Inmans Auto Rescue of Philadelphia Reviews (3)
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Address: 24 North 7th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19106
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*** *** ** ** *** *** *** ** * *** *** *** *** ** * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** ***
* even responded that
*** ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The service advisor sent *** the full
service estimate on 12/and I made sure to confirm this with *** via email
She responded yes this was receivedI copied the estimate and wrote out the
pertinent details via email highlighting the cost of everything as
listed on the fax *** confirmed was receivedI sent out the service advisors
card so *** could have more than one way to reach him*** just proved that
I provided her with the service advisor’s email, phone number, fax, and
address, but yet she only used his phone number to contact himIf she was
really trying to resolve this issue and obtain the service estimate with the
company’s official letterhead, why didn’t she email him? Why didn’t she send
out a letter to his address, why didn’t she send a fax? *** claims she called
and left a voicemail, but even the service advisor confirmed he never received
a voicemail from ***In today’s busy lifestyle, one should exhaust all
methods of communication when attempting to reach someoneIn the business
world, isn’t email the next preferred method in reaching someone? Yet ***
failed to even send out a simple emailWhen she claimed she didn’t receive the
service estimate she never even called or emailed me to let me knowFor an
entire month, I assumed that she had all the information that she neededOn
1/30/17, I called *** to move forward with the services and that’s when she
informed me she never received the faxI immediately emailed her the same
service estimate that the service advisor sent her with the service address and
that’s when she emailed me saying she will pay half
she again has the email with the service estimateNow she is saying that the
business card is the only email that she received as evidenceOn 12/23/when
*** open my email and found a business card, why didn’t she respond at that
very moment asking for the service estimate with the letter? Why didn’t she
respond /letting me know at that moment that she never received the fax?
Instead she responded that she did receive it, and now months later she wants
to say she only received the business cardI forwarded the email I sent over
to *** with the service estimate with the date as proof to the Revdex.comI also
forward the email *** stating that she received the fax to the
Also, *** still won’t provide me with her
company’s address or her superior’s information so my attorney can bring this
to courtWhy won’t she comment on that? She seems to have a response for
everything elseI have asked *** multiple times for this information so we
can move forward in court, but she fails to cooperateI have responded
promptly to every one of ***’s concerns even the ones she falsely claims, but
she won’t do the same for me
Please see attached email with proof ***
stating, “I have it now”Even on 1/30/17, when I re-submitted the fax and she confirmed
that it was received, *** still does not want to pay for the damagesEvery
time I give her what she ask for, she confirms, then states months later it was
not receivedA few months later she will state she never received anything
from the Revdex.comStandby you will see
Again, all I want is for *** to pay for
damages that her incompetent tech has caused to my vehicle
On Mon, Jan 30, at 4:
PM, *** *** *** wrote:
I didn't misunderstand
anything I stayed at that dealership and waited until you verbally confirmed
that you received the faxwhen you gave me your verbal agreement that you
received the fax, I then left the dealership.
J*** was standing right next
to me when I called you he heard you confirmThere is no misunderstanding, you
just can't find the fax.
On Jan 30, 2017, at 5:PM, *** *** *** ***
I think you
misunderstood what I said that dayI have it now that you sent it.
*** ***
*** ***
*** ***
On Mon, Jan 30, at
4:PM, *** *** *** ***:
This is the same fax *** Sent to you on 12/
I called you after it was sent and you said the fax was receivedI even
emailed you that day and said the fax was sent over and you agreed
*** ***
[redacted] idea of agreement on my part is based on her initial call where I used active listening (repeating back to her what she said) in order to get her complaint story exactly as she had meant it, so there would be no omissions or confusion in regards to the complaint. I simply asked her...
to get an estimate and photos of the alleged damage to aid in the investigation of her claim. As stated before I did not have her call information on my screen and did not know the details of the call at all.I only got her side of the story at the time and pride myself on getting information recorded accurately. The nature of claims investigation involves getting statements, looking at evidence and coming to a conclusion regarding proximate cause and liability. She only submitted her statement and a rudimentary estimate that was not on any shop invoice, or shop estimate sheet or letterhead, without any evidence of diagnosis, and no part numbers to verify the repair by. It was just a labor amount and a parts amount. All attempts made to contact her Service Adviser were not acknowledged, or replied to by him. When I did get to investigate the case and found that the hood release cable gets stuck i.e. frozen, or detached from normal wear and tear, and there was no evidence of any blue cable, or photo of a blue wire that was allegedly pulled out. I concluded that this was a preexisting condition, and our Tech was neither negligent , nor the proximate cause. I denied the Customer's complaint. She became hostile and accused me of being untruthful. She was going to take it to court, and I told her that was her prerogative. I even went as far as making her a one time offer to cover half of the cost as goodwill gesture to smooth things over, but she declined it. [redacted] also investigated her claim and denied it. Then, after the claim was denied twice, someone from [redacted] sent me a disturbing email stating that I had offered to pay her double the entire cost of her repairs , and that she had been forwarded our email exchange (which I believe is actually not legal without prior consent.) The original estimated repair total I was given was 377.21, but the letter stated that this was half of the repair cost, and since I was willing to pay $754.42 (which I never agreed to) , and [redacted] could do the repairs for $88.00 would I just agree to pay the $88.00?Katie [redacted]
[redacted] Ma'am I was never willing to pay half of $754.42 and if there is an email stating that, it was either an error, or it was edited before you got it. The total for parts and labor that I received from her email was $377.21. She never sent an official estimate on letter head from the dealer, and her dealer representative would never return my calls. The woman constantly hounded me to the point of me not being able to reply to other claims that were equally important. I only offered assistance on the cost to help her out because I had been working alone during the busiest time of year and had not been able to fully investigate the claim at the time. She refused the help at that time and it was a one time offer. She became very rude and aggressive with me stating that she would sue, so I told her to go ahead and pursue that if that is what she felt she needed to do. At this point I cannot offer anything since the claim was denied by the motor club, and I can no longer discuss it. Regards,
This is all I received from [redacted] as evidence. Just the card and the quote she wrote to me. [redacted]
Hello [redacted] told me he sent over the fax. I also attached a copy of the estimate cost. He told me they have to take the entire dashboard near the drive side apart to replace the part.$377.21 + tax for installation$282.85 Labor$94.36 partPlease see attached receipt.Please confirm this has been received.
I quickly replied that I received it without noticing there was only a card attached labeled [redacted] and no actual repair quote. estimate. [redacted]
Initially when I spoke to you I did not have the call information pulled up, and I did not speak to the Tech who came out to perform your service. He claimed that your hood was frozen shut and the release cable was already broken, He pulled the hood release lever and nothing happened. He stated he never pulled any thing other than the release lever and he only used his hand to do that. I mean no disrespect to you Ma'am, but our driver's do not get into cars with pliers and pull cables. They are there to only perform the light emergency service requested. Normally if there is any preexisting damage it is noted in the call and on the invoice. In lieu of this I would suggest that we split the cost of this repair as opposed to us paying the entire bill. I would also like you to know there is an internet problem with the hood latch on this particular vehicle and there are videos online to show you how to open the hood in case this happens, but the fact that it was below freezing temps would have increased the risk of damage. I have put in a call again to [redacted] but I have not receive a reply just yet. 1/30/17 1:43 pm CST. [redacted]
This Customer called in and complained that the driver pulled a blue string out from her hood with pliers and just left without jumping her car, or getting the hood open. Its freezing there and the hood was likely frozen shut. He told her her hood latch was broken. The car has been sitting for 3 months . She has been tying to get holdof someone since this happened. She had to cancel a flight due to this. She will get her car towed to the dealer. Initially, I could not find her call before we hung up. Driver texted notes in to dispatch. (1/2) Customer latch is broken prior to service. That the reason why she cant open the hood. Customer insisted that I should have the right tools. She was not listening to anything else.[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted]hood frozen cx wants sp to lift hood for j/s;Service Provider Selection;340754188 Would not Start Gasoline Called the Tech- he said the latch was broken, pulled it and the the cable was disconnected from its retainer, and he could not repair it for her. He got there and had his jump box out and he asked her what the problem was and she said the hood is frozen shut. He went and pulled the release lever in the car and it did not move, because it was disconnected. He told her there was nothing he could do it would not open and he could not fix it. . Then she got upset and and told him he was suppose to have special tools, and this is why she pays for roadside assistance. She had to have pulled on it to even know it would not open and think it was frozen.[redacted]
[redacted] When I first called you about what the tech did you were totally on my side and agreed that he was at fault, therefore agreeing to pay for the damages your driver caused. Now when it's time to fully pay for the damages you want to split the cost? This is not fair especially when there were no pre-existing damages to my vehicle prior to the arrival of your tech. I don't know anything about cars and assumed it was frozen since I couldn't open the latch. Yes it was sitting there since October 23 to December 19, so I automatically assumed it was frozen shut. The dealership stated that around that time, it wasn't even that cold for the hood to be frozen shut. So it could have been easily lifted, had the tech knew what he was doing.Your tech automatically assumed the same thing I assumed, that it was frozen, and began pulling on cords with what appears to be a pliers, because he didnt hear a click sound once he attempted to release lever. When he didnt hear the click sound from the hood he, he assumed the hood wasnt opening and went back to his car to get a tool. He said all he needed to do was pull some cord out and the hood would open. I told you and the other road side assistance person that I had to call back after the incident, my neighbors were around watching him do this, as my complex is small and everyone can hear and see everything. Once he pulled the blue cord out, he said that he had to leave to go buy something to fix the hanging cord, since he didnt have the right tools available and it will only take 15 minutes. He rushed me to sign the paper, informing me that was the only way he could continue with the work. I immediately asked him why did he write broken on the paper because the blue cord was not hanging out upon his arrival. He said he had to write broken so he could continue with the work. He made absolutely no sense in what he was saying and was in a rush to leave as witnessed by myself and neighbors. When 30 minutes passed, I sensed he was not returning, waited a bit and called back for help.When I made a call out to the second road side tech person, the man was able to life up the hood stating it was never frozen and that the hood was already open, and someone just needed to close the hood, release the latch and lift the hood up all the way. He stated that I activated the hood to open when I initially released the latch and once it's activated, the hood won't give a clicking sound to open again unless the hood was fully closed. So when your driver didnt hear the clicking sound once he tried to release the hood, he automatically assumed it was frozen shut and started messing with the cord.When I first called you, you did say that you couldnt find the call. But once we spoke again later that evening you informed me that you were able to retrieve the call, we thoroughly discussed the issue and you made the decision to proceed to cover the damages since your driver was at fault.I informed you I was going to the dealership as soon as I can that week, to see how much it would cost and you asked for the estimate agreeing to pay for the damages caused by your tech. Once I arrived to the dealership, you asked for a copy of the estimate and the service advisor, J[redacted] Acquaviva, faxed you a copy. I called you to make sure that it was received in which the service advisor heard you say it was received, since he was standing right next to me, and that you would cover the cost of the damages. I also told you that I had to fly out for work for a month and didnt have time to get this fixed and that I would return 1/28. You reassured me this would get taken care of and that you would fully cover the repair cost.I should not have to pay for damages caused by your incompetent tech. I called for assistance and in return I have to pay for damage caused by your tech. That is not right. I do not wish to pay for any damage caused by someone else. I find it baffling that all of a sudden want to split the cost once its time to get the damages fixed. You never offered to split it up until now after I reported this over a month ago. My neighbors are willing to attest to everything that they seen your tech do that day since you said he said he used his hand and didnt pull out anything. They all seen him go back to his car, get a tool and was kneeled down on the ground next to the driver seat using a tool. And they also heard us talking about why he pulled out the blue cord. There was sunlight out and everything was visibly seen and heard. I clearly stated all of this on the recorded call when I called back for assistance. Please refer to the recorded call. Please provide me with the name and number of your superior or owner of this company, so I can have my legal representative contact them. It is warranted to have them involved since you changed our verbal agreement and your driver is not admitting to his fault.Please let your superior know that my lawyer[redacted] will be contacting them this week in regards to this matter.[redacted]
** [redacted]
I never got to fully investigate this claim,. and I did not get all that you said in this email in my statement from you that day. I asked you to get an estimate because I did not know the extent of the problem and still do not due to never getting to speak with your service adviser even though I called him multiple times. All I have is what you sent me which is not a formal estimate written on a dealership letter head. There are no part number or part names, and no explanation of what exactly is being replaced. I was doing the best I could to try and help you in a rushed situation. If you feel it is necessary to get your lawyer involved that is up to you. If I had the estimate from the dealer I would have added it to the email thread. I only got what you sent me. [redacted]
He did fax it to you with the dealership letter head. I called you that same moment with J[redacted] next to me and you confirmed the fax was received. I then emailed you his card and a break down of the charges. Now you are saying you never received [redacted]' fax when a month ago you said you did. I made sure not to leave the dealership until you confirmed you received it. This is why an attorney needs to be involved because I did my part in providing all that you requested and now you are switching up saying you didn't receive certain things, splitting cost and saying you didn't get the full story. I spoke to you multiple times and went over the entire incident. Please I really need the owners full name and address so my lawyer can contact them. [redacted]
I have a record of every fax received and it stays on a file through efax corporate. I have been through every fax since December 19 2016, and I did not get the fax. I told you I got the information you sent that gave me a total of parts and labor, which I can forward you, but I never got a fax from your dealer, and I never spoke to your service adviser. You can play this how you want., but I do have the records. [redacted]
[redacted] This is the email I sent you informing you [redacted] sent over the fax. Since you didn't reply, I called you and you verbally confirmed the fax was received. I didn't attach the receipt only his card since you told me the fax was received. If you never received the fax why didn't you mention that to me when we spoke?That's because the fax was sent over to you and you agreed you received it. Begin forwarded message:[redacted]
I attached [redacted] contact information on the email. You said you called him, but you never attempted to email him. On his card, there are others ways to reach him if you cannot reach him by phone and that's why I emailed you his card. So for an entire month you never even bothered to contact him any other method and you are saying you are trying to help me? If you never received the fax why didn't you reach out to me me? Why didn't you email him? You have my email and number and you wait an entire month to say you never received his fax. That's because you did receive the fax and you know I confirmed this with you and for some reason you want to switch it up because you can't find the fax. Now I sent you what you asked for, please send me your superiors and owners name so my attorney can begin the process of fighting this split payment. [redacted]
Hello [redacted] told me he sent over the fax. I also attached a copy of the estimate cost. He told me they have to take the entire dashboard near the drive side apart to replace the part.$377.21 + tax for installation$282.85 Labor$94.36 partPlease see attached receipt.Please confirm this has been received.[redacted]
TEAM TOYOTA DAMAGE REPAIR QUOTE FOR [redacted]Inboxx[redacted]
[redacted] [redacted] hange when you agreed to pay half of the repairs to her vehicle ( $377.21 + TAX FOR INSTALLATION, $282.85 LABOR, $94.36 PART). [redacted] can complete the repairs for $88 – so I am reaching out to see if we can make this work and get the customer taken care of. Since you were willing to initially pay for half of the $754.42, would you be willing to pay the $88 that we can repair the car for? I appreciate any assistance you can provide! Thank you, [redacted]
Ma'am I was never willing to pay half of $754.42 and if there is an email stating that, it was either an error, or it was edited before you got it. The total for parts and labor that I received from her email was $377.21. She never sent an official estimate on letter head from the dealer, and her dealer representative would never return my calls. The woman constantly hounded me to the point of me not being able to reply to other claims that were equally important. I only offered assistance on the cost to help her out because I had been working alone during the busiest time of year and had not been able to fully investigate the claim at the time. She refused the help at that time and it was a one time offer. She became very rude and aggressive with me stating that she would sue, so I told her to go ahead and pursue that if that is what she felt she needed to do. At this point I cannot offer anything since the claim was denied by the motor club, and I can no longer discuss it.Regards,[redacted]
[redacted]---------- [redacted]
[redacted] told me he sent over the fax. I also attached a copy of the estimate cost. He told me they have to take the entire dashboard near the drive side apart to replace the part.$377.21 + tax for installation$282.85 Labor$94.36 partPlease see attached receipt.Please confirm this has been received.[redacted]