supplement in order to evaluate additional damage to Mr. [redacted]’s
vehicle. PDA inspected the vehicle on Monday, November 23, 2015. Ms. [redacted]
received an email from PDA on November 23, 2015 advising Mr. [redacted] vehicle
is a total loss. Ms. [redacted] received a call from Ms. [redacted], Mr.
[redacted] counsel, on November 24, 2015 and advised Ms. [redacted] that James River
has just received notification that when a supplement was called in it was
determined the additional damage to the vehicle has made Mr. [redacted] vehicle a
total loss. Ms. [redacted] advised Ms. [redacted]’ she was awaiting PDA’s total loss
valuation. Ms. [redacted] also explained that upon receipt of the total loss
valuation, the materials would be forwarded to Custard Insurance Adjusters
(“Custard”) for the handling of the total loss. James River received the total
loss valuation and supplement from PDA on December 01, 2015. The materials were
forwarded the same day to Custard. A settlement to resolve the total loss was
made on December 02, 2015 in the amount of $10,865.04 ($11,865.04 less the
deductible of $1,000). Custard was asked whether or not the deductible applied
because Mr. [redacted] was not at fault for the accident. Ms. [redacted] advised
[redacted] there is no Uninsured Motorist Coverage under the policy for
Property Damage, and the deductible will apply. The offer was increased after
Ms. [redacted] was provided with additional comparables. A new offer of $11,865.04
was extended on November 02, 2015. Ms. [redacted] had additional discussions with
Mr. [redacted] counsel regarding the total loss settlement but ultimately the
total loss was settled for $11,865.04. Ms. [redacted] sent the Vehicle/Vessel
Transfer and Reassignment Form REG 262 to Ms. [redacted] via UPS, which is a form
required to finalize the total loss processed; the form arrived at Ms. [redacted]’
office on December 07, 2015. Ms. [redacted] also explained the total loss process
to Ms. [redacted]. The lien holder requested copies of the declarations page and
police report in order to process the paperwork for the total loss. Ms. Tumolo
received the request on December 09, 2015, and asked Ms. [redacted] for these
items. Ms. [redacted] provided a copy of the declarations page, but did not have a
copy of the police report to provide. As of December 11, 2015, Ms. [redacted] and
James River await a Letter of Guarantee from the lien holder. Upon receipt of
the Letter of Guarantee, James River will be able to issue payment to both the
lien holder and Mr. [redacted] for their respective amounts and resolve the total
loss claim. Ms. [redacted] has been advised of the status of claim as of December
11, 2015. In response to Mr. [redacted] Complaint, James River does not believe
there were any substantive delays in the handling of his physical damage claim.
The vehicle was initially inspected within 48 hours of receiving the
declarations page from Mr. [redacted]. Payment was issued within 4 days of when the
claim was reported (the claim was reported on Sunday and the claim was paid on
Wednesday). James River acknowledges the check was voided and it needed to be
reissued, and was never reissued. This ultimately is a moot point, as the
repair facility contacted PDA as additional damage was discovered. When PDA
inspected the vehicle, it was determined it was a total loss. James River was
notified the vehicle was a total loss on November 23, 2015, and Ms. [redacted] was
informed of same on November 24, 2015. James River’s office was closed on
November 26 and 27 due to the Holiday. James River received the total loss
valuation the following week on Tuesday, December 1, 2015. A total loss
settlement offer was made on December 2, 2015. James River has been unable to
issue payment for the total loss settlement as it awaits a Letter of Guarantee
from the lien holder. In further response, James River cannot waive the
deductible on the policy, and must apply the policy terms as they are written.
While, we offer our sympathy that Mr. [redacted] was struck by a vehicle that fled
the scene, the policy does not afford Uninsured Motorist Damage Coverage for
Property Damage. However, James River has extended physical damage coverage to
Mr. [redacted] and is handling the matter under this coverage part, subject to a
$1,000 deductible. James River would like to further respond to Mr. [redacted]’s
contention that he feels he was ill advised regarding the policy coverages. Ms.
[redacted] memorialized the coverage available to Mr. [redacted] under the James River
policy on November 02, 2015, and also explained the policy coverage in writing
the same day to Mr. [redacted]. James River would also like to confirm that while
the policy does not have Uninsured Motorist Coverage for Property Damage; the
policy does have Uninsured Motorist Coverage for Bodily Injury. James River
currently has an open claim for Mr. [redacted] under this coverage. If you have any
questions or wish to discuss any of the above, please do not hesitate to
contact me at Tel [redacted], Fax # [redacted] or via Email:
[redacted] Sincerely,
Horrible. I was hit by someone insured by James river insurance co. on my wedding week! Timothy B[redacted] was the guy to over see my case. Took forever to answer my wife, waited for weeks to answer back. It wasn't until I kept calling and calling that I heard back from him, not answering phone calls, not returning phone calls, or voicemail, or emails. I went through to speak with his supervisor but she never answered back. After fighting so much to be heard out my situation was mediocrity solved. Unprofessional and definitely not customer friendly.
Dear Ms. [redacted]: James River Insurance Company ("James River") is in receipt of The Revdex.com Complaint No. [redacted] filed by [redacted]. Verdana; font-size: 11px;">James River is the automobile insurance carrier for [redacted]. (more commonly referred to as [redacted], which is legally incorrect). The James River policy is a Business Auto Policy. The policy number is [redacted]. The policy is effective 12/21/2014-3/01 /2016 and provides Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Coverage as well as Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage to [redacted] Partner Drivers subject to certain conditions and exclusions. In this case the [redacted] partner driver, [redacted], was on a trip with a [redacted] passenger when she was involved in a rear-end collision with an uninsured motorist who fled the scene. As a result of the accident, Ms. [redacted] was injured. In this circumstance, Ms. [redacted] was eligible to utilize the Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage. At Ms. [redacted]'s request, we processed her Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury claim and made her a reasonable settlement offer on May 11, 2016. Ms. [redacted] was not satisfied with the offer we made and made a counter demand. We re-evaluated the claim and made another offer to Ms. [redacted] on May 19, 2016 to which she also rejected. After Ms. [redacted] presented us with additional information to document an increase in the value of her claim, we made another offer which was also rejected. After several rounds of negotiations, the final offer of $17,205.54 was made July 22, 2016. As an automobile insurer, James River has an obligation to pay all sums the "insured" is entitled to recover as compensatory damages from the owner or driver of an uninsured motor vehicle. We only owe what is fair compensation and we base our evaluations of bodily injury claims on recent jury verdict research and years of experience. While James River can appreciate that Ms. [redacted] underwent a very traumatic and painful experience by being rear ended by a vehicle who fled the scene, we are unable to satisfy her last demand of $25,000. We have explained this to Ms. [redacted] and she indicated in her response that she may hire a lawyer. The claims examiner, Tyler R[redacted], asked Ms. [redacted] to let us know if she hired a lawyer as all further communication would have to go through the law firm. Following that conversation, Ms. [redacted] reached out to the Mr. R[redacted]'s manager, Joyce S[redacted], to express her dissatisfaction with the offer we made. Ms. S[redacted] documented the July 25, 2016 telephone call in the file notes and there is no indication in those notes that Ms. [redacted] asked to speak to Ms. S[redacted]' supervisor. While the above represents a review of the file, the actual complaint filed by Ms. [redacted] appears to be related to the conversation she had with Joyce S[redacted]. As Ms. S[redacted]' manager, I am in receipt of her complaint and my contact information is below in the event Ms. [redacted] would like to speak further regarding this matter. Again, I would like to reiterate that I have reviewed the claim file and I believe the file was properly evaluated at $17,205.54. If Ms. [redacted] has additional information which may impact the value of the claim, which has not already been conveyed, we stand by ready to receive such information. While we fully understand the claims process can be frustrating and confusing; I feel the examiner and the manager handled the subject claim in a timely, courteous and professional manner. If you have any additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Courtenay [redacted], AIC, SCLA
This company is terrible the worst customer service in their claims department, they never answer the phones & it typically took 1-2 days to respond to emails/voice mails. It's taking them almost 2 months to settle my claim..... which I'm still dealing with.
Make this short and sweet. Had an accident on March 16, 2018 and filed a claim with James River. So far no issues. Took pictures of vehicle did all they asked. Still no issues. On March 20th received estimate 4 days later. Happy process moving on to getting said vehicle fixed. I for one had my doubts after reading reviews but honestly in my own opinion James River is a very reputable company and find no fault with the.
Zero Stars. James River suck as a insurance company and the advisors do not correctly handle information or claims. I've been dealing with the claim for almost a month and still no answers. My claim could have been resolved with my primary insurance company long ago. With them it hasn't. What's also a mess is that the vehicle is leased by Uber as well. Terrible Experience!
Having problems with James River Ins? I am starting a class action law suit against them .. please email me [email protected]! Let's get these a
es! They Never Pay
I have been dealing with james river ins since three weeks. After I got accident while driving for Uber. I submited claim with my personal insurance company becuase I have ride share insurance. since , I was in period1, with waiting for customer status, I already knew that uber is not going to pay for me. But my insurance told me since you were working for uber you are supoosed to make a claim with uber first, if they deny then bring denied letter. so, I made a claim with James River ins on November 16. I did not got any response, no email, no phone call, nothing. when I called their customer service they found my claim number and caim owner. They told me I have to wait 48 hours for their response. I waited till 48 hours but no response. Then I statred calling claim owner , she never answer the phone, never replied my voice message, never replied my email for a while. After calling too many times she answered the phone. I waited another one week for the claim result. she never called me back, no response from email either. I called her again and asked about my claim she told me, your claim is officailly denied, I said okay then send me a denied letter, she told me it takes a while to send you denied letter. since then, I am waiting and waiting. I called her too many times, she never answer the phone, today december 5, 2016, I again called her too many time left the voice message but no response. she replied my email by saying "The denial approval is still pending so I am unable to send it at this time. I will forward it once it is complete." well, I am not asking to pay me I am just asking to send me denied letter, I did not understand why it takes three weeks?? since I didnot got that denied letter, my personal insurance is doing nothing. becuase of that I am out of work since three weeks.
My car was hit by an Uber driver foynd out a week later that James River Insurance was covering the loss. I never recieved on phone call from them and Im the vehicle owner. They only communicated with the person driving my vehicle. To make things worst when I did call them to discuss the claim the adjuster refused to share info with me regarding my vehicle damages and issued the check in the wrong persons name.
I have been dealing with James River Insurance regarding a claim for property damage from one of their insureds. The repair has taken 9 days due to the fact that the original estimate from James River was too low and required supplement payment to complete the repair, which took James River 3 days to approve then they mailed the supplemental check as of day 1 week later no check. My car will not be released until the check is received, but James River has told me that my rental car ends today. So I have to drop off the rental and not pick-up my car, so I guess I'm walking home and to work. This doesn't seem fair or how insurance companies do business. They have been nasty and difficult and I wouldn't recommend them to ANYONE.