Inflection Point Systems Reviews (202)
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Address: Av. Morones Prieto 1500-501, Col. Nuevas Colonias, Nuevo León, Mexico, 64710
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The original offer was based on the customer being out of pocket an expense - which was not the case. However, we will have a check cut for $as a one time goodwill gesture towards the customer. Dirk H***
Customer came in for a no start conditionVehicle is a model with 135,000+ miles. At this time we diagnosed the vehicle with a battery concern, replaced the Electronic Control Module and fuel pump relay. The radio clips were broken so we were not able to put it back in (pre
existing condition). We would be more than happy to provide the customers with a free diagnosis on the current situation of his vehicle to determine if a related issue or something else is occurring with the vehicle. However, the work we performed at the time is not going to be refunded or adjusted until we have the opportunity to review the current status of his vehicle.Dirk H***#Cochran
The Balfe vehicle came in for repairs 4-12-12. The repairs were a replacement of the windshield and a hour repair to the hood. The customer signed off on the repairs on 4-16-12. I have no recollection of having her come back or complain about any of the work performed
until now. We still have not spoken to this customer, she reached out to the current *** representative which didn’t have any knowledge of the repair or the complaint. She was at *** and was told her repairs were failing and they were looking to charge her for the corrective repairs, so she wanted us to pay. We simply stated that we needed to look at the car to confirm there was some type of failure. We are almost years past this repair, our warranty does not cover wear and tear or stone chips so we needed to see what “***” was identifying as “failure”. From what I understand this customers husband is supposed to come out later today (Thursday) or Friday for us to look at their complaint. I will follow up once we verify how we are going to resolve this issueChris R*** Collision ctradvisor ###-###-#### ***
Vehicle was bought years ago (Aug 2015) and with just under 60,miles. The vehicle was a Cochran Certified vehicle, but is not a factory certified vehicle - meaning it comes with extended warranties from the factory. The vehicle now has almost 92,miles on it and it is most likely, as with most vehicles, that at this time - there will be mechanical issues that are common on year old vehicles that again, are approaching 100,miles. Customer does have an extended warranty that was purchased, but does not cover wear items such as ball joints, brakes and such. As a measure of customer goodwill - we will extend a $credit towards any future work on the vehicle, but do not see - in reviewing the history of work performed at #Cochran, where unusual for a vehicle at this stage of life cycle of the vehicle. Customer has owned the vehicle for about months and has driven the vehicle about 34,miles during that time period.Dirk H***
I am sorry to read of the situation. I have forwarded this information to our Kia Management team - Matt R*** and John M*** (Sales Managers) as well as our Robinson Campus Director (Elaine C*** to contact the customer and resolve any issue. Sincerely,Dirk H***
We certainly apologize for the issue the customer had after purchase, but do not feel we did anything intentionally wrong. When vehicles are ran through the shop, they are inspected and test driven about 5-miles, but as with all dealers, we do not have the time to take these vehicles on
extensive road tests. The issue was not present in the condition of the car at time of inspection or it would have been addressed then. We offered to take the vehicle to our Ford dealership and provide the customer transportation during such time to minimize inconvenience. The customer chose to handle this on his own. I do not see where this justifies a $payment as the car was fixed under warranty at no cost to the customer and we offered our own assistance to handle this for the customer.Dirk H***#Cochran
On Mon, Apr 25, at 12:PM, *** *** ***> wrote:Attached is the original paper work I signedAs you can see, Larry D*** initialed that the Add On miles is what I was purchasing with a $deductible.After recent conversations with ***, it was explained to me that those terms did not exist at that timeHowever, it seems that Cochran put this contract through ***'s system by changing the Add On miles to Max Miles. Had Cochran contacted me to state that these terms did not exist, I wouldn't have purchased the extended warranty.If I were to take the car back to Acura today to get a "complete diagnosis", Acura would charge me at least $to look at it.It is my belief that Cochran should agree that I take the car to Acura, get it fixed and reimburse me for the total invoice.If Cochran will agree to that, moving forward I will accept the fact that I now have a $deductible for any covered work.Please let me know if you need any additional information,Thank you for your help,*** ***
We need to see if this last visit resolves the concern or not. If does - happy to look at offering extended service coupons or other options - but again, need to understand if our latest efforts resolves the issue
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** *** I have received the check and this complaint can be closed
I told the dealership twice to refund the difference between what I was supposed to pay, and what they charged me, and they never did I also
reported them to my credit card company, and the credit card company asked them to refund the difference, and they refused to do so It was not until I submitted this claim that they finally did what they were supposed to do in the first place In addition, they never explained why their cashier told me one number, and then charged my card a higher number I assume that this is their way of making extra money from the people who don't catch it They are and always have been sleazy In spite of this, I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
First off the car went into the shop because the service engine light that was on and for an inspectionOnce the tech went over the vehicle and ran the diagnostics, I was sent a list via email of what was needed to be replaced for the check engine light, what was needed for the inspection, and what was recommended to be replacedNo where in these emails does it say anywhere about a crank sensor or mention of a timing chainMy warranty company approved of listed items, that you said the vehicle only went into the shop for the crank sensorWhich I am getting a print out copy of the approved repairs that the warranty company approved ofThe warranty company approved the list of items after their inspector came out and looked at the carAs you will read in the second email, after the engine was torn apart, completed and put back together is when the first time the timing chain was mentioned that it brokeI had asked why the timing chain wasn't mentioned in the beginning, Sharon had told me because nothing was wrong with it (when replacing a cam shaft, the timing chain has to be loosened/ removed and when putting it back together you have to make sure the timing chain is timed, if not it will bend the valves and destroy the pistonsThis is something your tech should have looked at and noticed when he took the cam shaft apart)Once the car was put back together we were told the car started, bucked, and wouldn't start againThis is a classic result of a timing chain not being timed in (so as to your response, there was nothing noticed an hour into work, the work was completed. See attached email). As for the warranty company not placing blame, I have talked to the warranty company and they said that they do not go out to place blame, they simply just assets what is broken and what needs fixedThe transcripts of the conversation between warranty company and Tim F
* were read back to me, that's when the warranty company said they do not go in to place blame, they simply go in to assets, but they did say the reason the pistons and valves are destroyed is a direct result of the timing chain breakingWith the assessment of the vehicle from your tech, according to the list attached that had everything that needed replaced, after the cam shaft work was completed he did not have the timing chain timed properly which caused the engine to buckAgain when asked to Sharon if the timing chain was bad she said no it was fineThe timing chain drives the cam shaft, so this is something would have definitely noticed if it was bad in the beginning because you have to work with it and around it.
*** ***
Customer was contacted by our Service Manager and a refund has been processed to be issued
We have been working with and in communication with the customer. From the time he purchased the car till today, we have offered many options. At time of sale, customer inquired about fog lights and we offered to sell them to him at cost, but was declined. Upon hearing from the customer of a transmission concern - we immediately had the car brought back to diagnose. Upon finding it needed a new transmission, we offered the customer that we would take the car back at the full cost he paid. Customer declined and wanted to keep the car. We offered alternative transportation immediately to not have any inconvenience without a vehicle. After just a few days of being in the original loaner vehicle, customer called back and stated needed a larger vehicle, so we arranged to provide him a full size SUV. At time of sale we also offered the customer a deep discount on an extended warranty, which the customer declined at that time. Unfortunately, there is no indication of potential issues with a vehicle unless an indicator light is on, or a condition is noticed while driving. Based on the fact the customer purchased the car - it is evident that the issue with the transmission was not noticeable to anyone at time of sale. It is unfortunate that this occurred, but cars are mechanical pieces of equipment and they can and do have failure, but similar to a light bulb - you do not know until the light bulb burns out or the car fails as well. We have provided the customer with many options and services. If the customer would like to purchase an extended warranty, we will offer to sell it at a reduced rate of 35% off retail pricing if he would wish. If not, we will have the vehicle repaired and returned to the customer by no later than next week.Sincerely,Dirk H***
We have been in continual contact with the customer. The current issue is that this is an AC issue and to effectively determine the exact cause of failure, requires the AC system to operate in summer weather temperature. Because of this, we have asked the customer to allow the weather to
warm up where the dye treatment and diagnosis can be found so that the repairs are not only properly done, but also not done on a part that is not failing, but could be a different area of the fix. We have committed to the customer to minimally assist in the repair, but again, are needing to wait for the proper weather conditions to properly get the exact failure
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Also, the address to Cochran infinity is *** *** *** *** *** ** ***
*** ***
I assumed that safety features that were showed to me on vehicle that I bought were the same safety features that were on previous care that I was shown! I wanted those features due to the amount of driving that I do going back and forth to work! I was in a minor fender bender , but if I had the safety features that I thought I did , it would've prevented the accident ! I spoke with the sales manager- Michael R*** and he told me that he would take $off the amount of the damage due to the mistake of not having the safety features! At least that is why I assume that he offered me that.The estimator at their body shop-(located in Cochran VW in Wexford, Pa) his name was Mark P*** even called The manager at Cochran Subaru to verify on the $off the repair billHe was told that info was correct, so even he knew that was told to me!I would like either the $or for them to swap this car for a vehicle with the safety features that I thought this one was supposed to have!Sincerely,*** ***
***Sent from my iPhone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I am not looking for any compensation from #Cochran Automotive, just an apology and make the company aware of my experience in trying to purchase tires via their website.
*** ***
Our Parts & Service Director - John T*** - is working with the customer currently for an amicable and reasonable resolution. Vehicle does have 20,miles on the tires so working for a pro-ration in regards to the situation
Customer is being refunded the $for the tire. If he wants to cancel his Subaru warranty - he will have to contact Subaru