Internet Order Reviews (536)
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How dare you request me to provide additional informationAre you frigging CRAZY?
The next one I get from you goes to the Attorney General of my State and also the Attorney General of the United States
You low lifes will learn this is not a good idea
Screw you!
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me This is exactly what I requested on my phone call and your agents were not willing to provide It took this complaint to the to get the proper results I find your advertising to be deceptive
*** ***
","serif"">Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
June 17,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated June 17, concerning *** ***Customer
service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern very
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick
& Simple offer on July 3, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, he received Gold level on or
about August 4, 2014, Gold level on or about November 8, 2014, and Gold level
on or about February 7,
initial contact with *** *** occurred on August 25, On that date, he
called our contact center and spoke to our customer representative regarding his
Gold level courseDuring the phone call, our customer service representative
re-explained the Program, trial period, and billing for Gold level Our
representative encouraged him to sample Gold level on an extended free trial
period that was scheduled to end on September 5, *** *** accepted
that resolution and the phone call ended
*** *** contacted us again on September 24, and spoke to our customer
service representativeOn that date, he spoke to our customer service
representative and requested to cancel all future shipments of the Program and
our representative explained different payment optionsOur representative
offered to postpone the shipment of Gold level until November 1, so that
he would additional time to decide whether or not to have the course shipped to
his address
final contact with *** *** occurred on June 15, On that date, he
called and spoke to our customer service representative regarding the billing for
his Gold level coursesOur representative re-explained the Program, trial
period and billing for each Gold level courseOur representative advised him
that since he never contacted us after the trial periods ended for Gold levels
and 3, no discount was ever negotiated and standard billing began*** *** then disconnected the phone call
*** *** called for the second time on June 15, and spoke to our
representative regarding the billing for Gold levels 1-Our representative explained
the early billing on his Gold level course that never shipped out due to a
backorder and processed his refund of $that had been billed for Gold
level Our representative cancelled all future shipments and declined his
request to return Gold levels 1-3, because at that point the items were well
outside of the trial period
*** *** stated in the notice dated June 16, that he has been billed
$*** *** has three Gold level courses that are all paid in full and
to date; *** *** has paid us a total of $*** *** was billed
early for a Gold level course that never shipped out due to a back order, and
on June 15, we processed his refund of $when he called and spoke to
our representative regarding the billing for his Gold level courses
*** *** contacted us or emailed our customer service team within the trial
period for Gold level 2, per our terms & conditions, we would have been
happy to assist him with proper return shipping instructions for Gold level
and cancel all future shipments of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated June 16, that he was not aware of
our ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is
sent to each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on July 3,
which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes
documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated June 16, that he would to return his
three Gold level courses for a full refund
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take
the following actions:
We are willing to make an
exception and accept the return of his Gold level 3; however Gold levels
& are too far outside of the trial period and cannot be returned
We will also provide him
with a preaddressed, prepaid *** shipping label so that he avoids all
return shipping costsThe label will allow us to track the package to
ensure it is delivered properly and it will be emailed to the address we
have on file, ***@***.com, within one business dayThe
label is valid for days.When Gold level is returned to our warehouse we will process his refund of $and his account will be completely closed. At that point, we will consider the matter resolved
I hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Ext*** during our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
From: *** *** Date: Mon, Feb 9, at 3:PMSubject: Re: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint #***.To: ***.orgWhere do I send my email to
The business finally did return my payment on 02/16/15:
Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
June 16,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice filed June 15, concerning *** ***
Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern
very seriously
***’s utilized the prepaid *** label that we emailed to his address on June
9, According to the tracking information from our prepaid label, His Gold
level course was delivered to our warehouse on June 15, On that date, we
processed his full refund of $The refund will be visible on his bank
statement within two additional business days.
billing representative called *** on June 15, Our representative
spoke to *** and confirmed that we had already processed his full
refund*** can be assured that his account is now fully closed and at
this point, we consider the matter fully resolved
I hope ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Ext*** during our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through FridayVery truly
Order, LLC
Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
March 26,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated March 26, concerning *** ***
Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern
very seriouslyBy
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be charged
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick
& Simple offer on October 29, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, she received Gold level on or
about November 29, 2014, level on or about January 27, 2015, and level
shipped out from our warehouse on March 23, Her Gold level course
should arrive at her address within five additional business days
had no contact with *** *** until March 25, On that date, she called
our contact center and spoke to our billing representative regarding the past
due balance owed for her Gold level coursesDuring the phone call, our billing
representative re-explained the Program, trial period, and billing for her Gold
level coursesOur representative cancelled all future shipments of the Program
and denied her request to return Gold level because at that point, the item
was well outside of the trial periodOur representative advised *** ***
that the tracking information showed that Gold level was successfully delivered
to her address and that she should contact us when Gold level is delivered
and we would be happy to provide her with return instructions for that item
date, we have had no further contact with *** *** following the lone phone
call she made to our customer service center on March 25,
*** *** contacted us or emailed our customer service team within the trial
period for Gold level 1, per our terms & conditions, we would have been
happy to assist her with proper return shipping instructions for Gold level
and cancel all future shipments of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated March 25, that she was not aware of
our ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is
sent to each customer promptly after she placed her initial order on October
29, which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship
includes documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the
*** *** indicates in the notice dated March 25, that she would like to
return her Gold level course and she would also like to be refunded for the Gold level course that
she claims was not receivedShe also indicates like her account removed from our internal
collections department and completely closed
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy her concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take
the following actions:
We removed her account from
our internal collections department on March 26, and she can be
assured that this matter has not been reported to any external credit
rating or collections agency
We will help her return the Gold
level course that is currently in transit to her addressShe will need
to write the Return Authorization Number on the outside of the boxThe
number is: R- *** We will also provide her with a preaddressed, prepaid
*** shipping label so that she avoids all return shipping costsThe label
will allow us to track the package to ensure it is delivered properly and
it will be emailed to the address listed on the notice dated March 25,
2015, *** within one business dayThe label is
valid for days
her Gold level course is returned to our warehouse we will fully close
her accountRegarding her Gold level course, *** *** has a
remaining balance of $We will transfer the outstanding amount owed
on level from the two payments she made towards Gold level to complete
the balance owed for Gold level
will launch an internal, Lost Product Investigation to determine the
location of Gold level This investigation will relieve her of all responsibility
for the itemWe have processed a full refund of the remaining amount she
paid for Gold level 2, $69.40, on March 26, The refund will be
visible on her credit card, a *** ending in *** with an expiration date
of April 2015, within two additional business days
summarize, Gold level is now paid in full and a refund of $was
processed on March 26, Nothing further will be shipped or billed and
when Gold level is returned to our warehouse we will consider this
matter fully resolved
I hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Ext*** during our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
","serif"">Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
December 21,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated December 21, concerning *** *** ***Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer
concern very seriously
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administeredOur
average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we strive
to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick
& Simple offer on August 21, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, he received Gold level on or
about September 19,
initial contact with *** *** was a phone call that he made to our customer
service center on October 21, On that date, he called and spoke to our customer
service representative regarding cancelling his accountDuring the phone call,
our customer service representative re-explained the Program, trial period, and
billingOur representative offered to extend *** ***’s trial period until
December 21st, and to cancel all future shipments of the
Program*** *** agreed to trial extension and cancelled the remaining
shipments*** *** did not contact us again to return the product
webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer, including the
Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations including a
predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW” point of
purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is sent to
each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on August 21, which
explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes
documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated December 21, that he does not want
our product and does not want to be billed for it
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take
the following actions:
We removed his account from
our internal collections department on December 21, To date this was
not reported to any credit agencies and has not affected *** ***’s
*** *** can be assured
that nothing further will be billed or shipped to his address
We will provide return
instructions for the Gold level *** *** will receive a prepaid ***
label for the Gold level so that he does not incur a shipping costThis
label will be sent to the e-mail address that was provided in the notice: ***@***.com
and will allow us to track the package to ensure it is delivered properly
*** *** will need to write Return Authorization Number ** *** on
the outside of the shipping box and affix the label to the box*** ***
will also receive these return instructions to the e-mail address as well
The label is valid for days
At the time that the product
is returned the account will be completely closed and we will issue a
refund check to *** *** in the amount of $which was billed on
the Gold Level The card that *** *** was originally billed on is
now invalid which is why we cannot process an immediate refund to the
I hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at ***
or you can call ###-###-#### Ext*** during the hours of 8:00AM-4:30PM EST
Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
","serif"">Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
March 18,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated March 13, concerning *** *** ** ***Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer
concern very seriously
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick
& Simple offer on November 23, and was enrolled in the Program
described aboveAccording to the tracking information, she received Gold level
on or about December 24,
had no contact with *** *** occurred on February 24, On that date, she
called our contact center and spoke to our billing representative regarding his
Gold level courseDuring the phone call, our billing representative
re-explained the Program, trial period, and billing for her Gold level course
Our representative cancelled all future shipments past Gold level and also
denied *** ***’s request to return the item, because the course was
outside of the trial periodOur representative advised *** *** of the
remaining balance for Gold level and offered her a settlement regarding the
past due balance owed for the item, yet she rejected our settlement offer to
resolve the billing for Gold level 1and the phone call ended shortly
*** *** contacted us or emailed our customer service team within the trial
period for Gold level 1, per our terms & conditions, we would have been
happy to assist her with proper return shipping instructions for Gold level
and cancel all future shipments of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated March 13, that she was not aware of
our ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is
sent to each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on November 23,
which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship
includes documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the
*** *** indicates in the notice dated March 13, that she would like to
return her Gold level course and she would also like her account removed from
our internal collections department and completely closed
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy her concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take
the following actions:
We removed her account from
our internal collections department on March 18, She can be assured
that the matter has not been reported to any external credit rating
agencyIn order to return the Gold level course she will need to write
the Return Authorization Number on the outside of the boxThe number is:
*- ***
We will provide him with a preaddressed,
prepaid *** shipping label so that she avoids all return shipping costs
The label will allow us to track the package to ensure it is delivered
properly and it will be emailed to the address we have on file, ***,
within one business dayThe label is valid for days
She has not been charged for
Gold level therefore no refund is neededWhen her Gold level course is
returned to our warehouse, we will fully close her account and at that
point, we will consider the matter fully resolvedI hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Ext*** during our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
","serif"">Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
August 20,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
Philadelphia, PA 19103
reference to:
*** *** ***,
# ***
Thank you for
the notice dated August 11, 2014, concerning *** *** ***Customer service
is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern very seriously
notice to our customer service team dated August 11, 2014, indicates that *** *** would like to have his name and email address removed from our
advertising system, including any affiliates associated with us
review of our database reflects no record of prior contact received on behalf
of *** ***
regret to hear that *** *** feels that our customer support fell short of his
expectationsOur customers are very important and we would like to satisfy his
concernsHis email address was added to our Global Suppression File as of August
11, We do ask for a maximum of days for the file to be downloaded by
all of our affiliates per CAN-SPAM guidelines
have contacted *** *** directly and requested he forward a copy of the
email mentioning learning a language or the Pimsleur Approach to me, so that we
can identify the affiliate responsible for sending those emails
hope *** *** finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further
need to reach me in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail at
[email protected] or you can call ###-###-####
** C***
Service Manager
Order, LLC
Internet Order, LLCTwo Logan Square N18th StSuite Philadelphia, PA May 1, Attention: *** *** JFK Blvd, Suite Philadelphia, PA RE: *** *** Complaint ID: *** Customer No:
*** Dear *** *** We are in receipt of the notice dated April 26, concerning *** ***Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern very seriouslyBy way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be chargedOur Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administeredOur average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we strive to deliver excellent customer support. Our records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick & Simple offer on November 3, and was enrolled in the Program describedAccording to the tracking information, he received the gold level on or about November 26, Our records indicate *** *** first contacted us on February 18, after receiving a notice about the balance for the gold level Our representative attempted to assist *** *** with payment options as the product has already exceeded the return policy*** *** refused payment options and requested a supervisorAn outbound call was attempted by a supervisor on February 23, and a voicemail was left for *** ***. *** *** contacted us again on March 13, 2015, March 14, and March 20, *** *** was offered and refused payment options on these datesNotices continued to be sent in reference to the gold level and *** *** contacted us on April 26, requesting notices cease. Our webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer, including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW” point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is sent to each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on November 3, which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program*** *** indicates in the notice dated April 26, that he would like no further communication from the companyOur customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take the following actions: We will waive the balance due of $for the gold level *** *** will be removed from our internal collections department and the account will be closedI hope *** *** finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or you can call *** Ext*** during the hours of 8:00AM-4:30PM EST Monday through FridayVery truly yours, Dionna B*** Billing Administrator Internet Order, LLC
Internet Order, LLC
*** *** ***
*** ***
Philadelphia, PA
March 26,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
are in receipt of the notice dated March 25, concerning Mr*** ***
Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern
very seriously
way of background, the *** Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul ***We market
the *** Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be charged
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that Mr*** placed an order for our $*** Quick &
Simple offer on October 19, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, he received Gold level on or
about November 17,
had no contact with Mr*** until January 30, On that date, he emailed
our customer support team regarding his Gold level courseHe did not state
that he never received the Gold level course in his email message on January
30, and instead indicated that he wasn’t aware the item would be shippedOur
representative advised him to please contact our billing department for further
assistance and he called our billing department on January 30, During the
phone call, our billing representative advised him that we would consider the
account fully closed and resolved
Mr*** contacted us or emailed our customer service team within the trial
period for Gold level 1, per our terms & conditions, we would have been
happy to assist him with proper return shipping instructions for Gold level
*** indicates in the notice dated March 25, that he was not aware of
our ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase buttonMr*** was sent a confirmation email that is sent
to each customer promptly after she placed her initial order on October 19,
which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship
includes documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the
*** indicates in the notice dated March 20, that he would like his account
removed from our internal collections department and completely closed
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo
assist Mr*** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take the
following actions:
We removed his account from
our internal collections department on March 26, and he can be
assured that this matter has not been reported to any external credit
rating or collections agency
We have initiated an
internal Lost Product investigation on his Gold level course, which relieves
Mr*** of all responsibility for the item
Nothing further will be
shipped or billed and at this point, we consider the matter fully
I hope Mr***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Extduring our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
Internet Order, LLC
","serif"">JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
December 21,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated December 21, concerning *** *** ***Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer
concern very seriously
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administeredOur
average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we strive
to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick
& Simple offer on August 21, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, he received Gold level on or
about September 19,
initial contact with *** *** was a phone call that he made to our customer
service center on October 21, On that date, he called and spoke to our customer
service representative regarding cancelling his accountDuring the phone call,
our customer service representative re-explained the Program, trial period, and
billingOur representative offered to extend *** ***’s trial period until
December 21st, and to cancel all future shipments of the
Program*** *** agreed to trial extension and cancelled the remaining
shipments*** *** did not contact us again to return the product
webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer, including the
Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations including a
predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW” point of
purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is sent to
each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on August 21, which
explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes
documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated December 21, that he does not want
our product and does not want to be billed for it
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take
the following actions:
We removed his account from
our internal collections department on December 21, To date this was
not reported to any credit agencies and has not affected *** ***’s
*** *** can be assured
that nothing further will be billed or shipped to his address
We will provide return
instructions for the Gold level *** *** will receive a prepaid ***
label for the Gold level so that he does not incur a shipping costThis
label will be sent to the e-mail address that was provided in the notice: ***@***.com
and will allow us to track the package to ensure it is delivered properly
*** *** will need to write Return Authorization Number ** *** on
the outside of the shipping box and affix the label to the box*** ***
will also receive these return instructions to the e-mail address as well
The label is valid for days
At the time that the product
is returned the account will be completely closed and we will issue a
refund check to *** *** in the amount of $which was billed on
the Gold Level The card that *** *** was originally billed on is
now invalid which is why we cannot process an immediate refund to the
I hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at ***
or you can call ###-###-#### Ext*** during the hours of 8:00AM-4:30PM EST
Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
","serif"">Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
March 5,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated March 1, concerning *** *** ** ***
Customer service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern
very seriously
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick &
Simple offer on July 22, and was enrolled in the Program described above
According to the tracking information, he received Gold level on or about August
initial contact with *** *** occurred on July 28, On that date, he
called our contact center and spoke to our billing representative regarding security
hold that had been placed on his order after purchasing the offline on our
websiteDuring the phone call, our billing representative re-explained the Program,
trial period, and billing for his Gold level course*** *** confirmed the
needed security information and his Quick & Simple shipped out on that same
next contact with *** *** occurred on September 16, On that date, he
called and spoke to our customer service representative regarding his Gold level
courseOur representative re-explained the Program, trial period and billing
for Gold level Our representative cancelled all future shipments of the
Program, per his requestOur representative also offered *** *** a trial
period extension on Gold level so that he would have further time sample the
itemDuring the phone call, *** *** agreed to try the Gold level course
until November 1,
had no further contact with *** *** until November 13, On that date, he
called and spoke to our customer service representative regarding his Gold level
courseOur representative denied his request to return Gold level because
the item was outside of the trial period*** *** disconnected the phone
callOur final contact with *** *** occurred on February 3, On that
date, he called and spoke to our billing representative because his account had
been transferred to our internal billing department due to the past due balance
owed for Gold level Our billing representative attempted to resolve the
matter but *** *** refused to make payment on the course
*** *** contacted us or emailed our customer service team within the trial
period for Gold level 1, per our terms & conditions, we would have been happy
to assist him with proper return shipping instructions for Gold level
Brown indicates in the notice dated March 1, that he was not aware of our
ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is sent
to each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on July 28, which
explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes
documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program
Brown indicates in the notice dated March 1, that he would like to return his
Gold level course for a full refund and he would also like his account
removed from our internal collections department
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take the
following actions:
We are willing to make an
exception and we will help him return his Gold level courseWe have also removed his
account from our internal collections department on March 5, He can
be assured that the matter has not been reported to any external credit
rating agencyIn order to return the Gold level course he will need to
write the Return Authorization Number on the outside of the boxThe
number is: R- ***
We will provide him with a preaddressed,
prepaid *** shipping label so that he avoids all return shipping costs
The label will allow us to track the package to ensure it is delivered
properly and it will be emailed to the address we have on file, ***,
within one business dayThe label is valid for days
We will process his full
refund of $when his Gold level course is returned to our
warehouseAt that point, his
account will be completely closed and we will consider the matter fully
resolvedI hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Ext*** during our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through FridayVery truly
Order, LLC
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
","serif"">Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
April 1,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated March 31, concerning *** *** ***Customer
service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern very
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be charged
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick &
Simple offer on August 11, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, she received Gold level on or
about September 14,
had no contact with *** *** until November 11, On that date, she called
our contact center and spoke to our billing representative regarding her Gold
level courseDuring the phone call, *** *** stated that the order was
placed by a third party and also stated that the credit card that we have on file
did not belong to her*** *** asked to return the item and our representative
provided her with return shipping instructions for the Gold level course,
including a return authorization numberWe received the return of her Quick &
Simple course on November 18, and on that date; we processed her refund of
$that she had paid for the introductory courseHowever, to date, her Gold
level course has not been returned to our warehouse
next contact with *** *** was on January 23, On that date, *** ***
replied to an email message from our internal billing team regarding the Gold
level course that was never returnedAs we did not receive the return of her
Gold level course and the sixty days that we allotted her to return the Gold level
course has expired, billing resumed and all charge attempts were
declined, leading to her account being transferred to our internal collections
departmentPer company policy, our billing representative asked *** *** to
contact us by phone to resolve the matter
final contact with *** *** occurred on February 3, On that date, she
called our billing department in regards to a past due notification that she had
received regarding the Gold level that was never returned*** *** spoke
to our billing representative and stated during the recorded phone call that she
never returned the Gold levelcourse and confirmed that she had only sent back
the Quick & Simple courseShe asked our billing representative for return
shipping instructions to send back Gold level and our representative denied her
request to return the item because at that point, her account had been
transferred to our internal collections department due to the lack of her
returning the course and the declined charges for Gold level
*** *** indicates in the notice dated March 31, that she was not aware of
our ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is sent
to each customer promptly after she placed her initial order on August 11,
which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes
documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated March 20, that she would like her account
removed from our internal collections department and completely closed
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy her concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take the
following actions:
We removed her account from
our internal collections department on March 31, and she can be
assured that this matter has not been reported to any external credit
rating or collections agency
We are willing to make an
exception and allow the return of her Gold level course outside of the
trial periodShe will need to write the Return Authorization Number on
the outside of the boxThe number is: R- ***
We will provide her with a
preaddressed, prepaid *** shipping label so that she avoids all return
shipping costsThe label will allow us to track the package to ensure it
is delivered properly and it will be emailed to the address we have on
file, ***, within one business dayThe label is valid
for days
She has never been billed
for Gold level therefore no refund is neededWhen we receive the return
of Gold level at our warehouse her account will be fully closed and at
that point, we will consider the matter fully resolved
I hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Extduring our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Lori ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI am in the process of sending back their products and waiting for them to process the returns and my refundI will be completely satisfied once all transactions are completeI appreciate the prompt response of the organization
*** ***
THIS COMPANY IS A SCAMDo not order the Stroll PIMSLEUR Language CDs from this companyI ordered an introductory language CD for a promotional price of $I searched and searched for fine print, for a note indicating was more to it than thatNothingMonths later, I received an additional full set of CDsI didn't understand why I was receiving them, as I didn't think I had ordered that set or that it had been included in the deal I'd purchased, but didn't realize it necessitated action on my partI was a student and extremely busy at the time and just didn't give it that much thoughtYEARS pass, and next thing I know I receive an overdue balance notice saying they will send debt collectors after me if I don't pay another $for the CDsAfter reading about class action lawsuits against the company for this deceptive practice, I sought to join one, but was informed that the time limit to file a claim expired in 2015, and that there was nothing I could doI just paid a one-time fee of $to end the whole horrible thing immediatelyIt disgusts me that this sort of practice existsDan R***'s INTERNET ORDER, LLC preys on students and busy families who are trying to better themselves and don't understand how this scheme worksIt is awful, and I hope this company is shut down
Internet Order, LLC
JFK Blvd
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA
June 17,
*** ***
JFK Blvd, Suite
*** ***
Complaint ID: ***
Customer No: ***
*** ***:
are in receipt of the notice dated June 17, concerning *** ***Customer
service is a high priority for us and we take every customer concern very
way of background, the Pimsleur Approach is an audio-based rapid language
learning program developed by renowned linguist DrPaul PimsleurWe market
the Pimsleur Quick & Simple introductory course for $including
shippingCustomers can return the Quick & Simple for a full refund within
the day trial period and need only pay return shippingConsumers are also
enrolled in the Rapid Learning Purchase Program (“Program”) that affords
consumers the opportunity to try our advanced language learning Gold courses
for a day trial periodIf the customer decides to keep the Gold course, we
bill them four monthly payments of $If the customer decides that they do
not want the course, they can cancel by calling our toll free number and
returning the course within the 30-day trial period, and they will not be
Customer Service Department, which is located in our corporate headquarters, is
staffed with knowledgeable customer care representativesWe have clearly
disclosed cancellation and return policies which are liberally administered
Our average wait times in our call center are less than half a minute and we
strive to deliver excellent customer support.
records show that *** *** placed an order for our $Pimsleur Quick
& Simple offer on July 3, and was enrolled in the Program described
aboveAccording to the tracking information, he received Gold level on or
about August 4, 2014, Gold level on or about November 8, 2014, and Gold level
on or about February 7,
initial contact with *** *** occurred on August 25, On that date, he
called our contact center and spoke to our customer representative regarding his
Gold level courseDuring the phone call, our customer service representative
re-explained the Program, trial period, and billing for Gold level Our
representative encouraged him to sample Gold level on an extended free trial
period that was scheduled to end on September 5, *** *** accepted
that resolution and the phone call ended
*** *** contacted us again on September 24, and spoke to our customer
service representativeOn that date, he spoke to our customer service
representative and requested to cancel all future shipments of the Program and
our representative explained different payment optionsOur representative
offered to postpone the shipment of Gold level until November 1, so that
he would additional time to decide whether or not to have the course shipped to
his address
final contact with *** *** occurred on June 15, On that date, he
called and spoke to our customer service representative regarding the billing for
his Gold level coursesOur representative re-explained the Program, trial
period and billing for each Gold level courseOur representative advised him
that since he never contacted us after the trial periods ended for Gold levels
and 3, no discount was ever negotiated and standard billing began*** *** then disconnected the phone call
*** *** called for the second time on June 15, and spoke to our
representative regarding the billing for Gold levels 1-Our representative explained
the early billing on his Gold level course that never shipped out due to a
backorder and processed his refund of $that had been billed for Gold
level Our representative cancelled all future shipments and declined his
request to return Gold levels 1-3, because at that point the items were well
outside of the trial period
*** *** stated in the notice dated June 16, that he has been billed
$*** *** has three Gold level courses that are all paid in full and
to date; *** *** has paid us a total of $*** *** was billed
early for a Gold level course that never shipped out due to a back order, and
on June 15, we processed his refund of $when he called and spoke to
our representative regarding the billing for his Gold level courses
*** *** contacted us or emailed our customer service team within the trial
period for Gold level 2, per our terms & conditions, we would have been
happy to assist him with proper return shipping instructions for Gold level
and cancel all future shipments of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated June 16, that he was not aware of
our ProgramOur webpages provide the details of our Quick & Simple offer,
including the Program, clearly and conspicuously in multiple visible locations
including a predominate location immediately adjacent to the “GET MY CDs NOW”
point of purchase button*** *** was sent a confirmation email that is
sent to each customer promptly after he placed his initial order on July 3,
which explains fully the Program; and each and every course we ship includes
documentation that clearly explains the terms and conditions of the Program
*** *** indicates in the notice dated June 16, that he would to return his
three Gold level courses for a full refund
customers are very important to us and we would like to satisfy his concernsTo
assist *** *** in bringing the matter to a close, we are willing to take
the following actions:
We are willing to make an
exception and accept the return of his Gold level 3; however Gold levels
& are too far outside of the trial period and cannot be returnedWe will also provide him
with a preaddressed, prepaid *** shipping label so that he avoids all
return shipping costsThe label will allow us to track the package to
ensure it is delivered properly and it will be emailed to the address we
have on file, ***@***.com, within one business dayThe
label is valid for daysWhen Gold level is returned to our warehouse we will process his refund of $and his account will be completely closed. At that point, we will consider the matter resolvedI hope *** ***
finds the above actions satisfactoryIf you have any further need to reach me
in reference to the inquiry, please e-mail me at *** or
you can call my direct line at ###-###-####, Ext*** during our
business hours of 9:30AM-6:00PM EST Monday through Friday
Very truly
Order, LLC