This business is lousy. Will not send you a bill and will call to say you are being sent to a collection agency. They dont get your personal information or insurance information correct. You have to call your insurance company yourself to get it paid so you can protect your credit rating. This is not the first time they have done this, I had to report them to the back in 2011 also. I cant record my conversations with them because it would be illegal, but they can say or do as they please. If I did this at my job I would be fired.
This business is lousy. Will not send you a bill and will call to say you are being sent to a collection agency. They dont get your personal information or insurance information correct. You have to call your insurance company yourself to get it paid so you can protect your credit rating. This is not the first time they have done this, I had to report them to the back in 2011 also. I cant record my conversations with them because it would be illegal, but they can say or do as they please. If I did this at my job I would be fired.