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Reviews IJL US LLC

IJL US LLC Reviews (81) have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint When IJL actually provides said terms of the contract by providing matches that meet my criteria or issues a refund, this issue will remain unresolved. Regards,*** *** have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]Regards,*** *** I spoke with a woman named Pat yesterdayI asked for a refundShe said noI told her I filed a complaint with the then she said it was out of her hands This company got sued for the same complaints I have just a couple of years ago in the state of New York as I have mentioned previouslyLet me reinforce I signed a contract to meet potential partner in months Did not have one meeting and dealing with the people at It's Just Lunch was a nightmareI think it is time for a class action suit again

The Consumer’s assertions are and have no basis in
fact. The contract states that the
Consumer will receive six months or four dates, whichever comes later
The Consumer’s contract also states, “Before receiving a Date Introduction, an
IJL representative may present Client with one or more candidates for a Date
Introduction for Client’s evaluation (a “Match”) before a Date Introduction is
scheduledClient may decline or pass on a Match for a Date Introduction and
such action will not be counted as satisfying the number of Date Introductions
that IJL has agreed to provide to ClientHowever, IJL is not obligated to
present more than eight (8) Matches in fulfilling Client’s four (4)
Introduction membership at any timeAfter presenting eight (8) Matches, any
further introductions presented to Client will be considered to be a Date
Introduction and will be counted satisfying IJL’s obligations to the Client
regardless of whether or not a date is scheduled with the suggested Date
Introduction.” The Consumer’s agreement
will end either when he receives all four date introductions or if his
agreement terminates under another provision in his agreement. The Consumer is well into receiving the
services under his agreement. The Consumer has received six matches and attended one
date. The Consumer incorrectly asserts
that he is eligible for a refund under the provision that states, “If, despite
IJL's efforts, IJL is unable to provide Client with the number of Date
Introductions (as defined below) agreed to under Client's membership, then at
IJL's election and sole discretion all remaining monies will be refunded on a
pro-rated basis, less a Five Hundred Dollar ($500.00) interview processing
charge.” First, this provision is a
discretionary refund policy and is at IJL’s election and sole discretion. Next, IJL is able to provide the total number
of date introductions agreed to under the Consumer’s membership. Thus, the provision is not applicable. Finally, the Consumer has refused to allow IJL to continue
servicing his agreement and is preventing IJL from performance. IJL has matches available to present to the
Consumer and we once again reiterate our request that he contact his dating
director or IJL’s customer service manager to discuss his membership and hear
about his next match

It’s Just Lunch regrets to learn of any dissatisfaction theconsumer has experienced with her membership as this is not the norm with IJL.The consumer joined It’s Just Lunch 7/27/for months, dates, with 8matches whichever comes later, dating coaching session, working with acertified life
coach and matchmaker throughout her tenure with the company, abilityto date in every corporately owned IJL location and involvement in the matchingand selection processThe consumer was presented her first match and declined tomeet the match on 8/24/Feedback is the most important part of the process,and if the consumer is not providing open and honest feedback and ultimately attendingdates where we can get the most constructive feedback to fine tune the datingprocess, IJL is unable to improve the process for her. It’s Just Lunch focuses on several pieces of criteria duringthe matching process, the information from the initial interview, informationfrom the Personal Face to Face Interview, feedback from each match, feedbackafter each attended date but also our team’s expert matchmakingWe have beenin business for years and have thousands of success stories and have set upover million first dates, we know what makes a good matchThe consumer cameto IJL for help losing her single status and our goal is to help her achievethis and provide a positive dating experienceIJL is able to provide theservices under the terms of the signed membership agreement and accordingly arefund is not appropriate.

The IJL website and staff present a representation of this business. They do not provide expert matchmaking, the 'certified life coach' was a shallow joke, and I have given them much honest and open feedback - to no avail. This company is taking advantage of people and not delivering anything close to what is promised. I accept that I made a mistake signing up - and am willing to forfeit the $indicated for doing so. It is abundantly clear from the Personal Face to Face Interview, from the "coaching session" and from the ludicrous lack of relevant information about the first proposed date that what is actually provided is an extremely superficial version of what is promised. The company is a farce, ripping people off. If I were paying $for each of four dates - what the heck, minimal matching wouldn't be serious - but for $per date, the utter lack of expert matchmaking is unacceptable. I will not engage in the so-called services of this company and should receive the $back. It is a scam. Indeed, they should be prevented from taking advantage of others
*** ***

I do not believe it is a reasonable expectation that a person would accept a date from any and all of these locations: Albany NY, Albuquerque NM, Atlanta GA, Baltimore MD, Baton Rouge LA, Birmingham AL, Boise ID, Boston MA, Brisbane AU, Calgary AB, Charleston SC/Greenville SC/Columbia SC, Charlotte NC, Cincinnati OH, Columbus OH, Dallas TX, Des Moines IA, Detroit MI, Dublin IE, Edmonton, AB, Fort Worth TX, Fresno (Central Valley, CA), Hartford CT, Honolulu, HI, Indianapolis IN, Jackson MS, Jacksonville FL, Kansas City KS, Knoxville TN, Las Vegas NV, London UK, Los Angeles CA, Louisville KY, Melbourne AU, Memphis TN, Nashville TN, New Orleans LA, New York City NY, Norfolk VA, Oklahoma City OK/Tulsa OK, Omaha NE, Orange County CA, Orlando FL, Philadelphia PA, Phoenix AZ, Pittsburgh PA, Portland OR, Raleigh-Durham NC, Reno NV, Richmond VA, Sacramento CA, Salt Lake City UT, San Diego CA, South Florida, StLouis MO, Sydney AU, Tampa Bay FL, Tucson AZ, West Florida, Western NY, and Wichita KS. It does seem reasonable that you would expect to be matched with someone in your city which is listed as a city serviced

It’s Just Lunch regrets to learn of any dissatisfaction theconsumer has experienced with her membership as this is not the norm with IJL.The consumer joined It’s Just Lunch 7/27/for months, dates, with 8matches whichever comes later, dating coaching session, working with acertified life
coach and matchmaker throughout her tenure with the company, abilityto date in every corporately owned IJL location and involvement in the matchingand selection processThe consumer was presented her first match and declined tomeet the match on 8/24/Feedback is the most important part of the process,and if the consumer is not providing open and honest feedback and ultimately attendingdates where we can get the most constructive feedback to fine tune the datingprocess, IJL is unable to improve the process for her. It’s Just Lunch focuses on several pieces of criteria duringthe matching process, the information from the initial interview, informationfrom the Personal Face to Face Interview, feedback from each match, feedbackafter each attended date but also our team’s expert matchmakingWe have beenin business for years and have thousands of success stories and have set upover million first dates, we know what makes a good matchThe consumer cameto IJL for help losing her single status and our goal is to help her achievethis and provide a positive dating experienceIJL is able to provide theservices under the terms of the signed membership agreement and accordingly arefund is not appropriate have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Regards,*** *** This is a total LIEMy information all pictures were agreed ed to be shown to my datesthis was not doneMy date said she knew nothing about me prior to meeting meThey are running a con game on peopleI believe they hired this person just to have lunchI was promised (4) four dates only got (2) twoand I don't believethey were real *** ***

It’s Just Lunch has contacted the consumer and worked towards a resolution moving forward to ensure a positive dating experienceWe are currently in the recruitment process for her next match based on her focus criteria from our conversation with herThank you for bringing these concerns to our
attention as client satisfaction is of the upmost importance to IJL

The initial conversation with the IJL representative is a massive sales session with many comments about how they will be able to find an excellent match for you and will be very selective in the process. There is flattery about how YOU are the sort of person who men in your category are looking for, etc. It's a lot of hype that plays on a person's hopes. The promised services (interview, life coach, etc.) are all in the future when one signs up. You have days to change your mind - before any of these so-called services (in fact ludicrously superficial and worthless) beginThis is the worst dating service I can imagine - and it constitutes unethical robbery. I cannot say strongly enough that this company should not be in business. I want my money back. As I've stated before, I am willing to forfeit $for my initial foolish judgment. It is abundantly clear that the company's selection of dates for me will be based on none of the criteria I would want - and that they therefore will not be able to deliver what was promisedI want the remaining $returned
*** ***

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
To be specific, IJL did not respond to my contention that the contract does not have an end pointIJL refuses to provide a reasonable time frame to provide four dates under the contract or provide a refundThus far, there has only been one date in months
The contract additionally states as follows:
"However, IJL is not obligated to present more than eight (8) Matches in fulfilling Client’s four (4) Introduction membership at any timeAfter presenting eight (8)Matches, any further introductions presented to Client will be considered to be a Date Introduction and will be counted satisfying IJL’s obligations to the Client regardless of whether or not a date is scheduled with the suggested Date Introduction."
IJL stated in its response to my Complaint that it has provided six introductionsAs such, since there was not a total of eight introductions, they have still only provided ONE date under the terms of the contract
All of the information I have provided is accurateIJL refuses to honor the refund provision in its contractThis contract is unfair and will not be upheld in Court as there is no end date in sight
To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter
*** *** have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Regards,*** *** *** I had an extended conversation with a woman named Lisa at IJL, and after voicing my complaint in detail, and after listing the reasons why I felt justified in terms of getting a refund, she didn't really listenShe already had determined in her mind that no matter what I said, or how justifiably dissatisfied I was, she already had made up her mind not to give me the refund It was then that I told her that I no longer wanted to be a part of IJL I also got onto the website called *** and found other people who voiced the same complaint as I did Ironically, while I was on *** (after I had repeated failures with IJL), a past potential match from IJL whom I turned down, who was dissatisfied with IJL, sent me a message on *** and told me that he had gotten a refund from them, and he had only been on it a couple months, whereas I have been on it almost months I still feel very justified in getting that refund This woman on IJL, Lisa, her answer to me was unacceptable Thank you for your attention have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]That is completely impractical for a young professional and that should have been made clear that was the expectation from the sales rep prior to a contract being provided as that is contrary to common sense.Regards,*** *** ***

As stated previously, It's Just Lunch (IJL) sincerelyregrets any dissatisfaction the Consumer may have experienced. However,the Consumer was fully aware of IJL's matching process before she ever enteredinto the agreement for services. In fact, at the time the Consumer joinedthe service, the Consumer participated in an interview with Merchant’srepresentative to discuss, among other things, what she was seeking inpotential matches, her dating history, her personal hobbies and interests andher dating goals. Despite the interview, the Consumer was under noobligation to join It's Just Lunch. The Consumer did not receive thecontract until the interview had already taken placeOnce the Consumerreceived the contract, she had as much time as she required to review the termsnoting any questions she may have had. The Consumer specifically stated to IJL's representative that she assumedseveral things about IJL's matching process. It is important to note thatIJL explained its matching process to the Consumer during the initialinterview. The Consumer entered into the agreement of her own accordafter receiving the details of IJL's service.The Consumer stated she does not feel IJL's matching process is adequate. However, IJL has been in business for years with thousands of successstories. IJL has matches to provide to the Consumer in accordance withthe terms of her agreement. Accordingly, she is not eligible for arefund. IJL can and will service the Consumer's membership to fulfillmentand looks forward to providing the Consumer with a positive dating experience

My complaint is that IJL takes your money and fells they can just send you anyone for a match and that fulfills their contract.IJL has not been able to match me with the caliber of person I am interested in Even though I tried to explain in detail months ago and then wanted to cancel my contract.I lived up to my side of the contract I paid $2800; was interviewed at length; had a face to face counseling session.I have spent enough money and time with this company and am not satisfied with their product.I appreciate that IJL has spent time on me, so I am willing to settle for a $refund.Thank you,*** ***

It’s Just Lunch regrets to learn of the dissatisfaction the consumer has experienced as client satisfaction is of the upmost importance to IJLThe consumer joined IJL 3/22/for months, dates, whichever comes last and months of hold timeShe also has available matchesShe has declined to
meet matches IJL has presented her and has been on hold for daysIJL is able to provide the services under the terms of the membership agreement and a refund is not appropriateWe urge the consumer to return her account to active status to resume the search and selection process for her next matchWe look forward to working with the consumer going forwardThank you
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # ***Please add your rejection comments below. I just read the response provided by IJL and feel that it does not capture what actually happenedI received matches from IJL, the final two did not meet the criteria I had previously set forth So that was a total of matches, turned down due to attraction and due to not meeting my criteriaI attempted multiple times to reach out to IJL to resolve the situation, as both they and I have previously stated, however, my experience in dealing with their customer service was not satisfactoryThe only option I was given about how to correct the difficulties I was having was to assign me to a new dating coachThat was the only option givenAs I outlined in my first message, that was not a reasonable solution given that the services offered by the dating coaches did not match the description I was given when I signed up for the serviceI was promised a warm and close working relationship with my dating coach in order to facilitate appropriate matchesThis was not the result I had with either of the dating coaches I worked with When I called IJL after the problems I experienced with the second dating coach I was told my only option was to work with a new coach, and that I could not receive a refundI spoke with multiple customer service representatives, each of which told me that my only option was to be assigned a new coachThey were unwilling to accept feedback about their fraudulent claims, and failed to take responsibility for the inadequacies in the matches I was given.I was frustrated with their lack of helpfulness, as well as the rude behavior I experienced on several of these callsI asked to not be contacted by them after speaking with separate customer service representatives, none of which had been helpfulAt that time, because no one was willing to work with me to find a reasonable solution I contacted *** ***, hoping that *** *** would help me to gain a refund given the fraud perpetrated by IJL After several lengthy rounds of back and forth through *** ***, *** *** was ultimately unable to help me gain a refund due to the contact I signedI am reaching out to at this time because the contract I signed promises services I was not given I feel that IJL did an extremely poor job of acknowledging and working on this with meTheir response troubles me because they continue not to acknowledge the extreme problems in their serviceI was told by them that my membership would continue until I was given matches, even after the months had passedSo, I am still an active customer who never benefited from their services, not used their services I demand a refund as I never went out on a date and never received a match who met my requirements (which IJL promised they could deliver on)These folks need to be held accountable for their poor and fraudulent behavior
*** ***

It’s Just Lunch regrets to learn of any dissatisfaction that the consumer has experienced with her membership as this is not the norm with IJLThe consumer has expired and no longer has an active relationship with It’s Just LunchShe joined June, 22, for months, dates, matches and
months of hold timeHer membership terms are for whichever comes later unless hold time is exceeded at which time the membership expires regardless of time or dates remaining. She was welcomed by her Private Search Dating Director and Certified Life Coaching *** on June 24th at which time we reviewed the expectations of the program, the recruitment and selection process and how the overall process would work for the consumer At that time she was also scheduled for her Dating Coaching Session and Face to Face Appointment with our Dating Coach *** which was conducted June 29th, 2016. The consumer was presented two matches, both of which she declined; one due to age of the match and one due to attractionAt this time the consumer became concerned about her membership and was escalated to our supervisor team to resolve her concernsIn the resolution process we were informed by the consumer to not contact her further, and IJL has respected this requestWe urge the consumer to reach out to us directly to resolve her concerns as our goal is to promote fun and excitement and a proactive approach to one’s personal life and to provide a positive dating experienceThank you

It’s Just Lunch regrets to learn of any dissatisfaction the consumer has experienced as this is not the norm with IJL. We have contacted the consumer and updated her on the resolution of the matterHer concerns have been resolvedThank you

It’s Just Lunch regrets to learn of the consumers dissatisfaction as this is not the norm with It’s Just LunchThe consumer is currently working with a member of our management team to resolve her concernsIJL is able to provide the services under the terms of the membership agreement and
accordingly a refund is not appropriateThank you

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Address: 25 Braintree Hill Office Park, Ste 200, Braintree, Massachusetts, United States, 02184


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