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Internet Mastery

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Reviews Training Program Internet Mastery

Internet Mastery Reviews (28)

• May 15, 2024

I paid $999 on 05/12/2024. On 05/13/2024, I had a doctor appointment and was told I needed to have knee replacement surgery asap. I called Internet Mastery on that same day, 05/13/2024 to speak with someone about cancelling. I sent Marshay and Preston Catmull an email that I want to cancel. Marshay sent me an email that she is not the one to tell this to but would pass it along. I emailed back and asked for a phone number or an email and got no answers. All I get from Preston is an automated response about the 1-1.


I want partial refund and cancellation
I signed up for internet mastery course to learn how to sell on Amazon. After two months I started to regret of being in a hurry with this signing, and I emailed my concern with the request to discontinue agreement and charging my account. I have received the answer that it’s impossible and I must pay and no matter, referring to only 3 day refund policy.
I accepted at the moment and decided to try learn better, sell more and make profit to cover this 600$ per month for membership and services. And I fairly tried for 2 months more and totally unsuccessfully. The disappointment and frustration gave me a continuously stressful experience that I finally decided not to pursue it anymore.
I don’t see any personal value of this IM membership at all. And also I have to leave the country for 2-3 months for personal urgent weighty reasons and can’t pay them any more, and don’t want and intend to use this soft.
Please help me in recovering my issue with Internet Mastery to provide me a partial refund and to stop any future charges.
I have made several attempts to terminate the agreement, but was refused.
And that is why I am asking the help of to help me with this issue - I want to stop and get partial reasonable return of my money back from IM, taking into account 4 months of soft usage and 7 coaching sessions. By the word the cost of coaching sessions as the item in the agreement is abnormal (9576$ for 18 30-min sessions) and does not correspond to any understandable similar prices in the market, their cost for this type of works is extremely overpriced.
I attached screen shot of the response from IM to my last request to stop agreement and charges.
Thank you and hope much for your help.
I want partial refund and cancellation


I need to get out of the contract
The Spyrival subscription is not functional. It fails to deliver what has promise. I discontinue the membership when I have an alert from Amazon about unauthorized access to my account and beware of third-party access to my Amazon account. I first contacted Internet Mastery if I can change the password and they don't allow it. My sales got doubled under Spyrival dashboard compared to my Amazon dashboard. I tried several times to list items on Amazon and it did not go through. With the built-in calculator, you can have free access to your Amazon account. I contacted internet mastery support to cancel my subscription and I was told that I was not sign-up for Spyrival however they keep taking $239 from my account. I need a full refund of my account.
I need to get out of the contract


Internet mastery scam
I have paid to seek one on one training with interner mastery but I did not get anything once I paid I asked to refund my money as soon I relized its helpfull cour but they cant pay me back I need adam gnsberger to pay my money back

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